Xi Yingqing Primordial Spirit is out of the body, like a God, rushing to the Earth Grade corpse who is fighting with him.


The Dean Vermilion Bird has an old appearance. With the burning of blood essence, his old body has shivered, but he is still moving forward, still fighting, hoping to rush Go to the densest place of corpse puppets and complete his last martial arts.


The craziest person is the White Tiger Dean. Relying on the speed of White Tiger, he rushed directly to the Nether Bone Ship, ignoring that his whole body was filled with swords. , Actually want to blow up the foundation of the Human Demon Hall.

“Crazy, these quasi Imperial Capitals of True Martial Saint Court are mad!” The quasi Emperor with the Human Demon Palace was panicked, and at this time he did not dare to stop.

Human Demon Palace Lord immediately let out an angry roar: “The rice bucket, what are you doing? A group of dying old ghosts, as long as they block their blow, True Martial Saint Court, who else can stop it? We extinguish sect!”

hong long!

Suddenly, the sky split and the earth shook! Just as the Human Demon Palace Lord roared, a brilliant starlight came from the Foreign Domain. Crashing like a meteor, it fell towards the Heavenly Martial Continent, even more straight, towards the Nether Bone Ship.

That kind of power even made the space emit an unbearable roar. The Nether Bone Ship was shaken violently at the moment when the meteor fell. Those Human Demon Halls still left on the Bone Ship. Disciple, was shaken to death on the spot.

But the meteor still kept going, but with the Nether Bone Ship, it crashed into the ground to a depth of three 1,000 meters, and it stopped completely. At this time, all the Human Demon Temple disciplines that were still left on it had all been shaken into a pool of bloody mud.

Only above the bloody mud, a purple-golden silhouette, such as Asura, is also like a war demon, carrying a heavy Promise sword, and taking a step towards high altitude in an instant, even faster than Shang Jing The speed appeared in the sky.

“The Chief Alliance Leader, the Supreme Dean, sorry, I came back late, let me take care of the next thing! Ye Fei’s tone is low. He appeared high in the sky and caught Shang Jing’s At the same time, he took another instant step and appeared beside Dean Taishang. The majestic true essence burst out from within the body. In an instant, Ye Fei completely sealed the Primordial Spirit of Dean Taishang and Shang Jing about to be self-destruction. , And then pushed hard. The bodies of the two were out of control

, and they flew to the only safe real Martial God Palace in True Martial Saint Court.

“It’s him, it’s That fiend in human form, he finally came back! “True Martial God Palace, the big blue stones jumped up and down, pointing to Ye Fei, both excited and sorrowful.

In the temple, Zhou Xiaoyu, Lu Lao and the others are all of them. Dumbfounded, they were already desperate, and they were ready to accept the terrible news of the destruction of True Martial Saint Court and the death of the three chiefs. But no one didn’t expect that at such a crisis, Ye Fei actually rushed from the stars in an instant Come.

Especially the imposing manner shown by Ye Fei at this time, which is simply not what Martial Sovereign Realm can have. What is even more exaggerated is that when Ye Fei falls from the starry sky, it’s even more so. The Nether Bone Ship of the Human Demon Hall crashed into the ground.

When seeing this scene, many of the quasi-emperors in the Human Demon Hall rubbed their eyes in disbelief, and then they discovered that this Everything turned out to be true. Ye Fei not only rushed back from the starry sky in time, but also sank the largest foundation of the Human Demon Palace, the Nether Bone Ship.


Human Demon Palace The Lord and many quasi-emperors vomited blood on the spot, and then all looked ashen, like a group of ghosts, rushing towards Ye Fei hideously and terribly, “Ye Fei, how dare you come to courting death!” This seat will tear you apart! “

At this time, the Human Demon Palace Lord was really thunderous, and the bones all over his body trembled. At the same time that Ye Fei appeared, almost all the quasi emperors in the Human Demon Palace, They were all furious, and rushed to Ye Fei when they were crazy, wishing to tear Ye Fei’s flesh and blood into pieces.

