The king of Tyrant Dragon was furious, but when he thought of it, Dragon Tortoise was probably clearly understood its conspiracy just now, and now it is taking the opportunity to blackmail, it furiously spouted on the spot: “Damn it. The black tortoise is so fat. Bah, you can take it out!”

Suddenly a big mouthful of ambergris, filled the black pot of Dragon Tortoise, filled with thieves, and many of them were sprayed on Dragon Tortoise’s body, Dragon Tortoise wasn’t even angry.


“Do it yourself!” Dragon Tortoise immediately raised a small wooden token to indicate that he is a big turtle. If you humiliate you, you can humiliate it. Anyway, there will be no less meat.

Chapter 1626 Danding City

Get a lot of spirit veins and dragons. Ye Fei is not too embarrassed. He continues to bully these Tyrant Dragons, and I am asking to understand and go to Danding City. After his specific route, he took back Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise and prepared to leave Tyrant Dragon’s lair.

Tyrant Dragon Wang hypocritical saved a few words, and when he saw Ye Fei insisted on leaving, he couldn’t help but exulted. Rarely, he brought hundreds of Tyrant Dragons in line to send off.

“Sir, go slowly…”

“Farewell…better go, don’t come back again…”

“My lord We don’t want you to go.” Suddenly, there was an unharmonious voice in the Tyrant Dragon group, but it was a simple and honest Tyrant Dragon. He was too deep in the scene and accidentally said the wrong thing. This suddenly scared all Tyrant Dragons. When he jumped, King Tyrant Dragon was even more furious with Thunderbolt, “Who said the last sentence, stand up, kill it directly, drag it out and throw it away!


All the Tyrant Dragons trembled collectively. The simple and honest Tyrant Dragon was even scared and immediately lowered his head. He didn’t dare to admit it to death. It called out those few words.

Ye Fei naturally felt the commotion of the Tyrant Dragons. Although he was unhappy in his heart, he didn’t bother to care about the 100 spirit veins.

“However, these wild animal groups seem to have a lot of spirit vein resources. If I can find more territory of the Tyrant Dragon clan. Maybe, those thousand spirit veins, I may not be able to get them together. “Ye Fei feels that this trip to the starry sky, he really came right.

Just considering that there are not many Spirit Stones on him, Ye Fei decided to sell the collected ambergris first, otherwise Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise will be hungry.

“Dragon Tortoise, hurry up!” Ye Fei jumped on the Dragon Tortoise and let the Dragon Tortoise fly with him. During the period, he also took the opportunity to give the big Void Technique to Dragon Tortoise, so What happened to him in the future, Dragon Tortoise could also take the grass and escape as quickly as possible.

In the end, he took the road of despair. One carelessness was consigned to eternal damnation. Ye Fei must also prepare in advance.

“I just don’t know that when the merchant knows, I not only learned the Void Technique, but also passed it to Dragon Tortoise. I don’t know if the merchant will attack me, but even if I do it, Shangluo should help me. Please plead.” Ye Fei smiled when thinking of Shangluo. Don’t look at him often being blackmailed by Shangluo, but Ye Fei knows that every time Shangluo blackmails his treasures, he doesn’t use them or is of no use to him. These treasures are also a waste of keeping, so it’s better to take them. To give the Chamber of Commerce the remaining heat, in fact, from Ye Fei’s selfish heart, he feels that Shangluo is still


Also considering this point, Ye Fei struggled for a while, but decided to take a risk and pass the big Void Technique to Dragon Tortoise, so that it is safer for Xiaocao.

“Dragon Tortoise, listen well, now I will pass you the great Void Technique. This is the number one magic technique in running, you have to learn it carefully.” Ye Fei pondered and started to follow The physique of the fierce demon teaches the great void step suitable for Dragon Tortoise cultivation.

Hearing this is an escape skill, Dragon Tortoise immediately showed a look of great interest, while flying, silently listening to Ye Fei’s explanation.

Xiaocao is still the same, he will sleep when he is full of Spirit Stone, and he will continue to eat Spirit Stone when he is hungry.

