“…” Faced with the approach of the two peerless genius, Xue Lingzi and Huo Xiao, under the leadership of Dongfang Yu, no one flinched at this time, and they all gathered By Dongfang Yu’s side, at the moment of life and death, Dongfang Yu actually showed his leadership qualities. He raised his arms and shouted: “Everyone, let’s burn bloodline together

! Even if it is death, the rays of light that must die, the glory of death!”


Suddenly hundreds of bloody and desperate young people came out in the starry sky, roaring in unison, that roar, like a wild beast, like walking out of a sea of ​​blood Asura.

Led by Dongfang Yu, everyone in this brief moment burned their own bloodline. The raging blood flames, like torch, like stars, illuminate this starry sky and shock countless star sects. The mind of genius.

“Perhaps, Blood River Sect made the wrong decision, Blood River Sect Master, shouldn’t force them so hard!” A starry genius, hesitated, faced hundreds of crazy burning bloodlines, The half-emperor, Martial Sovereign, who is preparing to fight desperately, in this scene, the heart of the emperor is also trembling.

Not only this person, in fact, many starry geniuses who followed Xue Lingzi were hesitating in their footsteps, which also made Xue Lingzi anger in his heart. He immediately turned around and took the Blood Sword directly. The vocal starry genius chopped off his head.

“Those who mess with our army, cut!”

“Those who stand still, cut!”

“Those who do not respect my blood, cut!”

“Sympathize with these untouchables on the land, clan extermination!”

Blood spirit son roared like thunder, slicing three consecutive clan exterminations, thoroughly revealing the strength and coldness of the blood river sect, all The starry genius, his body was shaking, and then everyone’s eyes burst out of cold murderous intention.

“The blood spirit is right. The martial artists on the land are just a group of untouchables. They have long lost their ancient glory. The current glory belongs to the starry sky and belongs to us!”

“Kill, kill these untouchables, this Ancient Starry Sky Road, is ours, everything here belongs to our Starry Sect!”


With the shouts, countless starry sect geniuses roared like wild beasts, their murderous auras were condensing, and they were longing for something in their hearts.

“That’s right, follow my blood spirit, let my blood spirit, lead you, lead the starry sky, to glory!” The blood spirit is very satisfied with said with a big smile, but he did not immediately He rushed up with someone, but unceremoniously, looked towards the Huo Xiao on the side. Although Huo Xiao has made it clear that he will take refuge in the starry sky and submit to the Blood River Sect, Huo Xiao’s within the body is full of the blood of a martial artist on the land, which makes the blood spirit child like Xue Yue, simply not considering Huo Xiao in his heart. similar. Xue Lingzi immediately said coldly: “Huo Xiao, what are you waiting for

, don’t rush up and clear the way for us, or say, you bastard, you still sympathize with those martial land artist ?”


The sound of the blood spirit son’s bastard deeply pierced Huo Xiao’s nerves, turning the veins on Huo Xiao’s face into fiery snakes. Generally twisted. But at this time, the blood river sect was so powerful that Huo Xiao didn’t dare to vent his anger on the blood spirit son, but naturally, he transferred all his anger to Dongfang Yu. This anger, Even Huo Xiao ignored it. There were hundreds of burning bloodlines opposite him, waiting for the martial artist of Heavenly Martial Continent to fight with him.

“Fire Burning Mountain!”

The starry sky was completely ignited, and the endless flames formed a terrifying fire cloud, which was surging, boiling, carrying, carrying the murderous fire of the sky Intention and anger were directly burned to Dongfang Yu and everyone around Dongfang Yu.

“hahaha, let’s not do anything, just look at them. The dog bites the dog and cheers.” The blood spirit smiled proudly.

The other starry geniuses also laughed. Their blood spirits are really bad enough to use peerless genius like Huo Xiao to deal with Dongfang Yu and the others, so that even if Huo Xiao kills them all, This reputation is also completely stinking.

“Kill! Even if you die, you must kill the traitor Huoxiao!”

I don’t know who shouted, a few desperate youths, half the emperor, at this time Burning the bloodline frantically, rushing to the fire sky, and preparing for Self-destruction, hoping to squeeze the back.

But a giant palm of fire cloud suddenly stretched out from the fire sea, ruthless, and photographed those few completely desperate youths half-emperor, Lingkong into a pile of scum, and was immediately ruthless by the flames Swallow.

Huo Xiao’s whole person, standing on the top of the fire cloud with an arrogant expression, said indifferently and icyly: “A bunch of rice buckets, relying on you, also want to pull me back and kill you, it’s all dirty My hand, you guys kneel down and commit suicide, maybe you can die a little faster!”


Dongfang Yu suddenly spit out in anger and shouted: “Huoxiao, even if we can’t kill you, in the future, you will definitely die in the hands of Ye Fei, or Difan and the others!”

“hahaha, Ye Fei? Difan? They all themselves. It’s hard to guarantee, it will fall soon, just ask who else in this world can kill me!” Huo Xiao sneered disdainfully. He is not in a hurry to kill these people, but has the calmness of cats and mice.

“I can kill you!”

At this moment, suddenly the void behind Huo Xiao, fiercely split open, a young silhouette covered with thunderbolt, cold Appeared behind Huo Xiao.

This silhouette is naturally Ye Fei. Although surrounded by the Five Elders of the Blood River and the Sect Master at the same time, Ye Fei still used the magic of the Big Void Technique to directly Tear the Void and appeared behind Huo Xiao on foot when he was one enemy six.

Then, his sword chopped off Huo Xiao’s head and wiped out all the surrounding fire clouds!

pu! The head of Huoxiao rose to the sky, and was caught by Ye Fei again: “Those who betray Heavenly Martial Continent, make a final decision!”

Chapter 1611 Capture and Kill


Huoxiao’s head was cut off by Ye Fei, and was shattered by a thunderbolt. This abrupt and shocking scene shocked the blood spirit and the others. Many of them were also Full of confidence, the murderous aura starry geniuses, like a basin of cold water, poured on their heads.

Blood Lingzi’s complexion turned pale in an instant, and the eyes were full, and the blood Lingzi stepped back in shock, “He killed Huoxiao with one move, no, Elder is coming soon. Protect me!”

“Blood Spirit, where to run!” Ye Fei shouted.

The so-called capture the thieves and the king, facing so many Heaven Grade quasi-emperors of the Blood River Sect, Ye Fei has Three Heads Six Arms, all of which have been impossible to fight, and the killing is over.

His best way is not to smash with those Heaven Grade quasi-emperors, but to grab the important figure of the Blood Spirit Child, the Blood River Sect, to force the Blood River Sect to compromise and retreat.

For this reason, Ye Fei was even more forcibly. He suffered a joint blow from the Five Elders of the Blood River. His corner of the mouth flow blood and thunderbolt on his body immediately formed a roaring Thunder Dragon. At the moment when Huo Xiao was killed, he rushed towards the blood spirit child. This also made Xue Lingzi scared and scared. In the end, his strength is about the same as Huo Xiao. Since Ye Fei can kill Huo Xiao with a single sword, he can definitely kill him. At this moment, seeing the Tianlong composed of Ye Fei thunderbolt culling, Xue Lingzi’s face turned pale, and he immediately continued to rush to his side

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