No one. If there is, the old man kneels down to his face and admits that he is Human Sovereign, hmph! “

Jun Tianyi is coldly snorted, he did not deliberately distribute his divine might, but his anger as a middle Martial God is enough to make any martial artist present feel the fear from his heart.

But in this fear, it came again immediately A sarcastic voice, “If you say you don’t admit it, don’t admit it, what thing are you, True Martial Saint Court, Zhang Chunyang, meet Human Sovereign! “

“Tian Lei Holy Sect, Lu Mingyue, meet Human Sovereign! “

“Sen Luo Temple is unnamed, meet Human Sovereign! “

“The crane soars into the sky, meet Human Sovereign! “

“Zhou Qiang, see the lord! “

“Chen Fang, Wang Shuang…See Human Sovereign…”


The starry sky is in an uproar.

Sun War On the ship, countless Heaven Temple martial artists were shocked and horrified watching a large group of Human Race martial artists flying in the starry sky from a distance.

these all are here specially from the city of trials. Martial artist, they were in Wind and Cloud City and heard the news of the conflict between Heaven Temple and Human Sovereign Temple, and also heard that Ye Fei became Human Sovereign. They all rushed over.

Ye Fei was also very surprised. Looked at the Supreme Dean who suddenly appeared, the heavenly punishment quasi emperor, no, to be precise, it should be called the heavenly punishment Martial Emperor now.

In the end, except for the broken army and the others, The Supreme Dean, the heavenly punishment quasi emperor, and the unnamed ancient peerless genius, all received the Earth Spirit Orb, transformed into a half-step evildoer, and like Emperor Fan and the others, decided to join the Human Sovereign Palace.

Although they set off a few months later than Difan and the others, they also caught up with the trial battle in time, but compared to Ye Fei, the young evildoers of Difan, the Supreme Dean and the others , They are all old powerhouses, naturally sorry to walk with the juniors.

So they deliberately delayed for a period of time. After the young evildoers of Emperor Fan left, they broke through the Martial Emperor, and then walked together with them, and came here. Wind and Cloud City.

At this time, faced with the provocation of Heaven Temple, they also rushed quickly, regardless of the threat of Martial God, and resolutely admitted Ye Fei. As for Zhou Qiang, these people have been trying. City, the old powerhouse who got the Ye Fei Law Fragment.

Although they are not half-step evildoers, many of them have prepared several decades, hundreds of years, for the breakthrough Martial Emperor. This has spent countless hours of accumulation. Get up and let them have accumulated knowledge and d eliver it slowly, in a very short time, breakthrough Martial Emperor, rushed to Fengyun City.

It was Zhou Qiang’s rapid breakthrough, which made Ye Fei very surprised, and the appearance of a crane soaring into the sky made Ye Fei even more surprised.

When he found that the crane was soaring into the sky, Jun Tianyi jumped on the spot in anger, “damned bastard, you are the crane soaring into the sky of the wing tribe? You are also the rising star that my Heaven Temple focuses on. Why do you want to demolish us? The platform, let Heaven Temple be ashamed!” Hechong Heavenly God was indifferent and stood up directly after saluting: “He came here, thanks to Ye Human Sovereign. Regardless of previous complaints, sell me Law Fragment so that I can successfully break through Martial. Emperor! Secondly, the Human Sovereign of all dynasties, not only for the Human Race, but also for our foreign races, was born to death, and fought for a lifetime! Any Human Sovereign should be worthy of my respect!”

” That’s right, Human Sovereign, it’s worth a visit!”

Zhou Qiang and the others roared. They saw the tiger race rampant in the city of trials, and the foreigners were expert. Seeing Human Race as humble, but daring to be angry and not daring to speak, until Ye Fei appeared, killed Baihou, and killed the Tiger Clan 3 Martial Emperor.

They only knew that Human Race still has heroes! The ten thousand zhang pride was rekindled in my heart, coupled with the agitation of the Supreme Dean and the Heavenly Punishment Martial Emperor, these new breakthrough elders, Martial Emperor, all decided to join the Human Sovereign Hall, naturally they are not afraid of Heaven Temple’s revenge.

When they were speaking, they also bowed to Ye Fei again. This bow was to thank Ye Fei for selling them Law Fragment, so that they finally had the opportunity to break through the Martial Emperor.

