The source of all these disasters is due to the frenzied research. “Now, you know, why are our sects guarding this Ancient Starry Sky Road? Because we are sinners on the Ancestral Dragon continent. In order to redeem our sins, we must forever suppress this Ancient Road and give those who are against Martial Dao Desperate descendants, leaving the last glimmer of hope! Now that I hear this,

are you still willing to help me?” said with a mockery.

He was crazy when he was alive, but after so many years after his death, he has completely looked away, and he also woke up and regretted it. This Ancient Starry Sky Road was created by the Zhenzong and the ancient Martial Gods for the purpose of atonement, and the first generation of Guardian is an all-in-one disciple! Ye Fei is also very embarrassed about this, but not at all thinks too much, after all, he is not an ancient person, he hates does not raise against the sect. On the contrary, if it is not the crazy research of the sect, if it is not the research of the sect. Divine Formation, as a man of heaven and abandon, was ruthlessly killed by Heavenly Dao at the time of Martial Sovereign’s robbery. How come he is today? “Senior, whether you are sinners or not, I am willing to help you. In my opinion, the real sinners are not sinners. The real sinners are the gods that control the Witch tribe and fight against us!” Ye Fei’s tone became low. Even though the ground has not stated clearly, Ye Fei knows that the only real gods who can make the powerful witch tribe

resign their heads and obey orders.

Otherwise, the array will not be crazy, at all costs, study the array of killing gods. This remark also made the ground stunned for a moment, and then shook his head and said: “Right is right, wrong is wrong, our sect is wrong, our ancient Martial God is wrong, we will never deny this. Ye Fei, I What I want you to do is very simple and difficult. Do you know the key that my sister gave you?

Do you know?”

“I don’t know, Fairy elder sister Say, there is an inheritance here, isn’t it?” Ye Fei questioned. Suddenly I found that the key seemed very simple. Di Zhenzi said with a bitter smile: “What she said is not wrong. This is the key of fate. It hides the last hope of her sister’s resurrection. Now, I want you to take it and enter the Di Zhen sect. My father, maybe, when the Grand Era is completely here, we Martial Gods still have the hope of resurrection!”

Chapter 1603 Heavenly Evil Array Spirit

“But My father is a lunatic. In order to study Formation, he turned himself into an array spirit. I don’t know. After 100,000 years, whether he is still willing to help us, let alone see you with such a special practice. Array material, how will he treat you? Now, are you still willing to,

Go to the Heaven Array Sect?” The Earth Array stared at Ye Fei with bright eyes, with expectation and a hint of tension.

Ye Fei’s heart was instantly cold when he heard that he was describing himself as a big living person as training materials.

“Where is the father of this place is a madman? He is simply a research madman with no humanity. In order to study Formation, he has turned himself into a formation spirit. If I were in the past, it would not be a lamb in a tiger’s den ah…”

Ye Fei had a hairy illusion all over, and immediately changed his words and said: “Senior, I have something else, or else, wait for me to go out and think about it for a few days and think about it. I will reply to you again.”

“So, okay, then you think about it slowly, I have time. When you slowly think about it, you will consider it here.” The situation is very generous, Throwing hands is a Formation, which outlines the mountains and plants, pavilions and pavilions, allowing Ye Fei to live in comfortably and slowly consider it.

Ye Fei suddenly turned black.

But facing a Martial God’s threat at this time, he has nothing to do. In addition to being depressed in his heart, Ye Fei can only temporarily perfuse: “Senior, I have considered it, so-called me If you don’t go to hell, whoever goes to hell, the Fairy elder sister’s business is actually my business.”

“Very well, then you can take the Heavenly Dao blood oath.” Di Jin said with a smile .

Ye Fei seemed to have seen hundreds of wild beasts, rushing past him, his face darkened on the spot. The ground said at this moment: “Don’t worry, I won’t let you in right away. The Spiritual Qi of the key of destiny is still enough to support her sister for ten years. In ten years, no matter what you think of, you must send it into the sky. Array, leave it to my father! Of course, I won’t let you help in vain. The Array Sect is the place where 70% of Ancestral Dragon’s fortune is gathered, and it’s the current Star Domain. , The only place that can break through the Martial Emperor, even if I don’t force you, you will walk in sooner or later!”

“Martial Emperor!”

Ye Fei could not help being stared wide-eyed, I have to say that this remark of the ground formation undoubtedly touched him. Regardless of the risk, the Heavenly Formation Sect alone can let people break through the Martial Emperor. This is enough for him to venture in, but in the details, he still has to consider Some.

