, the opportunity to block the gate of the Zongshan Gate in the ground formation made Xue Qianqiu a little worried.

“Since we killed the Guardian on this Ancient Road, tens of thousands of years has not been opened at the gate of the sect. This time it is opened. It is of great importance. We must not have any luck!” Xue Qianqiu said to the five old man around him. They are the Five Elders of the Blood River, as well as the Blood River Sect, the five strongest Heaven Grade quasi-emperors, second only to Blood River Sect Master. But it is precisely because of their strength that they are most affected by the starry sky array. Until recently, they got rid of the suppression of the large array. Then under the leadership of Xue Qianqiu

, they immediately Came to the mountain gate of the Earth Formation Sect, and wanted to let the Blood River Sect dominate this Martial God’s Small World as much as possible. Hearing Xue Qianqiu’s worry at this time, the eldest Xue Lao suddenly touched the scarlet’s beard with disdain, and said proudly: “Sect Master, you are too worried! Today’s starry sky road has already fallen into our blood river sect. In control, even if Heavenly Martial Continent has recently released a lot of peerless genius, what storm can it bring up?” Xue Qianqiu complexion sank, unceremoniously reprimanded: “Confused! Heavenly Martial Continent has not fallen like this. Over the years, so many peerless genius suddenly erupted. This is most likely a sign that Grand Era is about to come! Our starry sky is not as good as land. Once we let Heavenly Martial Continent’s gas

Fortune recovery, Martial Emperor, Martial God continue to emerge. Do you think that our Blood River Sect can still be like now, aloof and remote, our Starry Sky Sect, can we still have the power to control this Ancient Starry Sky Road?”

The other four old man were also nodded at this time. They praised the judgment of the same sect master very much. This made the blood a little unpleasant, but it was still cautiously asked: “Then Sect Master, what do you mean? Deal with those Heavenly Martial Continent martial artists who enter?” Xue Qianqiu coldly said: “It’s very simple, screening! The six of us, we will shoot together to identify their identities. We will not kill for the time being and we will get under house arrest. , To see if they can be bought and used. Of course, those who have become Guardian, even peerless genius

, must be killed, not leaving one!”

” They have their treasures, and they must all be turned in! Everything on this Ancient Starry Sky Road belongs to my Blood River Sect, so all the treasures they obtained should be handed over to us!” Xue Da Lao La added Tao, muddy old eyes, flashed a trace of greed.

Blood Three is hearing this a little worried: “Big brother, Sect Master, will this be too much? This is likely to cause the Martial Emperor world, and part of the Aristocratic Family to resist or even hate. Although. These families are not strong, but together, there are still a lot of powerful quasi emperors.” Hearing these words, blood two, blood four, and blood five suddenly sneered, and said grinningly: “hmph, unite?” These Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family and the quasi-empire Aristocratic Family are all united, and they can’t beat a finger of our Star Sect. Otherwise, for so many years, why do they always coward and let us oppress!”

No. 1608 Zhang Yizhan became famous

Different from the martial artist of the Heavenly Martial Continent who looked down upon the Five Elders of the Blood River, Xue Qianqiu’s ability as the Sect Master of the Blood River Sect depends not only on his strength, but also on his vision. Wise. Xue Qianqiu coldly said: “Those Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family and Quasi-Emperor Aristocratic Family do not want to resist. In fact, they are just forbearing. Once Grand Era comes, these people may resist at any time, and our Star Sect must What I do is to kill them before they resist. As long as we are in high-end battle strength, we can always maintain our advantage. No matter how strong the resistance is, we can easily suppress it.”

“Sect Master is still wise!” Regarding Xue Qianqiu’s words, the Five Elders of the Blood River also nodded and expressed their agreement. If it were not for the peerless genius of Heavenly Martial Continent, there would be too many The opening of the array also gave them tremendous pressure.

The Blood River Sect, which controls the entire Star Sky Road, will not be reflected so violently this time. Not only has it blocked the gate of the Earth Formation Sect, but also all Heaven Grade Zhundi, they are i Yes, just don’t give these Heavenly Martial Continent martial artists a chance to rise again!

Blood is so arrogant, I still have a bit of disdain, coldly snorted and said: “hmph, even so, Sect Master is still too careful, we have so many Heaven Grade quasi-di shots, just to deal with a group Junior, this is simply a knife to kill a chicken, go to the five Heaven Grade quasi emperors, they are all looking at them!”” “Blood is big, it is better to be careful!” “Xue Qianqiu coldly said, when I spoke, the entire group was already far away, and could use divine sense to sense the Martial God world where the Divine Sect was located, but at this time, suddenly there was a violent explosion from outside the Divine Sect. , Attracted the attention of Xue Qianqiu and the others.

With their divine sense, of course, immediately, they perceive that it is the Heaven Grade quasi-emperor that has fallen, and the starry sky will burst into such terrifying movement. Blood. Qianqiu’s face suddenly became extremely ugly, and he was angrily roared at the blood: “What this Sect Master said, there must be monsters in every abnormality! It seems that sending five Heaven Grade quasi-di, is still too conservative, everyone, hurry over, I have to see which old fart is, dare to kill my blood river.

