Tai Chi Divine Sword!

White Tiger Divine Sword!

thunderbolt Divine Sword! ,

Blood Demon God sword! Six areas, six different Divine Swords, with the Taiji Sword picture as the core, form a terrifying matchless Taiji Sword array, cut forward, everyone just saw a brilliant sword light, with devastating despair Power, smashed the body of the thunderbolt giant beast, and also smashed the Heavenly Tribulation of the empty head


At this moment, tens of thousands of starry martial artists in Sky Martial City, all shocking stared wide-eyed, and many quasi-di powerhouses can see that Ye Fei is using Heavenly Tribulation to hone martial arts and realize sword dao, but no one didn’t expect that Ye Fei’s sword dao would be so terrifying.

It was actually a sword that smashed the Heavenly Tribulation formed by Martial Sovereign! “That’s Tai Chi! The lord actually used Tai Chi, comprehended Wuji, and in turn, perfected his Tai Chi with Wuji! The lord’s sword dao is no longer as simple as Great Accomplishment. He actually used the killing Wuji Dao to create unique belonging His own Taiji Sword Dao has created a brand new one,

The Taiji Sword God!” Although Wuji Sword God is healing his wounds, he also witnessed the whole process of Ye Fei comprehending Taiji Sword Dao through Divine Soul. This process can be described as thrilling. In the eyes of the swordsman, it is even more surging forward with great momentum. In the eyes of Wuji Sword God, Ye Fei is no longer a descendant who is promoted by his sword dao

, But has surpassed him, the real Sword Dao Sect teacher. “Monster, this is the real enchantress! I haven’t broken through the Martial Emperor yet, and I can create an ancient heavenly skill. Even in Ancient Era, Young Master Ye, it is definitely the existence of the cream of the crop among the enchantments!” Sky Spear The old man is very emotional. He can be said to be looking at Ye Fei, under the stars, from humble and small,

to the current generation of Grandmaster, so his heart is most emotional.

Ye Fei was actually shocked by the power of Ultimate One Sword, “Swire Tiangong, my Taiji Sword Dao, actually transformed into Taiji Tiangong!”

This was definitely something he hadn’t thought of before, but thinking about it carefully, this is the inevitable result. In the end, Ye Fei’s Tai Chi is based on the power of despair, and it is the path of despair as the path of the strongest Martial God. It hides the probability of infinite transformation. Even more how, Ye Fei’s hands still have a complete Primordial Magic Art, Killing Wuji Dao. This in itself is a Supreme sword dao comparable to the ancient magic arts, but the Senior who created this ancient magic arts, obviously does not know the truth of Wu Ji Sheng Tai Chi, therefore, his ancient magic arts,

There is still a slight flaw.

And Ye Fei, because he knows Tai Chi in advance, he can easily use the non-polarization to make Tai Chi, and really make his Taiji Sword Tao reach the level of perfect and without blemish.

This also allows Ye Fei’s sword to be Art Entering Dao, truly reaching the level of a grandmaster.

“very good, my Taiji Sword Dao is finally perfected! From now on, I can rest assured, give my sword dao to Ye Xiaochan, and then let Xiaochan take my Taiji Sword Dao, Carry forward!” Excited, Ye Fei has already decided. When he returns to Heavenly Martial Continent, he will personally bring Ye Xiaochan back to True Martial Saint Court, and then carefully cultivate this female disciple, so that in the future, Heavenly Martial Continent will have The two Taiji Sword gods, just thinking about the achievement of establishing the sect, Ye Fei feels at ease.

Chapter 1708 No. 1 on the Star List

And with the break of Heavenly Tribulation, Dragon Tortoise also officially went from half-emperor, breakthrough to Martial Sovereign level, but Dragon Tortoise is happy at all, does not raise .

It’s really the ancient medicine pill, the medical power is too violent. Until now, Dragon Tortoise is still holding a ball, constantly burping, Ye Fei estimates, there is no one or two months Time, Dragon Tortoise can’t even think about refining those medicinal power.

However, Xiaocao found a new toy. Now when nothing happens, Xiaocao will pick up the fat Dragon Tortoise and pat it like a ball happily.

For this, Dragon Tortoise silently shed tears of regret that shouldn’t be black, but learned from the pain, vowed to work hard to lose weight, and from then on, be a good turtle.

