Ye Fei only heard a bang, a group of terrifying Divine Item self-destructing rays of light, the chaotic time and space that had been exploded, became even more chaotic.

In a hurry, he didn’t care about hunting down the son of Heavenly God, so he could only loudly shouted and quickly opened up his Divine Realm to protect Dragon Tortoise and Ling Siqi.

“die for me!”

It’s not enough to blow up a Divine Item. The son of Heavenly God is heartbroken, and he quickly takes out a flash from the space belt again. The Golden Battle Blade, with its magical light, exhausted all its strength, and suddenly cut out his strongest martial arts, all ways are unified. Afterwards, the son of Heavenly God was sucked into the Temple of Origin without any resistance due to the exhaustion of the true essence. The son of Heavenly God who fell into the temple immediately laughed ecstatically, “hahaha, surnamed Ye, you are better than me. How strong is it? Sneak attack won’t kill you, and the god son can blow you into chaotic time and space, so you can’t enter the temple of the source, you wait, wait for the god son Comprehend Law, I must kneel down On the ground, say a word of service!”

“What, Ye Fei didn’t enter the temple of origin…” At the entrance of the temple, there were also Emperor Fan and the others. When I learned that Ye Fei was actually caught The son of Heavenly God’s sneak attack was not led by the original temple, but fell into the chaotic time and space, and they all changed their faces.

The impulsive Lu Li roared even more, and rushed towards Heavenly God with an angry roar. The son of Heavenly God also sneered and kicked Lu Li directly, “Save it! Originate.” The temple can’t use martial arts, you bunch of garbage from the Human Sovereign temple. It’s better not to mess with me, hmph! “


“What a son of Heavenly God, he is willing to Divine Item Self-destruction, also blow me out of the Temple of Origin!” In the chaotic time and space, Ye Fei opened up the Golden Divine Realm, like a ball, which was exploded by the formidable power of Divine Item, and pushed it in the opposite direction of the Temple of Origin. ,Lopsided.

Although in this process, Ye Fei and Ling Siqi tried to go up against time and space and re-close to the Temple of Origin.

But Space-Time Force is too strong. This force includes not only time but also space, unless Ye Fei stimulates the power of the Human Sovereign Sambo again.

Just thinking about the horrible consumption of blood essence and life essence, Ye Fei dispelled this idea, “It’s not possible now. At least, I have to restore the lost blood essence and life essence first. OK!” “Little pot, it’s all my fault. If I can be stronger, we won’t be blown out of the Temple of Origin and fall into this long river of time and space.” Ling Siqi is very sorry, her face is full. Of course, when she was not fighting, Ling Siqi also recovered her appearance as a little girl.

I saw Ye Fei clicking one’s tongue in wonder, and then touched her little head said with a smile: “It’s okay, it’s not your fault, the son of Heavenly God is too wealthy and the Divine Item is ruined One by one, Heaven Temple is indeed strong, but this son of Heavenly God, I will not kill!”

I thought of being accidentally overwhelmed by the son of Heavenly God using Divine Item Self-destruction. For one, Ye Fei’s face was ugly suddenly, and his face was equally ugly, as well as Dragon Tortoise.

The Spirit Stone on Xiaocao and Ling Siqi has been eaten by Dragon Tortoise in various ways for a long time. If Ye Fei is trapped here, doesn’t it have to be hungry?

Dragon Tortoise’s face was as dark as a pot, and he raised his dragon eyes to look around this chaotic time and space. Ye Fei and Ling Siqi are the same, looking around, hoping to find a safe place. You can meditate and cultivation and recover from the injury by the way.

This chaotic time is like a big river, full of violent Power of Time and Space Power, tearing each other, simply can’t tell the direction.

“…This long river of time and space, it is very likely that the human race elders deliberately did it, so even if the witches find here, as long as they can’t enter the original temple, the enemy will be trapped here. In a long river of time and space!” Ye Fei’s face became uglier the more he thought about it. He looked towards the emptiness all around, and he couldn’t even determine the direction. How should he find the original temple, and then leave this space and time from the original temple?

