Several Demi- Gods who rushed into the sky did not understand what was going on. The whole body, the shining world formed by the Octopus Celestial Dragon, was hit by flying ash annihilation.

The face of the son of Heavenly God also suddenly flashed deep fear and humiliation, “Damn it, it is also a peerless evildoer, I control four ancient powers at the same time, it is the limit, how can he twice in a row , Driving the Eight Sects Primordial Art, the true essence is still so powerful…”

“I hate…” An unyielding roar was heard, but the child of Heavenly God escaped faster than anyone else. Knowing that it was not Ye Fei’s opponent, the Son of Heavenly God ignored the Sun Ship and the Demi-God on it. With a movement of his body, he had already rushed out of the Sun Ship and rushed directly into the Lich battlefield.

Chapter 1821 Time and Space Explosion

“Stop, Son of Heavenly God, aren’t you going to step on my corpse to take the place of Human Sovereign? Why are you now like a dog , Leave everything behind, just run away?”

Ignore the other Demi-Gods on the Sun Warship. First, none of these Demi-Gods shot him, except for the sons of Heavenly God, The others have all died.

Ye Fei simply sighed and rushed out of the solar ship, and directly used the big void step, appeared in the starry sky not far behind the son of Heavenly God.

roar! The Octopus Heavenly Dragon once again took a violent roar, suppressing time and space, and also shattered the starry sky all around. This also made the son of Heavenly God who tried to escape, his face turned pale in fright, and then It’s just to roar unwillingly: “Surnamed Ye, don’t take advantage of your tongue, you and I are the same peerless evildoer

, if it weren’t for you to go dogshit luck and get a Heavenly Venerate cultivation technique, you Do you think you will be my opponent? Wait, and I will let you know how serious consequences will be if you offend me and Heaven Temple!”


The answer to the children of Heavenly God was the mysterious world evolved by the eight heavenly dragons. In an instant, they smashed into the children of Heavenly God. In this scene, everyone on the Sun Warship is scared witless. Could it be that Ye Fei is not enough to defeat the opponent, but he still wants to kill the son of Heavenly God?

You know, the son of Heavenly God, but the most proud discipline of Heavenly God, is the Palace Lord of Heaven Temple in the future! Yet Ye Fei ignored these identities and wanted to forcibly behead the Son of Heavenly God. “Surnamed Ye, you are bully intolerably!” The son of Heavenly God vomited blood. He was a god son who was beaten by Ye Fei and fled in embarrassment. He was very embarrassed. As a result, Ye Fei refused to let him go and wanted to put him in Death, the son of Heavenly God spouted blood essence on the spot. This mouthful of blood essence is very coincidental

sprayed on a scroll that he quickly took out.


Stimulated by the blood essence, the scroll burned fiercely, and the terrifying divine might erupted in it. The divine might made the world stand still and time-space All paused.

Ye Fei just saw a powerful silhouette with his back facing him, standing proudly in the starry sky, just exuding divine might, his Octopus Heavenly Dragon, can’t be beaten anymore, it seems to be at this time , Fell into a kind of pause.

“Earth-sovereign, this must be earth-sovereign!” Ye Fei’s heart shook wildly. He had seen the Sorcerer God out of trouble at the Human Sovereign Heavenly Palace, and Wang Bai’s Human Sovereign projection, he could clearly understand The feeling that the projection in front of you is definitely the real projection, and it is very likely that it is the Heavenly God.

Heavenly God’s son also glared at Ye Fei triumphantly and indifferently at this time, shouting loudly: “Surnamed Ye, you brat and have some eyesight, yes, this is my Master, Heavenly God. What are you doing in a daze, don’t hurry down and give your Human Sovereign Three Treasures to me!”

“Okay, you want the Human Sovereign Three Treasures, right? I’ll give it to you!” The shock was only a moment, Ye Fei’s body suddenly broke out with a stronger murderous intention.

The Human Sovereign sword and the Human Sovereign Seal appeared in his hands at the same time, but they were not handed over to the sons of Heavenly God, but instantly, they were killed together to the sons of Heavenly God.

In this scene, the many Demi-Gods who came and frightened Divine Soul were about to collapse. The Son of Heavenly God even more furiously cursed: “In front of Heavenly God, you demon dare to commit crimes, you are bringing about one’s own destruction!”

“Fuck you shit! Sneak a tiger in front of me and want to scare me, you really are displaying one’s slight skill before an expert!” Ye Fei sneered, not only did not retreat, but also rushed quickly. At this time, he even directly burned his own Demi-God blood essence, completely stimulating the Human Sovereign Seal and Human Sovereign sword. Ye Fei did not expect it. If the son of Heavenly God really has the protection of Heavenly God, Then he simply won’t run away just now, as long as he takes out this projection, below Martial God, he will undoubtedly die.

