And seeing Ye Fei accept the Di Huang Dan, he obviously accepted her apology. Dan Ling’er is relaxed, not to mention Ye Fei’s amazing battle strength. The fact that Ye Fei can “communicate” with the Tyrant Dragon King is worthy of the Danyuan faction’s full wooing. The sky spear old man was even more envious and explained to Ye Fei: “Yes, you can have the Earth Grade domain by refining the wasteland pill, but the time may be different. It depends on the individual’s potential. Some people, a few days. It will be able to break through. For some people, it may take months or even years. Young people

You better be cautious, after all, the battle of Danding is about to begin.”

“What Is it the battle of Danding?” Ye Fei is very curious. He has heard many times about the battle of Danding.

“You don’t even know the battle of Danding, so you came to Danding City to experience it?” The old man of Skyspear suddenly had the urge to vomit blood. After a long time, his reminder was totally in vain. Up.

Dan Ling’er also felt a little depressed in her heart, and she didn’t know if Ye Fei had a big nerve, or was too mad about money. “You actually don’t know anything. So, you just heard that our Danyuan faction has a natural pill, and you chose to join the Danyuan faction?”

“Yes!” Ye Fei is confident Said: “I can’t say that I admire Vice Sect Master you, but this should be the guest official? In that case, you will definitely not believe Vice Sect Master.”

Er’s face suddenly flushed, with a shy beauty.

“cough cough cough! I’m old, so I won’t participate in your young people’s affairs, so I’ll leave first.” The old man of the sky spear coughed a few times, and just made an excuse to leave.

When he left, he still sighed in his heart, “It’s better to be young. When you meet a little girl, I will do it when it is time to do it. Unfortunately, I am old.”

Sky Spear The old man felt very sad, even if there was Dan Linger to help him cover, but the sky spear old man knew in his heart that compared to Ye Fei, he was still too far behind. Dignified Earth Grade was almost beaten by a king-level junior. The injured badly with many teeth knocked out, the blow is really too heavy. “The Battle of Danding is the battle between our Danyuan faction and the Heavy Ding faction once every 100 years, in order to fight for the control of Danding City! We recruit guest official arbitrarily, also for the battle of Danding. Prepare, after all, our two factions are good at pill concocting, fighting is not our strong point.

Dan Linger stabilizes his mind and starts to introduce Ye Fei with heart. . “The previous Danding battle was won by our Danyuan faction, but it was a tragic victory. Not only our guest official suffered heavy casualties, but even my grandfather, the previous generation Sect Master, died in that battle. He is also our Danyuan faction, the only Pill Dao quasi emperor who is good at fighting. When my grandfather died, our Danyuan faction suddenly had no leader. My father’s Pill Dao realm was not enough to succeed the Sect Master, so currently our Danyuan faction only has Vice Sect Master, there is no Sect Master! The Heavy Ding faction will definitely take this opportunity to regain control of Danding City, especially the control of that barren vein!” Dan Ling

Yes said.

Ye Fei was secretly surprised when he heard it. He didn’t have much interest in the fight between the two sects. It was the wild vein that made him a little curious, so he couldn’t help asking: “What is the wild vein?” Dan Linger nodded and said: “The wild vein is a special kind of spirit vein, hundreds thousand spirit veins, it is possible to give birth to a wild vein. At present, we have found three wild veins under the starry sky, two of which are in the hands of Limitless Sect. , There is another one, which was mastered by the former Danding School. Forgot to say, you must have a wild vein to become a natural pill. Now, do you understand why I want the old man to test you? “

Ye Fei said solemnly: “You want me to participate in this Danding battle!”

“Would you like to participate?” Dan Linger looked forward to it. With Ye Fei.

“Why don’t you participate! But if I win, how many wild pill can I get?” Ye Fei did not refuse. Since he knows that there is a wild pill here and can quickly improve the Heaven Grade domain, he absolutely cannot miss.

As for fighting, what he is best at is fighting!

Ye Fei has absolute confidence in this.

Dan Ling’er was happy on his face, and immediately promised: “As long as the battle of the pill and tripod, you guest official can let us win, and each will reward one pill!”

“Only one?” Ye Fei is a bit unsatisfied, but he has two areas that need to be upgraded to Heaven Grade, not to mention that the eighth-level Tianlong also needs to condense eight Heaven Grade areas. This is a thorough practice. to make.

“Couldn’t you give me more?” Ye Fei probed.

“Your wild pill that day was Chinese cabbage! Even if there is a wild vein, within 100 years, our pill faction can reach fifty at most, which is the limit. No matter how many, it will be the limit. Desolate veins.” Dan Linger shook his head helplessly.