Chapter 1824 Divine Stone is like a witch

“By the way, I don’t know if Xiaocao has a way to sense the Spiritual Qi fluctuations in the Origin Temple?” Ye Fei thought for a while, finally Still called out Xiaocao.

Xiao Cao said happily that it would be fine to leave this to Xiao Cao, and then Xiao Cao closed his eyes and felt very hard.

“Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh In the long river, I sensed a huge person walking towards them.

Xiaocao’s words also surprised Ye Fei, “What, in this long river of time and space, a giant came to us, Xiaocao, would you feel wrong?”


“Xiao Guoguo, Xiaocao didn’t feel wrong, there really is a giant walking towards us.” Ling Siqi suddenly opened the mouth and said.

Ye Fei also looked towards the long river of time and space in the distance. In that long river, there was a shadow that grew bigger and bigger, roughly looking like a round boulder, but carefully Look, it turned out to be the head of a giant puppet.

This giant is a powerful witch god, a huge stone statue formed after petrification, but this stone statue has been impossible to resurrection.

On the head of the Divine Stone statue of that witch, Ye Fei can clearly see a huge hole. That hole not only blasted the entire head of the witch god into a transparent shape, it is the most powerful god of witch god. The spirit of Divine Sea, is fragmented and no longer exists.

“Xiao Guo Guo, what should we do? Shall we get close to this stone statue?” Ling Siqi asked curiously. Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise also cast curious eyes.

“Let’s go!” Ye Fei hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to lean over. After all, the stone statue is large enough to allow them to offset the power of time and space.

The most important thing is that there is no Divine Soul, but only Divine Sea. Once the Divine Sea is broken, it will be the same as the Divine Soul of the martial artist. and Death Dao disappeared.

“This stone statue was obviously transformed from the corpse of the witch god after his death, but I don’t know who it was. He actually turned it into a puppet. It was in this time and space with the power of the fleshy body alone. Going upstream in the long river, maybe with this stone statue, we can return to the Temple of Origin!”

Ye Fei’s face was filled with strong confidence again, and then, he no longer hesitated and hurriedly Collect the grass Dragon Tortoise into the beast seal space, and then together with Ling Siqi, moved towards that the wizard god puppet approached.

“Kill, the trespasser will die!”

The puppet seemed to have a simple consciousness. After sensing that Ye Fei was trying to approach, the puppet’s huge palm shot like a mountain Came over, banged again, and landed in the long river of time and space, shooting this time and space into a terrifying vortex.

The violent Time and Space Strength immediately gave Ye Fei a feeling of suffocation. Ling Siqi next to him was even more frightened and hurriedly hid behind Ye Fei, which avoided that piece of Time and Space Strength. Swallowed.

“Little pot pot……”

“Don’t be afraid, there is me!”

Ling Siqi, who understands not to fight, is actually with ten years old There is no difference between the innocent little girl, Ye Fei can only touch her little head to comfort her.

Then Ye Fei not only did not retreat, but also continued to lean towards the stone statue. Through the test just now, he also discovered that the Divine Stone statue has only pure fleshly body strength after petrification. , Not at all traces of witchcraft and spirit strength.

So Ye Fei naturally has nothing to fear, “At best, you are just an empty puppet with brute force!”

“The trespasser, die!”


The stone puppet seems unable to talk to Ye Fei. He just maintains the simplest battle awareness, which is to protect his body from being approached by other people.

bang! Another huge palm lifted up, like two roaring peaks, constantly beating against the approaching Ye Fei, but relying on the magic of the big void step, Ye Fei’s speed is too Soon, I can always rush forward before the palm of the stone statue falls. In the end, the palm of the stone statue is just futile.

Take the long river of time and space behind Ye Fei,-shoot one after another horrible chaos vortex.

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