“Ye Fei, this is what you told me, you are very familiar with Tyrant Dragon?” Dan Linger regretted this time, if he had known that Ye Fei and Tyrant Dragon were like this With swords drawn and bows bent, she wouldn’t step into this if she was killed, but it was too late to regret at this time.

Hundreds of angry Tyrant Dragons have surrounded them, and the thick nostrils of King Tyrant Dragon sprayed out two thick plumes of smoke, expressing his anger. Ye Fei didn’t seem to feel the anger of King Tyrant Dragon. He just glanced at King Tyrant Dragon with a smile and said: “King Tyrant Dragon, rest assured, this time I am not here to bully you. On the contrary, I am here to lead you to bully others. Yes, how about we work together to do a big vote. Of course, if you disagree

, then I can only ask Xiaocao to ask you again later.”

While speaking, Ye Fei turned around and left, stunned Dan Ling’er simply and neatly. Ye Fei is an invitation, it’s a threat. Not to mention Tyrant Dragon, even if she is changed to her, it is absolutely impossible. If you are casually threatened by Ye Fei, you will be obedient. But what shocked Dan Ling’er was that when he heard Ye Fei’s words and saw Ye Fei’s unwilling tone to refuse, the originally angry King Tyrant Dragon suddenly changed his complexion. The fierce dragon face was even more crowded. With a smile that was more ugly than crying, laughed heartily furiously said on the spot: “hahahaha

, what is this king, just don’t catch the autumn breeze… Our Tyrant Dragon clan, in fact, our favorite is Help others, Young Master Ye don’t go, Young Master Ye must stay…”

Soon, under Dan Linger’s eyes like a ghost, the Tyrant Dragon group who were still furious just now , All smiled at Ye Fei nodded with a bow, as if for fear that Ye Fei would call out the grass, Dan Linger suddenly felt that the whole person would not think.

She couldn’t even think of killing her. What method Ye Fei used to make the Tyrant Dragon group known for their violent and viciousness be so obedient, it is simply bowing.

Of course, if she had seen King Tyrant Dragon fall to the ground by a small grass, shiver coldly, when she suspected Longsheng, she would be able to understand King Tyrant Dragon’s mood at this time.

Ye Fei also soon had a pleasant conversation with Tyrant Dragon King in a kind of “kind and friendly” atmosphere.

At the same time.

Danding City. Although Dan Yuanzi has clearly announced the acknowledge allegiance Limitless Sect, Prince Ma is still very unwilling. The former old rivals easily get a chance to breathe, and after a few days of close monitoring by the Chongding faction, Dan Yuan is discovered Pai unexpectedly returned to the mountain gate and directly closed the mountain gate. The prince Ma immediately seized this opportunity and saw Qian Wuji again. “Wuji Young Master, there is a saying, the subordinates really do not vomit, Dan Yuanzi, the old bastard is very stubborn, he is determined to be impossible and sincerely acknowledge allegiance of our Limitless Sect, the subordinates suspect that this is Dan Yuanzi’s trick to delay time , In order to give the escaped Dan Ling’er and the Demon Leaf to fight for the time to move the soldiers


I heard Prince Ma mentioned Ye Fei and did it forever. A haze suddenly appeared on his face, and he ignored Prince Ma, but with a pleasant face, and asked Fa Dong Xuan Dao behind him: “Patriarch Fa, what do you think of this matter?”

Prince Ma hearing this also Fa Dongxuan glanced enviously. Since Fa Dongxuan jumped out and bravely exposed the true face of Ye Fei Ye Demon, Fa Dongxuan undoubtedly won Qian Wuji’s great favor. At the same time, Qian Wuji considered that he lacked the experience of the rivers and lakes, and may not be able to match Ye Fei’s situation. He immediately promoted Fa Dongxuan, who is rich in experience and hated Ye Fei, into his own staff. This also allowed the Fa School to stand up again, with the hope and confidence to rise. Naturally, Fa Dongxuan would not let go of such an obvious opportunity to flatter Limitless Sect.

