His words left many people in a daze . Even the captured blood spirit son stared at Xue Yue in confusion.

“Ye Fei’s reputation is not very good, but he is still worthy of trust, because he is the same as us, he is from Heavenly Martial Continent, and we are all from the same world.” Xue Yue explained lightly.

Difan and Pojun also quickly relieved, and said solemnly together: “Well, we will believe you once.”

“Since you believe me, then you all person, immediately Take the formation flag and rush into the gate of the ground formation sect! Let Sanhei let you in, and hold on, then you will crush the formation flag!”

Ye Fei’s speech is very fast, even more When all the attention of the Heaven Grade Zhundi was focused on the blood spirit, he suddenly threw a formation flag to Dongfang Yu like lightning.

Seeing Ye Fei’s actions, the Blood River Sect Master suddenly had an extremely bad premonition, which made him finally make up his mind, and roared in incomparably furious rage: “Listen to all Elder Ling, shoot quickly and kill all martial artists on land!”

“But the blood spirit child is still in Ye Fei’s hands, Sect Master think twice…” The blood river five elders were startled.

Xue Qianqiu is even more hideous, angrily said: “It is a pity that the blood spirit child is dead, but these people can really allow the earth formation sect to open the mountain gate without restrictions. What does this mean? You know better than this Sect Master, everyone, along with this Sect Master, execute without any mercy!”


The blood energy within the body, blood energy is shocking, At this time, a terrifying ocean of blood has formed, covering all the martial artists of Heavenly Martial Continent such as Difan. The five elders of the blood river also roared. Although it is a pity that the blood spirit child died, if the martial artist of Heavenly Martial Continent can really enter the mountain gate of the earth formation sect repeatedly for countless times, cultivation inside, and obtain the earth formation sect. Cultivation, it will not take long. Young Heaven Grade quasi-emperors like Ye Fei

and Guardian may continue to appear.

When the time comes, it is not the crisis of Blood Spirit alone, but the huge crisis that the entire Blood River Sect, and even the entire Starry Sky Sect will face.

Xue Qianqiu also discovered this, so he made up his mind to give up the blood spirit son, and to get rid of everyone here.

For the very ruthless of Xue Qianqiu, Ye Fei was also shocked decisively. Obviously, he underestimated the ability and courage of the Sect Master of the Blood River. Even a peerless genius, If you can say give up, give up.

“But this also proves from the side how these star sects are afraid of the Ancient Martial gods against the battle against the ancient Martial, and they have a guilty conscience! I will never let you do it!”

It was found that the use of blood spirits could no longer threaten these blood river sect’s Heaven Grade quasi-emperors. Ye Fei did not hesitate, and instantly pulled the blood spirits’ space belt off. He had completely imprisoned the blood spirits, fiercely. Then he threw it to Difan and said, “This person, give it to you, others, give it to me!”


In the starry sky, there was a roar like Ye Fei dragon roar, Heavenly Dragon’s Octave, and the big Void Technique were activated at the same time, slowing the opponent’s actions at the same time. Ye Fei stepped into the void, and instantly appeared in front of Xue Qianqiu, Thunder Dragon, Blood Dragon, Ice Dragon, all roaring, blasting towards Xue Qianqiu. “Junior, this Sect Master is waiting for this time, Blood Sword Domain, Blood Demon Domain, explode for me!” Xue Qianqiu’s eyes were gloomy and his face was sullen, as if he had expected Ye Fei would rush over to stop him. What’s more terrifying is that Blood Qianqiu actually owns the Blood Demon domain, as well as a peculiar Blood Sword collar


At this time, he released these two Heaven Grade domains at the same time, and directly domains, produced a terrifying explosion, forming the blood demon explosion unique to the Blood River Zong, exploding the surrounding starry sky , Are completely gone, only a piece of Nihility Zone remains.

I was caught off guard, Ye Fei’s Thunder Dragon and Ice Dragon were all blown up and shattered. The Blood Dragon and Azure Dragon also became incomplete, and the golden body showed signs of collapse at any time, which made Ye Fei the most Shocked, this person still has two Heaven Grade fields.

But he clearly feels that Xue Qianqiu is not a peerless genius, but only a top genius. Under normal circumstances, Xue Qianqiu may have fortuitous encounters or accumulated time to give birth to a Heaven Grade domain, but he It is absolutely impossible to have time and energy to give birth to two Heaven Grade fields.

