“little ancestor, the little beast knew it was wrong, please, let the little beast go…” King Tyrant Dragon looked pitiful.

If this terrifying little girl is beaten down again, it will fall into the realm of the quasi-emperor. The other Tyrant Dragons will immediately rebel and overthrow the Tyrant Dragon king.

Only the strongest Tyrant Dragon can become the king.

Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise also looked at it with incomparable sympathy. The dignified quasi-emperor was beaten by the grass and screamed for mercy. This beast king was too embarrassed.

Dragon Tortoise sighed even more. Once, it had experienced such a scene, and it was almost suspected of being drawn by the grass. Fortunately, all of this was over.

At this time, taking advantage of Xiaocao’s greatly showing divine might, Dragon Tortoise has once again become domineering, waiting for Xiaocao to draw this Tyrant Dragon below the Martial Sovereign Realm, and then it Go out strong again, trample this beast king to death, get the inner core of Tyrant Dragon, and improve your realm.

The King Tyrant Dragon also clearly noticed the harboring malicious intentions of Dragon Tortoise, and he refused to stop when he saw the grass. It threw a flop and crawled on the ground and shouted: “Those spirit veins, I If you don’t want the Tyrant Dragon clan, you can give it to you, as long as you don’t hurt me.”

“What, there is a spirit vein here! Xiaocao stop!” Ye Fei can’t calm down completely.

“Eh!” Xiaocao’s eyes also appeared cautiously, and he hurriedly took back the whip that threw away.

Hearing that there are spirit veins, Ye Fei and Xiaocao, they were hit by the biggest weakness at the same time, so I decided to temporarily let go of the Tyrant Dragon King.

Dragon Tortoise’s gaze immediately softened, and he was very henchman towards the Tyrant Dragon King, yelled a few times and threatened a few words of show off one’s military strength.

Ye Fei don’t have to guess, and you know what Dragon Tortoise is shouting. It’s nothing more than to scare the Tyrant Dragon King. If you don’t hand over all the spirit veins, it’s a dead end.

He didn’t stop at all, and he also appreciated the threat of Dragon Tortoise. In the end, this Tyrant Dragon king looks hard and not soft, and doesn’t fight harder. How can Tyrant Dragon be obedient? Give out the spirit vein.

“Tyrant Dragon King, get up. It’s best not to play tricks. By the way, how many spirit veins do you have?” Ye Fei asked the most concerned question.

Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise also pricked their ears immediately.

“This damn, greedy human, he really came to the spirit vein we found.” King Tyrant Dragon roared in his heart. But when facing Xiaocao, the Tyrant Dragon king immediately began to accompany said with a smile: “Our Tyrant Dragon family does not have many spirit veins, that is, more than fifty. I can give it to you now, but you Make sure that you won’t hurt me, and our Tyrant Dragon clan


Hearing this, Ye Fei’s heart was shocked fiercely, and he couldn’t help crying out: “What, more than fifty spirit veins, Tyrant Dragon King, are you sure you are right?”

“Eh!” Xiaocao also widened his eyes, almost not being hit by the huge happiness dizziness. Over fifty spirit veins, Xiaocao seemed to see countless cautions in front of her eyes.

The huge reaction of Ye Fei and Xiaocao also shocked Tyrant Dragon King fiercely. He thought that Ye Fei had noticed that it was lying. King Tyrant Dragon hurriedly defended it more cautiously: “I just remembered wrong. The spirit veins we found were sixty in total.”

“What, sixty!”

Ye Fei shouted again. Xiaocao hastily lowered his head, holding his fingers and counting, how many delicious Spirit Stones can be transformed into sixty spirit veins. Seeing the even greater reaction of Ye Fei and Xiaocao, King Tyrant Dragon had a cry in his tone, and said angrily: “One hundred, really can’t be more, you be magnanimous, leave us some rations… “

Chapter 1622 Ambergris is not bad too

“There are a hundred!”