With the demise of Limitless Sect, the acknowledge allegiance of Wuji Sword God and the reputation of Ye Fei spread throughout the starry sky. There is no starry sky sect anymore, dare to call martial artists on the land as untouchables. On the contrary, many geniuses in the starry sky have a great awe of Heavenly Martial Continent. After all, in the current Heavenly Martial Continent, there are too many geniuses and too terrifying. Not to mention that it is not a Martial Emperor, but Ye Fei, who has surpassed the Martial Emperor, is the half-step evil Emperor Fan, enough to sweep the entire starry sky. , And under Emperor Fan, as the descendant of Guardian, Breaking Army is also an innate talent

Amazing, although he can’t catch up with Ye Fei, there are signs of a half-step evil degeneration.

After discovering that Ye Fei could not be assassinated, Holy Son finally chose to leave the black prison. Instead of returning to Heavenly Martial Continent, he decided to continue deep into the starry sky and go to the farther continent to find the black prison. Holy Land, cultivation is a stronger way of assassination.

And the black prison is definitely not the unique Assassin Organization of Heavenly Martial Continent, it is the strongest Assassin Organization that covers many continents all over the starry sky.

It is not difficult to imagine that when the black prison Holy Son enters the real black prison, his potential will definitely explode. However, Xue Yue, the former knife god, seemed a bit unremarkable, but he still made any starry sky school dare not ignore it.

Especially in Xue Yue’s hands, there is a sealed magic sword. Once such a magic sword is unsealed, it will immediately let Xue Yue possess the battle strength of Martial Emperor Level.

Of course, Zhao Yu and Lu Qing, these two Saintess and Goddess, are among the most powerful martial artists. There are not many women. Even more how Zhao Yu and Lu Qing are still They are all peerless genius, which has no intention to make them more eye-catching.

Because of the tremendous changes in the starry sky, as well as the rapid rise of land geniuses such as Ye Fei and Emperor Fan, the entire starry sky battle list has also undergone a complete change.

At this time, the starry sky battle list does not need to worry about the feelings of the starry sect, deliberately let the ranking of starry geniuses overwhelm the ranking of martial artists on land.

On the seventh day of the Promise Sword God acknowledge allegiance, Sky Spirit Sect announced the latest Star Wars list with an extremely efficient intelligence collection speed, and it was even faster than the Star Sect. This battle list spread all over the stars, and even for the first time, it spread to Heavenly Martial Continent.

In this starry sky battle list, Ye Fei, with absolute strength, Ranked 1st, became the number one in the true sense of the star list, and the strongest star list ever.

Secondly, Difan, ranked second with half-step enchanting battle strength.

Secondly is the Black Prison Holy Son. Although the Black Prison Holy Son rarely shoots, the Black Prison is able to assassinate Martial God’s prestige, which also makes the Black Prison Holy Son rank third in the star list.

The fourth is Xue Yue. Although this little sword god is not very talented, he is undoubtedly very lucky. Once the Divine Item sword in his hand is unblocked, it will have infinite formidable power.

As for the fifth and sixth, the star martial artist has a huge controversy. Some people say that the fifth should be Lu Qing. After all, it is a recognized peerless genius, and the thunderbolt bloodline is even more powerful.

But some people also say that Zhao Yu should be the fifth one. After all, Zhao Yu’s Ice Fire Phoenix blood is not inferior to Lu Qing, and it is said that Zhao Yu is the reincarnation of Emperor Ji. All are respectful.

So Sky Spirit Sect finally put Zhao Yu in the fifth place, Lu Qing in the sixth place, and the seventh place is Fu Renjie, the demon son who never appeared. The eighth place is mysterious.

The ninth place is Dan Linger. As a Pill Master, she is Ranked 9th. The tenth place is an ancient inheritance genius in the starry sky. It is said that this person does not have a special bloodline, but As an ordinary martial artist, he can explode battle strength comparable to top geniuses.

Rao is the eyes and ears of Sky Spirit Sect, and can’t find out more information about this person, so this person can only be ranked tenth.

When this list was announced, some people were happy and some were sad.

The sorrow is naturally the Star Sect. They suppressed Heavenly Martial Continent tens of thousands of years. Seeing that Heavenly Martial Continent is about to decline completely, suddenly so many terrifying geniuses burst out, which undoubtedly makes many The starry sky sect with different hearts caused a huge panic.

It’s the land martial artist who rejoices. Now that Grand Era hasn’t opened yet, Heavenly Martial Continent has so many geniuses. It’s not hard to imagine that when Grand Era really opens, Heavenly Martial Continent will welcome Come, what kind of glory?


“Young Master Ye, the Sky Martial City matter has been processed. By the way, we also found the hidden land and sky pill of Limitless Sect.”

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