They have already died four Heaven Grade quasi-emperors. If a peerless genius like Xue Lingzi also died, the loss would be so heavy that it would make the blood river sect strength great injury, completely decline.

Blood Qianqiu is nodded, and shouted at Ye Fei with a cold face: “Ye Fei, let go of the blood soul, this Sect Master can give the Heavenly Dao blood oath, today’s matter is over, within ten years, my blood He Zong, I will not retaliate against you!”

Ten years, it also happened to be the time limit for the Blood River Zong to recover its vitality and cultivate a new Heaven Grade quasi emperor.

Of course, this ten years will surely be the martial artist of Heavenly Martial Continent, the best stage of full-scale explosion.

“Such a long period of time is enough for me, Difan, and Dongfang Yu, these top talents, have grown up completely, when the time comes, our strength will definitely make the Blood River Sect tremble , Can’t give birth to revenge!”

Ye Fei pondered for a moment and realized that this must be the biggest concession of the Blood River Sect. He nodded and said in a deep voice: “Yes, now, you Swear, at the same time, the blood river sect and all the stars of the star sect, get out of the starry sky for five thousand miles, and I will let go of the blood soul!”

“Okay, this Sect Master believes you, but if so If the blood spirit child is missing something, this Sect Master will die against his oath, and will never let you go!” Xue Qianqiu gritted his teeth and issued the Heavenly Dao blood oath in public.

The Five Elders of the Blood River also roared, driving away all the entire group in the starry sky. In the end, the entire Blood River Sect, under the persecution of Ye Fei, retreated a full five thousand miles away without being unyielding, which also caused an uproar in the Starry Sky Sect.

At the same time, Ye Fei’s fame, for the first time, spread all over the starry sky and became known to everyone.

“Ye Fei, we really want to let go of our blood, this guy is peerless genius, let him go, wouldn’t it let the tiger returns to the mountains?” Dongfang Yu walked over, a little unwilling.

Difan said with a sneer: “An Old Hu is fierce, but it can’t beat our group of Old Hus. Let alone ten years, as long as five years, I can break through the emperor! , All geniuses!”

Ye Fei nodded, to be honest, with his current strength, it is no longer necessary to take the blood spirits seriously. At this time, the heavenly evil spirits also come over and please say:” Little Young Master, don’t worry, while the kid was in a coma, I secretly sent him a heavenly fiend aura.”

“What’s the use of heavenly fiend aura?” Ye Fei said curiously.

“Martial Sovereign, you must die!”

Hehe’s said with a smile, Xue Yue who listened to the army and the others, all have one’s hair The feeling of standing on end quickly moved away from the terrifying Tiansha array spirit.

Ye Fei also has some hehe said with a smile: “Three blacks, good work, but won’t you be seen?”

“Young Master, rest assured, my heavenly Fiend aura, killing the enemy invisible, even the Martial Emperor, it is also difficult to see.” Tiansha Array Spirit smiled wickedly.

The laughter made Difan and Pojun also feel a tingling scalp. It feels like becoming an enemy with Ye Fei is really a dangerous thing.

Xue Yue is even more secretly proud. Fortunately, he has the foresight and has resolved his grievances with Ye Fei long ago.

Then a few people got together and sighed for the bad luck of the blood spirit.

Dongfang Yu arranged for a few brave people to carry the blood spirit son and threw it directly out. By the way, he also checked whether the Blood River Sect really retreated five thousand miles.

The investigator returned soon, and brought back the news that the Blood River Sect had indeed retreated five thousand miles. Suddenly, the entire Earth Formation Sect became cheered. Although Ye Fei was also very happy, he still reminded in a deep voice: “Don’t be happy too early. Xue Qianqiu just swears that the Blood River Sect will not deal with us. It is hard to guarantee that he will not use other forces to deal with us, taking advantage of no one. We walked separately. In a short time, this starry sky road should not come.”

“Yes, while the blood river sect retreats, we must quickly leave the starry sky road!”

“Devil Ye, thank you for your great grace, wait for your answer to Heavenly Martial Continent, we invite you to drink…”

While no one is outside, many young martial artists, They all ran out and left in all directions. The mountain gate of the Geographical Sect is safe, but it is only a temporary refuge. Only the broad starry sky outside is the best place for these young martial artists.

Di Fan and Pojun Xue Yue, as well as Dongfang Yu and a few top geniuses, did not leave. Instead, they gathered together and discussed: “Starry Sky Road, we can’t stay, we have to think One way is to rush to the Starry Sky under the road calendar.” “However, we have already offended the Blood River Sect. We definitely can’t use the Blood River Sect array to transmit it.” Someone worried.

Chapter 1618 Black Sword Exposure

“haha, this simple Transmission Array going to the Starry Sky is not only owned by the Blood River Sect. Our Guardian clan has also established a secret Transmission Array, if you believe me, you will come with me.”

At this time, Pojun suddenly decided what, after all, Ye Fei can do so much for everyone, as a guardian For future generations, he also has to do something.

So, Brojun decided to make an exception and took everyone to the teleportation base secretly established by the Guardian clan.

Seeing that Ye Fei is about to leave, the Heavenly Evil Array is a little anxious, and hastened to quietly pull Ye Fei aside, and quietly accompany said with a smile: “Little Young Master, look at me. Can I change my name if I’ve been so hard this time?”

“Okay, I don’t like it, then change it. Sanhei doesn’t sound good, or Erhei sounds good.” Ye Fei waved his hand and knew In the Earth Formation Sect, there was no more oil and water to squeeze out, so I casually changed the name of the Tiansha Formation Spirit, then turned and left.

Only the Tiansha Array was left, and he stood in the same place with some doubts: “The name Erhei, how does I sound familiar…No, it seems to be the name of a dog! I made it after all. What’s wrong, Little Young Master, please, call me Sanhei from now on!”

Tiansha Jinling has a heartbroken face, even if the name Sanhei is dirty, he is determined not to stand it. With a dog’s name.

Helpless, Ye Fei and the others walked too fast. When the Tiansha Array reacted, the entire Small World, a silhouette could not be seen.

There is only the roar of the evil spirits with regret, and the screams: “Surnamed Ye, I’m the second black, yeah, my third black is endless with you…”

On the other side, in the Blood River Sect.

Blood Lingzi was rescued, and immediately after waking up, he also let out a sad roar: “Ye Fei, the devil, my blood Lingzi swears must kill you! Must kill you,” Sect Master, give me revenge…”

pa! Xue Qianqiu’s anger broke out, and he slapped it on the spot, and then the whole person began to growl, “Useless dog stuff, you are also peerless Genius, why that many people can pass the test, only you failed this waste, the second test, you know how many Heaven Grade we have died because of you, quasi

Emperor, it’s almost half…”

The more I think about it, the more qi comes, and Qianqiu vomits blood on the spot.

Blood Lingzi covered his face and was stunned on the spot. He was caught by Ye Fei and soon fell into a coma, but didn’t expect Ye Fei to kill that many Heaven Grade in a row. When the emperor, the blood spirit child was angry, it was inevitable that there was also deep fear in his heart.

“Could it be that our Star Sect, really can’t hold down this Ye Devil!” The Great Blood opened the mouth and said sadly.

Blood two blood three are full of bitter faces, without saying a word, Xue Qianqiu said coldly: “Ye Fei, this demon, my blood river sect cannot be suppressed, but there is a small sect. Definitely can hold him down!”

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