” roar roar!”

After listening to King Tyrant Dragon’s confession, Ye Fei’s whole spirit was shocked, Xiaocao had already rounded his big wrinkly eyes, and Dragon Tortoise was even pointing at King Tyrant Dragon. With a roar, it seemed that he wanted to dig out more spirit veins from the mouth of the Tyrant Dragon king.

Ye Fei kicked it right away and kicked Dragon Tortoise away. Ye Fei already eagerly promised King Tyrant Dragon: “You can rest assured, King Tyrant Dragon, I can guarantee. As long as you hand over a hundred spirit veins, I will let Xiaocao not hit you. I can swear.”


Dragon Tortoise becomes anxious at the first hearing, more I looked at Ye Fei suspiciously. I didn’t understand what happened to Ye Fei. I don’t want to put more spirit veins. Dragon Tortoise was obviously unwilling.

Ye Fei fiercely glared at Dragon Tortoise and cursed inwardly: “This is a rammer, I know how to eat all day, and I don’t even know how to catch it. One hundred spirit veins are almost like Tyrant Dragon. The Wang can bear the limit. At this time, it is natural to let the Tyrant Dragon king hand over the spirit vein first, and then slowly talk about the rest.”

Thinking of this, Ye Fei couldn’t bear it. Lived with a simple smile. But this smile fell in Dragon Tortoise’s eyes, and he felt like have one’s hair stand on end, and he couldn’t help but silently look at King Tyrant Dragon with sympathy.

The King Tyrant Dragon didn’t suffer much, and was inevitably infected by Ye Fei’s simple smile. He thought to himself: “This human being in front of me looks like an honest person, not like that one. Black tortoise, it’s not a good thing at first sight, it’s so fat…”

Looking at the chubby Dragon Tortoise, King Tyrant Dragon couldn’t hold back any of them, and the corners of his mouth slowly came out of dragon’s mouth. , It quickly reacted again, and quickly sucked back and said: “Human, you promised it, let’s say it, you come with me.”

hong long long!

The Tyrant Dragon king stood up again from the ground, and shook the huge dragon tail more than ten meters long to form a long ladder.

Ye Fei walked up with the grass unceremoniously and stood on the back of King Tyrant Dragon. Dragon Tortoise thought for a while and climbed up.

“Disperse all, let’s go back to the lair.” The Tyrant Dragon roared majesticly. The hundreds of Tyrant Dragons around, all stood up with their heads high, like hundreds of mountain peaks. Up. This power alone was enough to flee other barren beasts in fright.

Ye Fei is also boldness of execution stems from superb skill. With the bloodline god armor, I am not particularly worried about what tricks the Tyrant Dragon king will do.

The Tyrant Dragon king’s pupil light flashes, while slowly taking Ye Fei to the dragon’s lair, seeing Ye Fei closing his eyes, he twists his head and asks Xiaocao with a smile: ” Little girl, your whip is pretty good. I don’t know what material it is made of. Is there any extra for such a vine whip?”


Xiaocao didn’t see the wickedness of King Tyrant Dragon, and immediately not even think, he conjured more than a dozen rattan whips from his body, and then weaved those rattan whips into a twist whip, which Xiaocao held happily The twist whip rolled around on the back of King Tyrant Dragon.

The king of Tyrant Dragon trembled in fright, and secretly cursed: “Who taught this cruel little girl? One whip is not enough. She actually carries a dozen of them! that’s all , They, I can’t afford to offend, so let’s send it out earlier.”

Suddenly, King Tyrant Dragon put away all his bad thoughts, and even the speed became a lot faster, just screaming Drive to the lair.

Ye Fei opened a gap in his eyes, and quietly praised Xiaocao: “The grass is doing well. Now try harder to get a sense of how many spirit veins are hidden in this group of Tyrant Dragons. If these Tyrant Dragons are not obedient, we will take them all back.”

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