
For a while, my face was cold and the Formation was constantly changing, using the Eternal Array to resist the Heavenly Tribulation, and seeing the Heavenly Tribulation several times in a row, it was impossible to break the Eternal Array. Ye Fei was also completely relieved.

He no longer pays attention to the Heavenly Tribulation falling in the void. After successfully integrating the power of despair for the seventh time, he finally took out the Sky Spirit Orb, swallowed it in one mouthful, and then frantically refining.

Soon, the Sky Spirit Orb was refining by Ye Fei and turned into a mysterious force, and began to change his physique. A trace of dark impurities also constantly penetrated within the body of Ye Fei Come out, giving off a foul smell.

Ye Fei was very surprised: “Unexpectedly, I cultivation to the Fleshy body and Divine Soul of Demi-God Artifact. There are so many impurities. It can also be seen from the aptitude of those peerless evildoers. , How pure they are, they were born for Martial Dao!”

What are evildoers?

The talent is shocking, and it beats the same level. This is the evildoer! With the help of the Sky Spirit Orb, Ye Fei has finally reached the level of a peerless evildoer. If he can survive this desperate Heavenly Tribulation smoothly, he will be able to transform into a heavenly quasi emperor immediately. The realm of the emperor is invincible vertically and horizontally, and it can fight against the sky and fight against the Martial Emperor!

Chapter 1699 Zhenxing Brand

hong long long!

When Ye Fei was undergoing metamorphosis, Heavenly Tribulation continued. The infinite thunder and lightning covered the entire eternal array, and in the middle of the thunderbolt was the destruction vortex formed by the eyes of Heavenly Dao, this vortex Every time it rotates, there must be a thunderbolt beam of light that blasts downward.

I saw that beam of light, and felt the horrible Heavenly Tribulation breath contained in that beam of light. Even if it had transformed into a real peerless genius, Ye Fei also had a scalp tingling, scared witless feeling, it was really this The road to despair is too difficult.

If it doesn’t happen that he has the immortal Sword Soul, he can absorb the power of Heavenly Tribulation, relying solely on his own power, Ye Fei estimates that he can only persist under the thunderbolt released by the eyes of Heavenly Dao. In half a breath, the fleshy body of his Demi-God Artifact will be together with the soul, completely collapsed.

In the end, the immortal Sword Soul can absorb the power of Heavenly Tribulation, but if the power of Heavenly Tribulation is too strong and exceeds the limit that the immortal Sword Soul can absorb, Heavenly Tribulation will still be against Ye Fei’s body caused huge damage.

“I hope this eternal array can withstand this Heavenly Tribulation.” Ye Fei lifts the head, watching the 98th Daoguangzhu, with the roar of heaven falls and earth rends, fell down, and then It’s the 99th road and the 100th road without stopping again!

bang bang bang!

Thunderbolt continues, the entire eternal array is at this moment, there is a slight shake, such a Heavenly Tribulation, makes Ye Fei feel terrified, change It’s him, this Heavenly Tribulation, let alone resist a hundred times, even resist one, it is enough to make him annihilated. The Heavenly Array Sect is indeed a terrifying sect that claims to be able to kill Heavenly Venerate. The defense of the Eternal Array has allowed Ye Fei to see the limits of defense. Except for the thunderbolt at first, which made the Eternal Array sway violently, when gradually adapting to the power of Heavenly Tribulation, the Eternal Array suddenly exploded with impeccable defensive ability, again and again, resisting the Heavenly Tribulation’s fall.


Heavenly Dao uttered his final anger, but after a hundred thunderbolt, it failed to break the eternal array, hurting Ye Fei, Heavenly Dao’s imposing manner, or Gradually decayed.

Tianjin was also relaxed, nodded and said: “The Eternal Great Formation did not disappoint the old man. It does have the ability to resist Heavenly Tribulation, and it has the ability to resist Heavenly Venerate!”

“Senior, are you not sure about the ability of the Eternal Array?” Ye Fei suddenly found something wrong.

For a while, he kept his face straight, blowing his beard said while staring: “Of course, the Eternal Array, the old man was only successful in theoretical research. Before he had time to deduct it, he was betrayed by the traitor and won Wu Zun. The Heart Demon curse is completely mad.”

“That said, Senior, you simply don’t know whether this Formation can help me resist the seventh desperate Heavenly Tribulation, you just use me as a little white mouse , Used to test the formidable power of the Eternal Array: “Ye Fei’s face suddenly became dark, as if seeing 10,000 Tyrant Dragons running by.

