This battle strength, once the union broke out, the entire world of sword mounds could not help shaking and shaking under the anger of the three quasi emperors.

“Wuji sword dao!” The first quasi emperor shot, his figure soared, like a god like a devil, howling sword energy, forming a magical light of Splitting Heaven and Earth Apart, cutting out a wonderful trajectory, and using a knife In the world, a terrifying sword mark was torn apart. “Wuji, in front of my Tai Chi, are you telling me Wuji?” Ye Fei sneered. At the same time, his body was filled with sword light, such as mountain cry out and sea howl, the majestic sword energy, tearing the sky. It also shook the wonderful trajectory of Wuji. In the sky, a more wonderful Tai Chi appeared, suppressing Wuji,

At the same time, it also suppressed this person’s Wuji sword dao. , “This impossible, Tai Chi, what you have mastered is actually Tai Chi above Promise!” The Zhun Emperor who used Promise Sword Dao was full of amazement. We must know that since Limitless Sect can deduct the mystery of Wuji, I also know the existence of Tai Chi, but I don’t know how to turn Wuji into Tai Chi.

At this time, seeing Ye Fei’s Taiji Sword said, this person was shocked immediately, but compared to his shock, the other two Heaven Grade quasi-emperors had deep fear on their faces.

Killing them all didn’t expect, Ye Fei owns not four fields, but a full six!

In addition to the Tai Chi domain, Ye Fei also has Thunderbolt, Ice, Blood Demon, Azure Dragon Four Heaven Grade domains, and even the final Vermilion Bird domain is also Earth Grade. With the increase in so many areas, the formidable power of the Octopus Heavenly Dragon has also suddenly increased to an incredible level. It was just one move. The two quasi-emperors vomited blood crazily under the impact of the eight heavenly dragons, and the whole body was like a cannonball, flying upside down for a distance of several thousand meters.

Chapter 1664 Half-step evildoer


Without giving these two quasi-emperors a chance to recover from their injuries, the eight-pole dragon smashed their martial At the same time as arts, Ye Fei roared fiercely, raised his foot and stepped into the void, directly ignoring the quasi emperor who used sword dao, and instantly appeared in front of the two injured quasi emperors.

Then there is a bright star sword light, illuminating this Blade Qi world, “Don’t you want this Promise Sword, don’t you, well, I’ll give it back to you now!”


“no!” The expressions of the two quasi-emperors changed drastically. As Limitless Sect Elder, no one knew better than them how terrifying the weight of the Promise Sword was. This is the Divine Item sword embryo that Limitless Sect destroyed several life planets and slaughtered millions of people back then. Such a sword embryo, its weight alone, is enough to spit out blood from the Martial Emperor. Although the Emperor Zhun also had a word for Emperor, compared with the real Martial Emperor, their strength gap was still too huge. At this time, under the realm of the Ye Fei Heaven Grade Zhun Emperor, the bloodline’s Promise Sword was burned and exploded. Formidable power is undoubtedly more terrifying. No matter how hard the two quasi-emperors struggled, how much they displayed

the powerful defensive martial arts.

Only hear a loud explosion sound. Just like heaven falls and earth rends, the dazzling star sword embryo is really like a star at this time, and the Blade Qi world exploded, and a terrifying astral qi vortex appeared. In this vortex, the bodies of the two quasi-emperors, together with the Primordial Spirit, were smashed into a pile of broken flesh and blood by Ye Fei two consecutive swords.

“How could this happen? Isn’t the Promise Sword sealed? How could he still release the hidden star power of the Promise Sword?” The last quasi emperor watched this scene blankly. Originally, their three top-level geniuses, the emperor, took action and arrested a junior, that is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain.

After all, the information provided by the Blood River Sect shows that Ye Fei only has three Heaven Grade domains. Although this strength is shocking, it is far from shaking the position of Limitless Sect as the overlord of the stars.

Until now, when it was discovered that Ye Fei could condense the four Heaven Grade domains and completely release the star power hidden by the Promise Sword, this talent was truly terrified.

You must know that even if it is a peerless genius, it can condense three Heaven Grade domains, it is already the limit, but if it can condense the four Heaven Grade domains, there is only one possibility, and that is Ye Fei, early Has surpassed the peerless genius level, and reached the half-step evil.