Chapter 1657 Tyrant Dragon Siege

For Ye Fei, Fa Dongxuan can be said to be bitter and bitter. He received Prince Ma’s report, combined with his experience in the arena, Fadong Xuan is very old and affirmed: “Wuji Young Master, the old man can be sure that the surrender of the Danyuan faction is actually a surrender. Ye Demon, the old man knows very well, this person looks like

honest and honest, In fact, it is very insidious, but this person also has one of the biggest weaknesses, that is value emotion, value friendship. Therefore, as long as we grasp his weakness, no matter how strong Ye Demon becomes, we can strike certain against him. Kill!”

Qian Wuji hearing this is a bit displeased, coldly said: “What you said, our Limitless Sect has been doing it for a long time, but the starry sky is so big, how difficult it is to catch a few people… …” Fadong Xuanyin coldly smiled, said solemnly: “Wuji Young Master, I mean value emotion, value friendship, not Ye Fei relatives and friends, but Dan Yuan faction, and the Dan Linger … Regardless of whether Ye Fei has a special relationship with Dan Ling’er, it is a fact that he joined the Dan Yuan faction as a guest official. Now Dan Yuan faction is about to be annexed. Once he is gone, it is definitely not Ye. Fei’s character, he rescued Dan Ling’er, it should be to make up for this debt, if we destroy the Dan Yuan faction at this time, it will not only be of no benefit to us, but will only beat the grass to scare the snake, leaving Ye Demon’s mindless mind.

Run away…”

“Fa Dongxuan, you mean old man, I did something wrong. I shouldn’t report to Young Master, but let the Danyuan faction hide the evil intentions. ?” Prince Ma gave Fa Dongxuan a cold look. At any rate, it is also the former quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family Patriarch, how can he put Prince Ma’s eyes in his eyes, Fa Dongxuan smiled proudly, said solemnly: “Yes, the Danyuan faction is important, or is it important to kill the Ye Demon? Young Master why? Keeping the Danyuan faction, you are so inexperienced when you are the Promise Young Master, you can’t even see the Danyuan faction’s fraud

, Young Master is clearly fishing, and deliberately keeping the Danyuan faction , Wait for Ye Fei to take the bait to save people, and then Young Master will lay down an inescapable net to kill the Demon Ye!”

“That’s right, this Young Master planned this way. The Fa Patriarch’s remark is very impressive. My heart!” Gan Wuji was very satisfied. Originally, he didn’t think so much. He was just worried and forced too tightly. Dan Yuanzi, either the fish dies or the net splits, ruined many unique Pill Recipes of Dan Yuan faction.

But Fa Dongxuan’s reminder made Gan Wuji see the great benefits of keeping the Danyuan faction. He could also use the Danyuan faction to set up a trap and wait for Ye Fei to bring about one’s own destruction.

“High, it is really high. Sure enough, to deal with a demon like Ye Fei, I need an old river like Fa Dongxuan to advise me! On the contrary, this horse Sect Master, except for the refinement, is a little capable, then It’s just too stupid, it almost broke this Young Master major event, hmph!” Gan Wuji was coldly snorted, and finally made up his mind: “Fa Dong Xuan, this time you deal with Ye Fei, you are solely responsible for all martial in Danding City. The artist also obeyed your orders. If your strategy can really kill Ye Fei, this Young Master guarantees that your Fajia in the starry sky will only be more brilliant than on the land.

In a word, it completely changed the Fajia from a salted fish to a Flood Dragon again. Fa Dongxuan was so excited in his heart that he knelt down and knelt his head vigorously and said: “Wou-ki Young Master, rest assured, that Dan Yuanzi didn’t propose a ten-day deadline. Yes, I predict that Ye Fei will definitely appear in Danding City in ten days. If you want to make trouble, or save people, as long as he dares to show up, it will be a dead end, but it must be done. I need Chong Ding Sect and Ma Sect Master to cooperate with me.”

