It’s that Tianhuang Dan and Dihuang Dan are too important, and even the star sect, which always suppresses the roots of martial artists on land. Ye Fei asks for Huang Wen and Pill Recipe to break This kind of root makes it possible for terrestrial martial artists to refine the desolate beast pill.

In this way, even if the Promise Sword God reverts to the water in the future, or does not work hard after he leaves, as long as the powerful Heaven Grade quasi-emperor can continuously appear among the martial artists on the land, it can still suppress the starry sky.

Wuji Sword God naturally saw the intention of Ye Fei’s move, and couldn’t help sighing in his heart, “No wonder I’m planted in his hands. Asura’s lunatic is not terrifying, the most terrifying, in fact It’s the lord like this, a madman who is willing to work hard and use his brains, I am not wronged.”

“Limitless Sect’s treasure house is also in the Earth Palace, Huangmai and Tianhuangdan, there are also inside, The lord takes care of himself. The minister is injured, so he will go to heal first.”

After speaking, Sword God hurriedly returned to the blood coffin and started to seize the time to restore Divine Soul. Ye Fei saw at a glance that the blood coffin was also a rare treasure, which seemed to have the function of nurturing the Divine Soul. This allowed Sword God to sleep tens of thousands of years in a fragile Divine Soul state without dying.

It’s just that the demonic energy of the blood coffin is too strong. Even though Ye Fei was surprised, he didn’t mean to ask for it. He told Xiaocao to pay close attention to Dragon Tortoise and not give this rammer a chance to get a black mouth.

Ye Fei quickly took out the Spirit Gathering Pagoda, and quickly collected all the surrounding spirit veins, so that even if he left Sword God 100 spirit veins, plus from the Tyrant Dragon side The number of spirit veins obtained, the spirit vein in Ye Fei’s hands, also has a breakthrough of 1,000.

For this, Ye Fei is not at all. What a surprise, the mood is even heavier. Regardless of the number of spirit veins in his hand, he must find 10,000 to integrate the power of the eighth despair. Spirit vein or a thousand fairy veins can merge.

“A total of 10,000, unless I spend several decades looting all the spirit veins of the star sect, otherwise so many spirit veins, how can I gather them together?”

With a depressed sigh, Ye Fei still took away all the surrounding spirit veins at the fastest speed. Then, he took the grass and Dragon Tortoise and rushed to the next area. This area is Limitless. Sect’s treasure house is located.

It’s just this treasure house. Because Limitless Sect is preparing for war and convening an army of martial artists, most of the treasures have been consumed, but what can be left is undoubtedly valuable treasures.

For example, the two hidden veins of Limitless Sect are all in this treasure house, and some Demi-God Artifacts with powerful formidable power are also stored on the shelf.

Medicine pills are more of them. These are not ordinary medicine pills. They are many Martial Emperors and Martial God’s Small Worlds that Limitless Sect opens the way to the stars. They are forcibly searched. They are all precious.

However, Ye Fei is not interested in these ancient medicine pills. All his attention is still on the two Pill Recipes stored in the deepest part of the treasure house. These two Pill Recipes are truly earthy medicine pill and heaven. Pill Recipe for the wild pill. In the corner of Pill Recipe, Ye Fei also found a mark called Danding daoist. It was in his heart that he suddenly felt, “It’s no wonder that Limitless Sect took so much effort to suppress Danding City. It turns out that Limitless Sect’s Tianhuang Dan still There are refining methods, which are all taken from the Danding Sect. This Danding daoist should be the common Sect Founder of the Danyuan Sect and the Heavy Ding Sect. What’s more rare is that this person is both pill concocting and refining A must. I was in the Chongding faction and got the master refining guide. Here, I got many Pill Recipes. If I bring these back to Ye Family, Ye Family will become stronger and stronger without my care in the future


Looking at the Pill Recipe, Ye Fei couldn’t help feeling a little excited, and quickly took these two barren veins, together with the Pill Recipe and Demi-God Artifact, to collect them all. go.

Just when Ye Fei was about to see the ancient medicine pill, suddenly there was a belching sound beside him.

But Dragon Tortoise took advantage of him and Xiaocao not to pay attention, and started to black mouth again, and ate Ye Fei’s medicine pill without paying attention.

Ye Fei and Xiaocao’s face suddenly turned dark, and Xiaocao is panting with rage to go up and prepare to teach Dragon Tortoise, but before Xiaocao walks over, he has already eaten and burped. Dragon Tortoise, suddenly a terrifying matchless monster qi burst out of his body, which shocked Xiaocao.

