After waiting in the crowd for a while, I found that the Martial Spirit monument was quiet . Ye Fei turned and left. Zhou Qiang followed Ye Fei fearfully. Don’t dare to breathe.

The City Lord of Trial also retracted his gaze from the crowd, and sighed slightly, “It seems that the three geniuses that appeared this time are not from the city of self-testing. What a pity!”

“City Lord, although our city of trials does not have a genius with the title of Gold List, there is Baihou like this. The genius nominated by the silver list is willing to join. This is also Sir City Lord’s great feat!” Next to City Lord, a The old man flattered that he had black wings on his back.

This person is an old Yi Patriarch. Like the Tiger tribe, the Yi tribe is also a race living in a certain Human Race continent. With the looting of the Heavenly Venerate origin of the Human Race continent by the Wu tribe, the Yi tribe Also had to join the Human Race battlefield. And a certain concubine who tried the City Lord was from the Wing Clan, so for the Tiger Clan and the Wing Clan, the City Lord usually looked at it differently.

Chapter 1752 The Octopus Great Accomplishment

At this time, when I heard Yi patriarch suddenly mentioned Baihou, he was not a fool to test the City Lord, he quickly understood this. unspoken implication.

“Elder, do you mean to make me fully support Baihou? This kid has talent, but he is too arrogant. Don’t think I don’t know. He has always looked down on our Human Race, last time God The matter of the temple, he was the first to cause trouble!” said in a cold tone of the City Lord pupil light. Perceiving that the City Lord is dissatisfied with Baihou, Yi patriarch Old Ma bends down and apologizes: “City Lord, Baihou is a bit arrogant, but he is still young and there is still a chance to make corrections. Besides, Baihou is already Heaven Temple. The pre-trained elite, City Lord, you are also from Heaven Temple. I think, even if you are dissatisfied with Baihou, City Lord, you should support it. It’s better to support it.”

The City Lord’s pupil light flickered for a while in the trial. After weighing the pros and cons, he finally nodded and said coldly: “Let’s say, what does Baihou want to do? As long as it is not too big, this City Lord can cooperate. “

After testing the Martial Spirit monument, Ye Fei returned to Zhou Qiang’s residence and immediately began to retreat, preparing for the upcoming trial battle.

This is also a level that every martial artist who accepts the summoning order must go through. Only the martial artist who successfully passes the trial battle is eligible to enter the real Human Race battlefield and participate The war with the Witch tribe.

“Young Master Ye, there are still about three years to go before the next trial battle. During this time, if you have anything to do, the villain will do it for you. !”

Since the discovery of the title of Ye Fei Gold List, he still beats the crowd, but after I dominate, Zhou Qiang’s attitude has changed drastically. Not only did he no longer fear Ye Fei, he also voluntarily became Zhou from Big Brother Zhou. Little brother. Make up his mind to hold Ye Fei’s thigh and not let go.

Ye Fei did not refuse Zhou Qiang’s approach. After three years, he really needed a quiet place to secluded cultivation. Secondly, he also needed Zhou Qiang’s local tyrant status to help. He inquired about Zhao Yu and Lu Qing.

So after instructing Zhou Qiang to exchange a lot of Spirit Stone, enough grass and Dragon Tortoise to eat for ten years without worry, Ye Fei directly entered the Spirit Gathering Tower and began a long retreat.

He did not seek breakthrough Martial Emperor this time. He just hoped to practice a few more Taikoo skills. It is worth mentioning that, due to the success of the final marsh domain, Ye Fei finally practiced thoroughly. It became the Heavenly Venerate cultivation technique of Octopus Tianlong. However, what Ye Fei has trained is only the 1st Style of the Octopus Heavenly Dragon, and the number of Primordial Heavenly Palaces that can be controlled at present is only four Primordial Heavenly Arts. This is the case. When Ye Fei used three years of time and cultivation success in Dragon Town’s Nine Heavens and Ice Sacred Jue, the formidable power of his Octopus Celestial Dragon also rose to an incredible level.


“Now I, even without the help of the Divine Item of the Promise Sword, I can still fight the Martial Emperor! If the Promise Sword is added, I will have the confidence to face the fully restored Promise Sword God. Defeat!” Ye Fei was very excited.

But looking at the thoroughly Spiritual Qi consumed in the Spirit Gathering Pagoda, Ye Fei is again depressed. Although there are more than 500 spirit veins in his Spirit Gathering Pagoda, he is not directly practicing spirit. Transformation is just absorbing the Spiritual Qi words naturally emitted by the spirit vein.

Don’t say five hundred, that is, the Spiritual Qi gathered by 1,000 spirit veins is not enough for Ye Fei to absorb. Ye Fei is walking on the road of despair. This is a road to death. It was a road to burn money, and it cost him a thousand spirit veins to integrate the power of despair seven times.

And for the eighth time, the horrible 10,000 spirit veins, Ye Fei, may not be able to get together.

