“Stupid, even the old man, you can’t play, but you still want to fight the little demon of Ye Fei, you should be destroyed!”

Fat Dongxuan pulled out The dagger instantly snatched the transmission token from Prince Ma’s hand, and again without saying hello, he suddenly rushed to the Teleportation Formation Platform and started the star transmission.

It wasn’t until this time that Elder Yu and the guest official of the Chongding Sect realized what was going on. The back of the Fadongxuan Palace was fake. It was true to snatch the transmission token and take the opportunity to escape. .

The most vicious thing is that Fa Dongxuan not only abandoned all the Elders of the Fajia for this, but also suddenly shattered the entire Teleportation Formation Platform with a palm at the moment of teleporting away, not only breaking everything The way of human escape also made Ye Fei unable to teleport through the starry sky and continue to hunt down.

The Chongding Sect Elder and guest official who woke up are all furious, “Fa Dongxuan, you must not die!”

“Kill, kill Fa This group of dog thieves!”

Countless crazy Elders and guest official, suddenly red eyes, rushed to the group of legalists Wu Elder Huang, and in a very short time, Can Elder Yu blasted to ashes.

To death, these legalists Elder couldn’t believe it. Fa Dongxuan, in order to survive, calculated the Chongding Sect, and even together with the people of the clan, the Fadongxuan capital ruthless abandoned it on the spot.

“Fa Dongxuan, this person is really cruel and vicious! If this person does not kill, it is a hidden danger after all!” Ye Fei shook his face and charged towards the distant sky.

But he was still a step late.

The Teleportation Formation Platform has been completely destroyed, and he has also lost the best opportunity to teleport along the starry sky and continue to chase Qian Wuji and Fa Dongxuan. However, after the Chongding faction was destroyed, and the Limitless Sect arm was broken, Ye Fei felt a sigh of disgust in his heart, and immediately did not bother to take care of these remnants, and threw it directly to Dan Yuanzi and Dan Linger for the rest of the battle. Ye Fei immediately said to Xiaocao: “Xiaocao, hurry up and help me sense the position of the spirit vein

spirit vein!”

“咿咿!” Xiaocao is very hard. Nodded, induction of the spirit vein, but Xiaocao is best at it. Even though the spirit vein of the Zhongding school is very hidden, Xiaocao is instantly aware of it.

Xiaocao suddenly pointed his hand in a certain direction, Ye Fei rushed over, and rushed over with him, as well as the big guy Tyrant Dragon, “Human, you promised us, we If you help you siege the city, you will give us the spirit vein.”

“Relax, the spirit vein of the Heavy Ding Sect. One hundred of them belong to you, and the others belong to me!” Ye Fei was somewhat helpless nodded and said.

To ask Tyrant Dragon for help, threats alone are not enough. There must be huge benefits. This benefit is of course the 100 spirit veins that Tyrant Dragons have lost.

Of course, these spirit veins, Ye Fei will not come out. The wool must come out of the sheep. Since the Chongding faction provokes him, these spirit veins also need to be dispatched by the Chongding.

Under Xiaocao’s induction, Ye Fei also quickly came to the place of the spirit vein of the Chongding School. I saw that there were Fire Pond everywhere, one after another amazing Spiritual Qi, from Fire Emitted from the Pond. The number of spirit veins of the Heavy Ding Sect is obviously much more than that of the Dan Yuan Sect, which is close to 200 spirit veins. In this way, one hundred spirit veins are allocated to King Tyrant Dragon, and he can still have one hundred more spirit veins. Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly brightened, and suddenly there was an urge to sweep the sect with a group of Tyrant Dragons.

In that way, he merged with the power of the sixth despair, the spirit vein he needed, believe It will be ready soon.

But in that case, 80% of him will also cause public outrage in the entire Innate Body Sect. It is estimated that before he sweeps the sect, the Starry Sky and the Innate Body Sect will unite and sweep him. .

Ye Fei can only dispel this crazy idea, immediately took out the Spirit Gathering Pagoda, and put away the spirit veins hidden under the Fire Pond one by one.

At this time, the number of spirit veins of the Ye Fei Spirit Gathering Pagoda has also increased sharply from the original 100 to more than 190, absolutely crushing any Aristocratic Family, just a thought, He merged with the power of the sixth despair and needed 1,000 spirit vein resources, and Ye Fei quickly became frustrated again.

“This desperate road is really desperate.” Ye Fei shook his head.


Promise City.

The two Limitless Sect Elders looked respectfully at the disappearance of the rays of light from the Teleportation Formation Platform, and said together: “Congratulations, Young Master, Young Master has returned so quickly. Things must be very smooth.”

“hmph, where is Sect Master, I want to see Sect Master right away, and I don’t want to hear anything about Danding City in the future!” Gan Wuji was angry. Soaring to the sky, my heart is full of fire.

Originally, he was forced to flee, so he was very aggrieved. If it weren’t for the two quasi-emperor Elder who were talking, he would definitely have to kill him with the palm of his hand.

