The sky dragon roars. At the moment when the wind trigram is formed, it has changed from an ordinary sky dragon to a special wind dragon composed of powerful killing hurricanes.

Of course, the level of this wind dragon is still too low. The White Tiger domain that has just been formed is nothing more than Ordinary Level. Ye Fei immediately employs wild pill to raise the White Tiger domain from Ordinary Level to King level, and then He also used land pill to raise the king level to Earth Grade.

Finally, Ye Fei refining a natural pill, and completely upgraded the White Tiger domain from Earth Grade to Heaven Grade. This process seems very simple, but it’s all completed and it cost Ye. Fei several days, this is what makes the White Tiger domain completely transformed into the Heaven Grade domain.

“Very good, the White Tiger field has been practiced, and now only the last Black Tortoise field remains. My eighth-level Tianlong will have seven Heaven Grade fields. In addition to the Tai Chi field, our I have eight Heaven Grade domains in my body!” Such a number of domains is enough to scare any Heaven Grade quasi-emperor to death. You must know that if a general quasi-emperor can condense a Heaven Grade domain, it is fortunate to have it. Two, that is very rare. Even if it is peerless genius, it can condense three Heaven Grade fields, it is already the limit

. However, Ye Fei took a breath, condensing seven of them, and all of them are in the Heaven Grade domain. This is the terrifying point of the peerless evildoer, and this is not the limit of Ye Fei, Ye Fei clearly feels , If he hurriedly continued to retreat in the starry sky for 10-15 days, he is completely possible

and then condense the eighth Heaven Grade field, which is the Black Tortoise field.

Just before he started to condense, suddenly, in the depth of one’s soul, he heard a peculiar call. The call was very weak, as if it was going to disappear at any time. The weird Death Aura. Feeling this Death Aura, Ye Fei’s face changed drastically, “This is the corpse of my refining corpse puppet! For so many years, I have only trained two corpse puppets, of which the one from the Blood Demon Religion is already Self-destruct, by the way, at True Martial Saint Court, I also refined one. Could it be that the corpse hasn’t died for so many years?”

Ye Fei this The second time was a complete shock. He quickly let go of his mind and received the Death Aura. Soon, a scene of the corpse official before his death appeared in his mind, “The corpse official is fortunate to live, and he has already taken care of Fellow Daoist. , True Martial Saint Court is at stake, please Fellow Daoist to help quickly…”

Finally, Ye Fei only saw a bone demon hand, grabbed the corpse, and stretched out the demon hand. It was Fu Renjie, but he was obviously different from the Fu Renjie he knew.

“That’s Fu Renjie? No, it’s not Fu Renjie, it’s the breath of Human Demon! No, it’s not that Human Demon got out of the burial ground, and he even ordered Human Demon Hall to destroy True Martial Saint Court, courting death!”


Understanding how important the message passed by the corpse, Ye Fei suddenly showed a terrifying matchless murderous intention, This murderous intention also awakened Emperor Fan and the others.

“Ye Fei, what happened? Could it be that the Sword God turned back!” The broken army stood up first, murderous aura shocked the sky, and with the help of Tianhuang Dan, he has now gathered The three Heaven Grade fields, even if they are not in the starry sky battle list, breaking the army is enough to sweep the entire starry sky.

But the most powerful one is Difan. At this time, this natural Saint has five areas of condense, four of which are Heaven Grade, and the last one is also about to be upgraded to Earth Grade.

Zhao Yu and Lu Qing are a bit close, they are only condensed into two Heaven Grade domains, and a king-level domain.

Xue Yue just condensed into two complete Heaven Grade fields, and most of the remaining peerless genius successfully condensed their own Heaven Grade fields. Looking at them, Ye Fei was angry at the same time, but his heart moved. Suddenly said solemnly: “Everyone, I’m sorry to tell you that Human Demon, who caused the ancient catastrophe, may be out of trouble! Moreover, the Human Demon Palace is ready to ravage Zhong Prefecture. , Regain control of Heavenly Martial Continent, they also plan to destroy

True Martial Saint Court!”

“What, Human Demon? The invincible Martial God who claims to be the closest to the earth, he actually Get out of the burial land?”


This news shocked Emperor Fan and the others. The general martial artist does not know the horror of Human Demon, but it comes from the Martial Emperor. The Emperor Fan and the others of the Aristocratic Family, but he knew the legend of Human Demon at a very young age.

It was Human Demon that cut off the dragon head and dragon tail of Heavenly Martial Continent, which caused the Human Demon catastrophe, and also caused the fall of a large number of Martial Gods. Many powerful Holy Sects also declined in that catastrophe. . The current Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family is actually the survivor of that catastrophe. At this time, once he learned that Human Demon was out of trouble again, Emperor Fan and the others, his mind was greatly shaken. Zhao Yu saw Ye Fei’s worry and also said solemnly: “Human Demon is out of trouble, all the martial artists of Heavenly Martial Continent , Can’t stay out of the matter, no matter how others choose, I will be with you and kill True Martial

Saint Court!”

