The dean Taishang listened for a long time, and suddenly interrupted and asked: “Zhou Qiang, this Zhao Divine Sword, besides telling you his name, what else did he say? “

Zhou Qiang calmed down and said: “This nobleman doesn’t talk a lot. He just told me that he heard about my title of Zhou Zhengyi and admired me very much, so he helped me break through Martial Emperor. By the way, he When helping me out of the catastrophe, I mentioned a place.”

“Where?” Ye Fei and Heavenly Punishment Wu Imperial Capital were nervous.

“Northern Plains Temple!” Zhou Qiang’s tone was not so sure. There were only three temples on the Human Race battlefield, and he had simply never heard of the fourth temple.

Hearing this place, Ye Fei, Difan and the others were all stunned. Even Ling Siyu and Ling Siqi looked confused, and Ling Siyu was even more angry: “Bold Zhou Qiang, even Lord I dare to lie. I have been in the Human Race battlefield for so many years. Why haven’t I heard of the Northern Plains Temple?”

Zhou Qiang was originally courageous, and was influenced by the notion of female superiority. The female Lord was angry, and he knelt down in shock and cried out: “Female Lord, who is the little one to deceive, dare not deceive the two Lords and the lord!”

Ye Fei nodded and said: “Zhou Qiang No lie, yes, Senior Brother Lu, Senior Brother Wu, do you know the Northern Plains Temple?” Wu Gang and Lu Li shook their heads together, “Of the three of us, the Spirit Master sister joined the Human Sovereign Temple the latest, but the news is the most informed. If you don’t even know her, then we won’t know. By the way, Ye Human Sovereign, you might as well ask the three Masters, they live longer than us, and they know countless Human Sovereign temples.


Ye Fei eyes shined, the so-called the older the better, the three Vice Palace Lords of the Human Sovereign Temple. They are not Martial Gods, but they can control the Human Sovereign robe and Human Sovereign Sword, they must know many secrets that only Martial God can know.

Regardless of the past, Ye Fei and the others quickly flew towards the Human Sovereign Heavenly Palace. Three Vice Palace Lords were inside, cleaning up the ruins with a bitter expression; seeing a group of people all running away When they came in, they were all startled. They were all puzzled when they learned that Ye Fei had asked about the Northern Plains Temple. ,

But the three of them are worthy of being mature. After a little pondering, they suddenly shouted together: “The Northern Plains Temple does not exist, but there is an Origin Temple!”

“The Northern Plains Temple should be the homophony of the Origin Temple. This is a secret that only Martial God can know. We are also in charge of the Human Sovereign Temple to learn it.” “Human Sovereign knows, what is the key to breakthrough Martial God? Divine Realm and Comprehend Law are actually not the key. The most important thing is actually the origin of Heavenly Venerate! The temple of origin is the human Sovereign of the past dynasties, as well as the gods of other temples. Collect the origin of Heavenly Venerate from their respective continents and store them secretly. One

The temple! Historically, only the Martial God of the temple knows. As for opening, it is only the Human Sovereign temple, the human temple, and the Palace Lord of the Heaven Temple that have the ability to open!” “Back then Our Human Sovereign Temple, because of the disappearance of Human Sovereign, other Martial Gods were unable to open the original Temple and give birth to a new Martial God. On the battlefield, the Wu clan repeatedly deliberately targeted our Human Sovereign Temple and killed the Martial God of our Temple. Over time, except for the three of us, everyone else

doesn’t know about the Origin Temple, which is Human Sovereign. After you learn about this, you must also swear a blood oath, absolutely not Reveal any information about the Origin Temple!”

The three Vice Palace Lords looked extremely serious. In the end, the Temple of Origin is no trivial matter. It contains dozens of continents of Human Race. The collected Heavenly Venerate origin, once learned by the Wu Clan, and then seized at any cost, the countless Human Races will immediately be reduced to the Wu Clan. Slaves, work extremely hard, will be reduced to cultivation witchcraft at any time, materials for sacrifice.

Chapter 1812 Time Array

After listening to the words of the three Vice Palace Lords, not only Ye Fei, but all the people present, looked serious. It is a matter of the life and death of Human Race. Did not dare to neglect, they all solemnly issued the Divine Soul oath.

The three Vice Palace Lords were satisfied with one nodded, said solemnly: “That’s all, originally we wanted and the others to get familiar with the Human Sovereign Temple, we will tell you the secrets of the Origin Temple, since Human Sovereign asked, then we also have a requirement for Human Sovereign!”

“What requirement?” Ye Fei curiously asked.

“We hope that Human Sovereign can enter the time horizon and become Divine Realm within 50 years. It is best to break through Demi-God!”

Three Vice Palace Lords The expression was solemn.

50 years is also the limit of their lifespan. If Ye Fei cannot train into Divine Realm and completely control the war fortress of Human Sovereign Palace within 50 years, then they will have to die in Half. -God Realm, but these words, the three Vice Palace Lord not at all said.

They don’t want to put pressure on Ye Fei. But Ye Fei still feels a lot of pressure, especially the appearance of Zhao Divine Sword, which makes Ye Fei’s mood very complicated.

