“roar roar!” Dragon Tortoise slapped the carapace, and his eyes were very triumphant, because it not only hung the free card, but also helped Ye Fei and fiercely scold the group of guests. Official, Dragon Tortoise feels that his contribution is huge. At the very least, Ye Fei needs to reward him with two Spirit Stone meals.

Chapter 1642 Cowardly Fight

Hearing that Dragon Tortoise has sent the group of challenging guest official, Ye Fei didn’t think much about it. In the end, his main purpose now is to improve his Vermilion Bird. Above the field.

With the continuous influx of his spirit strength, his Vermilion Bird Profound Truth began to grow, transform, and gradually, a fire-like world emerged from behind Ye Fei. A touch of joy suddenly appeared on Ye Fei’s face.

The emergence of the Agni World, this proves that his Vermilion Bird domain has been formed, but the Vermilion Bird domain that has just been formed now is only the lowest Ordinary Level domain, which makes Ye Fei secretly uncomfortable. Since the birth of a new field, Ordinary Level is still too low.

Anyway, there are still a few days before the battle of Danding, Ye Fei immediately decided to use the past few days to push this Ordinary Level domain as far as possible to the king-level domain. Of course, before that, he still had to let the Vermilion Bird domain first merge with the Octopus Heavenly Dragon.

“Vermilion Bird’s main fire, but incarnation fire, condenses the fire hexagram!” With Ye Fei’s inner voice, his within the body, eight dragons, rushed out again, except for the Ice Dragon among them, In addition to the blood dragon, Azure Dragon and Thunder Dragon, there are four remaining Heavenspan dragons. Suddenly one of them raised their necks and opened the dragon’s mouth, like a dragon swallowing the sun, and a mouthful of Ye Fei just formed

Vermilion Bird field, swallowed it in one bite. In the spirit gathering tower, the dragon roar suddenly shook the sky, and there was a raging fire everywhere. In the fire, the ordinary dragon was instantly melted into a ball of flame, and in the flame, there was a new dragon of flame, reborn. from the ashes. The moment when Fire Dragon formed. The Ice Dragon, which was silent, suddenly rose up

first and roared.

Then the two dragons confronted each other, and the ice and the fire spit each other, and behind Ye Fei, another wonderful water and fire world was formed. Ye Fei was also at this time, bursting into air, within the body a loud explosion sound, all the cells of the whole body turned into infinite vortex, swallowing all the Spiritual Qi of the spiritual river within the body, and then turned into a majestic. The True Essence Qi is continuously integrated into the Fire Dragon, so the formidable power of the Fire Dragon suddenly becomes stronger and stronger, although it still cannot withstand the oppression of the Heaven Grade Ice Dragon. But under the support of Ye Fei’s majestic true essence, this Fire Dragon has also begun to continuously improve and transform. Naturally, Ye Fei, who is immersed in cultivation, has long forgotten the group of guest official outside. Behind the head. Dragon Tortoise was also busy with his black mouth, desperately looking for the Spirit Stone everywhere, but he forgot to remind Ye Fei.

“Damn it, that Eastern Demon is not the usual arrogance. At this time, it is the day when the Battle of Dan Ding began. All the guest official is already here, and he is the only one , I can’t see the shadow!”

“Hey, the demon is just good luck. It just happened that the Vice Sect Master of Dan Linger fell in love with him. If not, I would be the first one. I have to fight him!”

“Hush, don’t talk, two Vice Sect Masters are here.”

The battle of the Dan Ding is related to the Dan Yuan faction and the Chong Ding faction. Dan Ling’er, Dan Ling’er, and Dan Ling’er’s father, Dan Yuanzi dare not neglect.

Early in the morning, the two Vice Sect Masters have already come to the courtyard of the guest official, ready to gather everyone to go to the city for a battle.

But what makes Dan Ling’er strange is that everyone is here, but Ye Fei hasn’t appeared for a long time. Dan Yuanzi’s face turned black on the spot, even if he is addicted to pill concocting, regardless of the world , But recently I have heard many bad rumors. At this moment Dan Yuanzi couldn’t help but say: “Ling’er, you are too silly, even if you love that Dongfang Yu any more, you still have to let this person support you on the wall, his challenge to the white-haired ancestor It’s too much to avoid fighting. At this moment, he dare to be late for such a big battle of Danding.

What kind of pretty boy are you raising? It’s not good, but it’s useless to raise one. “

The delicate body that Dan Linger heard fiercely trembled fiercely, and then stomped angrily: “Father, what are you talking nonsense? How can my daughter do that for Dan Yuan faction?” This kind of thing! Besides, this Dongfang Gongzi is not what you think, his true strength…” Dan Yuanzi waved his hand impatiently: “Don’t say anything, in short, your business, old man I won’t agree. Come, call me Dongfang Yu right away. If he doesn’t come out, let him go. Anyway, he is also a big man. If he doesn’t do anything well, he just sits out this kind of good-for- nothing

’s actions.” In Dan Yuanzi’s view, Ye Fei didn’t dare to fight against the white-haired ancestor. It was cowardice. At this time, he was deliberately late, which was even more cowardly. Fei was dissatisfied. At this time, he was even more dissatisfied. Dan Ling’er wanted to explain, but was afraid that it would make the face of the old man Tianqiang not very good.

