“Trash? This Ye Fei can break through the demon spirit tower that Holy Land has not been able to break through for ten years, and can also get the first place in the ranking battle. If such a person is a waste, then There is no genius in the entire Holy Land.” Tianxin Elder stood aside, sneered constantly in his heart. But he means not at all.

Tianxin Elder knows that the four Senior Brothers in front of him have already been beaten and slapped. Any persuasion is impossible to resolve their anger and embarrassment. They will never admit that they He actually took a look away, and even regarded a genius who is likely to be a monstrous talent level as a waste.


Not only are the Elders constantly paying attention to the changes in the rankings, such as Ouyang Jie and Guman, they also often stare at the changes in the rankings, but they They are all ranked first and second on the list, and their opponents in mind are only each other.

Naturally, when the ancient man was full of hostility, he killed several old disciplines he found and seized their identity tokens, the ancient man was very happy to exchange the contribution point and open the list again Single, looking forward to the change of his ranking, it is best to reach the first place and surpass Ouyang Jie.

As a result, the ancient man was dumbfounded on the spot, and blinked his eyes vigorously without believing in evil. It was still the list, but the first name was not Ouyang Jie, but Ye Fei.

He was an ancient man, and was squeezed to the third place, especially Ye Fei’s pale-gold font, which pierced the ancient man’s eyes.


Soon, there was a thunderbolt-like roar from the valley where the ancient barbarian was. That’s right, the ancient barbarian became furious, he couldn’t accept it, and was once again Ye The fact that Fei transcends.


Small World A secluded stream, Ouyang Jie is handsome, and he is chatting about love with several female disciple who admire him, a scene of incomparable harmony.

The female disciple stared at Ouyang Jie: “Ou Senior Brother Yang, someone else took the initiative to give you tokens. We are really envious. Let us see you. Ranked?”

Ouyang Jie was hearing this, and he immediately showed a look of extreme disdain for the ranking battle: “hmph hum, it’s just a trifling ranking battle, I’m here, Ouyang Jie is standing here and doing nothing. I must be the number one in this ranking battle. You guys are believing or not.”

“O Senior Brother Yang, the major event is not good. Just now I checked my ranking and found that you were the first. , Was snatched away.”

At this time, a top ten genius who had just seen the list ran over in a panic. Ouyang Jie was angry at the time and kicked this person directly. Kicked and said: “Asshole, this time the ranking battle must be my Ouyang Jie, does the ancient man think he can surpass me?” Ouyang Jie, who was extremely disdainful, quickly opened his own ranking list.

Ouyang Jie smirked when he saw that the ancient barbarians were only in third place, secretly thought, you barbarians, there is still today.

Then he habitually aimed at the first position again. Suddenly, the pale-gold font also stabbed Ouyangjie’s eyes fiercely, as well as his heart and lungs. His stomach.

“Ye Fei, how could it be Ye Fei, this rubbish has surpassed me again.” Ouyang Jie couldn’t accept it, and even the blood of breath was sprayed three meters high.

At the same time, Ouyang Jie and Gu Man were furious because of the appearance of the dark horse Ye Fei. Suddenly, the entire Small World came out again as a sound transmission jointly by the Elders.

In sound transmission, Heavenly Flame Elder tried to endure the anger as much as possible. Some flustered and exasperated changed the rules of ranking wars again, saying: “Everyone, at your discretion, given the contribution point of someone, it has exceeded 10,000. Click, now the ranking battle is in the final stage!”

“All the disciplines must be concentrated on the central island of Small World within three days, where you will start the final battle, and then according to the final How much contribution points you get will determine your final ranking!”

Obviously, in order to completely suppress Ye Fei, these Elders of outer sect have already gone from secretly to the dark. .

Chapter 150 The Seventh Chapter Bong to the End

Chapter 150 The Seventh Chapter Bong to the End

“What, the rules of ranking battles have begun to change again.”

“Damn it, what the hell is going on with the Elders, why the rules of this ranking battle have changed so fast, and there is no news beforehand!”

Suddenly when I heard Outer Elder The rules were changed again, and many new disciplines who survived by chance were angry. After all, they came to Holy Land cultivation to become stronger, not here to die.

Previous ranking battles were definitely not so bloody. At most, everyone just competed against each other for tokens, and not many people died.

This time, five Elders arbitrarily changed the rules and allowed many old disciplines to join, which immediately caused a lot of casualties to ordinary new disciplines.

A lot of new disciplines now hide in a hidden place. They would rather not have a contribution point than go out to meet the old discipline.

As a result, the rules of the ranking battle have changed again. It is too much to force everyone to gather together and let them fight each other.

It’s just dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction. There is no new discipline. I dare to stand up or say something against it. There are also a small number of elite disciples. Through the changes in the list, I can see the purpose behind the Elders, their There was a sneer on his face.

“This Ye Fei can really toss and force Elder to suppress him like this.”

“But this Ye Fei is really not simple, Ouyang Jie is united Most of our elites completely banned Ye Fei. In this case, how did he get a lot of tokens and rush to the top of the ranking battle?”

“hmph, what about the first? It’s just a flash in the pan! When everyone gathers together, will he be Ouyang Jie’s opponent? It is estimated that Ouyang Jie doesn’t need to do anything. The other ten geniuses are enough to kill this person.”

A group of old disciples They also gathered together to discuss, and I was very surprised that Heavenly Flame Elder, so exhausted, was to suppress a newcomer’s discipline.

What’s amazing is that Zhao Yu also stood in the middle of this group of old disciplines, watching Ye Fei’s high ranking in the first place, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, just because of the lightness. No one can see the yarn blocking, and no one dares to look directly at Zhao Yu.

Because it was when Zhao Yu broke out that he had been accepted as a discipline by an Elder of Inner Sect, not only did no one dare to hurt Zhao Yu, they also gathered around Zhao Yu. , Collect tokens for Zhao Yu and escort him.

“Unexpectedly, the rules of the ranking battle have changed again. It seems that I rushed to the first position in the ranking battle, which shocked the Elders a lot. Suppress me.”

Ye Fei slowly put away the list. Hearing the sound transmission echoing in the sky, his expression was very plain, no joy or sadness.

On the contrary, Luo Xing and Wang Bai were very angry when they heard this remark. They were not stupid. Of course, they could hear what Elder changed the rules again.

And this kind of change is also quite detrimental to Ye Fei. After all, Small World is so big. Ye Fei only needs to hide from Ouyang Jie and Gu Man and continue to look for the old disciples to fight, then even Ouyang Jie and Gu Man No matter how hard they work, unless they can also find a gold token, they will never want to close the gap with Ye Fei.

So Heavenly Flame Elder used a very insidious strategy, simply to force all the old and new disciplines together.

In this way, Ye Fei had to meet with Ouyang Jie, Gu Man, and many geniuses and old disciples.

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