Guard Elder smiled boldly, and then, he shot and brazenly moved towards Human Demon, the bone king formed by killing him, this hell immediately boiled.

Luo Xing and Xia Jun, who were responsible for guarding and guarding Elder’s body, also turned pale. They hadn’t had a breakthrough Martial Sovereign at this time, and the demonic energy around them had a great impact on them. But just when they feel uncomfortable. Suddenly, a large bluestone rolled over from a distance, swished, and squatted on the head guarding Elder. While suppressing the evil spirits guarding Elder, he did not forget to teach Xia Jun: “You two junior, why do you Vice make a fuss about nothing?

But it’s no wonder that I usually don’t appear on the stage. When I appear, it must be heaven-shaking, earth-shattering. Remember the first time Ye Xiaozi saw this Uncle. It’s not that I was scared like you, almost peeing on my pants, and immediately knelt down, kowtow to this Uncle, shouting the ancestor of the bluestone…”

While Ye Fei was away, the big bluestone chattered and couldn’t bear Everywhere they boasted, Xia Jun and Luo Xing’s eyes widened, and they checked their pants subconsciously, and then they faintly felt that the tone of the big bluestone was familiar.

Outside the Evil Sacred Palace, a loud voice came in, “Old Demon, are you dead? If you are not dead, the uncle can come in and collect your body!”

It turned out to be a stone puppet. She was slapped flying by the guard Elder. She was not convinced. He turned around and carried a giant Warhammer from the Asura Palace. He planned to come back and find the place. But Guard Elder didn’t see it, but unexpectedly. The big bluestone squatting on the guardian old man.

The stone puppet was also taken aback. “Fuck, the old demon’s brain is broken. The heart is only hell. His demonic heart rushes into hell. Why is there a broken stone on his head? Want to avoid evil? Uncle, I plan to come and help him fight!”

Actually, the stone puppet is worried that he will protect Elder alone and cannot get out of the hell created by Human Demon, but this is for sure. Unspeakable.

Until he saw the big bluestone squatting on the top of the guardian old man, the stone puppet was relaxed. Of course, he knew at a glance that it was the Dao Comprehension Stone, the Divine Stone that suppressed Heart Demon.

The big bluestone was also very surprised by the appearance of the stone puppet. He couldn’t help but squatted on the head guarding Elder and looked at the stone puppet curiously and said: “Why are your six Holy Sects suitable for stone formation? How come there are stone spirits everywhere!”

“You are the stone spirit, and your family are all stone spirits!” The stone puppet was furious. This stone spirit is clearly a curse, “Remember, I am Your uncle!”

Daqingshi was also annoyed at hearing this, and said angrily: “Let’s stop! You stone spirit see clearly, uncle, I am a noble in the stone, the Divine Stone Dao Comprehension Stone of the cream of the crop , I am the uncle!”

“Impudent, dare to be rude to your uncle!”

“trifling Shi Jing, dare to be rude to your bluestone uncle!” Stone Both the puppet and the big bluestone glared at him, repeatedly emphasizing that he was the uncle. At this time, the stone saw the stone. The two sides were tough. In the end, under the stunned gaze of Xia Jun and Luo Xing, there was a disagreement between the big bluestone and the stone puppet. Rush into that hell and fight each other


“These six Holy Sects are really messy!” For a long time, Xia Jun had to sigh.

“Yes, now I’m more worried about whether Brother Fei can pass the examination of the Holy Lord Palace.” Luo Xing also looked sad.

Of course, there are also six holy palaces that are not chaotic. For example, Tianyi Palace, Saint Palace is very peaceful. In order to prevent Ye Shanshan’s pure heart from being polluted, the female puppets of Saint Palace are also very careful in advance He took Ye Shanshan back to the Saint Palace, and avoided the chaos that followed.


Holy Lord palace.

Seven Martial Gods have reached the level of murky heavens dark earth, and they have made all kinds of movements from time to time. Ye Fei was very annoying, and on several occasions, he was almost beaten from his comprehension. Suddenly, Ye Fei discovered something obvious again. “Strange, since the seven Martial Gods can join forces to create the six holy palaces, they can fight side by side, perish together, and seal Human Demon. There is no grievance between them, but why they are in front of me? If you don’t agree, just fight it out? Could it be, what’s the mystery in it…”

Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly lit up. These details, under normal circumstances, are difficult for him to find. But now it’s different. The Immortal Sword Soul improves his perception almost infinitely. Its monstrous talent level also allows Ye Fei to have good insight. So when he stumbling and comprehending Asura’s magic fist, Ye Fei didn’t. Cultivation immediately, try to see if your own understanding is correct. And

is the seven Martial Gods who suddenly interrupted the cultivation, raised their eyes, and looked towards in the sky fighting. At this look, Ye Fei suddenly found a trace of unusual clues!

