“His Royal Highness is still too young and too impulsive. What’s wrong with enduring a momentary humiliation? He shouldn’t impulsively kill those two Demi-Gods.”

Zhou Qiang Suddenly said: “Junior disagrees with the words of the three Seniors. In the City of Trials, the lord once said that men should not be insulted. I am angry and kill! The lord must do what he says, and kill those two Demi-Gods. A true hero, a true hero!”

Lu Li also fighting intent and said with a big smile: “hahaha, that’s good, Ye Human Sovereign, for the first time, made me look pleasing to the eye. a Real man, death is dead ears, let him be that many, kill it first!” When speaking, Lu Li had already taken the lead and rushed to the sun ship. Others hurried to follow, but they didn’t wait for them to rush to the battleship.

The entire sun battleship suddenly burst out with extremely blazing divine light, blocking everyone outside. Even if Emperor Fan and the others attacked with all their strength, they could not be broken in a short time.

Ye Fei’s expression suddenly became more indifferent. He coldly looked at the Spiritual God-like youth who walked out of the sun battleship, “Heaven Temple really cost me to deal with me. For not a small price, are you the son of Heavenly God? What a pity, what a pity…”

“What a pity?” The son of Heavenly God was a little curious. At this time, Ye Fei was not only trapped in the solar ship, but also Facing the siege of dozens of powerful Demi-Gods, he didn’t expect that Ye Fei can still remain calm.

“Unfortunately, as a Human Race, you are not associated with the Human Race. Instead, you help the foreigners to oppress the Human Race. So, how are you different from the beasts?” Ye Fei shook his head and sighed, but it is a pity that the son of Heavenly God This enchanting posture.

Hearing this, the divine splendor on the Son of Heavenly God became furious, and shouted coldly: “Leaf Devil, when you die, you dare to take advantage of your tongue? Very good. Since you refuse to abdicate, I will step on your corpse to take the Human Sovereign Three Treasures, and ascend the new Human Sovereign!”


The anger of the son of Heavenly God caused the entire solar warship to tremble violently. He wore a peculiar flame armor and carried a huge three-meter sword in his hand. People are like a burning Spiritual God, raising a magic knife. With one stab, it hit Ye Fei’s throat!

Chapter 1819 The Knife of Despair

“Heavenly God Nine Slashes! It is Heavenly God Nine Slashes. This is an invincible heavenly skill created by Heavenly God!”

As soon as the son of Heavenly God took action, it was such a terrifying cultivation technique. Many Demi-Gods of Heaven Temple were excited.

The Taikoo Tiangong is also divided into strengths and weaknesses, and the Taikoo Tiangong, which is the opening of the earthly respect, is undoubtedly the martial arts of the cream of the crop.

In particular, the son of Heavenly God, he is still a peerless evildoer. With his talent and aptitude, he is performing Heavenly God Nine Slashes. The formidable power is undoubtedly even more terrifying

Going down, the void of Ye Fei all around was blasted into countless fragments, and then these fragments were condensed into countless sword gangs, and Ye Fei was completely submerged in an instant.

But Ye Fei’s body, also at this time, burst out bright mysterious rays of light, endless ice roars, forming a huge ice world, freezing the world, and also freezing all around The terrifying blade light he cut off. “A little bit of strength, it’s a pity that my Heavenly God nine cuts, you can’t break it, kill, nine knives into one!” The son of Heavenly God smiled indifferently. Following his roar, those frozen sword gangs suddenly, at this moment, Merge with each other and gather together to form a stronger and more dazzling sword of heaven and earth, cutting heaven and earth

, and also cutting the ice world released by Ye Fei.

Xue Yue’s expression was shocked, “I am not as good as the son of Heavenly God than a knife!”

Di Fan’s face was also extremely moved. “The battle of peerless evildoers is really extraordinary. Ye Fei is afraid that I have encountered a strong enemy this time!”

“Go in, go in, the position of Human Sovereign must not fall into the hands of Heaven Temple!” Suddenly, Lu Li roared.