“It’s hard to believe, isn’t it? This is the advantage of my Star Sect. Even though our luck is not as good as Heavenly Martial Continent, we still have something you don’t have, that is, the beast!” Blood Qianqiu kept coughing up blood, but his face carried the smile of a winner.

Beside him, the Five Elders of the Blood River had already rushed over, and even at this time, they shot at the same time, taking advantage of Ye Fei’s chance of being severely injured, to kill Ye Fei.

The other three Heaven Grade quasi-emperors of the Blood River Sect stand in three different positions, banning the void, and no longer give Ye Fei any chance to merge into the void.

Obviously, this is actually a game, a dead game against Ye Fei, but on the contrary, Ye Fei had to step into such a killing game. In the end, no matter how strong his strength is, he is only one person. He can be one enemy to four, but he can’t reach one to nine, while defeating nine Heaven Grade quasi emperors of the Blood River Sect!

Chapter 1613 The Five Elders in Despair

The Five Elders of the Blood River are the Blood River Sect. Their strength is second only to Sect Master’s Heaven Grade quasi-emperor. At the same time, the formidable power they joined together, There is no Heaven Grade quasi emperor that can resist.

At the same time, Ye Fei used the Big Void Technique twice in a row before, avoiding the pursuit of the five elders, which also made Xue Qianqiu vigilant in his heart, knowing that Ye Fei’s speed would not be completely limited, with the big Void The magic of Technique is that if another twenty Heaven Grade quasi-emperors join hands, it will be difficult to besieged Ye Fei.

So this time, the Blood River Sect also has three Heaven Grade quasi-emperors, who are responsible for suppressing the void, and will never give Ye Fei a chance to enter the void.

Faced with such a mortal situation, even if he had confidence in himself, Ye Fei’s heart still trembled for a moment, knowing that if he didn’t show the real life-saving trump card, then he was very likely. This time I was really killed by the experts of the Blood River Sect.

Without any hesitation, discovering that he could not resist, and he could not enter the void, Ye Fei decisively showed the last resort, the raging blood flame burned from his body.

“bloodline god armor!”

Ye Fei completely burned his own Demon God bloodline, endless blood flames, forming a special blood flame armor, protecting him stand up. “This martial arts was created by the Burning Blood Martial Emperor. Once activated, it can withstand the Martial Emperor’s attacks. During the existence of the God Armor, the attacks below the Martial Emperor are fundamentally impossible to break. I hope that the blood river five elders will jointly attack , It hasn’t reached the level of Martial Emperor.” Looking at the five terrifying blood light swords, and at the same time, Ye Fei’s heart was vigilant, and his scalp was a little numb.

Then, he felt that the starry sky he was in was completely shattered. Space collapses, all directions vibrate, five rich blood light swords, pink Star Fragmentation empty, tearing stars, with endless murderous intention and anger. Ye Fei was shrouded in an instant, fearing that Ye Fei would not be killed like this. The Five Elders of the Blood River were even more like the blood of Qianqiu. At this moment, their own domain suddenly broke out.

The Self-destruction of the field is undoubtedly more terrifying than the Self-destruction of the martial artist Primordial Spirit. Primordial Spirit Self-destruction, martial artist’s attack power is doubled at most, while the domain’s Self-destruction, formidable power is ten times!

Self-destruction of five Heaven Grade quasi-emperor domains at the same time, that formidable power is already enough to destroy a star. When this formidable power exploded, the dark starry sky suddenly seemed to be a cloud of terrifying bloody mushrooms.

Everything is destroyed, and this starry sky has ceased to exist. Many martial artists of Heavenly Martial Continent are stared wide-eyed, watching this scene incredible.

“Ye Fei, dead?”

“Ye Fei, he used his life to protect us all!”

“No Ye Fei will not die, he is such a smart person, how could he do such a stupid thing, sacrifice himself, protect others… he should not do this!”

However, Dongfang Yu’s tears flowed down, and the eyes of Emperor Fan and Breaking Army, Xue Yue also became extremely complicated. The starry geniuses around saw the scene where the starry sky turned into nothingness. Many people cheered, and there was a gloomy smile on Xue Qianqiu’s face: “hmph, even if you are a monster, with old man, with me Blood River Sect Fight, then you must die! Blood River Five Elders, go on and kill them all

Other land martial artists!”

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