When he spoke, this person had already hurt the assassin. He was actually planning to kill Ye Fei directly to kill him.

Ye Fei’s face suddenly changed, “The five worlds are down, what is your relationship with the demon prince?”

“hmph, the demon prince is my nephew! Since you know the demon prince, you dare to This king is right, and he doesn’t kneel down and die…”


He didn’t wait for this person to finish speaking, just when he started, in the sky, he suddenly jumped A human and beast illusory shadow with golden light flashing all over comes out. This is the special battle spirit condensed by Killing Formation.

When the battle spirit came out, it rushed directly to the nearest heavenly demon mainland martial artist, among which the person who took the lead became the first target of the battle spirit.

Everyone just saw a golden beast shadow rushing towards the opponent, and the opponent’s entire body, along with the sinking of the Five Realms, had all burst.

“Oh my God, how could it be possible that this Killing Formation’s battle soul is actually from Martial Emperor Level!” Zhou Qiang already yelled in fear. Not only Zhou Qiang, but most martial artists screamed in terror whenever they felt the breath of the battle spirit. Those heavenly demon mainland martial artists who were originally blocked in front and planned to join forces to hunt down the souls of war, at this time are all crying fathers and mothers, fleeing from all sides, no one has the courage to face this again

Martial Emperor is fighting spirit.

Ye Fei even saw that there were two cowardly female martial artists, and they couldn’t help crying in shock.

“Martial Emperor battle soul, how could it be Martial Emperor battle soul? This is simply not a test, this is obviously to let us die!”

“Help, please, help Save me!”

In the sky, there are escaping heavenly demon everywhere. Mainland martial artists cry for help in horror, but unfortunately, in the face of Martial Emperor Level’s war spirits, don’t say anything about it. At this time, the vast majority of people have been terrified, and they all flee without life moved towards the front door, hoping to avoid the pursuit and killing of the Martial Emperor.

From this chaos, Ye Fei quickly understood what had happened, “Zhou Qiang, did the Martial Emperor battle spirit appear in the previous trial battle?”

“No, in the battle of trials in the past, at most half-step monstrous talent level quasi-emperor war souls appeared, and Martial Emperor war souls were basically impossible. I see, this is a conspiracy, this is the City Lord deliberately framed us!” Zhou Qiang Not a fool, and soon realized what happened.

Ye Fei also had an ugly nodded face. Only then did he understand what the flashing sneer in the City of Trial meant before he came in. Obviously, Killing Formation’s battle spirit level will not be sudden Increase, unless someone deliberately let this Killing Formation battle soul, from the quasi emperor, to the Martial Emperor!

“Young Master Ye, what should we do?” Zhou Qiang was frightened and had the urge to hug Ye Fei again.

“Fuck back and watch the excitement!” Ye Fei’s face went dark, and before Zhou Qiang’s shot, leg raised, he kicked Zhou Qiang far away. His actions also successfully saved Zhou Qiang’s life.

Because when he was talking to Zhou Qiang, the Martial Emperor battle soul had already killed the heavenly demon martial artist in front of him. At the same time, a horrible black air that was as dark as a demon, covering the sky and obscured the sun, had already swallowed towards Ye Fei. Seeing this, Ye Fei’s expression could not help flashing a dignified look, and then he took a deep breath and waited. This battle spirit swallowed him. His within the body, the nine Heaven Grade domains, have completely exploded, and finally formed a whistling domain Divine Sword, shattering the void, teaching the world, and also Torn this war soul.


However, this war soul is Martial Emperor Realm, and it is lifeless, even though Ye Fei used sword dao Heavenspan to tear the war soul into two halves. , But that Battle Soul still roared, unexpectedly reunited, and once again killed Ye Fei. Ye Fei was also completely irritated by the actions of this fighting spirit. “One sword can’t kill you, then two swords, two swords can’t kill you, then ten swords, this little trick wants to kill me, it’s a joke, kill!”

Chapter 1755 Crossing the formation


Boom ka!

between Heaven and Earth, suddenly a brilliant sword of rays of light burst out. That sword light, like a howling nebula, filled the entire sky and enveloped it. The entire Killing Formation.

At this time, many martial artists were already hiding at the gates, crowded together to protect themselves, and then they saw the scene of unforgettable.

“There are people who can beat the battle spirit of the Martial Emperor Level with the realm of Quasi-Emperor, my God, I must be dreaming!”

“What dreaming, Open your eyes and see clearly, it’s not a dream, it’s true!”

“Very good, able to suppress the Martial Emperor, this person is definitely a legendary evildoer, my God, where did he come from? Mainland China, why haven’t we heard of this person before?”

“I know him. His name is Ye Fei. By the way, I think of it. He seemed to be in the temple three years ago and almost The fierce man Baihou fought!”


The discussion of these martial artists hasn’t finished yet. Suddenly, the entire sky trembled violently, and everyone looked up towards the sky, with expressions of horror and disbelief.

“Oh my god, this Ye Fei is too fierce, he, he actually forcibly blown up the Martial Emperor battle spirit!”

“It’s not just a battle spirit, this is it! The Killing Formation can’t stand his sword light violently, look at him, he seems to have to cross the formation!”

What? Cross the array!

Not an absolute genius, who would dare to cross the battle lightly, but this scene happened in front of everyone. After smashing this war soul with the Promise Sword, Ye Fei had half a black token in his hand. He knew that this was the war soul order to enter the war soul space.

As long as he can put together a complete token, he will have the opportunity to enter the battle spirit space, use Martial God battle spirit, breakthrough Martial Emperor.

However, a Killing Formation can only get half a battle spirit order at most. To obtain a complete battle spirit order, he has to cross the formation.

Ye Fei did not hesitate immediately, the moment he put away the battle spirit order, it was already another sword, smashing the void, directly piercing this Killing Formation and entering another broader space. In this space, Ye Fei saw ten different portals.

These portals are the gates of other Killing Formation. As long as he rushes in, he can enter another Killing Formation, continue to kill the battle spirit, and obtain the battle spirit order!

However, it is not so easy to enter these gates. These nine gates are all arranged to be banned by the powerful Martial God. As long as they enter, they will be suppressed by the ban.

“Which array gate should I choose. If you can choose the area where Baihou is located, it is very good. Unfortunately, these array gates can not only block the divine sense, but also block the grass from Spiritual Qi’s induction, as to whether I can meet Baihou, it depends only on my luck.”

Ye Fei shook his head and suddenly rushed to the nearest gate.


I found someone straddling the formation, and within the gate, a terrifying matchless martial might burst out suddenly, such as Mount Tai pressing the top, facing Ye Fei fiercely Suppress it.

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