” Guyan Senior Sister, is this your last word?” Ye Fei puckered out his ears impatiently. He really has nothing to say to women of this power.

Senior Sister Liu’s entire face flushed with anger, and his voice was sharp and pointed: “Ye Fei, you this waste, what did you call me just now?”

“Dogeye Senior Sister, ah , Your eyes, if they don’t grow on the dog, can they still grow on the dog’s ass?” Ye Fei said sarcastically.

He did not forget the last time, this Senior Sister insulted himself in order to curry favor with Ouyang Jie. Zhao Yu was still not far away. He was not easy to have a seizure. Now that he has a chance, Ye Fei certainly does not. There will be any kindness.

Wang Bai reacted very quickly this time, and immediately took Ye Fei’s words and continued: “Hehe, brother just said, this woman is young, why is she so dark, she has been doing it for a long time, Ye Fei’s eyes are on the body of a black dog.”


Ye Fei’s face is already dark, he didn’t expect, Wang Bai cursed more than himself It was also poisonous, and the Senior Sister Liu who was on the opposite side went straight away.

The sharp roar directly pierced the eardrums of many disciplines.

“aaaaaah, you two bastards, I will kill you, I must tear your mouth, Ye Fei, give me death!”

Earth Grade middle grade martial arts, lotus palm!

With the release of Senior Sister Liu Zhenyuan, her all around condense countless white and crystal snow lotus flowers, quickly surrounding Ye Fei.

“It’s a pity, this lotus flower is also a bit dark!” Wang Bai put in a mouth in a very wicked way, and the angry Senior Sister Liu almost lost his true essence.

This is also a slight distraction. Ye Fei has instantly captured a weak spot in the sky full of lotus flowers. Without hesitation, Spirit Sword shot instantly.

Earth Grade high grade, Fire Sword of hell!

wu wu wu, wu wu wu!

Ghost God cries, sword energy dances wildly.

Ye Fei holds the Spirit Sword in his hand, releases the hellfire, the whole person, Human and Sword Unity, stepping forward, countless sword energy, has been whizzing out.

One, two, three, four!

Five, six, seven, eight!

The ninth way!


Ten swords were shot in a row without a moment’s pause. The first time Ye Fei shot the sword, Ye Fei smashed the lotus in the sky, and the second time Ye Fei blocked the Senior Sister Liu, all around, all escaped. space.

Then, the ninth and the twelfth sword energy, condensed the only one, and swept forward. Senior Sister Liu has not yet realized what is going on, and there is already a sharp pain in his heart.

She was pierced by a sword! How is this possible?

“Is it impossible? It’s incredible. I am obviously rubbish, trash, and lazy toad in your eyes, but I can kill you with one sword and tell you that men are not insulting! In the next life, remember. Don’t look at people with colored eyes.”

After speaking, Ye Fei closed his sword, turned around, and took a step forward. Senior Sister Liu stared wide-eyed, thinking about vanished fragrance and crumbled jade. Until the moment of death, she couldn’t believe that she would have no resistance. She was beheaded by Ye Fei with one move, even how Ye Fei did. She didn’t even see the sword.

Get out of the sword fast!

The sword must be accurate!

Be ruthless with a sword!

The sword used by Ye Fei has perfectly interpreted his understanding of sword dao. I also looked at the new and old disciplines around, and I was extremely shocked.

“How is it possible? Senior Sister Liu was killed with one sword?”

“That’s Martial Sect’s expert, my God, this Ye Fei’s Sword Art is good terrifying!”

There were chills everywhere, followed by pa pa pa, the invisible slap in the face, fiercely on the face of every new and old discipline.

They even laughed at Ye Fei overestimate one’s capabilities just now, Martial Master Realm dare to fight Martial Sect, but now Ye Fei tells everyone with ruthless facts that he, indeed Possessing the ability to kill Martial Sect is directly a spike.

At the moment when Senior Sister Liu fell, many people felt cramps in their calves, while more people felt hot pain on their faces.

The old disciplines were immediately dumbfounded, and then, the arrogant young man headed by him was completely furious: “You damn trash, you used the evil cultivation technique to kill Junior Sister. Liu!”

100th Chapter 49 vs. Zuo Nian

100th Chapter 49 vs. Zuo Nian

The arrogant young man who spoke was named Zuo Nian, who also belonged to Liu Ting. In order to fight for the ownership of Liu Ting, Zuo Nian used to challenge outer sect one after another as the guest entering the scene. All those who were related to Liu Ting also severely injured a very backed Junior Brother.

Outer Elder got angry, he swept Zuo Nian and Liu Ting out at the same time.

Of course, this punishment is actually symbolic. With Zuo Nian and Liu Ting’s strength, they can walk unhindered in the new discipline. They want to seize the identity token of a new discipline and obtain The qualification to stay in Holy Land is also with no difficulty.

But who would have thought that Liu Ting, who looked very strong, was killed by Ye Fei with a single sword, still in front of Zuo Nian.

Zuo Nian couldn’t accept it immediately.

The other old disciplines were also furious, glaring at Ye Fei and said: “Boy, you are so daring, the trifling Martial Master Realm’s trash can’t beat Senior Sister Liu head-on, so they used it secretly. Witchcraft!”

Because the hell Fire Sword is too weird, and the sword energy is also invisible. These old disciplines have never been seen before. Even if they do, they will directly frame Ye Fei and use the evil cultivation technique. , So that they can not only keep the face of the old discipline, but also find an excuse to just and honorable against Ye Fei.

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