Don’t look at her frail appearance, but she is stubborn, and Nine Headed Bull can’t pull it back. Moreover, in the Six Paths Sacred Palace, there is the guidance of the Martial Emperor who guards Elder and the Saint Palace. The puppet’s careful training, now Ye Shanshan, has already passed the Martial Sovereign, and is the real Martial Sovereign. It’s just that Ye Shanshan has never been outside. She doesn’t know what this Holy Lord palace assessment means, but Xia Jun and Luo Xing are different. They are both Martial Dao veterans. When I heard that Ye Fei was assessed inside After it was actually left behind by the Seven Martial Gods, the two of them were shocked and hurriedly stopped Ye Shanshan at the same time.

“Shanshan younger sister, don’t be impulsive, guard Elder. Since you let your brother participate in the Holy Lord’s examination, there must be some reasons we don’t know, so don’t act blindly without thinking.”

“hmph, the old man of course has a purpose, but success or failure depends on the good fortune of this kid.” I don’t know when the guardian Elder also came outside the palace. Behind him, there are more than a dozen stone puppets. , Most of them are very duty-bound, only one, while walking, while carrying the paint to paint everywhere, showing coquettish air, the other puppets I saw quickly walked away, not dare to act with this stone


“What are you doing? They are all senior and junior brothers. Look at your jealous faces. Hey, I’m really jealous when I live, and I am envied after death… Ye Xiaozi, come on, uncle But I made a bet with the senior and junior brothers, betting that you will be beaten out by the Old Guy inside several times…”

The stone puppet quacked and laughed. It was actually a bet on this. Xia Jun and Luo Xing looked sideways, and even Ye Shanshan had their mouth opened wide. Suddenly, she was very fortunate that she was almost nodded by the stone puppets and joined the Asura Sacred Palace.


As they were talking, the battle in the Holy Lord’s palace ended again. Even with the Promise Sword, Ye Fei was still beaten by the seven Martial God Avatars with bloody nose and swollen face, battered and exhausted.

Xia Jun and Luo Xing were already scared to speak, Ye Shanshan also looked at Ye Fei worriedly, and whispered: “Brother, if it fails, let’s forget it, think Other methods are okay!”

“Forget it…Don’t, the kid outside, the uncle is not happy enough, don’t be shy, come in and look for a fight, uncle just counted it, and hit you altogether 36 fists and seventy two feet!” There was another rough voice inside. And hearing this voice, Ye Fei had a retreat. At this time, he became angry ten thousand zhang. Even if he was beaten, he even said the number of beats. This is absolutely unbearable. At this time, Ye Fei also Finally, I know why the puppets of other holy palaces are so good, that is, the stone of the Asura holy palace

The head puppets are always cheap, and people want to fight once they see it. “Shut up! Old Guys, this is what you forced me! The bloodline god armor, the octopole dragon!” Ye Fei was not discouraged. This time he not only used the Promise Sword, but also used all the trump card abilities. Now, when the seven Heaven Grade domains appeared on his body, even guarding Elder was shocked and he felt like hell in the daytime. The seven Martial Gods of the Holy Lord Palace were also taken aback by Can Nian, but they quickly reacted and praised them: “I finally met a good seedling. I tried hard, it’s not a shame for us. Sect Master’s ability, you see, just put a water and beat him for three 50 years, even if he passes the level, okay?”

“Fart! Sect Master don’t Listening to those soft guys, I haven’t played so well for a long time, uncle. How about 50 years. At least I have to play for a hundred years. Let the uncle be happy before I say…” It’s the silly voice again. , Adding fuel and vinegar on the side, even threatened to fight Ye Fei for a hundred years.

Ye Fei suddenly turned green with anger, “No wonder I’m outside. As long as I’m from the Asura Palace, everyone shouts and beats me. I can’t wait to get rid of me. After a long time, you brought out this atmosphere, old fart, look for fight! The ultimate sword! Kill!”

Boom ka! With this sword, Ye Fei exhausted all his strength, he first Use the Octopus Tianlong to resist the other six Martial Gods, and then use the bloodline armor to absorb their damage. In the end, Ye Fei brazenly shot and used the ultimate sword combined with the Taiji Liuhe Sword to cut to the strongest , He is also the most ruthless Asura Martial God.

If possible, Ye Fei now wants to hold this person on the ground and beat him up, but the idea is beautiful, the reality is cruel, and his cultivation technique is indeed top-notch. But similarly, the opponent he faced this time was not an ordinary person. In front of him, there were seven powerful Martial Gods who created six Holy Sects. Although what remains in the palace of the Holy Lord is just a trace of their thoughts during their lifetime. But these seven remnant thoughts are still in all aspects, reaching a level that can be called perfect.

Chapter 1734 Fierce

Strength, speed, cultivation technique, defense, reaction, these seven Martial Gods, all are in the realm of monstrous talent level. Under such circumstances, Ye Fei don’t talk about dealing with seven, just dealing with one of them is enough to put him into a hard fight.

At this time, I hit seven with one. Needless to say, I just persisted for about three breaths. Seven Martial Gods joined forces to strike out Ye Fei from the Palace of the Holy Lord, especially The Asura Martial God raised a big fist of the sea bowl and was about to hit Ye Fei in the face.

Ye Fei’s angry hair is standing up like a thunderbolt, “old fart, today I fight with you, I don’t believe I can’t beat you! Bloodline god armor!”

hong long!