“Boy, what is your look, the old man admits that it took advantage of you, but you haven’t passed through the desperate Heavenly Tribulation safely, don’t talk nonsense, hurry up and hand in half of your blood essence After coming out, the old man is still waiting to break the Heart Demon curse and rebuild the Heavenly Formation Sect!”

Tianjinzi’s old face was a bit unbearable, so he simply skipped this topic and started asking for Ye Fei’s blood essence. Ye Fei was immediately depressed. ,

Although Tian Tian has used him, the Eternal Array has indeed helped him resist 90% of the desperate Heavenly Tribulation. He is also a person who will do what he says. Since Tian Tian promised him everything If it does, Ye Fei will not break his promise.

“Senior, wait a minute, I will come as soon as I go.” Ye Fei looked at the Heavenly Tribulation breath, which was about 10% of the void, and was about to run out. He immediately rushed into the void at the fastest speed. ,

The spirits along the way did not get the order, did not stop Ye Fei, but curiously watched Ye Fei rush into the thunderbolt vortex at the end of the void, letting countless thunderbolts hit him.

“This kid is crazy, even if it is 10% of the power, that is Heavenly Tribulation, he actually dared to take the initiative to rush into Heavenly Tribulation, no, he is absorbing the power of Heavenly Tribulation!”

For a while, I watched this scene extremely shockingly. Even if he is Martial God, he rarely sees a catastrophe like Ye Fei. Others save catastrophe, lest Heavenly Tribulation lasts too long, and Ye Fei But the other way around, lest Heavenly Tribulation disappear too soon.

At this time, Ye Fei took advantage of the power of Heavenly Tribulation to be greatly weakened, resolutely rushed into that piece of thunderbolt vortex. The infinite Heavenly Dao thunderbolt blasted on him, but before the power of Heavenly Tribulation could damage Ye Fei, the immortal Sword Soul, it was already in Ye Fei within the body, forming a ruined vortex, madly absorbing the last 10% Heavenly Tribulation power, and with a large amount of Force of Tribulation, it enters Ye Fei’s body and is transformed

to become life-sustaining treasure, heavenly tribulation thunder liquid, Ye Fei finally gains the confidence and dare Take half of your blood essence out of your body to help you for a while.

bang! When the last trace of Heavenly Tribulation’s power was absorbed by the Indestructible Sword Soul, there was enough Thunder Tribulation liquid to continue his life. Ye Fei’s body suddenly burst into the sky. , This blood is like a dragon, like a god, and like a demon. Finally, these powerful blood forms a dragon of blood energy, which rushes out of Ye Fei’s body

Cruel, cut in half.

One of them will fly to the sky for a while, and the other will fly back to Ye Fei within the body.

Ah! Ye Fei let out a painful snoring, and the whole body fell weakly to the ground, damaging his blood, which means he cuts his life essence, and suddenly lost half of his life essence, making Ye Fei the same as the former superintendent. , Life force quickly lost, the black hair all over his head, silver threads also appeared, the eyes also sharpened

and gradually showed a trace of tiredness.


Suddenly seeing Ye Fei become like this, Xiaocao screamed, and quickly grabbed Dragon Tortoise’s tail and ran towards Ye Fei,


Ye Fei is laughed heartily. With a move in his heart, the immortal Sword Soul has released a large amount of Thunder Tribulation fluid into his body, replenishing the blood essence he consumes, and soon, Ye Fei’s blood, From a burning candle to a torch-like vigor, the look in his eyes regained youth and sharpness.

“Tianjinzi Senior, this time, many thanks.” Ye Fei picked up Xiaocao, walked towards Tianjinzi, and thanked Tianjinzi very seriously.

This time there is no Tiantian, he will definitely not go so smoothly, integrating the power of the seventh despair, and seeing that Ye Fei can recover his vitality so quickly, Tiantian’s expression is full of complicated.

“It should be the old man who thanked you. If it weren’t for you to bring back Fairy’s key to fate, the last trace of the Remnant Soul of the little girl, I’m afraid it’s also disappeared, even more how, you still hurt your blood. Essence, helped the old man to lift the Heart Demon curse, it should be the old man thank you, Little Friend Ye, many thanks.”

Speaking, I was very sincere and bent over to Ye Fei. thank.

“Senior doesn’t have to be like this.” Ye Fei was startled. The other party is Martial God and Sect Master. How could he receive the gift of heaven for a while, and immediately subconsciously wanted to dodge, but just While he was evasive, he suddenly guarded the array spirit, walked in with a weird face, and said, “reporting to Sect Master, outside the ancient city of Tianzhen, there is an army of martial artists, the first one called Wuji Sword God Man, he is holding the town star card and asked us to expel Ye Fei and the others out of the sky array sect and let him handle it!”

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