Ye Fei only then learned that the refining of Tianhuang Dan is actually very difficult, which made him a little disappointed, knowing that obtaining a large amount of Tianhuang Dan in a short period of time is basically impossible. .

“Fortunately, as long as I win the battle of the pill and tripod, I can also get a natural pill. It is better than nothing.” Ye Fei did not insist. He talked to Dan Ling’er for a while.

After he rejected Dan Ling’er and wanted to provide better accommodation, he understood that Ye Fei was in a hurry for cultivation, and Dan Ling’er simply left. Ye Fei was holding the two wild pill, enthusiastic, and wanted to try the effect.

Chapter 1638 Earth Grade Field

Since it is necessary to cultivation breakthrough, the best land of cultivation is by no means the cultivation quiet room provided by the Danyuan School, but the gathering owned by Ye Fei Spirit tower.

There, there are a hundred spirit veins converging Spiritual Qi, which is almost equivalent to the sum of spirit veins of the entire Danyuan School.

Back to the room, Ye Fei directly took out the Spirit Gathering Pagoda and entered the Spiritual Qi world inside. Nourished by hundreds of spiritual veins, the Spiritual Qi inside is no longer a small spiritual river, it is clearly a big river.

At this time, Ye Fei sat cross-legged on this big river, preparing for cultivation, Xiaocao also happily took the Dragon Tortoise, ran out of the animal print space and ran in this Spiritual Qi world Run away.

But Ye Fei always feels a bit strange while running. After a closer look, he suddenly discovered how the appearance of Dragon Tortoise suddenly became a lot fatter. It was originally a flat body. Shi turned into an oval shape directly, and his limbs could not reach the ground.

In the past, Xiaocao dragged Dragon Tortoise’s tail out. Now, Xiaocao can only hold Dragon Tortoise in his arms with difficulty. It can be seen how fat the food is.

Ye Fei’s eyelids suddenly jumped and he hurried to look at the beast print space, and then he was shocked to find that the Spirit Stone inside was actually eaten thoroughly.

Obviously Dragon Tortoise also knows that Ye Fei sold Ambergris and made a fortune. This time the black mouth is also very hard. In less than a day, tens of millions of Spirit Stones are all After being eaten by Dragon Tortoise, it’s no wonder that Dragon Tortoise will be overwhelmed.

Ye Fei’s heart of vomiting blood is gone, and he hurriedly asked Xiaocao: “Xiaocao, didn’t I let you watch this guy, why did you let him eat so much at one go?”

“Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Yes, it will start dieting and exercise next meal.

Dragon Tortoise also hiccups, and erected a small wooden token to tell Ye Fei that it did eat a little bit this time, but when it can walk, it must get up and work hard.

Ye Fei didn’t say anything, just pretended to be careless, and dropped a Spirit Stone, and suddenly a black mouth stretched out beside him, and he bit the Spirit Stone accurately and firmly. live.

But as soon as he bit it, Dragon Tortoise’s face turned dark, and the staring mung bean looked at Ye Fei, and Ye Fei and Xiaocao’s face turned darker. Obviously, the so-called exercise is just an excuse that Dragon Tortoise can easily find. “Da Hei, it’s okay for your black mouth, but don’t blame me for not reminding you. I believe that after a few days, Ma Tie sees you are so fat, he will not mind eating you raw…” Ye Fei is rare Not angry, but said something irrelevant, but it was this incident that changed Dragon Tortoise’s face

and the tortoise shells all over his body rolled out of cold sweat.

Obviously for the perverted foodie of Ma Tie, even Dragon Tortoise, who is also a foodie, was also scared witless at this time. Then, without Ye Fei’s instructions, Dragon Tortoise had learned his lesson from pain, and had already fluttered and jumped into the distance. On the spiritual river, just paddle hard for exercise.

Ye Fei also instructed Xiaocao: “Xiaocao, you see the big black, let it swim 10,000 laps, don’t eat a piece of Spirit Stone if you don’t finish it.”

“Eh!” Xiaocao patted her little body seriously and nodded, indicating that Xiaocao is also very angry now, and will definitely look at Dragon Tortoise fiercely. Speaking of Xiaocao, he jumped on the back of Dragon Tortoise, supervised Dragon Tortoise very seriously, and kept paddling in the spiritual river, rolling the entire spiritual river into a huge Spiritual Qi wave. Fortunately, these Spiritual Qi can’t affect Ye Fei yet. He took out the two Divine Pills and used divine sense to probe it. Yes.

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