This makes Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise envy both on the way. You know, this primordial life planet is not very peaceful, there are huge beasts everywhere, Dragon Tortoise is so fat, just seeing a big fat black turtle flying around in the sky, this can be It arouses the appetite of many wild beasts, and Ye Fei has to often fight these wild beasts that suddenly appear


Once, he even encountered a siege from several quasi-emperor beast kings, but this also stimulated the potential of Dragon Tortoise. When he arrived in Danding City, Dragon Tortoise had mastered the Void Step. almost up.

Of course, considering that Da Xukongbu belongs to the merchant, even if Shangluo is righteous, he will not be held accountable too much, but it is difficult to guarantee that others in Chamber of Commerce will be taboo about this, so Ye Fei decided, Change the name of Dragon Tortoise’s Void Step, and it’s called Turtle Step.

Danding City is a big city. Even if it is not as good as the ancient city of Ancient Starry Sky Road, the city wall of 1000 meters high shocks Ye Fei fiercely. Heavenly Martial Continent, that is absolutely invisible.

“But this may also have something to do with the life of this planet.” Ye Fei secretly speculates that the life of this planet is still primordial, and trees with several hundred meters high are everywhere, if not The city wall a few thousand meters high is used for protection, and it is difficult for the Human Race living in it to survive.

Danding City is just as its name implies. This is a city famous for refining medicine pill and refining Spiritual Artifact. According to King Tyrant Dragon, there are two sects in it.

It was a family over 10,000 years ago, but later I didn’t know why, and split into the current Danyuan faction and the Chongding faction. Considering that this time is to sell ambergris, Ye Fei decided to go to Dan Yuan Sect’s Shanmen sells ambergris on one hand, and on the other hand, you can also inquire about Emperor Fan, the broken army and the others.

“Hey, this is the Dragon Tortoise, one of the Ten Great Ominous Beasts on the land? How could it grow so fat…” Ye Fei was about to pass the city gate and enter Danding City. Suddenly, he drove behind him. A luxurious carriage parked next to Ye Fei, and the green armored youth in the car seemed to be extremely interested in Dragon Tortoise.

“Brother, look at your costume. It should be a martial artist from Heavenly Martial Continent. The turtle you raised is not bad. I want it. You can make a price.”

When the green armored youth spoke, the dozen servants around the carriage directly took the ropes, ready to come over and take the Dragon Tortoise away.

Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise’s faces suddenly turned black.

“Not for sale!”

Ye Fei turned around and wanted to leave. The green armored youth was taken aback for a moment, like didn’t expect. In Danding City, some people dared to refuse his words. The youth’s face suddenly became a little ugly. He couldn’t help but be coldly snorted. The servants around him quickly understood. Just stop Ye Fei.

“Boy, do you know who you are talking to, we Young Master, but the Young Master of the Great Ding School, can see you Dragon Tortoise, that is your luck!” A servant is extremely proud The opened the mouth and said. It seems that he can become the servant of the youth, that is the glory of Supreme.

The Green Armored Youth also proudly opened the mouth and said: “I don’t believe that, in this world, there are things that I can’t buy with horse iron. You sell me this Dragon Tortoise, I’m a heavy pie, I help you refine a Demi-God Artifact for half price. What do you think?”

“Demi-God Artifact?”

Ye Fei was surprised. At Heavenly Martial Continent, The strongest weapon is Zhu Family of Zhu Xiaomei, but at present it can only refine Emperor Artifact, but the starry sky seems to be able to easily refine Demi-God Artifact, which makes him have a touch of Zhongding faction. interest.

“What is the half price, and why do you want to buy my Dragon Tortoise?” Ye Fei glanced at the servants around the horse iron, all of them are half-emperor.

Ma Tie himself, and even the powerhouse in the later period of Martial Sovereign, is just a half-sovereign Dragon Tortoise, which should not appeal to him. Ye Fei was puzzled, and Dragon Tortoise was also puzzled.

Chapter 1627 The horse has a big belly

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