Of course, Qian Wuji didn’t think that there was anything wrong with escaping ahead of time. In the end, the Chongding Sect was just a group of Limitless Sect servants, and the servants were meant for consumption. “hmph, as long as I live, the life and death of the heavy tripod faction has nothing to do with me. The most important thing now is to bring the elite of my Limitless Sect back to Danding city. I must fight back, Ye Fei, don’t think of bringing a group Tyrant Dragon, you can be arrogant. When I kill with the elite of Limitless Sect, I will let you know

what is trembling!” But thinking of hundreds of Tyrant Dragons, bowing their heads to Ye Fei, In Qian Wuji’s eyes, there was still a flash of crazy jealousy. You know, in the starry sky, there has never been a Human Race martial artist, a precedent for surrendering wild beasts. Qian Wuji also didn’t expect, Ye Fei could actually use Tyrant Dragon. Siege, this was unfortunate, and fell back.

Chapter 1661 Amazing News

“Unexpectedly, there are so many Demi-God Artifacts refined by the Cultivation Sect, which are enough to form a quasi-emperor of Demi-God Artifact. In the army, it’s no wonder that Qian Wuji would want to win over the Chongding faction.”

I received the spirit vein, Ye Fei not at all stopped, but under the induction of Xiaocao’s Spiritual Qi, he found the The treasure house of Dingpai, this treasure house, the gate alone, is built by Demi-God Artifact. It takes dozens of quasi emperors and continuous strikes to destroy it. But this is not difficult for Ye Fei, beside him, there is a Heaven Grade quasi-emperor like Tyrant Dragon King. In the Danyuan faction, there is also a quasi-emperor who is good at fighting like the sky spear old man guest official, plus Dan Linger, There is also Tyrant Dragon in Tyrant Dragon. Everyone attacked together, and in an instant, the door of the Demi-God Artifact was blasted to smash, revealing the countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures inside, as well as the Elders of the Great Ding Sect. Demi-God Artifact produced. Of course, the Demi-God Artifacts that can be stored in the treasure house are all refined products made by the Chong Ding Sect. They are all top grade Demi-God Artifacts, and there are still two hundred pieces, which also makes Ye Fei and The Tyrant Dragon king felt afraid for a while, “If the Great Ding faction took out these top grade Demi-God Artifacts during the battle just now

, we might not be able to break the Small Great Ding faction so easily. World.” Dan Ling’er hearing this said with a smile: “That’s impossible. These Demi-God Artifacts are all made by Sect Masters in the past. They are the most proud of the works. Not a weapon, but a symbol of the Sect Masters of the past. In fact, Prince Ma, although shameless, still has some bottom line.

Compared with the villains like Qian Wuji, it is much better.”

Obviously, Dan Ling’er is very disgusted with Qian Wuji’s behavior of abandoning everyone and escaping early, but Ye Fei thinks this is where Qian Wuji is smart, because if Qian Wuji dares to stay, Ye Fei will never mind , Killed this person personally.

“But for now, we still need to allocate treasures. Let me talk about it first. All the Spirit Stones in it belong to me, and those Demi-God Artifacts, I want one third!”

Ye Fei looked at the amazing number of top grade Demi-God Artifacts with great enthusiasm. There were also a dozen top grade Demi-God Artifacts of swords. He simply put them away, and then carefully selected them. About 20 other Demi-God Artifacts.

I believe that with these Demi-God Artifacts, when he returns to Ye Family next time, the strength of Ye Family will definitely become stronger. In addition to the Demi-God Artifact, Ye Fei was still in the treasure house and found the Refining Master Outline of the Chongding School. This Refining Master Outline is definitely much more complicated than the Zhu Family Refining Master Outline.

After reading this master refining program, Ye Fei realized that this master program is actually the ancestor of the Chongding Sect. It was discovered in an Ancient Vestige. Strictly speaking, this was originally a subordinate Heavenly Martial Continent, the refining technique spread out.

However, it is ridiculous that many star sects have gradually risen due to the gifts of the ancient and ancient Martial God and Martial Emperor. In the end, they look down on terrestrial martial artists, and even more closely related to Heavenly Martial Continent. , Has produced hostility.

“I really don’t know what to say about these star sects.”

Ye Fei shook his head, and put away the master refining tool. He doesn’t have much time for refining, but he can bring it back to Ye Family, or leave it to True Martial Saint Court, so that he can create Demi-God Artifact on land in the future. Seeing Ye Fei searching there, Dan Ling’er and Dan Yuanzi had no objection. On the contrary, after hearing that Ye Fei would not monopolize this treasure house, Dan Yuanzi rarely showed appreciation and couldn’t help but secretly express his appreciation to Dan Linger. Sound transmission said: “Daughter, this kid is good, strong, and well done. Such a guy, if he misses it, he will never have another chance.” “Father, what are you talking about? Dan Ling’er was ashamed and angry, but his heart was a little shaken. In the end, if Ye Fei is just a general quasi emperor, Dan Ling’er is confident that he can keep Ye Fei, but with Ye Fei’s strength, he In the future, there must be rays of light ten thousand zhang, it is no longer hers

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