Dan Linger was very depressed, and in the end she could only instructed Uncle Dan next to him: “Uncle Dan, you can call Dongfang Yu, and let him come here.”

“No need Waiting for him, I have a lot of guest official Danyuan sent, no more than one, and no less than one. Since he is timid, he will be embarrassed if he doesn’t go, we’ll set off now!” Very stubborn and issued an order immediately.

Other guest official have long been dissatisfied with Ye Fei or secretly jealous, and will definitely not help speak at this time. On the contrary, everyone except the old man of the sky spear follows Dan Yuanzi, vacated together, ready to go to participate in this Danding battle.

Dan Ling’er could only give a wry smile. In addition to telling Uncle Dan to find Ye Fei quickly, he could only bring the old man with the sky spear and quickly followed along.

At this moment, Ye Fei is unaware of certain rumors, which has caused Dan Yuanzi’s strong dissatisfaction with him. He has long been immersed in the cultivation and has reached the point of forgetting everything.

Originally, Ye Fei also let Dragon Tortoise’s time come, so he immediately reminded him that Dragon Tortoise was rushed over by a small grass carrying a vine and whip all day, so he was so busy and dizzy. Forgotten thoroughly.

In the end, Ye Fei suddenly woke up at a critical moment: “Not good, I remember today, it seems to be the day when the battle of Danding began. Although she is not familiar with Dan Linger, she really I gave me two horrible pills, and this favor has to be paid back.”

This broken tortoise, don’t remind me when the time is up, I’ll reduce its food when I turn around, Ye Fei slowly put away the flame on his body. Aura, looked towards Dragon Tortoise again, until she found that Dragon Tortoise had been foamed from the mouth by Xiaocao, and the whole body had lost weight. Ye Fei’s anger disappeared a lot.

“Forget it this time, and next time, I will just slaughter the stew…I hope I will be over now, I won’t be late.” Ye Fei hurriedly took back Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise, and gathered again. The spirit tower was put into the space belt, and then he walked out of the room depressed.

On face, he saw the silhouette of Uncle Dan hurrying over.

“Dongfang Young Master, you can finally figure it out. The battle of Danding has begun, but you have not appeared for a long time. Dan Yuanzi Vice Sect Master, has lost his temper, and led people to rush over in advance. Now.” Even if Uncle Dan complained, his expression was very respectful.

As Dan Linger’s confidant, others don’t know, but he knows how terrifying Ye Fei’s specific battle strength is, which is why he is anxious. Hearing Uncle Dan’s words, Ye Fei also sweated, and apologized a little guilty: “Uncle Dan, I’m really sorry this time. I’m cultivating a king-level domain, so I missed the time. Where is the battle of Danding? I’ll pass now.”

Chapter 1643 Ye Fei played in battle

“King-level domain? Strange, didn’t Vice Sect Master give Dongfang Young Master two waste pill, he This period of time was actually useless. Instead, I went to cultivation the new king-level domain again. It’s really neglect the root and pursue the tip. It’s too wasteful and I don’t know how to cherish it!” Uncle Dan looked distressed. He thought, Ye Fei didn’t show up so late and was busy breaking through the Earth Grade domain. How did you know that Ye Fei had been delayed for so long and actually cultivation a king-level domain. Uncle Dan didn’t know what to say. He just pointed out Danding in a hurry. Zhizhan’s body position, he found an excuse to walk aside, and quickly reported the matter to Dan Linger through the sound transmission mirror.

“Uncle Dan, what did you say, Ye Fei has not gone to the breakthrough Earth Grade domain for so many days, but he went to cultivation the new king-level domain. What is he thinking, he thought I would give him Di Huang Dan, is it really free?” Dan Ling’er was also angry.

You must know that she was generous at the beginning and gave out two land pill at one time, one is to win Ye Fei, and the other is to hope that Ye Fei can break through an Earth Grade field during this time and become Earth Grade Zhundi, better for Danyuan faction.

Of course, Dan Linger did not think that Ye Fei may have broken through the Earth Grade domain, and finally went to the cultivation king domain, but that was too exaggerated.

In the end, in just a dozen days, it is necessary to not only break through the Earth Grade domain, but also comprehend a new king-level domain. This is the peerless genius, and it is very difficult to achieve it. “This Dongfang Yu didn’t even enter the star battle list. He was impossible as a peerless genius. At most, he was a top genius with a fortuitous encounter. However, this person was complacent and failed my expectations of him. I thought he had potential. I am a bit wronged by Dan Ling’er, and marrying him is not impossible. Now

In my opinion, this person is not worthy of me entrusting myself to him.” Dan Ling’er shook his head, and gradually said to Ye Fei. Disappointed. Even the sky spear old man smiled bitterly, a little bit confused, what Ye Fei was thinking about, obviously there is an opportunity to break through the Earth Grade field, don’t cherish it, but choose to cultivate a king-level field. Of course, if Dan Ling’er and the old man of Sky Spear knew that Ye Fei had long been Heaven Grade Zhundi, then they would understand Ye Fei’s behavior at this time.

Unfortunately, the explanation is useless. In order not to reveal his identity, Ye Fei can’t explain it at all.

All he can do is to try his best to rush to the main battlefield of the battle of Danding, a battle, it can be regarded as a favor of Dan Linger, of course, if he can win, then he will You can get a natural pill.

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