Even more how, there are two big people who eat Spirit Stone beside him.

“By the way, I have been in retreat for three years. I don’t know what happened to Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise.” Ye Fei put Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise in the house when he entered the Pagoda. With.

Anyway, there are his restrictions around him, just to give Zhou Qiang ten courage, and he dare not walk in to see what happened in the yard. So the first thing that the cultivation completed, Ye Fei was to go out and see what happened to Dragon Tortoise and Xiaocao. As soon as he went out, Ye Fei was taken aback on the spot. Only Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise were eaten. He has a round belly, lying on the ground basking in the sun, and the grass hiccups from time to time and feels the skin of the supporting belly, looking very distressed.

Dragon Tortoise even stayed on the ground, unable to climb. The whole fat body was like a black charcoal ball. Ye Fei almost didn’t recognize it. It was actually a turtle.

Ye Fei suddenly looked distressed, walked over, kicked Dragon Tortoise like a ball, “Da Hei, don’t worry if you are greedy by yourself, you still bring the grass with you. Eat, that’s a Spirit Stone for ten years, and you ate it in three years!”

“Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? Tortoise told her that these Spirit Stones must be eaten in three years. If you don’t eat them, Ye Fei will not give her Spirit Stones. So Xiaocao worked very hard and worked very hard. Finally, within three years, The Spirit Stone piled up into a mountain

It’s very hard to eat.

When talking, Xiaocao couldn’t help but let out another loud hiccup. Dragon Tortoise knew that it was in trouble, so he hurriedly found an iron chain and wanted to retract his bracing belly. Unfortunately, Dragon Tortoise was too bracing to eat this time, even the chain was not fastened.

Just touch it, the fat on Dragon Tortoise’s belly has broken all the tightened chains, and then the fat on the belly hits the ground with a roar. Now even Xiaocao couldn’t stand it, and hurriedly covered his eyes with his hands. Ye Fei’s face was as black as iron, but soon he smiled again, touching Dragon Tortoise’s head comfortedly: “Da Hei, If you can’t pretend, then don’t pretend. Anyway, it’s almost the New Year. You don’t have a mental burden. You must eat and sleep more. The more fat you grow, the better the New Year!”

“Roar?” Dragon Tortoise was surprised, a little confused, what exactly did Ye Fei’s sentence mean, or Xiaocao reacted and secretly told Dragon Tortoise that it would be fattened for the New Year.

Dragon Tortoise was ashen-faced scared on the spot, without anyone urging him, he had been desperate for his life, and he rolled hard on the ground for exercise. In this scene, Zhou Qiang, who heard the sound, almost didn’t faint again in shock, until he saw that it was not a black charcoal ball but a Dragon Tortoise rolling on the ground that Zhou Qiang came back to his senses. Up. Then he hurriedly said: “Young Master Ye, the trial battle has begun. I came in to inform

you, I didn’t mean to see it!”

Obviously, Zhou Qiang also I know that Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise must be Ye Fei’s unwillingness to let others know about the secret, and he accidentally bumped into him, Zhou Qiang suddenly scared face deathly pale.

Ye Fei was also very depressed, and only then discovered that the movement of kicking Dragon Tortoise just now was a bit loud, and it shocked Zhou Qiang outside. “Now that you have discovered my secret, leave you a way, take the Divine Soul vow, it just so happens that I still have one less follower by my side!”

“What, Divine Soul vow…” Zhou Qiang is extremely incomparable Embarrassed, once the Divine Soul oath is issued, he will be impossible to rebel in the future.

“If you don’t want to, then forget it.” Ye Fei said indifferently, “It seems that I can only kill people.” “No, I swear! I swear!” Zhou Qiang was in tears. The face was full, and I felt that I must have committed too much evil, and then I met Ye Fei, an honest person who can eat people without spitting out bones. In the end, Ye Fei didn’t deceive him, but instead he sold himself clean.

Chapter 1753 The Battle of Trials

The battle of trials is the most important assessment in the entire city of trials. Only by passing the assessment, these will come from the summoning order. Only the martial artists of China have the qualifications to enter the real Human Race battlefield.

At the same time, different cities of trials have different content of the battle of trials. So on the way to the battle of trials, Zhou Qiang began to introduce Ye Fei to the battle of trials. The tool within the body content.

“Young Master Ye, the trial battle on our side is actually very simple. It is to fight for battle. As long as we can persist in the Formation for ten days, we can pass the test and get to the Human Race Xiongguan qualification.”

“So, the trial battle here is actually the Formation assessment. By the way, what is the specific Formation?” Ye Fei curiously asked.

Thinking of something, Zhou Qiang said with a bit of fear: “It’s the battle spirit formation! Once the trial battle begins, these formations will automatically condense the special battle spirit, as long as it can be attacked by the battle spirit , Persist for ten days without dying, even if we pass the test.”

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