pu! Xue Yue only resisted more than a dozen swords with a real knife, and his spirit strength was thoroughly consumed, and his face flashed with an abnormal pale color. But he is a peerless genius. After discovering his mistake, he immediately roared, and suddenly withdrew the real knife, instantly forming a

blue spiritual armor, resisting him.

At this time, Ye Fei’s sword of reality was also fiercely pierced on the spiritual armor. Ye Fei roared, and the majestic spirit strength broke out again: “Give me Broken!”

Boom ka! The spiritual sword suddenly burst out a dazzling golden light, which not only shattered Xue Yue’s last spiritual armor, the thorns, but also directly penetrated Xue Yue’s body. Slashing at his soul, Xue Yue also immediately let out an angry roar. In his Purple Mansion, a true Primordial Spirit wearing an imperial robe just walked out fiercely, again raising his shield to block forward.

“The shield of the Primordial Spirit, protect my body! The knife of the Primordial Spirit, slash my enemies!” Xue Yue’s eyes, ears, nose and mouth were all shocked by Ye Fei’s spiritual sword, but this did not let He flinched, but Xue Yue fell into Peak instantly. As a Sabrewielder, the most important thing is killing.

Xue Yun’s Primordial Spirit knife undoubtedly brought this killing power to its limit. The whistling blade instantly broke through the limit, not only shattering Ye Fei’s sword of reality, but also Reverse, push and cut to Ye Fei. Ye Fei’s eyes flashed with an astonished expression. Purple golden rays of light, like a raging fire, burned on Ye Fei’s body. Purple Gold Tai Chi was released in an instant, blocking Xue Yue’s crazy sword. At the same time, Ye Fei’s Blood Sword quickly cut a huge Taiji Sword forward. The figure, then the sword figure is separated, divided into four different sword dao

, which cut to the front perfectly and coldly.

Taiji Sword!

Tai Chi four-phase sword! Azure Dragon sword, Black Tortoise sword, Vermilion Bird sword, Black Tortoise sword!

bang! bang! bang! bang! The four sword lights surround Tai Chi, crushing the void, and let the space for two people to stand become all split up and in pieces, and just in In this collapsed space, Xue Yue’s blade light roared, like a thunderbolt whistling, like the world is collapsing, both of his hands raised a cold iron knife, the exquisite blade light, tore the sky,

Shattered the earth.

The sky collapses and the earth sinks when the sword light passes.

“Heaven and earth have a sword!” Xue Yue yelled. At this time, he, his whole body is a no stronghold one cannot overcome a murderous sword, and he forcibly suppressed Ye Fei’s Tai Chi.

“Tai Chi Realm!” Ye Fei suddenly became angry. He would never allow it. His sword, the knife that was defeated by Xue Yue, and his angry roar, suddenly appeared behind him a fuzzy black and white world, forming a realm, continue Enhance the formidable power of Sixiang Sword. “Slaughter Domain!” Xue Yue became even more mad. At the edge of his blade, a world full of killing also appeared. When the blades passed, a terrifying killing field instantly formed around him, making Ye Fei inwardly startled in one’s heart, he found This Xue Yue is crazy enough. Other peerless genius are all cultivation fields, while Xue Yue, cultivation is in a single field.

There is a drawback in such a field, that is, it will be passive in the face of restraining it, but in the same way, such a simple cultivation field can also be faster, allowing peerless genius to evolve Earth Grade field. This is the case for Xue Yue at this time. His single Slaughter Domain has already been cultivated to the degree of a complete Earth Grade domain. At this time, Xue Yue suddenly revealed this trump card. The formidable power of his sword was instantly at this time. It has doubled. In an instant, it continuously smashed Azure Dragon Divine Sword and

White Tiger Divine Sword.

“starlight! Smash it for me!” At the moment when the Tai Chi domain was broken, Ye Fei suddenly took back the Blood Sword in anger, burned the bloodline, and smashed out the star sword embryo. The entire Black Sword suddenly turned into a star-like The Taiji Sword picture, from a four-phase sword, suddenly became a two-year sword. The sword was like a swimming fish. When Xue Yue was caught off guard, it suddenly collided with Xue Yue’s


I heard a huge roar.

Xue Yue discovered with amazement that the killing aura on his cold iron knife, including his Slaughter Domain, was all split up and in pieces by Black Sword.


The cold iron sword and the star sword embryo completely collided, and the entire void burst out a dazzling blade light sword fire, and then separated, collided, separated again, and collided again.

“Heaven and Earth Sword!” Xue Yue smashed into madness, the domain was shattered, and he couldn’t retreat. His sword light became even crazier, and at this moment, it was full of a tragic death on the battlefield. breath.

