Ye Fei did not need to deliberately inquire. He soon found a martial artist with a Danyuan logo. After a little inquiries, he soon came to Danyuan faction. Mountain gate. This mountain gate is as high as ten thousand zhang and ten thousand zhang. Suddenly there is a floating island on which Spiritual Qi overflows. Everywhere is exuding the fragrance of spiritual grass, attracting the curious eyes of the grass. Ye Fei immediately used divine sense again to block Xiaocao’s eyes. In the end, Xiaocao itself is the Heaven and Earth Spirit Object. If

is discovered by this group of Alchemists, it must be crazy.

Then Ye Fei walked towards the mountain gate. Outside the mountain gate, there was also a Danyuan school discipline immediately. He walked over and said politely: “This Senior, are you a land martial artist?”


Ye Fei was a little strange, “Does this have anything to do with me entering the Danyuan faction to sell things?” “Senior doesn’t know something, come to our Danyuan faction martial There are too many artists to receive at the same time. If you want to enter the Danyuan faction, you must first go to the Danyuan Inn, where there is a special Elder who is responsible for receiving seniors. If the senior wants to sell things, you can also trade at the Inn.” That discipline is very good. You are welcome


Ye Fei just came across. No wonder he was in the city and didn’t see any institutions like Chamber of Commerce. They were all gathered in Danyuan Inn.

“This should be the Danyuan faction’s special external organization.” Ye Fei nodded, his intention was to quickly sell the Ambergris for the Spirit Stone. As for whether to enter the Danyuan faction, it doesn’t matter. According to the instructions of this discipline, Ye Fei soon came to the Danyuan Inn again. It was at the bottom of the Danyuan faction floating island. There was a big Inn there. It was just the breath of the quasi emperor that Ye Fei sensed. , There are almost more than twenty. As for the breath of Martial Sovereign, there are more than a hundred.

“It seems that there are a lot of people who come to the Danyuan School to ask for help, but it’s right to think about it. The Danyuan School is mainly pill concocting, and medicine pill has a huge effect on martial artists. He is sought after by a large number of martial artists.”

If Ye Fei didn’t take the road of despair, and the improvement of battle strength depends on the spirit vein, maybe he would be the same as these martial artists, to medicine pill. , Produce a lot of dependence.

Ye Fei walked into the Danyuan Inn and found that there were a lot of people inside, queuing up there. He was a little curious, “What’s the matter, do I need to line up to sell things?”

“hmph, huh, of course you have to line up. Desolate beast pills have always been priceless. Not to mention Martial Sovereign. If you want to request purchases, you have to queue up here. Look at the previous ones. , Isn’t it the emperor?”

Hearing Ye Fei’s surprised tone, the martial artists in the surrounding line all smiled, and they obviously regarded Ye Fei as a hillbilly who just came to Danding City. Among them, the middle-aged martial artist, who also came from the land, but had obviously stayed in the starry sky for many years, came over and patted Ye Fei’s shoulder and said, “Little brother, it’s not long after entering the starry sky. This is the rule of the starry sky. Forbearance, except for the Limitless Sect, the Danyuan Sect can refine the wild animal pill. Even so, there is still a price but no market. If you want to buy it, you have to wait.”


Ye Fei was very depressed. He was here to sell things, but this person turned out to be buying things. But being curious, he couldn’t help asking: “Old Brother, I’m new here, I don’t understand the rules, what is that barren beast pill, is it precious?”

“Brother, you No way , I don’t even know what the Desolate Beast Pill is, so you just ran over to buy it. Forget it, for the sake of the same from Heavenly Martial Continent, I’ll explain a few words to you. Do you know the domain?” The martial artist asked mysteriously.

“You know, half-emperor, Martial Sovereign, can produce domains, what’s so mysterious about this?” Ye Fei felt a little speechless. Hearing what Ye Fei said so casually, the middle-aged martial artist suddenly felt distressed, and hate iron for not becoming steel said, “My brother, you can’t be so big, let’s be humans, but you can’t aim too high!” We are all ordinary martial artists, how can we compare with those geniuses? Let’s say it to you

Martial Sovereign Realm, we generally can only master the Profound Truth, but if there is a wild animal pill, we will Yes, we are constantly improving the Profound Truth and forming the field, so you understand?”

Ye Fei, this is the reason why there are that many Martial Sovereigns lined up here. , Can actually make the Martial Sovereign without the field, produce the field!

The realm happened to be the biggest obstacle from Martial Sovereign breakthrough to Zhundi, but soon he discovered another problem.

“Strangely, even if the Desolate Beast Pill can produce domains, it is only effective for Martial Sovereign, why is there a quasi emperor who is also queuing here?” Ye Fei curiously asked.

