When these dozens of powerful Heaven Grade quasi-emperors unite together, the imposing manner that radiates alone makes the entire Promise City tremble violently.

For a while, I don’t know how many Sect Masters of the Starry Sky Sect changed their expressions. Such a force is enough to destroy any Sect Master in the Starry Sky.

This also made Dan Yuanzi and the others, trembling in his heart, and secretly worried about whether Ye Fei and the others could withstand the joint attack of the powerful quasi-emperors like Limitless Sect.

But at the moment when these quasi emperors appeared, unexpectedly, all martial artists of Heavenly Martial Continent did not have the slightest fear. Instead, they burst out with stronger and more fierce fighting intent and fighting spirit.

In the end, there is no weak person who can walk on the Ancient Starry Sky Road.

Those who can cut through the thorns, from top to bottom, even the most common super genius, the owner’s firm will, and a Heart of Powerhouse.

While feeling the fighting intent of Ye Fei and the others, the demon prince and Qian Wuji who have successfully retreated, their faces were extremely cold and grinning.

“Fuck Sect Master, you call out all the Supreme Elder, but you are ready to use Limitless Sect, the final foundation?” The devil prince said solemnly.

“Yes, although I don’t want to admit it, this group of evil obstacles, battle strength is too strong, let go of any one will be the scourge of my Limitless Sect, only to wake up the background and destroy them all My Limitless Sect, I can feel at ease, everyone, together with the old man, awaken the foundation!” Qian San Primordial Spirit was solemn, and suddenly bit his tongue, spouting blood essence within the body one third, and the other thirty-five Supreme Elder. At the same time, they also forced the one third blood essence within the body to converge with the dry ternary blood essence, forming a horrible ball of blood light, which crashed into the square.

, The sculpture of Sword God blasted past.

“Not good, stop them! Kill!”

Seeing what those quasi emperors did, Ye Fei’s heart suddenly had an unprecedented feeling of fear. It seems that there is some terrifying monster hidden in the statue whose head was beheaded by him.

“Quickly, destroy the blood essence, don’t let them blend into that sculpture!” Di Fan suddenly roared out of disregard.

As a born Saint, Difan possesses Great Destiny and grandeur, but at this time, he actually feels that his luck is losing, which is clearly a sign of imminent disaster.

It’s not only Difan, Pojun, Xue Yue, Lu Qing, Zhao Yu, who have the same feeling, they even turned into shadows, and I don’t know where they are hiding in the dark prison, Holy Son, at the same time. A great panic.

Then everyone together, suddenly from all directions, rushed to the majestic golden statue in the middle of the square, trying to completely destroy it.

“Quickly, regardless of life or death, stop them!”

Qian Sanyuan was solemn and waved his big hand. Around him, countless Limitless Sect quasi-di, suddenly red eyes, crazy He rushed to Ye Fei, not afraid of life and death, but with his own life, he dragged everyone’s footsteps and completely surrounded the Sword God sculpture.

When Ye Fei and Difan broke through the army, broke through and rushed to the sculpture, the entire sculpture had released an infinite sword light, which was brighter than Star River. More eye-catching than the sun and the moon.

The blood essence of dozens of powerful Heaven Grade quasi-emperors, bathed in that layer of sword light, instantly began to merge, and in it, blood and body were gradually born.

“What is that, this is the foundation of Limitless Sect, sword light and blood essence, they form a living person?” Di Fan was shocked, even if he was born Saint, at this time Can’t understand this strange phenomenon.

“No, this is not a thing, nor is it a puppet. If I’m not mistaken, this sculpture, most likely, hides the soul of Limitless Sect that Sword God!” Ye Fei paused. In his hand, the Promise Sword was trembling violently, as if he felt the master’s breath. At this moment, he was about to break free from Ye Fei’s control and fly into the infinite sword light, gradually forming a bloody silhouette!