“Good sword, but you still can’t beat my sword!” Ye Fei used the Black Sword to smash the domain, and immediately moved his right hand, and the Demi-God Artifact Blood Sword was ready to go. , The dazzling light of Blood Sword blooms fiercely, and at this moment it is full of the strong will of the swordsman press forward.

Dang! When the knife and the sword collided again, Ye Fei’s chest suddenly felt severe pain. He was comparable to the Fleshy body of Demi-God Artifact. At this time, he was torn apart by Xue Yue’s crazy knife gangway, and a bloody big mouth appeared. Of course, Xue Yue is not comfortable. His Primordial Spirit shield can block the assassination of Demi-God Artifact Blood Sword; but

can’t resist the anger of the Star Sword Embryo’s Black Sword, the heavy Black Sword is on the spot. Xue Yue’s shield of Primordial Spirit was smashed to pieces.

“Damn, the sword of defense!” Xue Yue’s face changed drastically, as if he couldn’t believe that Ye Fei Black Sword’s mess was even terrifying than the martial arts released by Blood Sword. The most important thing is that this sword embryo made by a star is too heavy, and it is the power of a star when it is thrown out.

With this kind of power, Martial Emperor was hit with a spout of blood, even more how Xue Yue just stepped into Martial Sovereign.

Touch! Ye Fei’s sword hit Xue Yue’s cold iron knife sturdily, smashing this Demi-God Artifact into terrifying cracks. Xue Yue spurted blood, retreated madly, and a waterfall of cold sweat appeared on his forehead, “That Black Sword is so terrifying! My little sword god is actually not as good as a man who is abandoned! roar! “Xue Yue roared like an injured wild beast, but instead of rushing to continue fighting with Ye Fei, he turned around and rushed into the wild beast. The infinite blade light rages in these wild beasts. Ye Fei is surprised to find that every time Xue Yue kills a wild beast, he can absorb the life force of the wild beast, and quickly restore him within the body.

Injury. “It can be healed by killing, the sword path of the Valley of the Sword God, really out of the ordinary, but unfortunately, compared to my death power and Thunder Tribulation liquid, it is still a bit worse!”

Chapter 1594 Three Holy Fist


Ye Fei communicated with Sword Soul, a large amount of Thunder Tribulation fluid poured into his body instantly, and his chest injury immediately recovered.

Then, when Ye Fei was about to smash the enemy out of Xue Yue, suddenly Dongfang Yu’s angry roar came from a group of wild animals not far in front. Due to the stimulation of the Heaven Grade field and Martial God blood essence, at this time, everyone who entered this space became competitors.

Ye Fei and Dongfang Yu are no exception. Therefore, they did not help each other, but each played their own roles. Even Dongfang Yu and the other three top talents took advantage of Ye Fei and Xue Yue. In the fierce battle, he succeeded in breaking a bloody road and rushed ahead of Ye Fei and Xue Yue.

But the four of Dongfang Yu were full of joy and thought that they could take advantage of the melee between peerless genius and rush to the forefront, suddenly walked to the front of Huoxiao, and suddenly came back , With one enemy and four, he wanted to seriously wound all of Dongfang Yu.

The roar just now came from Dongfang Yu’s serious injury, and seeing Dongfang Yu’s body on fire and being repelled by the fire, Ye Fei’s chest suddenly burst into anger, bursting the void. , “Huo Xiao, do you dare to hurt my good brother!”

Boom ka! The void was torn apart by Ye Fei’s sword. He stepped on the void step, and instantly appeared in front of Huo Xiao, heavy Black Sword smashed into the sky with the power to smash the void, but a fist of flame suddenly fell from the sky and collided with Ye Fei’s Black Sword. It was on the spot, after smashing Ye Fei.

Step back.

“hmph, what about the brother who hurt you, Ye Fei, you ruined the city of Lieyang, our hatred has been forged, you know, Fierce Sun Sect, I used to fire Cloud Holy Sect, the outer sect in the starry sky! Now, take it to death, burning the mountain!”

In the mouth of Huo Xiao, a terrifying flame suddenly spewed out. It is not Heavenly Fire, nor is it a magic fire. It is Primordial Spirit True Fire, which is more terrifying than Shenhuo. Such a flame can only be displayed by Martial Sovereign Realm when this piece of True Fire comes out.

This piece of void was ignited, countless wild beasts were instantly burned to fly ash in the flames, and at this moment, Ye Fei actually didn’t even look at the True Fire. On his body, a golden flame soaring into the sky, fighting the demonic path, was pushed to the limit by him at this time.

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