“Hehe, brother, you are really a blank piece of paper, but seeing everyone familiar, I can tell you, but you know…” The middle-aged Martial Sovereign suddenly stopped and stretched out Rubbing two fingers, blinking at Ye Fei, a typical face asking for money.

Ye Fei is completely speechless. Understand that 80% of the middle-aged Martial Sovereign in front of him is the Old Fox who specializes in the Inn, specializing in selling intelligence, or inquiring information for others.

However, he did not at all refuse this person’s request. In the end, he is not familiar with the road under the stars. It is convenient for him to inquire about the news with such a person. Ye Fei said solemnly: “Take everything you know Tell me, money is not a problem.” “Haha, my brother is really smart, and I like to deal with smart people. These wild beast pills are actually divided into levels, and ordinary wild beast pills can only be used by ordinary Martial Sovereign. Profound Truth, transformed into a realm, but this is the worst desolate beast pill. Above the ordinary, there are Heaven, Earth and Human, three different kinds of desolate beast pill.”

“One of the wild pill, the martial artist’s realm can be raised from the Ordinary Level to the king level!”

“The wild pill above it. The martial artist’s realm can be raised from the king level , Upgrade to Earth Grade!” “The most heavenly pill, but also the martial artist’s domain, from Earth Grade to Heaven Grade! Let our ordinary Martial Sovereign, quasi emperor, also become like peerless genius. The strongest Heaven Grade Zhundi! This is the exclusive information I have collected, and it is also the reason why many Zhundi are willing to wait in line here.”

Middle-aged Martial After Sovereign finished speaking, he looked at Ye Fei with piercing eyes.

Ye Fei thought for a while, then threw out a hundred thousand Spirit Stone, and asked: “You seem to be familiar with the road under the stars. Are you well informed? I want to ask you a few people Whereabouts.”

“Inquiry, the price is not cheap.” The middle-aged Martial Sovereign was a little embarrassed.

“1,000,000 high grade Spirit Stone.” Ye Fei opened the mouth and said. After all, he is not familiar with the starry sky, but the middle-aged Martial Sovereign local tyrant is the easiest to find the news.

“Deal! Young Master, please tell me, you want to find out whose whereabouts.” Seeing Ye Fei’s generous shot, obviously not an ordinary person, this person’s attitude has become more respectful. Ye Fei said: “Difan, Pojun, Xue Yue, Dongfang Yu, and… Zhao Yu…”

Chapter 1630 Star Battle List

“Dongfang Yu I did not I have heard, but the white clothed War God Difan, and the knife god Xue Yue, the Guardian descendants broke the army, these all are the people on the starry sky battle strength list, Young Master, how do you know them?” The middle-aged Martial Sovereign was shocked. Jump, know what kind of people in what position.

As soon as the names of these people came out, Ye Fei’s identity suddenly became unfathomable. Ye Fei is not surprised at this. If he doesn’t even wince, this person is also impossible to sell information here.

Ye Fei indifferently said: “I am who, you don’t need to know, you just need to answer my question, what is the star battle strength list? How do you know those titles?”

Middle-aged Martial Sovereign’s attitude is becoming more and more respectful: “Back to Young Master, the battle strength list is a star sect. Sky Spirit Sect released it. They are the most informed when they inquire about the news. Basically, what major event happens in the starry sky, Sky Spirit Sect will The first one to know, and then immediately publish the world.”

Famously nodded, Ye Fei’s brows slightly solemnly said: “So, Sky Spirit Sect, can anyone know whereabouts at any time?”” That is not enough, the starry sky is so big, even with the means of Sky Spirit Sect, you can only trace the news within ten days, which is already the limit. But Young Master, the few people you mentioned are currently in the starry sky. They are not only safe to get off the road, but they are all mixed well.” Middle-aged Martial Sovereign accompanied

said with a smile.

“Can you be sure?”

“The decision is certain. Just ten days ago, Sky Spirit Sect just announced the ranking of the star battle strength list!” Middle-aged Martial Sovereign affirmed.

Ye Fei secretly nodded, it seems that people like Emperor Fan are still lucky, at least they haven’t been sent to the pit by the starry sky of the breaking army, but Dongfang Yu is pitiful, and there is no news yet, and I don’t know. Which continent was teleported to, it is estimated that it is difficult for Dongfang Yu to return to Ancient Starry Sky Road without a year. “By the way, who is on the starry sky battle strength list?” Knowing that everyone is safe, Ye Fei couldn’t help being interested in this starry sky list. This is not a secret in the starry sky. Martial Sovereign pointed to the wall not far away and said: “Young Master, there is the ranking of the battle strength list.

As soon as there is the latest news, Sky Spirit Sect will be updated in time. The current battle strength The list was announced one month ago.”

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