“There is no problem, Ma Sect Master. From now on, you will follow Fa Dongxuan’s orders. His words are this Young Master’s words!” Qian Wuji said solemnly.

“Yes, Promise Young Master!”

Prince Ma is smiling, but his heart is furious like a barren beast roaring, he is also a Sect Master, usually Fa Dongxuan He didn’t even deserve to give him shoes, let alone at this time, he still had to obey Fa Dongxuan’s orders.

“This damn Fa Dongxuan, you said Ye Fei is sinister, I think you are the sinister one!” Prince Ma clenched his fists tightly, but could only hold back his anger, big Step away. Of course, Gan Wuji also felt Prince Ma’s anger, but he was only slightly smiled and didn’t care whether he was the Young Sect Master of Limitless Sect, aloof and remote, and Prince Ma, Fa Dongxuan, or both were just His servant, he simply doesn’t need to care about the slave’s mood, he only cares about whether this slave will do the things he explained well.

It’s just like giants don’t care about the ants under their feet. Qian Wuji thinks that what he did is not wrong at all. If the servant is useful, it will be rewarded appropriately. If the servant is useless, then throw it away and replace it with a new one. It’s not bad either.

“Fa Dongxuan, work hard, as long as you perform well, you may not have the opportunity to sit in the position of Prince Ma.” Qian Wuji seemed to imply something.

This hint also made Fa Dongxuan’s excited breathing hurried, and he immediately retreated respectfully, and immediately began to lay a trap.

As the core of the trap, the Danyuan faction was the head of the trap. Originally, Wuji gave the Danyuan faction ten days to hand over the Pill Recipe, but this was obviously not ruthless and not poisonous enough.

Fa Dongxuan immediately obtained the right, that is, with Prince Ma, and many quasi-emperor experts, completely surrounded the mountain gate of the Danyuan School. “Dan Yuan sent you to listen. From now on, you will hand over ten unique Pill Recipes every day. Within ten days, you will hand over all the Pill Recipes. If you can’t do it, then you are not sincerely acknowledge allegiance. We are about to give orders from the Wuji Young Master to destroy your whole family!” The fox exploits the tiger’s might, the master of the Fa family, ordered Shen Sheng.

Prince Ma suddenly became puzzled, and said in doubt: “Patriarch Fa, didn’t you say you can’t move the Danyuan faction, why do you want to do it again?” “Ma Sect Master doesn’t know what I said. It doesn’t mean that we can’t destroy the Danyuan faction, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t force them and put pressure on them. As long as the pressure is strong enough, Danyuanzi will definitely jump over the wall and contact Ye Fei secretly. When the time comes, we will Close the door and hit the dog, so that Ye Mo

have back and forth.” Fa Dong Xuan Yin smiled.

This laughter also made Prince Ma shudder, and he felt more and more sinister and vicious of Fa Dongxuan. Even Prince Ma wanted to destroy the Danyuan faction, but he did not use this vicious method.

When I heard Fa Dongxuan’s ultimatum, the Danyuan faction, Danyuanzi and many Elders were full of anger, individual excited Elder, and angrily roared: “Pill Recipe is our inheritance. We can’t hand in a Pill Recipe, Sect Master, let’s fight it!”

“No, we can’t fight! The entire Pill Recipe is on the side of Limitless Sect, what shall we take Fight, since Young Master Ye let us delay for ten days, within ten days, he must have a way to help us!” The old man Tianqiang hurriedly said.

But the many Elders of the Danyuan faction all have a look of suspicion. Danyuanzi also sighed: “No matter how strong Ye Fei is, he is also a person. How can he fight against such a quasi-emperor in Danding City? , And Limitless Sect. If he really has a solution, why is it that there is no movement outside for eight days…”

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