But thinking of Zhao Yu and Lu Qing who have not heard from so far, Ye Fei’s expression has become firm. As long as he can find Zhao Yu and Lu Qing, let alone 50 years, it is 500 years, he is willing Pay.

“Master, what is the Great Array of Time?” Wu Gang curiously asked, Lu Li and Ling Siyu next to him were also full of doubts. They are the Direct Disciple of the three Vice Palace Lords, and the future Human Sovereign Palace. The Vice Palace Lord, but even they don’t know the time.

“haha, there are many secrets in the Human Sovereign Palace, only Human Sovereign and Vice Palace Lord can know it, but it is an extraordinary period, so it’s okay to tell you!” The three Vice Palace Lords hehe smiled. This tells them the origin of the time array.

It turns out that this Formation is actually the super Divine Formation created by the previous generation of Human Sovereign, that is, Wang Bai, the united sect. The human cultivation inside, the time can be accelerated a hundred times! This is even more exaggerated than the Time Flow Speed ​​of the real Martial God Palace. You must know that the real Martial God Palace refined by the True Martial Divine Emperor can only make Time Acceleration ten times faster, and the previous generation of Human Sovereign can actually make it Time Flow Speed, a hundredfold increase, equivalent to one year of cultivation, just like one hundred years of cultivation


It is said that in order to cultivate this great time formation, the previous generation of Human Sovereign also took special risks and entered the scope of the Witch clan’s control. It was very shady for a lot of great witches. Even those great witches that pit are breakthrough witch gods, mention Human The name of Sovereign, that is also gnashing teeth, which is maddeningly.

The previous Human Sovereign Temple, the reason why it has the ability to overpower other temples and become the leader of the Human Race battlefield, in addition to the strong strength of the previous Human Sovereign, there is also a huge prestige, and time is also indispensable.

“Unfortunately, this Time Array can only be opened by the Human Sovereign of the past dynasties. Otherwise, we can also use the Time Array to exchange it with other temples in exchange for entering the Origin Temple. Contacting Heavenly Venerate’s original quota, my Human Sovereign Hall, will not fall to where it is today.”

The three Vice Palace Lords are quite resentful.

Ye Fei also understands their helplessness. He clearly guards the Supreme Treasure of the Human Sovereign Temple, but cannot use it. He clearly possesses the talent of breakthrough Martial God, but suffers from being unable to contact Heavenly Venerate. Watching himself gradually die in Half-God Realm.

That kind of unwillingness and despair is not something ordinary people can tolerate, but the three Vice Palace Lords can bear it, and they would rather die in Half-God Realm instead of betraying the Human Sovereign Palace. Ye Fei couldn’t help being respectful, and said seriously to the three assistant shop owners: “Three Seniors, don’t worry, your contributions for Human Race and Human Sovereign Hall will not be in vain. I can’t guarantee anything else, but open time Dazhen, open the Temple of Origins and let everyone break through Martial God. I can still do it.

“With the phrase Human Sovereign, I wait for death without complaining! Hahaha, Human Sovereign, please, that time is here, Human Sovereign Heavenly Palace!” The three Vice Palace Lords were very happy, but they saw the Human Sovereign Heavenly Palace that was almost in ruins, and they had the urge to cry again. .

How many years have passed, the Human Sovereign Palace has never been destroyed. As a result, Ye Fei was attacked by the Heaven Temple and the Sun Ship, and also demolished the Human Sovereign Palace, three Vice Palaces. Lord’s face was a twitch.

I didn’t notice the ugly faces of the three Vice Palace Lords. Ye Fei had already led everyone through the ruins of the Heavenly Palace and came to the entrance of the Time Array. It was a mass. The twisted time tunnel exudes a strong seal atmosphere.

Opening this seal is also very simple. Ye Fei picked up the Human Sovereign Seal, moved towards the seal and sealed a seal, and the seal suddenly dissipated, revealing a twisted door of time.

Lu Li and Wu Gang, immediately impatient rushed in. Difan and Pojun, Xue Yue, were not slow at all. When Dongfang Yu wanted to go in, Ling Siyu next to him directly forced Dongfang Yu in. Huai, expressing to cultivation with Dongfang Yu.

Dongfang Yu’s face turned blue on the spot. The Supreme Master seemed to have thought of something. Suddenly, he glanced at Dongfang Yu with some sympathy, and then quickly walked in with the heavenly punishment Martial Emperor, Wuming.

Ye Fei and Zhou Qiang are the last ones. The weird thing is that Ling Siqi is missing. The three Vice Palace Lords also looked at Ye Fei with weird expressions. Feeling too embarrassed to speak again, and finally can only continue to clean up the ruins of Heavenly Palace.

None of the three Vice Palace Lords entered the time array. One is that the Human Sovereign Palace needs them to stay behind, and the other is that their realm has already reached the limit of Demi-God. Even if they enter it, they cannot Continue to improve.

Furthermore, the time array was originally created by the previous generation of Human Sovereign, in order to quickly cultivate young talents. Entering the time array, Ye Fei was a little surprised to discover that there are actually independent spaces inside. With his Human Sovereign identity, he can control this array alone, and adjust the speed of time at will. If you fully open it, half a year of cultivation here will be equivalent to 50 years outside

, which will save a lot of cultivation time in an instant.

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