As a powerful Demi-God, Lu Li’s strength is very terrifying. He and Wu Gang joined forces, like two sharp knives and the protective shield of the sun battle ship, they both shook violently.

The Supreme Master and the heavenly punishment Martial Emperor and the others immediately followed their attacks and tried to fight the defense of the Solar Warship.

On the battleship, all Demi-God sneered: “hmph, the arm is just a car! The defense of the sun battleship, how can you say that you break it, you can break it? Does it exist?”


These Demi-God imposing manners are linked together, but not at all to join forces to besiege Ye Fei, the position of Human Sovereign can be seized, but That must be based on a separate challenge.

If many Demi-Gods take action together, even if they kill Human Sovereign, they would never want to be recognized by the Human Sovereign Seal, and recognition by the Human Sovereign Seal is the key to becoming the Human Sovereign.

“Ye Human Sovereign, do you have this strength? You are also a peerless evildoer. Fight with me. You don’t even have the power to fight back. What qualifications do you have to be this Human Sovereign? The son of Heavenly God was furious. The Heavenly God nine cuts he used just now did not kill Ye Fei, but instead let Ye Fei rely on the speed advantage of the big void step to successfully avoid it. This makes the son of Heavenly God very depressed. In order to limit Ye Fei’s speed advantage, the son of Heavenly God immediately made a mockery

, hoping to provoke Ye Fei and also force Ye Fei to fight him head-on.

Ye Fei just sneered and didn’t speak. Faced with the crazy sword light cut by the son of Heavenly God, he didn’t counterattack, but just kept using the speed advantage of the big void step to move continuously.

“Damn it, take me a knife, the knife of ban!” Seeing that the fierce general is useless to Ye Fei, the son of Heavenly God, under his anger, a terrifying divine radiance suddenly burst out of his body. These radiances are very It has quickly become countless Blade Worlds again, covering the entire sky.

It also includes the entire solar warship, and since Ye Fei is on the solar warship, it is naturally The howling Blade World was ruthlessly swallowed.

“This is Divine Realm?” Ye Fei’s expression finally changed. He didn’t expect the Divine Realm, the son of Heavenly God, to be so vast that it could cover the entire solar ship. But Ye Fei quickly sneered again. Divine Realm is the strongest only if it is grouped together. Like the son of Heavenly God, using Divine Realm to evolve the world to trap people will greatly limit his speed. , But in the same way, the son of Heavenly God also lost the innate and unbeatable defense of Divine Realm.

Of course, with the talent and strength of the son of Heavenly God, he doesn’t need Divine Realm to defend himself at all. Seeing Ye Fei’s big void step, he is finally the banned knife evolved by Divine Realm. Imprisoned, under ecstasy, the Son of Heavenly God immediately exploded with the strongest power.

He raised the glorious magic knife in his hand, the sword shone to the world, shaking Star River, Heavenly God nine cuts, and displayed it again. At this time, the son of Heavenly God is based on Heavenly God nine cuts. Basically, in one breath, he played four different Taikoo Tiangong in a row.

What’s even more bizarre is that these four primordial gods seem to have some inexplicable connection with Heavenly God’s Nine Slashes, and it also allows Heavenly God’s Nine Slashes’ formidable power to increase at this moment. Times the formidable power.

hong long!

Finally, when the son of Heavenly God wielded the magic knife in his hand, Ye Fei’s eyes had already lost the world, only the horrible sword light, Covering his body, his Divine Soul was shaken.

But that’s it, Ye Fei still didn’t choose to make a head-on shake, but suddenly shouted. At this time, he opened up his Golden Divine Realm.

When this Divine Realm appeared, Ye Fei suddenly had the calmness and self-confidence that he used to prop up Purple Gold Tai Chi, not invading all methods, and being invincible.


At this time, the terrifying sword light finally slashed on Ye Fei’s body. The sharp sword light brought Ye Fei’s Divine Realm, All cut out a terrifying golden ripple, but still not broken.

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