Only those legendary evildoers are possible. The breakthrough limit has four or even more Heaven Grade fields. Such evildoers will basically become Martial God in the end!

For example, the Sword God of Limitless Sect back then was a half-step evildoer, who had beaten the starry sky invincible. If it weren’t for the Sword God’s bad luck, I met the real Asura Holy Sect. The evildoer, the current Limitless Sect, I am afraid that there will be a living Martial God.

“Four domains, half-step evildoers, damn blood river sect, damn blood spirit child, we all underestimated him, this news must be sent back to the sect as soon as possible and report to Sect Master!”

This person quickly found a very good reason for his escape. The moment Ye Fei killed the other two quasi-emperors, he turned around and ran away, moved crazy and desperately. towards The sword tomb rushed out.


Ye Fei is carrying a bloody Promise Sword, even if he kills two quasi-emperors in a row, he can’t extinguish the anger in his heart, thinking that Zhao Yu might He was stuck in the tomb of the knife, and he might have been injured at this time. He couldn’t help but show an astonishing killing intent and anger.

“My woman, you dare to chase after you, don’t kill you, are you really bullying this Ye? sword dao, die for me!” Ye Fei’s billowing anger turned into boiling The sword light, suddenly this sword light, has become an incomparable gigantic Divine Sword light. The most terrifying thing is that this still condenses the four Heaven Grade fields of Ye Fei, and the strongest sword in the two Earth Grade fields. Such a sword, instantly Tearing the Void, the light of the majestic Divine Sword

, so that the blades of the entire sword mound became dim.

“no! That is the sword dao, you actually comprehended the sword dao…” Feeling the majestic sword light displayed by Ye Fei, you are a powerful Heaven Grade Elder, this person’s face was instantly pale with fright. In addition to fear in his heart, all he can do is to do his best to activate the sword dao and burn all the bloodline at the same time, hopefully

Resist Ye Fei this strong sword. But it is a pity that this person’s sword dao powers only merges two fields, even if he burns bloodline desperately, he can only double the formidable power of sword dao powers at best. But Ye Fei’s Divine Sword’s light, which has fully integrated the amazing power of six domains, instantly destroyed this person’s Divine Sword, together with his body.


When Ye Fei killed this person and rushed into the tomb of the knife in front, it took less than ten breaths, but it was just ten breaths, Blade Qi world Over the sky, three terrifying bloody lights have burst out one after another.

This makes those martial artists who have the courage to follow up to see the lively starry sky, can’t help shaking.

“Ten breaths, the three Heaven Grade quasi-emperors of Limitless Sect, all of them were killed!”

“The strength of this demon head is so terrifying…the sword Tomb, shall we follow up?”

“Go in, this is the grudge between Limitless Sect and Ye Demon. Didn’t you hear what Ye Demon said just now? Who touched his woman? There is a dead end, and that is courting death!” At this time, the martial artist who dared to practice in the sword mound is not a fool. Seeing Ye Fei sighed and killed Limitless Sect Three Great Elders, he was a martial artist who would never die. There was also a deep fear in my heart. At this time, Ye Fei didn’t need to open his mouth to drive him away. All the martial artists who entered the knife mound retreated with horror on their faces.

In the tomb of swordsmen, sword soldiers appear more frequently.

There are not only Demi-God Artifact swordsmen, but also many Divine Item swordsmen, wandering in the tomb of the sword, bursting out amazing sword lights. As Ye Fei entered, a nearby Divine Item knife soldier had already noticed Ye Fei, and it suddenly whizzed and slashed from a distance.

“Eight Dragons!” Ye Fei was not polite, and suddenly eight dragons appeared on his body, and they pounced together to knock the Divine Item swordsman away.

Kill! Suddenly within the sword soldier, there was a huge roar, and then, at this moment, this sword soldier became an incomparable gigantic, like a broken black Blade Mountain, it actually smashed away the Tianlong and continued to Ye Fei came in angrily. Ye Fei’s expression suddenly became solemn, and a huge anger suddenly appeared on his body.

“fuck off!”

Suddenly purple golden rays of light bloomed on his body. Ye Fei simultaneously urged the war on the demonic path and the War God Dao, bursting out desperate power. With a fierce punch, he smashed the sword soldier head on.

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