“What’s the matter with Da Hei, suddenly became so able to fight?” Ye Fei stared wide-eyed in surprise.


It’s just that the ancient wild beast was obviously dead. Even if it was hit by the Dragon Tortoise, after the ancient wild beast stabilized its body, it still roared silently, and at the same time, it appeared on its body. A faint monster qi, forming a vortex, quickly rushed towards Dragon Tortoise again.

It’s a pity that Dragon Tortoise is still in anger at this time. It doesn’t matter if the ancient beast is Martial Emperor or something else, he hurriedly put away the black pot of all split up and in pieces, and Dragon Tortoise is roaring again. With a sound, the huge body became even bigger, again like a black meteorite, colliding with the ancient wild beast.


Unsurprisingly, the ancient desolate beast was once again knocked backwards continuously, and even the monster qi on his body was weakened by the knock. “So that’s how it is monster qi! It is the monster qi that supports the action of this ancient desolate beast, and it is also the monster qi that exists within the body! The reason why Dragon Tortoise can knock back this ancient desolate beast is not the strength of Dragon Tortoise How strong it is, but Dragon Tortoise itself is a fierce monster, possessing a strong aura of a monster dragon, and it happens to be the nemesis of the ancient wild beast within the body

monster qi!”

Ye Fei is secretly nodded, his eyes are so sharp, he quickly sees the key to this battle, and his heart suddenly moved.

Since I understand that this ancient wild beast is not a corpse, but is secretly controlled by others, it is much easier to handle. Ye Fei immediately instructed Xiaocao: “Xiaocao, hurry up and feel the Spiritual around you Qi, the ancient wild beast will not move by itself, there must be something, hide in the vicinity to control it!”


The starry sky suddenly spread There was a terrifying vibration, that kind of vibration, like iron hoofs trampling the ground, but what appeared in front of Ye Fei at this time was not an ordinary horse, but a group of ancient wild beast corpses. It’s just that the corpses of these ancient wild beasts are too far away from Ye Fei just now, which is easy to misunderstand. It is an ordinary star until Ye Fei approaches the ancient wild beast, causing the monster qi of the ancient wild beast within the body. In response, those seemingly distant stars suddenly moved, forming a terrifying and dazzling meteor, which charged towards Ye Fei swiftly and densely.

Ye Fei also suddenly felt a sense of shock when facing the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses. Dragon Tortoise was even more frightened and the black face turned white. Just now it was still domineering and violent. They looked fierce, but at first glance, these ancient wild beasts couldn’t stand alone, and they were actually shameless in a group fight.

Dragon Tortoise took away the fragments from the black pot, and quickly became smaller, and quickly fled back to Ye Fei’s side, attracting both Ye Fei and Xiaocao’s contemptuous eyes.

After that, Ye Fei kicked Dragon Tortoise back, and encouraged him by the way: “Da Hei, you are afraid of a fart, you are also a fierce demon, the body of a demon dragon. These little monsters turned into corpses, quickly release your monster qi and block these wild beasts!” Ye Fei’s words also have the charm of waking up a turtle in a dream. Dragon Tortoise was originally quite courageous, but Upon hearing what Ye Fei meant, it seemed that it could use monster qi to bully these weird beast corpses. Dragon Tortoise suddenly became domineering and side-leaked again, and now it was even more majestic, and the tentatively moved towards one of the wild beasts that rushed towards him spouted a mouthful of demon flames.

Sure enough, as expected by Ye Fei, in front of Dragon Tortoise’s monster qi, these ancient wild beasts that rushed over seemed extremely powerful, but in fact they were just a paper tiger, which was sprayed down by Dragon Tortoise. Even with the powerful fleshy body of the ancient wild beast, it won’t be hurt, but it can’t get close to Ye Fei.

“Eh!” Xiaocao was also at this time, suddenly found something, and suddenly pointed his finger at one of the ancient wild beasts.

“Kill, Octopus Heavenly Dragon!”

Without any hesitation, Ye Fei suddenly took action. Eight Heavenly Dragons, with eight different Heaven Grade domains, broke the starry sky. Completely blasted the huge body of that ancient wild beast. And when the corpse of this wild beast exploded, its within the body actually rushed out at this moment, a special human figure made up of blood, staring coldly at Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise, making sharp ears. “Damn it, if you don’t have this fierce monster by your side, you must die under my army! Ye Fei, I advise you, get out of the Human Race battlefield and get back to you Heavenly Martial Continent, otherwise, you will die, even if it is Martial God, it will not save you!”

“Don’t worry, I will go back, but it’s not to escape, but to return to my hometown in splendor, and walk back with endless scenery. Kill! The ultimate sword!”

Without giving this blood man a chance to resist, Ye Fei’s hand is another brilliant sword light, and he must capture this blood man alive.