“And me, the four great Saint Court same qi, connected branch, if the Human Demon Temple destroys the True Martial Saint Court, our Shenwu Saint Court will not be able to save it. I will be with you!” Lu Qing stood up and said.

“There are us!”

Heavenly Dao and Heavenly Grade disciple of Saint Court also stood up and said.

“Our Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family are from Heavenly Martial Continent. We can’t stand by and watch this matter!” Di Fan and Xue Yue said together.

“In the Sky Martial City, there is now an army of martial artists stationed here. 90% of the quasi-emperors of our starry sky are also all gathered here. We have not left yet. We can bring them all together and encircle them together. Human Demon Hall!” Bro Jun’s eyes were cold, and he also proposed a good idea.

This idea immediately made Ye Fei’s eyes bright. If it were just a few of them, no matter how strong it was, it would be difficult to resist the endless army of corpses in the Human Demon Hall.

But if he can also return to Heavenly Martial Continent with an army of martial artists, then in this war, they may not have no hope of defeating Human Demon.

“Where is the Promise Sword God!”

Ye Fei stepped out of Small World, and then roared at the square of Sky Martial City. In the Earth Palace, he quickly rushed out A powerful Demi-God Divine Soul, bowed his head helplessly, and knelt down in front of Ye Fei, “What is the Lord’s command?”

“Wuji Sword God, now I order you to lead the entire Martial Sovereign of the starry sky, The quasi emperor, form an army, and together with Emperor Fan and the others, rush to Heavenly Martial Continent to encircle and suppress the Human Demon Hall!” Ye Fei commanded coldly.


Wuji Sword God refused, but after feeling Ye Fei’s soaring anger, he wisely chose to obey.

As for the many martial artists who are still in Sky Martial City, when they heard that Ye Fei was going to take them to attack Heavenly Martial Continent, their faces were full of weirdness, but they were just seeing the Promise Sword God. After all bowed their heads to Ye Fei, no one dared to oppose Ye Fei’s decision. Today’s starry sky, Ye Fei is the master! Ye Fei’s command is the imperial edict!

Chapter 1712 True Martial The Great Tribulation

“Ye Fei, you handed over the army to Sword God and Difan, don’t you yourself come with us?” Zhao Yu was a little confused Came over and asked.

This also makes Dan Ling’er and the others feel very strange. King Tyrant Dragon’s eyes turn around, considering whether to sneak away while Ye Fei is not there. Their Tyrant Dragon is here to be an uncle, to enjoy the service of Human Race, but not to help Human Race fight internally.

The situation is urgent. Ye Fei didn’t have the time to explain. He just nodded and said to Zhao Yu: “I’m going to the Geographical Sect and prepare a gift for Human Demon. The army goes first, Promise Sword God. If anyone dared to escape along the way, or did not work hard, I would allow you to cut and play!”

“haha, don’t worry, lord, who dares not listen to my orders, I Destroy his whole family!” Wuji Sword God was very happy. He was a cruel man. At this time, his fierce gaze was the first to focus on King Tyrant Dragon.

The Tyrant Dragon king hurriedly laughed to Ye Fei, and patted his chest to promise: “You can rest assured, Ye Xiaozi, all of the Tyrant Dragons under this king dare to fight and rush, and are not afraid of death. Good guy.”

“Very well, King Tyrant Dragon, from now on, you will be cavalry and charge forward.” Wuji Sword God said with a smile, the Tyrant Dragon king was green on the spot. Like a large green disc high above the starry sky. It’s a pity that Ye Fei didn’t have time to appreciate at this time. Saying goodbye to everyone, he immediately teleported to Blood River City on the Star Sky Road at the fastest speed, but the current Blood River City has long been renamed Tianzhen City. After Fei defeated Sword God and dominated the starry sky, the entire Ancient Starry Sky Road’s sects have all surrendered

and the martial artists who still remain in the Sky Array City are naturally no exception.

What surprises Ye Fei even more is that in Tianzhen City, he also found a starry sky Formation that was directly teleported to the gate of the Zongshan Gate. This Formation was originally Limitless Sect destroying the Blood River. After the clan, it was temporarily established, and now it happens to be convenient for Ye Fei. It only took two and a half hours, Ye Fei went down the road from the distant starry sky, teleported all the way to the outside of the gate of the ground formation sect, and then rushed directly to the mountain gate of the ground formation sect. The gate of the mountain is closed, no one can enter, but Ye Fei will recognize it for a while

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