For this reason, Limitless Sect has always been in contact with the heavenly demon continent to a large extent, and there are often powerhouses in the heavenly demon continent. Come here and try to enter the Heavenly Array Sect. , Get the method to become Martial Emperor. It’s very unfortunate that Blood Spirit came here this time. Although he is a famous peerless genius of the Star Sect, his identity is not easy to use in Limitless Sect, because today Limitless Sect ushered in a man from the heavenly demon continent Distinguished guests, up to the Sect Master, down to the juniors, all ran to greet them, who still

has the mind to receive a small half emperor, even if this half emperor is a peerless genius.

“Damn Limitless Sect! Today’s shame, when my blood spirit son breaks through the Martial Emperor, I will be rewarded!” Blood spirit son is definitely a man who bears revenge.

Ye Fei defeated him, and Xue Lingzi became the most hated in his life. Limitless Sect’s negligence undoubtedly caused Xue Lingzi to have a deeper hatred.

So he simply roared in the Promise City: “Limitless Sect, this Xue brings important information. The Promise Sword that you were snatched away is now seen again!”

Blood Lingzi roared loudly. He not only wanted to let the people of Limitless Sect hear, but also let everyone in the city hear, so that he not only reported the letter, but also deliberately disgusted Limitless Sect.


Limitless Sect disciples who heard this were very angry. The blood spirits were quickly surrounded, but the news reached the Limitless Sect Sect Master as quickly as possible.

“What, Promise Sword! Damn it, this is the biggest shame of my Limitless Sect in tens of thousands of years. This Blood River Sect has eaten the guts of the leopard, dare to come over to promote this!” Gan Sanyuan Kan He was only more than 30 years old, but he was actually close to 700 years old. From the previous Sect Masters, he learned that Limitless Sect once had a Promise Sword, which was the embryo of a Divine Sword that was made by Limitless Sect after destroying several life planets and slaughtering millions of people. The only thing that made Limitless Sect feel ashamed was that the embryo of the sword was snatched away in person when it was about to be completed.

In the end, it also caused the only Demi-God of Limitless Sect to fall on the spot. Otherwise, the Limitless Sect where Demi-God sits has already unified the entire Ancient Starry Sky Road and even occupies the entire Heavenly Martial Continent. Possibly, instead of just controlling the starry sky.

At this time, I heard the old story of the blood spirit being mentioned again, and it was promoted everywhere. While doing the three yuan anger, he immediately instructed a Heaven Grade Elder beside him: “Go out immediately, let the blood spirit son catch it, and then Let the Sect Master of the Blood River, roll over in person and give me an explanation!”


On the other side of Gan Sanyuan, a very interested voice suddenly came out. The voice was a young man wearing a black imperial robe. He was born with magic eyes, which seemed to be able to perceive everything, and his gestures faintly exuded a powerful imperial might. “Magic His Highness the Crown Prince, what is your order?” Gan Sanyuan didn’t dare to neglect, and at this time he immediately stood up from under his seat, looking respectful.

Chapter 1624 The Demon Prince

“Fuck Sect Master, you should call my name. After all, my mother is from your family, Limitless Sect, which is also mine. My family, I came here this time. First, I saw this Ancient Starry Sky Road founded by many Martial Gods. Second, I was also ordered by my mother to come to my family to have a look. “Magic Prince

Very gentle, with a sunny smile on his face.

It also makes people unable to ponder his emotions.

Of course, Qian Sanyuan would not take the Demon Prince’s words seriously, even though the Demon Prince’s mother came from the family of Qian, that was also a thousand years ago. For a whole thousand years, many family affections will become Indifferent, even more how, the current dry three yuan, and the nobleman of the family, there is no intersection.

The attitude of Qian Sanyuan has become more respectful, said solemnly: “The subordinates dare not, my family and Limitless Sect are always loyal to His Highness the Crown Prince. We are the prince’s retainers first, and then we are The prince’s relatives.”

“Hey, your Limitless Sect is too restrained.”

The devil prince said with a smile, seemingly helpless, but his expression is blasphemous.猓獠climbing and reading apologize 旒旒冻だ換旒樂Lai Kuaikuai, Ao Hong ィ ya apologize to the bottle chanting chivalrous man chu liquid oxime pure chu strong stand to fish for the 觳 Nuom Qi umbrella!

Seeing the devil prince speak, the Heaven Grade Elder did not dare to neglect, and immediately ran out at the fastest speed, bringing in the blood spirit child.