Chapter 1681 The Great Terror

But before the Promise Sword is out of its control, Ye Fei’s within the body, the immortal Sword Soul, has already exuded a strong sword power Like the emperor in the sword, let the Promise Sword, shiver coldly, dare not defy Ye Fei’s control again.

The bloody body filled with sword light suddenly burst out with two incomparable sword glows, like two line of sight, looking at Ye Fei. “How many years have passed, my Promise Sword has been mastered by you. Are you from the Asura Palace?”

When it comes to Asura Palace, the entire Promise City is full of boundless murderous Aura and anger, Ye Fei’s brows, and fiercely jumped, he barely suppressed the horror, denying loudly, “I am the Holy Son of the evil demon holy palace! Are you the Sword God of Limitless Sect?”

“Yes, I am Promise Sword God! In the ancient battle, my sword body was destroyed. As a last resort, my soul escaped into this golden body and fell asleep to this day. Who is the Sect Master of this generation? I have ordered that Grand Era did not come. , Can’t awaken my soul, have you all forgotten?”

I heard that Ye Fei was not from the Asura Palace, but from the Evil Palace. The blood man’s killing intent was significantly weakened, and then He no longer paid attention to Ye Fei, but was extremely angry, and directed at San Yuan, and the surrounding Limitless Sect Supreme Elders stared at him.

Suddenly, the entire Promise City was flooded with terrifying sword power. This power was stronger than Diwei, and it was full of infinite oppression. It is the power of Demi-God!

“Demi-God, Limitless Sect actually has Demi-God. No wonder our Danding City was so strong back then that we lost to Limitless Sect. It turned out that Demi-God of Limitless Sect, he was not at all Die, but always in the seal, waiting for Grand Era to open…”,

Dan Yuanzi’s body suddenly trembled, not only him, Dan Linger, the old man of the sky spear, and Dan Yuan sect Many Elders, hundreds of Tyrant Dragons raging around, were shocked and shocked.

Who would have thought that the foundation of Limitless Sect is actually the sleeping Promise Sword God, this Ancient Era is infinitely close to Martial God’s Demi-God powerhouse.

All the star sects, star geniuses who came to participate in the birthday of Sword God, were all shocked, and then there was great fear in their hearts.

“Sword God, that Sword God of Limitless Sect, has never died, but has fallen into a self-seal…”

“Damn, we should have thought of it long ago, Limitless Sect , Sword God’s birthday will be held every hundred years, which is very strange at first!”

“Where can the birthday be held for the dead, only the Promise Sword God is still alive, all this can be explained!”

“Limitless Sect, we are so cruel that you conceal it…”

At this moment, the starry sky sect on the scene, going up to Sect Master, down to the discipline, their faces became frightened. , Ye Fei and Di Fan looked at each other and saw the shock in each other’s eyes.

“Ye Fei, if the Promise Sword God is still alive, in this era when the Martial Emperor is not out, we are united together, and we are not his opponents. We should retreat temporarily and consider the long-term plan!” Soundly transmitted to Ye Fei.

“No, we can’t retreat, even if he is Sword God, I don’t believe it, just relying on dozens of quasi emperor’s blood essences can make him resurrect so smoothly! Difan, bold enough , Join forces with me to fight this ancient Sword God!”

Ye Fei indifferent sound transmission. Then, a soaring fighting intent, like a torch, burned on his body.

His words also immediately made Di Fan wake up.

If this Demi-God really only needs dozens of the blood essence of the emperor to wake up completely, then why should he be in Ancient Era and seal his soul and fall into a deep sleep?

If Sword God does this, there is only one possibility. Or, Sword God is seriously injured and can only be forced to seal the soul to escape death. Or, I just think that Sword God is bluffing, this person’s soul, not at all awakens, at this time, only his consciousness is awakened.

Being able to become a born Saint, Difan’s wisdom is undoubtedly very terrifying. Ye Fei’s word made him discover the biggest weak spot of this Sword God.

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