Zong’s Heaven Grade Zhundi! “

The faces of the Five Elders in the Blood River were also filled with great anger, “Kill! No matter who this person is, it is from that Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family, this person must be killed!” Like Xue Qianqiu, the Five Elders of the Blood River take it for granted that they can kill their Heaven Grade quasi-emperor of the Blood River Sect. It must be an Old Ancestor Level character from a certain Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family. In fact, if it weren’t for Ye Fei’s shot i, the four Heaven Grade quasi emperors outside of Small World, I would not have dreamed that one i

Junior, unexpectedly capable, in front of them, instantly beheaded the senior and junior brothers with their same realm. The huge anger caused these four Heaven Grade quasi-di to unite in an instant, and they released at the same time My domain is four special domains like rivers. When this domain comes out, four blood rivers appear out of thin air in the starry sky. Then these blood rivers turn into billowing blood scorpions.

Scrolling the wind and clouds, tearing all directions, there are horrible blood energy everywhere. There are four Heaven Grade quasi-emperors everywhere, including the horrible blood light of anger and murderous intention, and they are ruthless and angry to completely surround Ye Fei.

a loud explosion sound, the four blood scorpions have torn the void, fiercely slapped on Ye Fei’s body, at this moment, Dongfang Yu and the others, their faces are all pale, just like the peerless genius of Emperor Fan, see The attacks of the four Heaven Grade quasi-emperors also produced an unmatched sense of powerlessness in their hearts.

But at this moment, Ye Fei also moved, and a layer of terrifying suddenly appeared on his body. The blood flames, he did not retreat, but at this moment, he released all the domains within the body.

Thunderbolt domain!

Ice domain!

Blood Demon I domain! The three Heaven Grade domains came out, and suddenly, there was an extremely terrifying pressure in this void. This pressure made the stars dim and the void tremble. A huge Demon God illusory shadow, from within the body of Ye Fei, rushed out, that Demon God, three sides, six arms, but in an instant, a total of twelve horrible b were cut out.

lood light, tearing the starry sky, pink Star Fragmentation Chen, collided with one of Heaven Grade quasi-emperor’s blood scorpions.

Twelve Blood Demon Slash!

Ye Fei has a cold expression. While swinging the blood knife, the heavy Black Sword in his hand suddenly resembles a lightning star, bursting out dazzling rays of light in the starry sky, and completely suppressed i The blood light of one of the blood scorpions.


The heavy Black Sword finally collided with the blood scorpion. Suddenly, the whole body of the blood scorpion was blown to pieces, endless lightning and starlight. , At this time, it penetrated the blood light again, and slammed into the quasi emperor behind.

“This is impossible! How could he have three Heaven Grade domains!” Seeing Ye Fei’s domain, I also feel that with the domain, Ye Fei’s terrifying battle has soared to the extreme. These two Heavens Grade Zhundi’s face turned pale.

Originally, they thought it was a fluke that Ye Fei could kill their companions. Now it seems that this is simply Ye Fei’s strength, surpassing them too much and too strong. “However, even if this is the case, he is still going to die. We have four people. We don’t believe it. We can join hands and can’t kill this kid!” The third Heaven Grade quasi-emperor roared, his big hand grabbed him and he was mad. Wu’s blood Jiao turned into an incomparable gigantic Flood Dragon sword at this time,

cut the sky and shatter the void.

Dead! The fourth Heaven Grade quasi emperor, at this time, was in a frenzy. He did not condense the sword light, but the whole person, integrated with the blood dragon, between Heaven and Earth, and suddenly a special Heaven Grade appeared. The quasi-emperor’s blood scorpion, the huge dragon claw, the Tearing the Void, and the terrifying dragon tail are now even more possessed. The power of the fan

Star Fragmentation Chen, fiercely patted Ye Fei.

“hmph, four old dogs only, also iyou think you can kill me! Now, I will let you know what I mean when I am young and must not be deceived, and Tianwu must not be deceived! Kill! Octopus Heavenly Dragon!” Ye Fei within the body, a huge dragon roar came out. After the three Heaven Grade fields, the 4th field, the Azure Dragon field, suddenly broke out.

The entire starry sky resounded through the terrifying dragon roar, and then the four Heaven Grade quasi-emperors were shocked to see that Ye Fei’s body suddenly rushed out of eight powerful dragons, forming a strange The eight pole power.

In the face of this force, apart from the Heaven Grade quasi-emperor of the incarnation blood scorpion, reluctantly relying on the powerful dragon power of the i blood scorpion, resisting the Azure Dragon of Ye Fei, and four other iPu Heavenspans Dragon attack.

The other three Heaven Grade quasi-emperors were all hit by the remaining blood dragons of Ye Fei, Thunder Dragon and Ice Dragon. They vomited blood crazily and retreated in a panic. If not for them, they would also Heaven. Grade Zhundi, with just this blow, they could be severely injured.

“Boom!” The entire starry sky was also at this time, becoming absolute silence again. Everyone grew their mouths in shock, until, in the distant starry sky, there were six powerful i breaths, fast The whole starry sky came into a complete uproar until the blood river Sect Master was bloody Qianqiu, watching Ye Fei’s one-to-four scene in shock.

Chapter 1609 The Fury of Sect Master

“Grand Era hasn’t started yet, Heavenly Martial Continent, why did a genius like this evildoer appear?” The eyes were rounded. Although they didn’t feel the enchanting breath in Ye Fei, Ye Fei’s performance at this time was basically close to those legendary peerless



Ye Fei also discovered the Five Elders of the Blood River and the approach of Xue Qianqiu at this time. His heart sank suddenly, but his fighting intent became even more lofty. “The Blood River Sect actually sent so many Heaven Grade quasi-emperors. This matter can no longer be solved by ordinary means. At this time, whoever has the big fist will be more able to frighten the opponent. As a member of Heavenly Martial Continent, Ancient Starry Sky Road, the new Guardian, I will never allow it. You starry sky sect. So

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