If the son of Heavenly God is not at all, then there are only two possibilities. One is that the son of Heavenly God is bluffing, and the other is that this earthly respect projection simply has no attack power!

“Damn it, I didn’t show any weak spot from beginning to end. How did he know that I was bluffing and frighten him deliberately? I knew that. At first, I shouldn’t run away, but should Directly sacrifice the finished apprenticeship to the earth-zun projection!” The son of Heavenly God was very upset.

Yes, he does have the Heavenly God Earth Sovereign projection in his hand, but this projection is only for the summon source temple, not at all the attack power, and there is no Heavenly God Earth Sovereign consciousness.

This is also the son of Heavenly God. At first, he didn’t use it, but just wanted to escape, because if he simply used this projection to scare people, even if he could scare off Ye Fei, he would also lose access to the original temple. There was a chance, until Ye Fei had no choice.

The son of Heavenly God was helpless. When he rushed into the battlefield of Lich, he activated the earth-zun projection in his hand and shouted a strange syllable.

When hearing this kind of syllable, the earth-zun projection directly ignored Ye Fei’s approach. At the same time, a supreme power that was ten times stronger than the previous one burst out from the projection body. The entire Lich battlefield was shaking violently. Then came the starry sky tore and the world collapsed. Under the supreme power of the Earth Zun projection, the entire Lich battlefield seemed to be torn in half by the Earth Zun’s bare hands, revealing a long and narrow Space-Time Crack in the middle of the battlefield. From the cracks, Ye Fei has clearly seen a glorious temple, undulating in time and space.

“Surnamed Ye, you wait. When I Complete Law, it will be your death date!” The son of Heavenly God furiously shouted, and a deep resentment flashed in his eyes suddenly.

He did not wait for other people to react from the appearance of the original temple, he had rushed into the Space Crack alone, and then loudly shouted, “Blast!”

The entire Earth Zun projection Suddenly, a violent explosion broke out, and the starry sky where the exploding people were located was quickly destroyed at a speed visible to naked eye.

The most ruthless thing is that Space-Time Crack that leads to the Temple of Origin is also in this explosion, so fast and weak, it seems to be quickly and completely collapsed.

“What does the son of God mean? He is going to completely blow up the entrance to the original temple. He is going to cut off all of us and the opportunity to become a god, just to make him alone!”

Many of the Demi-Gods of the Heaven Temple were shocked. They didn’t expect that the son of Heavenly God would be so vicious. In order to prevent Ye Fei from entering the temple, they did not hesitate to give the entrance to the entire source temple Blow up, and even cut off the path to Godhood of all Demi-God present!

“Son of Heavenly God, we will not kill you, we swear not to be human!” Wu Gang and Lu Li, their eyes became blood red, and Space-Time Crack was destroyed, which has little effect on them, at worst etc. For tens of hundreds of years, and the others God Heavenly Venerate or Heavenly God Heavenly Venerate, reopen this Space-Time Crack.

But the point is that the three Vice Palace Lords can’t wait, and Ye Fei can’t wait. Let alone a hundred years, even if it’s just a 20-year delay, the three Vice Palace Lords may die in Half God. Realm. How could Wu Gang and Lu Li calm down? Even women like Ling Siyu roared in anger. The faces of the three Vice Palace Lords showed a touch of misery and despair, “Maybe, this is God’s will! “

Chapter 1822 Breaking through the barriers

“Three Seniors, we don’t need to be pessimistic, God’s will is not as good as we want, and man is better than God! I say let you breakthrough Martial God , Then you will never break your promise!”

Looking at the gradually collapsed Space-Time Crack, Ye Fei’s eyes flashed a touch of solemnity, and then a touch of determination.

“Since the Son of Heavenly God can use the Earth Zun projection to blow up this Space-Time Crack, I don’t believe it. I use the Human Sovereign Three Treasures, but I can’t blow up this crack again! Human The Sovereign Three Treasures, help me, Human Sovereign sword, teaching the world!”

Ye Fei has a firm expression.

Since Wang Bai passed him the Human Sovereign Seal to make him make up for the Human Sovereign Hall, then he must not let the conspiracy of the Sons of Heavenly God succeed, let alone let the three be the Human Sovereign Hall and the Human Race The old man who dedicated his life just died in Half Divinity Realm.

So when it was discovered that it was a Space-Time Crack and it had not been completely closed, Ye Fei resolutely burned his Demi-God blood essence, and at the same time activated the three Human Sovereign treasures together.

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