After all, Ye Fei didn’t want to walk in by himself, so he just used it as a little white mouse and grabbed it as a material for training. Besides, facing the Martial God, he has no reason to refuse.

Ye Fei can only grit his teeth and swear: “Okay, I swear, in ten years, I will find a way to send this key into the sect!”

“At worst, I won’t go in by myself. I will refine a corpse puppet or Avatar first. If not, I can find a dead ghost and fool him in.”

While swearing, Ye Fei In his mind, he quickly thought of several good ideas for resolving the danger, and immediately he became calm, and his face also showed a simple and honest smile. When I saw Ye Fei swear an oath in person, I was somewhat relieved of a concern. When I saw Ye Fei’s honest smile from the heart, I was also infected in my heart, and said to himself ashamed: It is also Martial God, but forcing an honest child in this way, it loses the face of the predecessor

.” “That’s all, Ye Fei, you still don’t call me Senior in the future, since she has recognized it You should be the younger brother. From now on, you will call me the big brother. The meeting is rushed. As a big brother, I have nothing to give you. Take this wooden comb. This is my mother left for me. You take the relic of

to see my father, no matter how hard-hearted he is, he can reduce your risk somewhat.”

Beckoned, on his divine body, A strange comb has flown out. It is an ordinary wooden comb. It looks unremarkable, but Ye Fei didn’t dare to neglect, so he hurriedly took it over at the fastest speed. In the end, this thing is barely considered. An amulet.

Then Ye Fei’s face once again showed the unique, honest and simple smile of the mountain baby, and he was very happy: “Don’t worry, my big brother, this matter, leave it to me, it’s not wrong! “

“Hey, I hope you can do a miracle. Convince me that crazy father.” I lowered my head and felt even more ashamed.

After all, the simple smile of Ye Fei makes people feel how honest and honest Ye Fei is. If it weren’t for other methods, the situation wouldn’t threaten such a good child. Child, this is also the reason why Ji Tian is willing to recognize Ye Fei as the younger brother.

He feels guilty. Even this kind of guilt made Di Zhen Shi feel embarrassed, and continued to face Ye Fei. With a wave of his hand, he was about to send Ye Fei out. At the same time, he gave a solemn order to all the spirits of the Di Zhen Sect: “From now on, Ye Fei will be my younger brother. You must respect Ye Fei like me


“Honor God!”

“Farewell to Little Young Master!” Millions of Martial Emperor array spirits, one after another gave up their hands, only the five big and three thick array spirits, heart as thin as a hair, were not infected by Ye Fei’s simple smile. At this time, it was even more heartbreaking. , Wailed inwardly: “Sect Master, that kid is not honest at all, simply not honest, he looks honest, in fact, he is all bad water, most hate this child, actually let Sect Master, admit this young brother!”

The five big and three thick formation spirits wanted to remind the formation on the spot, don’t fall into the evil of Ye Fei. Ye Fei had already noticed that this Array was different from other Arrays. The other Arrays, like the Earth Array, were all Formation madmen and were indifferent to others.

Only this big guy seems to be very familiar with the world. Ye Fei was furious. Before the formation spirit had spoken, he shouted loudly: “Big brother, please let all the formations Ling shut up and listened to me.”

“You say!” With a wave of the flag of the ground formation, all the formations have lost their voices collectively, and then looked at Ye Fei strangely.

Ye Fei secretly thought that it was dangerous, and then looked towards the five big and three thick array spirits, it was a bit fiercely, and you are not welcome right away, and directly asked: “The big brother, I am very I envy you for having so many loyal spirits, and I want one too.” Hearing this, didn’t expect Ye Fei would be interested in the spirits, but considering that Ye Fei has just been recognized as a younger brother, at the same time Still need Ye Fei not to be afraid of hardships and dangers, to go to the Heavenly Formation Sect, to meet his crazy father who dare not go to see him. The Earth Formation is not too stingy at this time, he can only nodded and said: “Yes,

You can choose any of these millions of array spirits. I can guarantee that they will be loyal to you and will not betray you all their lives.”

“Big brother from the ground, you don’t need to choose, I see this A big guy is not bad. It looks like a good material for hard work, so I chose him.” Ye Fei smiled. His smile is very sincere and honest. At first glance, he is a very simple and honest child. He didn’t think much about it. After all, he has a million spirits, not more than one, and less than one, so that he can win Ye Fei and help him harder. Nodded and said: “Yes, From now on, this celestial formation spirit belongs to you.”

Chapter 1604 Resolving Enmity

“many thanks, big brother, but what do I want , Can I control this formation and not let him betray me?” Ye Fei asked quickly.

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