“Ye Fei, die! “”Devil Ye, you pay us the ghost bone ship! “

Chapter 1715 The Fury of True Martial

“Abolish him, cut off his hands and feet, and imprison his Primordial Spirit. This seat will torture him for ten thousand years! “

Human Demon Palace Lord burst out with an astonishing murderous intention. When he wanted to come, even if Ye Fei returned from the starry sky, at most he would just break through Martial Sovereign. A small Martial Sovereign dared to sink Human. The most important ghost bone ship in the Hall of Demon, the quasi-emperors of the Hall of Human Demon can no longer tolerate it. Almost at the same time that Ye Fei appeared, dozens of rays of light of the quasi-emperor, already carrying howling and murderous Intention, blasted Ye Fei, and completely collapsed the world where Ye Fei was standing into a space vortex. Under such an attack, let alone Martial Sovereign, even the quasi emperor, would be instantly blasted into

Fly ash.

“Ye Fei! “

“Ye Holy Son! “

Xi Yingqing, the three deans of White Tiger and Vermilion Bird, their eyes turned red in an instant. They didn’t expect. They did not see Dean Taishang and Shang Jing tragic death, but they did. Ye Fei, the scene of tragic death before their eyes.

“Ye Fei! “The Supreme Dean and Shang Jing are also stared wide-eyed at the same time. Although they feel the unusual breath of Ye Fei from Ye Fei’s shot, they don’t at all think of facing the attack of the dozens of the Human Demon Palace. Ye Fei, he didn’t hide, but allowed countless terrifying martial arts rays of light to drown him completely


“What kind of support does he have? Or is he It was just using his own life to save the lives of both of us: “Shang Jing’s heart suddenly trembled.

At this time, the Supreme Dean, the piercing dragon eyes were suddenly filled with great horror. , The Human Demon Palace Lord who shot, and the spirit fire in the skull’s eye sockets, shrank into a ball in fear.

What did he see?

Among dozens of them Under the attack of the destroying heaven extinguishing earth, Ye Fei, not only unscathed, but also burning with a strange blood flame, came out of the collapsed space vortex in stride.

“This is impossible, how could he resist the attack of dozens of our quasi-emperors? This must be an illusion. Kill him, kill him for this seat! “Human Demon Palace Lord’s entire soul trembled at this moment, and the powerhouse’s intuition made him suddenly feel a certain kind of great fear for Ye Fei.

Then it was the Heaven Grade corpse puppet that was furious. Roaring, it doesn’t matter whether Ye Fei is strong or weak. Upon hearing the command, the corpse puppet immediately rushes towards Ye Fei at the fastest speed.

“Be careful! “

The Supreme Master suddenly looked anxious. This corpse puppet is very difficult to fight. Even a peerless genius like him can only gain the upper hand, not kill it.

Seeing that it was actually a Heaven Grade corpse puppet rushing over, Ye Fei was also a little surprised, and then sneered, “trifling a corpse puppet, dare to shoot at me, get out! “

All eyes are in full view, Ye Fei simply raised the Promise Sword and smashed it forward. The Heaven Grade corpse puppet has been smashed into a ball of blood mist in an instant, and the dead can no longer die.


“My God! This kid, he, he…Jing’er, no more, please help me…” Dean Taishang’s shocked body was shaking.

Shang Jing was also shocked, but he heard too much As for the Supreme Dean, she still subconsciously held the Supreme Dean and forced her arms into her arms, and Elder, the Supreme Lord’s face immediately flushed, and her heart was all smashed to death. Fortunately, their actions were not at all noticed.

All eyes were shocked and shocked looking at the sky, looking at the black-clothed youth standing with a sword. Ye Fei at this time, in their eyes, is so familiar, yet so strange and familiar The people of Ye Fei, the stranger is Ye Fei’s eruption, the kind of terrifying power that is unique to me.

“You actually crushed the corpse with a sword, this is impossible. Even if it is Heaven Grade Zhundi, it is impossible to do it, what realm are you in the end! “Human Demon Palace Lord is full of shock. It is indeed Ye Fei’s sword, too terrifying. It is so shocking.

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