other two disciplines hearing this didn’t pick Fire Dragon Fruit anymore, and they jokingly said to Ye Fei: “Boy, what are you doing standing there, your Martial Master Realm waste discipline, We must kneel down and talk to senior brothers like us. This is the rule of Holy Land!” Ye Fei was not angry after hearing these foul language. He secretly gave Luo Xing a hands-on gesture behind him, as if he felt Luo Xing. Secretly climbed down the tree from behind, unceremoniously, Ye Fei has launched the sharpest counterattack.

“Shut up, you keep on saying that others are rubbish. What about you, after so many years in Holy Land, what have you learned? If our new disciplines are rubbish, then you are in Holy Land has been mixed for a few years and then driven out by Holy Land. Isn’t it not as good as waste?”

Ye Fei this remark said very loudly, and directly used True Yuan, and the vibrating air was buzzing. Buzzing, the three old disciplines are already bursting with anger.

Holy Land drove them away. That was their biggest taint. The scum of Martial Master Realm in front of them even abused them like this, and even poked them in the most painful place.

How do they endure?

Where should I put the face of Senior Brother?

So instead of waiting for Ye Fei to finish cursing, the three old disciplines rushed towards Ye Fei while full of hostility.

“Boy, shut up for us!”

“Dare to expose our shortcomings, I have decided. Today, I can’t help but beat you to a crippled and tortured to death.”

“Fuck, I saw this kid upset, Martial Master Realm’s waste, dare to provoke senior Brothers like us, we will kill him now.”

bang! bang! bang !

The old discipline is the old discipline. Their strength may not be very good, but their combat experience is really rich. In an instant, they have formed a combined attack formation against Ye Fei. Focus on Ye Fei’s key.

Obviously, from the very beginning, they did not intend to keep Ye Fei alive, and the shame of being kicked out of Holy Land also aroused all the hostility in their hearts.

“Kill, Sword Art of the Eight Wastes!”

“Meteor Fist!”

“Yin Thunder Claw!”

The three old disciplines displayed their strongest martial arts in an instant, all of which are still above Earth Grade.

Ye Fei looked calm and ignored the attack of the three. Since he didn’t use the indestructible Sword Soul, he didn’t use the sword intent.

It just uses Hell Fire Sword, this Earth Grade high grade Sword Art.

“Hellfire, Ghost God is slashing!”

Ye Fei holds the Spirit Sword in his hand. The powerful spirit strength allows him to sense the three in front of him even if he closes his eyes. Human attack line.

Countless sword energy with hellfire, whizzing out, all around Ye Fei’s body in the flat ground, forming a terrifying Sword Qi Space!

Chapter 142 does not leave one at all

Chapter 142 does not leave one at all

It is only to deal with the three evicted disciplines. Ye Fei does not want to expose too much. Many hole cards, just rely on their own strength to fight them.

At the same time, Ye Fei also wants to see how far his current strength is from these old disciplines in Martial Sect realm.

So Ye Fei didn’t use anything, just waved the Spirit Sword and displayed the Hell Fire Sword. After all, this was given to him by the sword idiot Elder.

Earth Grade martial arts, which can make the sword idiot Elder who loves swords obsessed with him, can carry it with him. Fire Sword of Hell is definitely the top grade in Sword Art.

The most important thing is that Hell Fire Sword has a very strange feature. The sword energy it releases is invisible, unless it is the same level of martial arts as Hell Fire Sword, or its own The strength is too strong, for anyone, the first time they come into contact with these sword energy, they will suffer a few dark losses.

At this time, the three old disciplines in front of them suffered a big loss. They saw Ye Fei just swiping the Spirit Sword, but did not see Ye Fei releasing sword energy. They thought Ye Fei was They were shocked.

The three full of hostile faces all showed cold and cruel mockery.

“haha, look at this waste, wasn’t it arrogant just now, but we rushed, and this waste scared the word energy will not be released.”

“The second and third, first Don’t die. It’s rare to encounter such an interesting waste. First cut off his hands and feet. The three of us abused him and played slowly.”

“That’s right, let the new disciplines , Knowing that we are great, even if we are kicked out of Holy Land, it is not you rookies who can provoke… Ah!”

The youngest can’t let go of the cruel words. He is the fastest and the strength It was also the lowest of the three. Just after the words were spoken, an invisible sword energy had already cut off the third child’s sword-holding hand!

Ah! Ah!

Immediately afterwards, the screams of the second child and the boss sounded one after another, and they also rammed into the Sword Qi Space arranged by Ye Fei. They didn’t suffer too much damage. Seeing the terrible situation of the third child, they immediately retreated, and they did not forget to drag the third child out.

Ye Fei was slightly surprised, then shook his head secretly thought: “These old disciplines have too much combat experience. It seems that I am still a bit naive. Just relying on Invisible Sword anger may not be able to kill them.”

“It turned out to be Invisible Sword gas!”

“At least it is Earth Grade middle grade or above, otherwise it is impossible to cut off the arm of the third child.”

“This kid is so insidious, so he pretends to be a pig in front of us.”

As soon as the Hell Fire Sword came out, the three old disciplines were all shocked. He didn’t even dare to continue to attack Ye Fei. Take a step back very vigilantly.

This step is also to make their faces blush, and then endless shame. Obviously it was three against one, and as a result, the three of their Martial Sect experts were shocked by the rookie, Martial Master Realm’s waste.


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