” Go , a trifling Ordinary Level Zhundi , you are not qualified yet. Talk to our Young Master. The Chongding faction will come here today, just to crusade against the terrestrial martial that is disrespectful to me. The artist, anyone who has nothing to do with others, immediately scatter away!”


Between words, this old man directly released his Heaven Grade quasi-emperor’s power, and there are many in Inn. The martial artist was in an uproar.

“What’s the matter, the Hundred Years of Danding Battle has not started yet, why did the Chongding faction openly enter the Inn of the Danyuan faction?”

“hmph, you didn’t listen What this Senior said, it must be a martial artist from the land. Act recklessly, offended the Chong Ding Sect, the untouchables really are untouchables!”

“Who do you think are untouchables?” Suddenly, a cold voice , Appeared behind this person, and without turning his head, he opened his mouth and cursed: “I said you martial artists on the ground are all untouchables. Why, in front of the Chong Ding faction, you dare to…”


Ye Fei didn’t say anything, but suddenly slapped him and slapped him. The latter suddenly screamed and fell to the ground, his face constantly touching the ground. The friction, sliding, a horrible to see blood path appeared on the floor.

Ye Fei’s actions also immediately exposed his position. Ma Tie, who had just walked in with someone, noticed almost instantly, “It’s you, you really haven’t left, and you beat me so badly, you dare to swagger and line up here!”

Ma Tie’s eyes became red. As a Young Master of the Heavy Tripod faction, he was always aloof and remote. In Danding City, no one had ever dared to offend him, and Ye Fei not only offended him, but also shot and killed in public. When the enemy met him once, Martie’s eyes were red.

“Hey, it was you. I clearly remembered that I killed you with a punch. How could you still live like this?” Ye Fei was surprised when he saw the reappearing Ma Tie.

His words made the martial artists around him look shocked and terrified.

“What, this man actually killed Ma Tie once, really?”

“It is true, someone sent a letter just now that Ma Tie was at the city gate and was killed. Killing on the spot, if it were not for the power of swallowing the beasts and possessing the ability to split and reorganize flesh and blood, Ma Tie would have died.”

An informed martial artist, whispered to his companions, they thought, this After the man killed Ma Tie, he should have escaped long ago. No one didn’t expect that Ye Fei not only did not escape, but also openly appeared in the Inn of the Danyuan School.

“Fourth Elder, this is the man who broke up my war chariot, and almost killed me, but also asked Elder to take action and take down the murderer.” Ma Tie’s tone was a bit of bitterness.

The old man behind him, who is also the Fourth Elder of the Heavy Ding School, looked at Ye Fei indifferently and said: “Young Master, don’t worry, it’s just a land-based untouchable, this Elder will let him I know how serious the consequences of offending my Chong Ding faction are, kneel down and die!”


Ye Fei was not given any opportunity to excuse for mercy. The moment Ye Fei was identified, this Fourth Elder, without asking the reason, hurt the killer and wanted to kill Ye Fei instantly.

Ye Fei has once again seen how arrogant and unreasonable these star sects are. No wonder Sky Spirit Sect will publish such a ridiculous starry battle list.

“Obviously, Sky Spirit Sect is afraid of offending the Blood River Sect, so it puts the blood spirit child in second place. If I hadn’t killed Huoxiao, Sky Spirit Sect could not deny it. Even the top three of the star battle list may not be able to enter.” Ye Fei sneered in his heart.

At the same time, when Fourth Elder’s big hand came over, Ye Fei’s hand also slammed past, instantly colliding with Fourth Elder’s.

This time, Ye Fei still didn’t use martial arts, it was just the strength of the fleshy body, but the formidable power of his palm is definitely not much worse than the hardness of Demi-God Artifact.

At the moment when the palms of both parties collided, there was a loud bang inside the Inn. Fourth Elder’s whole person was furious, and when he saw Ye Fei, who was undead by the simple palm of his flesh, a realm of breath suddenly appeared on his body. But before Fourth Elder’s domain was completely released, Ye Fei’s body suddenly burst into a cloud of sword light. Then there was a Taiji Sword picture of black and white, two colors, which instantly suppressed Fourth Elder. Originally, Ye Fei’s sword was just trying to resist this person’s domain attack. How did you know that at the moment when he released the Taiji Sword map, Fourth Elder screamed, vomiting blood and backed away crazily.