As soon as the Blood Spirit came in, Qian Sanyuan said, “Blood Spirit Son, do you know the crime? Who told you to promote the Promise Sword? Could it be that you don’t know, this is my Limitless Sect taboo? !”

In order to make the Promise Sword, Limitless Sect slaughtered millions of people. At the time, it was criticized by many people, including many star sects who strongly opposed it. For this reason, Limitless Sect also destroyed many sects that opposed them. No Sect Master would like to mention this kind of black history. The blood spirit said solemnly: “Limitless Sect Master, our Blood River Sect is unwilling to talk about it everywhere, but now there are people who hold the Promise Sword and kill half of my Blood River Sect. Heaven Grade quasi-emperor! They also shelter a large number of martial artists on the land, enter The sect of the sect of the ground formation becomes the new Guardian. Shouldn’t your Limitless Sect take care of this?”


Blood spirit early When he was prepared, he condense a piece of water mirror. Within the water mirror, countless images of battle suddenly appeared, and Ye Fei was holding the Promise Sword and beheading several Heaven Grade quasi-emperors of the Blood River Sect.


The moment I saw those images, Gan Sanyuan, and the Limitless Sect Elders present, were all furious, they recognized it at a glance, Ye Fei held The Black Sword is Ancient Era, and Limitless Sect has spent countless manpower and material resources to finally refine the embryo of the successful Divine Sword! The Demi-God of Limitless Sect back then, originally intended to use this sword embryo to break through Martial God in one fell swoop, but at the last moment, a lunatic from the Asura Holy Palace emerged and forcibly snatched the Promise Sword. Demi-God, who is a Limitless Sect, was even more accidental in the process of anger chasing and killing him.

He was counter-killed by that lunatic.

For many years since then, Limitless Sect has lost its ability to dominate the Ancient Starry Sky Road, and has become the laughing stock of the Starry Sect. Finally, it had to fly into a rage out of humiliation and was destroyed. Dozens of powerful star sects barely had a fig leaf.

At this time, seeing the Promise Sword reappearing, I took a palm of Sanyuan’s anger and patted the stone table in front of him into stone dust. The other Limitless Sect Elders were also angry and roared. : “Six Holy Sects, there are still remnants that have not died!”

“The Asura Sacred Palace was the one who snatched the Promise Sword back then!”

“Sect Masters of the past have orders, others The trialist of the Holy Palace, we can let it go, but if you come out of the Holy Palace of Asura, you have to meet one and kill one!”

“Damn the Holy Palace of Asura, these lunatics, bandits, and villains , Gangsters and female gangsters, how come they haven’t died…”

There are angry curses and curses from Limitless Sect Elders everywhere.

Ye Fei didn’t even know that Limitless Sect Elders would react so violently to the Asura Sacred Palace that they were simply rats crossing the street, and everyone shouted and beat them.

Blood Lingzi secretly cheers, blood river sect wants this kind of effect, as long as Limitless Sect is more angry, then they can use Limitless Sect murder a person with a borrowed knife, Kill Ye Fei. “Limitless Sect Master, now do you still think that our blood river sect is deliberately promoting this? It is true that we are in the hands of this Ye Fei, and we are planted too miserably. If we let this person and the group of peerless genius behind him Growing up, how serious the threat to our Star Sect is, believe me not

Say, you guys know it too.” The blood spirit seems to be respectful, but in fact he keeps fanning the flames.

Dan Sanyuan was full of anger, staring at Ye Fei’s Wuji sword dao: “This sword belongs to my Limitless Sect. Since it has appeared, no matter who it is, we must all Take it back, by the way, this is Ye Fei boy, where is he now?” The blood spirit fiercely said: “He must still be on the way to the bottom of the starry sky, at least half a year, as long as a year, he I will definitely come here! But before I, Sect Master deliberately caught some martial artists from the land of Blood River City and asked a lot about Ye Fei, so we Sect Master have a suggestion.

“What advice?” Gan Sanyuan was a little curious. Xue Lingzi said grimly: “Sect Master said, Ye Fei is a very cunning person, and I don’t know where he stole the business’s Void Technique, and dealt with him alone. It’s hard to catch his trace, so he has to deal with this person. , We must start from the people around him, grasp the weakness of his value emotion, value friendship, and give a fatal blow.

“Dian Sanyuan repeatedly nodded, said with a sneer: “value emotion, value Friendship, this is indeed the consistent style of the Asura Sacred Palace. Our martial artist, when the word for profit is the first, but the Asura Sacred Palace regards affection more than benefits, more important than life. The whole group is a group of two hundred and five. Destroy. By the way

, in this starry sky, is there anyone who is important to Ye Fei?”

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