Chapter 1737 backlash

“Sincerely ancient heavenly power! These seven Martial Gods, all they perform are the firstly ancient heavenly power!” Ye Fei’s soul was extremely shocked.

At first glance, the seven Martial Gods were playing very chaotic, but they had already comprehended the Asura Divine Fist, but Ye Fei could see at a glance that he was still in the comprehension stage that the Asura Martial God was performing. The Asura fist, this fist, is also known as the invincible fist. Ye Fei was shocked to discover that the Asura martial god fist cast by Asura Martial God is very different from the Asura martial fist he had comprehend. The two sides seem to have the same moves, but the subtle changes are like The sharp swords are exactly the same. They look the same, but the quality of their materials is still very different. “By the way, it’s the gap! Although I have realized the Asura Martial God fist, I will never be able to perform as high as Asura Martial God! Is it aptitude? Is it not enough combat experience? Or does it not have enough understanding of boxing? , These are still appearances, the real reason should be Asura Martial God

, the understanding of other Six Sect Taikoo Tiangong! Through this understanding, he can simply use an Asura magic fist to control Other Six Sect Taikoo Tiangong!”

Ye Fei was taken aback by his own thought. A martial artist can perform one or two Taikoo Tiangong at the same time. That is already the limit. For example, he can When casting the Octopus Dragon, use Taiji Sword Dao. But if he wants to display other heavenly powers, it is basically impossible to do it. At this time, Asura Martial God, although he always uses the Asura magic fist, it appears vaguely, with the Asura magic fist, and at the same time Harnessing the powers of other Six Sect geniuses, this makes Ye Fei look crazy

Intoxicated, some even fall into madness. In essence, Ye Fei is also considered a martial idiot. Seeing others do what one loves to do, one is inspired to try it again, he couldn’t help but follow the pace of Asura Martial God, constantly waving Asura’s fist, and began to try the vague thoughts in his heart.

“No, it’s still not right. Asura Martial God’s movements are too fast. No, it’s not that his movements are fast, but my movements are too slow, and I only learn one Asura martial fist. , I’m not familiar with it. How can I manage multiple powers with one power?” Ye Fei gradually became discouraged again. He realized that he was still inferior to Asura Martial God. Not comparable to other Martial Gods, these Martial Gods seem to be born to fight, and like Asura Martial God, they use their own cultivation technique to control the traces of other people’s cultivation techniques


The strongest among them is the Six Dao Sect Master. He has the powerful offensive martial arts of the Six Dao Slaughter Gods. At this time, among his Six Dao Slaughter Gods, Ye Fei can clearly see the Six Dao Slaughter Gods. Incorporating the shadow of Asura’s fist.

It’s just this integration, and it’s not very perfect.

So, when the Six Sect Masters are used, they are still very vague. If it weren’t for the immortal Sword Soul at this time, Ye Fei’s perception would be greatly improved, and Ye Fei itself had cultivation over the Octopus Heavenly Dragon. With the more profound Heavenly Venerate cultivation technique, he also impossible to see the subtle changes in the battle of the seven Martial Gods.

“It seems that I have too little Primordial Heavenly Art. I don’t cultivate for the time being. I will understand the Heavenly Holy Demon Art first and compare it later!”

Ye Fei refused Give up, he feels that the battle of the seven Martial Gods has given him tremendous inspiration. This kind of inspiration makes him excited and addicted. Ye Fei no longer pays attention to the other six Martial Gods fighting, but just stares at the demon Martial God wholeheartedly, paying attention to his every shot, and at the same time, they confirm the cultivation technique of the Heavenly Sage Demon Art. Observe in this way. While comprehending, Ye Fei was surprised to find that it took him only one and a half

this time to comprehend all the cultivation techniques of the Heavenly Sage Magic Power.

There was a movement in his heart, and a terrifying demonic energy suddenly appeared on his body, making Ye Fei as if incarnation had become True Demon, and behind him was a terrifying abyss of hell.

“The heart is hell, and I am True Demon! What a cultivation demon art, good or evil, all in my mind, I don’t know what I have now These two Primordial Heavenly Arts, like the evil demon Martial God, integrate the two Heavenly Palaces and perform them at the same time!”

I don’t know how long it took, Ye Fei’s eyes flashed with firmness, suddenly At the same time, it urges the Asura Divine Fist and Heavenly Sage Magic Power to fight forward. But this feeling is different from simultaneously urging the War God Dao and the war demonic path.

Ye Fei cultivation’s War God Dao and war demonic path are themselves part of the force of despair, and they can be easily moved at the same time.

But Tiansheng Mogong is different from Asura Divine Fist. These two sect merit laws are different in true essence. At the same time, they are mobilized. Not only can they not merge with each other, but they also immediately produce violent rejection.


Ye Fei shot at the same time, but instead of being able to beat the two Taikoo Tiangong together, he shook himself, causing a countercurrent of blood and blood, and martial arts backlash.

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