It’s Ancestral Dragon! Despite our desperate resistance, there were still heavy casualties. “”My Heavenly Formation Sect, hundreds of thousands disciple, died in the first battle more than 200,000. The old man really couldn’t stand the discipline and died tragically in front of him, so the old man united all the Elders to create this eternal formation. The original intention of the old man was to build a fortress that could never be broken,

protect The descendants of the Jinzong and the bloodline, how do you know, my Jinzong unexpectedly came out of a traitor who took refuge in the Witch clan. He stole a drop of blood essence from the old man and asked the Witch Zun to do the same and cast the Heart Demon curse on the old man. Let the old man, turn this eternal formation into this eternal hell…”

Speaking of this, it is better than the Tiantian dynasty is also full of tears at this time. The spirits also cried bitterly, full of sorrow.

Hearing that Great Grandpa still had such a sad past, Xiaocao was already crying and threw himself into Ye Fei’s arms and kept on Wipe your tears with Ye Fei’s clothes.

Ye Fei is also very sentimental. He can see that Tian Tian did not lie this time. He and these formation spirits are completely sincere. They originally protected the eternity of the formation. The fortress was turned into an eternal hell due to Witch Venerable’s Heart Demon curse. What despair and pain it was. Gradually, Ye Fei couldn’t help letting go of his guard and asked very seriously. “Senior, thank you for everything you have done for us. Without the struggle of Ancient Martial, there would be no Heavenly Martial Continent today. If there is anything I want to help, please feel free to speak up, and I will do my best! “Nodded for a while, he raised his face and looked at Ye Fei again: “What the old man wants you to do is very simple. I want half of your blood essence!” The blood of your abandoned people is very peculiar. It is the greatest nemesis of the witch curse. By refining your blood essence, the old man can completely resolve the Heart Demon curse. Of course, the old man will not let you

Give it in vain, the sky spirit orb is just a meeting ceremony, giving blood essence to help me crack the magic spell of the witch, the old man will do his best to help you and pass it smoothly Heavenly Tribulation for the seventh time! “

The words of the past are serious.

And hearing this, Ye Fei’s heart, but the stormy sea was set off, the seventh time of despair Heavenly Tribulation, it was definitely him. One of the biggest worries.

Don’t look at him now invincible, but in the face of the seventh desperate Heavenly Tribulation, let alone a half-step evildoer, that is, to become a true peerless evildoer, he does not have much confidence. He was able to survive the seventh Heavenly Tribulation smoothly. In the end, he was not the only one who had the courage to embark on the road of despair. Before this, Ancient Era had too many invincible geniuses and chose this strongest road. These geniuses, almost all of them, are peerless evildoers. Each of them is invincible in the same realm, even if they cross the great realm, fight against the sky, and kill the Martial Emperor in the realm of the emperor. , Also abound. But these evildoers, in the end, all died. They died on this desperate road. Except for Ye Fei who knew Du Tiandi Zun, who had fortunately passed the eighth desperate Heavenly Tribulation, the rest There are many more descendants of Martial God, most of them are in the fifth, and the sixth desperate Heavenly Tribulation, they were chopped into fly ash.

At this time, Tianyi actually said that to help him through the seventh Heavenly Tribulation, this is undoubtedly an incomparable gigantic temptation, and it is also a temptation that Ye Fei absolutely cannot refuse. The contemplation is only a moment, Ye Fei has lifted the head, said firmly. solemnly: “Well, I will give you half of the blood essence, and your Heavenly Formation Sect will help me through the seventh time, the power of despair! “

Chapter 1697 Human Demon Surprise

When I saw Ye Fei agree to give blood essence, I was not happy for a while, and the staid faces became more serious than ever, said solemnly: “Don’t say that the old man didn’t remind you, the blood essence of martial artist is lifespan, giving half of the blood essence is giving your lifespan for the next 500 years, you can think carefully

! ”

500 years lifespan is nothing in Ancient Era. Martial God’s lifespan is even more infinite, but Dharma End Era, which is not available in this Martial Emperor, even though Heaven Grade’s lifespan, It’s only a thousand years, half of the blood essence is half of the lifespan.

Ye Fei also knows that the Supreme Dean of True Martial Saint Court once paid 40% to save Shang Jing The third blood essence is the price, and this peerless genius of this elder will quickly get old, and his life essence will be exhausted. If he is replaced by another quasi emperor, he may hesitate in the face of such a request in the past.