Infinite blood flames burned from Ye Fei’s body, and at the same time the Promise Sword was turned to the limit by Ye Fei, he seemed to have returned to the madness of fighting Human Demon.

Despite everything, fierce and unafraid of death.

And this time Ye Fei did not attack seven Martial Gods at the same time. In his eyes, he directly ignored the other six Martial Gods, just chasing the one who beat him the most fiercely and called the most happily. Asura Martial God, fiercely fiercely smashed it crazily with the Promise Sword.

Suddenly, in front of everyone’s eyes, it seemed that a crazy and dazzling star appeared, which not only smashed the palace of the Holy Lord and trembled violently, but in the end, even the entire land of desertion was crazy in Ye Fei Under strikes, it became violently trembling.

What’s even more crazier is that when Ye Fei chased Asura Martial God, he completely ignored the other six Martial God’s fist attacks, no matter how powerful their attacks were, no matter how powerful they were. It hurts Ye Fei’s body. That kind of pain even caused many Martial Emperors to scream in pain and retreat, but Ye Fei still did not retreat. He still only spotted the Asura Martial God, with red eyes, shouting fiercely, “Come on. , Don’t you want to be happy, today I’ll be happy with you, I don’t need to kill all of you

, as long as you kill one, then Young Master, I will earn!”

“hmph, you killed old Asura, and you must have killed 99% of your life. There are six of us, how can you defeat it?” The other six Martial Gods were frantically besieging at the same time, and couldn’t help but ask curiously. , Which means the school has been taken. But after being beaten so hard, Ye Fei’s desperate flames of anger burned up. Wherever he thought of that many, he chased Asura Martial God and shouted straightly and confidently: “Follow him that many, get caught first. I live and fight to the death. If I die, I will win. If I don’t die, wait until I go out to raise it.

It’s so hurt, come in and continue fighting!”

“What, you It’s not enough to chase me once, you still chase me?” Hearing Ye Fei’s crazy play that is even more rogue than a rogue, let alone Asura Martial God. The rest of the six Martial God’s remnant thoughts all couldn’t help feeling cold all over.

Even they have thought about it, when they threw Ye Fei out of the coma from the serious injury, and after a while Ye Fei recovered from the injury, they rushed in and continued to chase Asura Martial God to death. , That scene, thinking about it makes people feel shuddering.

“It’s worthy of being the discipline of the Asura Sacred Palace! Ruthless enough, crazy enough, deadly enough!”

“Old Asura, can you still fight? If you don’t fight, just let Let him pass!”

“Fighting, and a fart, really made him chase me to death, that’s the great disrespect of deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors! That’s all, stop fighting, kid , Stop!” Asura Martial God was chased and killed by Ye Fei for a while. He was already suffocated and breathless, almost psychologically shadowed.

Ye Fei is also very uncomfortable. He has to resist the attacks of the other six Martial Gods and pursue Asura Martial God at all costs, even if he successfully fights Asura Martial God in the end. Fist, kicked a few feet to vent his breath, but he didn’t have much strength left.

Following this situation, even if you hold a sigh of relief at the end, it really kills Asura Martial God, and the other six Martial Gods will definitely kill him.

But since Ye Fei dared to do this, apart from being too angry, in fact, he knew very well in his heart that since the guardian Elder was beaten in it more than a hundred times and nothing happened, it means that this assessment is not There will be a mortal danger. At most, he was knocked out and thrown out.

Since this is the case, what else is there to be afraid of, playing a hooligan, if he can’t play with these seven old hooligans, then he will kill him directly, even if he can’t beat everyone, as long as one of them is afraid, he will take it. , To a certain extent, Ye Fei has won. When seeing the seven Martial Gods, they stopped attacking Ye Fei and retreated at the same time. Guarding Elder suddenly felt heartache, “Why, the old man was beaten by these seven gangsters for more than a hundred Second, how old man didn’t expect, in fact, I can still play with them, I can also

only chase one of them and fight directly to the death! so that’s how it is, this is The mystery of the Sacred Palace Examination, I didn’t think about it until now!” “Hey, Senior Brother, look a little bit! To be honest, Ye Xiaozi’s talent is a bit scumbag, his strength is a bit weak, and his personality is too impulsive. , The key is that he is not good at long and does not know how to respect Senior, but one thing is that he is still very strong, that is, the heart of desperate and winning, just rush

It’s enough to be the Sect Master of our six Holy Sects!” The stone puppet walked over, patted and guarded Elder’s shoulder to express comfort. He knew that guarding Elder had always wanted to become the Sect Master of the Six Holy Sects. ,

Unfortunately, the assessment of the Holy Lord Palace is too difficult. Facing seven Martial Gods at the same time, almost any normal Martial Emperor is impossible to pass this assessment until Ye Fei uses something impossible. The means of description can be regarded as a clever solution to this level. Guarding Elder Although I feel that Ye Fei this method is quite shameful, but seeing the silhouettes of the seven Martial Gods have stepped back at the same time and no longer prevents Ye Fei from entering the Holy Palace, guarding Elder finally couldn’t help it, laughing heartily: “Junior Brother, You may be wrong this time. The old man has no plans to become the Sect Master.

It’s just that we have six Holy Sects. A new Sect Master must appear in order to break the oath and see the sun again. The old man was the strongest before. Only the old man can do this. Ye Fei is the strongest now. Of course, the old man has to find a way to force Ye Fei to do it!”

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