The blood man also seems to have discovered Ye Fei’s attempt. He suddenly grinned and shook his head and said: “You can’t kill me. I am a blood demon. Even if there is only a drop of blood left, I can be reborn. You, continue to stay in the Human Race battlefield, you can only wait to die! This is for the sake of the Monster Race, and I give you advice!”

Touch! The blood demon’s body suddenly burst like a blood thunder, and burst at the same time, as well as the corpses of more than a dozen ancient wild beasts it controlled. They exploded at the same time, and the formidable power is no different from a Star Explosion. How much, the starry sky all around began to collapse and destroy at the speed visible to naked eye.

Ye Fei’s face suddenly changed. The ultimate sword that he swung out was to stop the blood demon Self-destruction from the attack. At the same time, he grabbed Dragon Tortoise’s tail to escape at the fastest speed. Into the void, then fled to the distance.

Chapter 1785 Fengyun City

When Ye Fei escaped, the starry sky also completely collapsed and exploded, forming a terrifying chaotic space. Dragon Tortoise’s scared black mouth turned white. If Ye Fei hadn’t reacted fast enough, it wouldn’t be a black pot, but its own turtle shell.

The power that can detonate the stars is far beyond what Martial Sovereign Realm’s Dragon Tortoise can resist. Ye Fei has a body of war demon, and the fleshy body is comparable to Divine Item, and he doesn’t want to Try this formidable power corpse explosion.

“hmph, what a blood demon, there is such a means hidden, strange, in addition to foreigners, there is actually a Monster Race in the Human Race battlefield? Or a strange blood demon that can only control the corpse, is this also Heaven Temple’s means “Ye Fei did not chase the blood demon.

Since the blood demon can Self-destruction, he must also be able to take the opportunity to escape from his and Xiaocao’s sensing range. Ye Fei is just wondering what the blood demon means. “Obviously, the blood demon came to kill me, but after discovering my strength and Dragon Tortoise, it suddenly changed its mind. Instead, it warned or threatened me not to stay in the Human Race battlefield. Could it be Heaven? Temple’s power is so powerful that it can make me lose my place in the Human Race battlefield?

In this case, why did Heaven Temple come to question Demi-God in the city of trials, Suddenly retreat again?”

The more Ye Fei thought about it, the more confused, faintly, he felt as if he had an invisible hand. When he stepped into the Human Race battlefield, he secretly stared at him. Otherwise, the blood demon would not appear so coincidental. As soon as he came out of the city of trial, the blood demon was lying in ambush here. He also used the corpse of the ancient beast in advance to arrange traps and wanted to ambush him, if it wasn’t for Ye Fei’s side. Following Dragon Tortoise, he was very familiar with monster qi for a long time, and he was also impossible to sense that

monster qi hidden by the ancient wild animal.

“It seems that I have to go to Fengyun City anyway, no matter who is secretly targeting me, as long as I am still in the Human Race battlefield, I will definitely let the other party show their feet!”

I was not intimidated by the blood demon, but the appearance of the blood demon, which inspired Ye Fei’s fighting spirit even more, willfully going towards the mountain although knowing that it has tigers!

Looking at all split up and in pieces in his hands, the black pot that can’t be repaired, Dragon Tortoise has a dark face, gritted his teeth, silently took out the black wooden token, and gave it heavily to it. The blood demon made a note, vowed to have a chance, must rush to take a bite!

Ye Fei pretended not to see it, took the grass, and continued to rush to Fengyun City.

Along the way, he saw a lot of peculiar stars, most of them were traces of battle, many stars were blown up, and they broke into countless dust and nebulae.

It is the intact stars, most of which have become Deserts on the surface. Planets with real life are very rare. Ye Fei knows that these all are the result of the ravages of wizards and ancient beasts. As long as Human Race does not last a day Defeat the Witch Clan and end the war, these stars will remain barren forever.

After another ten days of flying, at the end of the starry sky, Ye Fei finally saw a magnificent city. The city was not built on the stars, but floating in the stars. , Like an incomparable gigantic city star.

“Wind and Cloud City, I finally arrived at Wind and Cloud City! I don’t know if I can find out about Zhao Yu and Lu Qing in it!” Ye Fei looked at the majestic city, and was excited in his heart.

Wind Cloud City is said to be a city, but in fact it is more like a war fortress. It is just like a nail, stuck in the vital point of Wu Clan’s attack on the Human Race continent.

Before the fortress, there is an extremely magnificent Great Wall with several tens of thousands of li. Almost the entire starry sky is divided into two halves. The half behind Xiongguan is Human Race and The land where other races live, outside Xiongguan, is the battlefield where the Human Race fights with the Witch race.

It is not easy to enter Fengyun City. You must either obtain the permission of Fengyun City, or you can only pass the test of the trial battle before you are eligible to enter Fengyun City.

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