Then, between Heaven and Earth, a terrifying matchless atmosphere suddenly appeared, and in an instant, it once again enveloped the entire Promise City, which also shocked all the busy martial artists in the city.

“What’s the matter, the Promise Sword God has surrendered, how can Promise City reappears Heavenly Tribulation!”

“Oh my God, what Heavenly Tribulation is this, how can there be multi -colored Thunder Beast?”

Yes, when Heavenly Tribulation appeared, at the end of the void, a terrifying thunderbolt giant beast appeared. The eyes formed by thunderbolt penetrated the Earth Palace. He stared fiercely at Dragon Tortoise.

Ye Fei’s face turned weird at this time, “Heavenly Tribulation, you are going to save the tribulation, congratulations…”

Dragon Tortoise is a face Deathly pale, the black mouth is as white as the flour that is scared to change. It didn’t expect, it just secretly gave the black mouth, it actually attracted Heavenly Tribulation.

Then Dragon Tortoise didn’t say anything, swish, tighten his tail, and rushed into the beast seal space. He couldn’t be killed anymore. Xiaocao was completely shocked.

Ye Fei also seems to have seen tens of thousands of Tyrant Dragons, rushing past him, “This broken tortoise, it doesn’t have the courage to survive the catastrophe, but let me protect it from disaster! This way I raise What’s the use for you?” Ye Fei was very depressed. He was always the one who pulled others to save the calamity, but now Dragon Tortoise is holding him to save the calamity. This is simply unbearable!

Chapter 1706 Sword Dao Great Accomplishment

“Da Hei, get out of here, and save yourself!”

Ye Fei is very welcome He grabbed Dragon Tortoise from the beast mark space, but saw that Dragon Tortoise shrank into a ball, not only full of fat, but also burped straight. Ye Fei slipped his hand and Dragon Tortoise fell to the ground. It can actually bounce like a ball.

Xiaocao’s eyes rounded in surprise, it seems that the fat-ball Dragon Tortoise can still play like this. She even patted a few times with her hands, and Dragon Tortoise also burped. One side, like a ball, kept falling and bouncing in Xiaocao’s hands, bouncing and falling.

Ye Fei’s heart of vomiting blood is all there, so let alone Dragon Tortoise, the medical power of the ancient medicine pill, it is estimated that Dragon Tortoise will be unable to move.


In the blood coffin not far away, Wuji Sword God has already screamed in horror. He has no body, only Divine Soul, Heavenly Tribulation and Divine Beating Whip, it hurt him a lot.

“I see, it’s nothing to do with you, Heavenly Tribulation outside, I’ll deal with it!” Ye Fei shook his head depressed, and quickly took Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise back into the beast seal space.

Then Ye Fei’s whole person, already Tearing the Void, one step, from the Earth Palace, appeared in the sky of Promise City.

roar! At the end of the void, Dragon Tortoise’s beast calamity has been completely formed. After sensing that Dragon Tortoise is hiding in Ye Fei, the colorful thunderbolt beast in the sky immediately issued a terrifying roar, this roar , So that the world is torn apart, I don’t know how many Martial Saints, even Martial Sovereign, under this roar, the shocked ears are roaring.

Obviously, when it was discovered that Ye Fei also helped Dragon Tortoise to save the tribulation, at the end of the void, the difficulty of the beast tribulation also increased several times. It has changed from a simple Martial Sovereign to a close Heavenly Tribulation of Martial Emperor Level.

Ye Fei is relaxed instead, “Fortunately, it’s just close to the Martial Emperor’s attack. Not to mention that you didn’t become the Martial Emperor, but you became the Martial Emperor. I will kill with one sword! Kill! !”

Sword dao Tongshen, originally the Sword God Sword Dao learned from the Primordial Magic Art of Killing Wuji, and later passed to Qian Wuji.

Finally, Ye Fei used his powerful perception to steal lessons from Gan Wuji, but even though he learned it stealthily, at this moment Ye Fei had the power to destroy the horrors of stars. As a peerless evildoer, Ye Fei already possesses the battle strength of Martial Emperor Level.

Not to mention, what Ye Fei holds in his hands is the real Divine Item, the Promise Sword.

Boom ka!

When Ye Fei wielded the Promise Sword, behind him, the five Heaven Grade domains exploded at the same time, forming the incomparable sword rays of light, blatantly rushing into Heavenly Tribulation, fighting with that thunderbolt giant beast, this scene also shocked Zhao Yu’s heart.

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