Ye Fei is different. He has the immortal Sword Soul, which can continuously absorb the power of Heavenly Tribulation and transform it into Thunder Tribulation liquid, replenishing the lost life essence, only half of the blood essence is lost, not an unbearable loss.

“Senior, I think it over, I am willing! Not to mention 500 years, but more, as long as I can become stronger, can defeat Sword God, and protect my family, I will not shrink back! “Ye Fei’s expression is very firm.

This firmness is also very contagious.

Many of the Celestial Formation Sect’s disciplines do not forbid admiration and look at Ye. Fei, she also expressed appreciation for a while, and then recalled: “The sons and daughters of the old man, really did not misunderstand you. You are a man of great courage! Seeing you, the old man can’t help but think of someone. “

“Who? “Ye Fei said curiously.

For a while, the face was dark, and suddenly angrily said: “Don’t mention it, mention him, the old man has the urge to beat others. Come with me, old man will take you to the real Zhenzong Hall! “

bang! He waved his hand for a while and brought Ye Fei out of this big formation. This also made Ye Fei secretly wondering, but he just thought for a long time, but he couldn’t figure it out. Who owes Bian so much, it turns out that the two Martial Gods, Tianzhenzi and Didianzi, even mentioned the person’s name with a look of bad luck

. “Xian’er, if it wasn’t that person before. , How could you fall out with the old man and run out to stand on your own, but you can rest assured that 80% of that person is dead, and no one will confuse our father-daughter relationship anymore. The old man will help you return now Bit, so you have a chance to resurrect

! “

In the real Jinzong Hall, Tian Jinzi is holding Fairy’s key of fate, with a staid face, and a little paternal look. Then, Tian Jinzi is looking towards Ye Fei: “This The big formation is the core of my Heavenly Formation Sect. The concentration of Spiritual Qi is even more than hundred thousand times that of the outside world. Here you are refining a Spiritual Qi, which is equivalent to refining a spiritual vein. Here, you can rest assured of refining. The Sky Spirit Orb has the way to cultivation your despair

. “

After that, Tian Tan no longer cares about Ye Fei, just slightly red eyes holding Fairy’s key of destiny, and began to mobilize Formation to find a way to wake up Fairy.

And when I heard Spiritual Qi here, it is actually hundreds thousand times the outside world. Refining a Spiritual Qi is equivalent to refining a spirit vein.

The eyes of Ye Fei and Xiaocao suddenly become more The stars are still brighter, Ye Fei sat down on the spot, his entire body turned into an invisible black hole, frantically devouring the Spiritual Qi around.

Xiao Cao also widened his eyes, looking everywhere for hiding. Spiritual Qi in the sky, these Spiritual Qi and Martial God cannot be seen, but the grass can see clearly. Every time the grass catches a piece, it happily embraces the spiritual Qi and rolls on the ground.

At this time, there will always be a black mouth appearing at the right time, facing the invisible Spiritual Qi grasped by Xiaocao, which is a fiercely inhalation. As a result, Xiaocao has caught it for a long time, and he has not absorbed these Spiritual Qi. Instead, Dragon Tortoise, who was following behind, fell to the ground and swelled into a ball.

But Dragon Tortoise still refused to give up, and finally did not know where to find one. A rope tied the belly sticking to the ground again. Then it continued to roll around with the grass, and by the way, the black mouth suddenly fell.

For a while, my face was completely green, and I suddenly regretted it, so I shouldn’t be too generous. , Let Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise spoil the spirit vein resources of Sky Spirit Sect so much. In the end, they can only “what the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over”, pretending not to see, just try their best to crack the seal of the key of fate , And stabilize the last trace of Fairy’s Remnant Soul.

I don’t know how long it will take.

When Ye Fei has used the Spiritual Qi of the Sky Array Sect to fight the demonic path, 9th floor, raised to 10th floor, also completely transformed fleshy body strength into Demi-God Artifact.


The entire array burst out with a vast and majestic breath, this aura, which turned into an invisible divine might, spreading to the entire Ancient Starry Sky Road, and finally enveloped the entire Heavenly Martial Continent. .


Among the sleeping stars of the ancient coffin, a gratifying voice suddenly heard from the ground, “It is worthy of being abandoned by the sky, they can indeed create miracles!”

The land of the burial of the gods.

Wang Bai Moyan is overwhelming, face upwards and roared in grief: “God, what the hell did you do wrong, you want to make him look so handsome!”

“roar! ”

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