Be aware of Tyrant Dragon’s covet. Danyuan faction has been coveting for many years. During this period, he sent people to try to communicate with King Tyrant Dragon, but when he went to one, he was trampled to death. Over time, in this area, no one dared to provoke the group of Tyrant Dragons.

Like Ye Fei, not only can he “trade” with Tyrant Dragon to get a lot of ambergris, he can also retreat all over his body. Uncle Dan has lived for most of his life, and it was the first time I saw him. I knew what to say, but looked at the big tank of Ambergris foolishly, and was speechless for a long time in shock.

Ye Fei’s heart suddenly became nervous, “Could it be that Tyrant Dragon King pits me, these are not essence dragons?” If that is the case, he has to go back and find that Tyrant Dragon to settle the account. .

In the beast seal space, Dragon Tortoise has a dark face. There is a black pot in front of its eyes, and it is full of dozens of catties of dragon saliva sprayed by King Tyrant Dragon. “No, no, no, Xiaoyu, no, Dongfang Young Master, you have misunderstood, these all are the true essence of the dragon’s mouth, this time you gave us the Danyuan faction and made great contributions, just this Qianjin Ambergris, you can redeem at least ten Desolate Pills!” Uncle Dan quickly changed his mouth, and his face was even hotter.

Only then did he know that he was looking away.

The Eastern Young Master in front of him, where is aiming too high, is clearly a deeply hidden super powerhouse, and Uncle Dan’s attitude has naturally become much more enthusiastic.

For ordinary king-level quasi-emperors, Danyuan faction may not care, but for Ye Fei, it has great potential. It can also exist and communicate well with Tyrant Dragon King. , This is the goal that the Danyuan faction must make every effort to win.

As soon as Uncle Dan said nothing, he took Ye Fei to the guest official’s residence as quickly as possible, and then hurriedly said: “Oriental Young Master, I’ll help you exchange ten A piece of land pill.”

“It’s hard to work, but let’s forget about the land pill. What I need is the sky pill. I hope that all these dragons can be exchanged for Spirit Stone. If there is a spirit vein, That would be even better.” Ye Fei said with a smile, in his current realm, Earth Wild Pill, really didn’t appeal to him much.

Uncle Dan’s eyelids twitched again, but this time he didn’t dare to underestimate Ye Fei’s request. Instead, he took a deep look at Ye Fei and said: “Wait a moment, this matter , I immediately ask the two Vice Sect Masters. As for the Spirit Stone, we will exchange it for you.”

As for the spirit vein, Uncle Dan didn’t mention it, and Ye Fei didn’t ask much. Isn’t it right now? In ancient times, the spirit vein was precious not only on land, but also in the starry sky.

For example, in the Danyuan Sect at this time, Xiaocao sensed the breath of more than one hundred spirit veins. Unfortunately, he can see and cannot move these spirit veins, which makes Ye Fei very depressed. .

“I really don’t know when will we get those 1,000 spirit veins.” Ye Fei sighed and walked into the guest official residence. This is a small courtyard with three entrances and one exit, which is not comparable to those palaces in the depths of the Danyuan School, but Ye Fei is already very satisfied. In the end, he is just a guest official of the Danyuan faction, or the one who wants to stay or leave as long as he wants. Of course he is impossible to expect that the Danyuan faction will come up with great things to entertain him


But Ye Fei was very satisfied with the efficiency of Danyuan faction. Less than a quarter of an hour after Uncle Dan left, there was a discipline of Danyuan faction, carrying a large number of Spirit Stone boxes and walking in file. Enter his courtyard.

Soon, his courtyard was filled with Spirit Stone boxes of mountain peaks, worth hundreds of billions. These Spirit Stones not only filled Ye Fei’s space belt. , In the beast print space, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise felt very crowded again.

In the end, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise had to squat down on Xiaocao’s fairy crystal bed. Other places were already completely submerged by the Spirit Stone, and even a place to turn over could not be squeezed out, but At this time, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise are full of happiness.

When a large number of Spirit Stones flooded in, Dragon Tortoise again secretly made a black mouth, and Xiaocao quickly discovered Dragon Tortoise’s actions.


“roar roar!”

Dragon Tortoise was so busy that he had no time to explain, he erected a small wooden token again and wrote: “I will finish this meal first, and wait for me Start exercising when you’re full.”

Xiaocao really believed in it, so he let Dragon Tortoise go crazy there, and soon, the crowded animal print space was eaten by Dragon Tortoise again. The looser.