And seeing someone taking the lead, even foreign cranes soaring into the sky, also admitted to the Human Sovereign, the starry sky, countless Human Race martial artists, the soul was greatly shaken.

“Meet the Human Sovereign!”

I don’t know who it is, and suddenly shouted, more and more Human Race martial artists have bowed down, even though they respect it, not Ye Fei himself, but the identity of this Human Sovereign, but Ye Fei’s heart was suddenly deeply touched. “Who said that Human Race is weak, one person might be weak, but if a group of people is strong, it can still be paid off! Heaven Temple, I seemed to hear you say that except for the Human Sovereign Temple, no one will admit me. Once the identity is admitted, someone will kneel down and confess in person that I am a human


Ye Fei looked at Jun Tianyi indifferently.

If it weren’t for this group of Heaven Temple’s Martial Gods who had nothing to do, how could he catch the ducks on the shelves, and reluctantly accept the identity of Human Sovereign, and have no grudges, that’s not Ye Fei’s habit. What are you waiting for, kneel down and tell everyone aloud, who the hell am I!”

Ye Fei suddenly grabbed the Human Sovereign sword, moved towards Jun Tianyi, the middle Martial God is a finger, Jun Tianyi His face flushed instantly, like being slapped by fiercely, his face was hot and annoyed: “Xiao Nianzhang, don’t think you are a Human Sovereign…”

“Kill!” No nonsense. Seeing Jun Tianyi still dare to speak up, Ye Fei suddenly grabbed the Human Sovereign sword and rushed directly to the Solar Warship. It was Jun Tianyi who was the middle Martial God, and was shocked. Great jump, I feel that the Human Sovereign in front of me is not the same as the Human Sovereign of the past. How can it be like a gangster, disagreeing,

Just do it. If Ye Fei is also a Martial God, that’s all, but the key is that this little Human Sovereign in front of him is just a Martial Emperor, a Martial Emperor, who dares to strike against Martial God, or he is such a powerful mid-rank Martial God. Astonishment was only a moment, Jun Tianyi was completely angry, “Junior

, you dare to hurt my hair, the old man can spit you to death with a single spit!”

“old dog, you have to dare to hurt a corner of your clothes, without me, the old Human Sovereign who retreats in the Human Sovereign Hall just fart, can smoke you! Let’s see who is more kind! Kill!” Ye Fei sneered, even more with a sword, and slashed towards this middle-ranked Martial God.

And seeing Ye Fei so confident, trifling Martial Emperor, dare to come and kill him, if it were not for the old Human Sovereign behind him, how could Ye Fei be so bold and frantic?

Jun Tianyi’s face suddenly turned blue and white, although with his strength, he can shoot Ye Fei into flesh with a casual slap, but when I see the brilliant Human Sovereign on Ye Fei The shirt, and Ye Fei’s words just now, Jun Tianyi’s expression still changed rapidly for a while.

Suddenly his body was short, he had already pushed Jinshan down the jade pillar, and knelt down: “Don’t kill, the old man admits that you are Human Sovereign! I, Heaven Temple, admit your identity… Ah, little bastard, The old man acknowledged you, and you broke my arm!”

Jun Tianyi hair stands up in anger, he has been forced to give up, kneeling down and admitting Ye Fei’s identity, as a result, the Human Sovereign sword , And easily cut off his arm! This result shocked Ye Fei. Then he had one’s hair stand on end, the feeling of cold hands and feet, he also didn’t expect that the Human Sovereign sword would be so sharp. Martial God’s arm, also said to cut it.

Chapter 1809, come to beat me

“It is worthy of being Human Sovereign. If you say slash, you will face the middle Martial God, the Vice Palace Lord of Heaven Temple. As long as you disrespect Human Sovereign , Still cut off one arm!”

“This new Human Sovereign is not very powerful, but this courage is no longer lost to the previous Human Sovereign!”

“hmph , Underestimate our Human Race, disrespect Human Sovereign, this is how it ended! Human Sovereign, continue to do it, just kill the old dog!” Lu Li suddenly said.

He thought of the Solar Warship just now, almost attacking the Human Sovereign Palace, his heart was full of anger, and when he heard this, Ye Fei was even more angry, and he really wanted to turn his sword to death. Crow’s mouth.

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