Chapter 1632 Dan Linger

“Actually, so unattended, may I ask, are you really Heaven Grade quasi-emperor?” Ye Fei was stunned, you know, What he released just now was only the king-level Tai Chi domain, but with one move, he vomited blood from the Fourth Elder who had Heaven Grade quasi-emperor.

If it weren’t for the sense that Fourth Elder was indeed under Taiji Sword’s qi and blood was damaged, he would have to doubt whether this person was disguising. This same scene also shocked all the martial artists around. They also clearly felt that the breath of Fourth Elder was clearly the breath of Heaven Grade quasi-emperor. In the end, it was Fourth Elder being caught by Ye Fei, a sword. energy defeated. The most shocking thing is that the realm contained in Ye Fei sword energy is clearly only a king-level realm.

Don’t say Ye Fei is blinded, many people are stupid on the spot.

“What’s the situation, the Heaven Grade domain, I can’t beat the king-level domain?”

“What do you know, the Zhundi of the Great Ding School, and the Zhunyuan of the Danyuan School? Like the emperor, their domains are used to assist the pill concocting refining device, and simply are not used for combat!”

“But even in the auxiliary Heaven Grade domain, they want to win with a single sword. That can only be done if the other party is a quasi emperor!”

For a while, many martial artists looked towards Ye Fei became in awe, especially the insulting martial artist on the land just now. Martial Sovereign of the untouchables. He got up from the ground face covered in blood, and was about to furiously go to fight Ye Fei desperately.

Suddenly I saw Ye Fei’s subsequent sword, pushing back the Fourth Elder, the Heaven Grade quasi-emperor. I was so scared that I didn’t dare to put a fart, so I got into the crowd and never again. Dare to show up.

The injured Fourth Elder was even more angry at this time. When he stabilized his injury, he yelled at Ma Tie: “Ma Tie, you actually played me! Didn’t you say that he is just a fleshy body? Why don’t you tell this Elder, he is also a quasi-emperor, or a king-level quasi-emperor!”

At the moment of seeing Ye Fei’s release domain, everyone present took advantage of Ye Fei’s strength , Judging to become a king-level quasi-emperor, Ye Fei is also speechless.

A king-level domain scares these people like this. If he releases the three Heaven Grade domains, it won’t scare these people to death. But Ye Fei not at all did that. Instead, he moved in his heart and pondered secretly: “People are afraid of being famous for being a pig. Now Limitless Sect doesn’t know why. It seems to have been eyeing me. I will not release the Heaven Grade domain. You can pretend that if the Heaven Grade field is released, someone will definitely connect

me and Ye Fei.”

“Yes, I am a king-level quasi-emperor. You, a little blacksmith, dare to oppose this seat. This seat sees that you don’t know how to write the words and know how to write, so get out immediately. This seat disdains lower oneself to somebody’s level.” Ye Fei backs both hands. Behind him, make a proud gesture.

It is really arrogant and arrogant, arrogant and arrogant, but if Ye Fei is arrogant towards Ordinary Level or Martial Sovereign, it will be fine.

But the key point is that from now on, Ye Fei faces Heaven Grade Zhundi, Ye Fei is still so arrogant, so arrogant, and even treats the other party as ants. How do you look at it, how weird. If I change to another Heaven Grade quasi emperor, hearing this, I will slap Ye Fei to death and vent my anger. Helpless, Fourth Elder, the Heaven Grade quasi emperor, owns the auxiliary field, so there is nothing to bully. Ordinary Level quasi emperor is okay, if you encounter a powerful king quasi emperor, Fourth Elder will immediately

not be an opponent.

“Okay, okay, you have a kind, and no one has ever dared to fight against our Chongding faction in Danding City. Everyone listens. If anyone can take action, help the old man kill With this kid, the old man was on the spot and gave him a Demi-God Artifact!” A somber sneer appeared on Fourth Elder’s face. Ma Tie also stared at Ye Fei even more bitterly, and said separately: “This time I admit it, I just missed it. Didn’t expect you to be a king-level quasi-emperor, but so what? We are fighting strength. Although it is not strong, we are good at refining tools. As long as we take out a Demi-God Artifact, some of them are battle strength.

The powerful quasi emperor will work for us. You say, don’t you?” Ma Tie With a hideous complexion, he quickly swept past several quasi emperors in the crowd. They all came to the Danyuan Sect to ask for the desolate beast pill, but this is not to say that they were indifferent to Demi-God Artifact. Ye Fei, everyone can get the Demi-God Artifact. Except for an old Zhundi, hesitated.

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