At the same time.

Uncle Dan also reported Ye Fei’s affairs to Dan Linger again as quickly as possible. When he heard that Ye Fei not only got a lot of ambergris, he could also talk to King Tyrant Dragon. When Rao was the Vice Sect Master, Dan Linger was also taken aback. “This time it’s my fault. Even if Dongfang Yu’s potential is not as good as the geniuses on the Star Wars list, it’s not much worse. No wonder he dared to offend the Great Ding faction like that. I thought he was an ignorance is a bliss. It now appears that this person is boldness of execution stems from superb skill, and he simply didn’t put Ma Tie in his eyes.

“Dan Ling’er’s face showed a wry smile and a touch of regret.

I knew Ye Fei had such potential. No matter how busy she was, she would stop and try to win Ye Fei. Fortunately, there is still a chance to make up for it.

Dan Ling’er thought for a while, and asked Uncle Dan: “Uncle Dan, just now you said that Dongfang Yu is not interested in Dihuang Pill, and he wants to open his mouth and wants Heaven Desolate Pill? This is surprising. He is just a king-level quasi-emperor. The most useful thing for him at the moment is the land pill. What does he need the pill for now?”

“Second Young Lady, the old man has a saying, no I know if I should say it.”

“Say!” Dan Linger raised his hand domineeringly and motioned to Uncle Dan to continue. Uncle Dan not only neglected, but quickly lowered his head, and said in a deep sound transmission: “Second Young Lady, I suspect that this Dongfang Yu is probably not a king-level quasi-emperor, but an Earth-grade quasi-emperor. You know, only those who are Earth-grade quasi-emperors will be against the sky.

With great interest, Limitless Sect also relied on a large number of Tianhuang Dan to win over many forces in the starry sky…”

“Earth Grade Zhundi? So, the potential of Dongfang Yu is completely Qualified, to compete with those peerless genius on the Star Wars list!”

Although Uncle Dan’s speculation is outrageous, Dan Linger stood up from the chair with a shocked face, and immediately there was no tea. Drink, Dan Ling’er has disappeared in the main hall,

Soon, Dan Ling’er’s silhouette appeared in the guest official again, in the room of a certain Earth Grade Zhundi, “God, something , I want to ask you to help…”

The guest official of the Danyuan Sect, not only Ye Fei alone, but a full 36, divided into 36 rooms in total, among which the closer the room is, The strength of this guest official is getting stronger. As a rookie, he is only a king-level quasi-emperor, Ye Fei’s room, of course, is number 36 at the bottom.

Chapter 1636 Tentative

Sent away those Danyuan school disciplines that carry Spirit Stone, Ye Fei not at all rest, the Danyuan school’s desolate beast pill makes him very Exciting.

Know that it is very difficult to improve the domain. Even if he has spirit strength, he can continuously cultivate the only true domain, the strongest domain.

But it is also very time-consuming to keep the level of these fields up.

The appearance of the Desolate Beast Pill made Ye Fei see the hope of rapidly upgrading the domain level. It also made him understand why that many Heaven Grade Zhundi appeared in the starry sky.

“These people are obviously not peerless genius, but they can raise the domain to Heaven Grade. This must be the effect of the natural pill.”

Ye Fei also thought of him In Lieyang City, he was charged with the beast cores of the wild beasts. At that time, he did not understand why Fierce Sun Sect was so interested in the beast cores of the wild beasts. Now he understands that Fierce Sun Sect collects these beast cores. , May be in exchange for Tianhuang Dan.

Obviously, the beast core of the wild beast is the biggest raw material for refining various wild beast pills. At the same time, this medicine pill is absolutely unique to the starry sky. You can see it in Heavenly Martial Continent simply impossible. Ye Fei was also unavoidably excited, and secretly pondered: “These Desolate Pills are the special treasures of Ancient Starry Sky Road. If I can return to Heavenly Martial Continent with a large number of Desolate Pills, it will be for Ye Family or True Martial. Saint Court will all be a qualitative leap, especially Uncle Jian, Luo Xing

they, and the children of Ye Divine Sect…” Their potential is not too good. , If they understand it by themselves, it will take hundreds of years before they can understand the realm and breakthrough the quasi emperor, but if there are a large number of desolate beast pills, it may only take ten years or even less time, Ye Family and True Martial Saint Court, there will be a large number of quasi emperors appearing


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