“What if I can’t beat it?” Ye Fei asked quickly, feeling even more distressed. You know, this is the deity, or just like him, stepping into despair Lu’s invincible earthly respect, is the peerless murderer who has killed Heavenly Venerate, Ye Fei really has no confidence in fighting such a murderer.

No one knows better than him how terrifying a martial artist who masters the power of despair is. Ye Fei doesn’t want to be unfathomable mystery, and the body that has been hit is endless. As if he could see through Ye Fei’s thoughts, Du Tiandi Zun’s face suddenly flashed a smirk: “Since you have entered the Heaven Temple in my capital, then your life and death are not up to you! Or, you defeat me and inherit my inheritance , Or, your life, and the life of those two little girls on you, that’s still

The life of that pig, all stay!” When I saw Dragon Tortoise, I was around Judging from the knowledge of Du Tian Di Zun, there was a moment of hesitation, and it seemed impossible to determine whether Dragon Tortoise was a fierce pig or a fierce turtle, but when he saw the grass, Du Tian Di Zun showed a shocked look.

Chapter 1826 The Origin of Heavenly Venerate

The words of Du Tiandi Zun really made Ye Fei very scared. Dragon Tortoise and Ling Siqi are still that’s all, but Xiaocao is nothing but him. The immortal Sword Soul, the biggest secret, is now hidden in the beast seal space, even Martial God can’t find it, but the heaven and earth respect, unexpectedly saw it at a glance.

“Senior, did you make a mistake, I am the only one here, where is the little girl from?” Ye Fei wouldn’t give in easily, and his face was full of doubts.

Du Tiandi Zun suddenly sneered, disdainfully said: “The Human Sovereign Seal on you can hide from Martial God, but we can’t hide it from our supreme ones. Not only do I know that you are in the beast seal space, I hid three Little Brat. I also know that the little girl’s hand seems to be the legendary Divine Beating Whip…”

Hearing Du Tiandi Zun mentioned Divine Beating Whip, Ye Fei’s heart suddenly moved. The real Du Tian Di Zun has already died on the road of despair. Now this Du Tian Di Zun is at best a Divine Soul Remnant. I don’t know if you can use the grass Divine Beating Whip, can you move Du Tian Di Zun?

“…So, kid, I warn you for the last time, enter my temple, and either defeat me or die here. By the way, let these Little Brat be buried with you…”


While Du Tiandi Zun spoke, Ye Fei still couldn’t hold back the thoughts in his heart. He had already let go of the beast print space, and Xiaocao immediately rode the Dragon Tortoise with him. The colorful spirit wind rushed out, and a vine whip was drawn on Du Tian Di Zun’s body.

The complexion of Du Tiandi Zun suddenly became ugly at the speed that naked eye can see, and his face twitched frantically, “Divine Beating Whip, name is not in vain! It’s a pity, your age.” Now, even if I’m just a trace of war spirit left in my body, it’s not something you can touch!” “New Human Sovereign, you’d better put away those colorful bowels. Either we have a good fight, or you just wait. Die! Remember, you only have half a year, Comprehend Law. After half a year, I hope you can use the strongest battle strength to fight me!” Du Tiandi Zun said indifferently. However, after seeing Xiaocao’s vine whip, he couldn’t help adding, “During fighting, you must not use Divine Beating Whip!”

Of course, Ye Fei This is not what I am concerned about. After discovering that Divine Beating Whip can’t seem to beat Du Tiandi Zun, Ye Fei died of trickery.

Understanding that Du Tian Di Zun is definitely a Battle Madman, Ye Fei quickly stabilized his mind, and couldn’t help saying curiously: “In the Heaven Temple in the capital, I can also get access to the origin of Heavenly Venerate?”

“Of course, the Temple of Origin, which was originally built by our Five Great Paragons at the same time. What’s wrong with taking the origin of Heavenly Venerate in the temple?” Du Tiandi said proudly.

Ye Fei eyes immediately lit up, “Senior can get the source of Heavenly Venerate, but I don’t know if I can sense the internal situation of the temple of the source. I have a few friends in it. I don’t know if they have anything? “

Heavenly God’s son blasted him out of the Temple of Origin with his wealth and wealth, but Emperor Fan and the others have already entered the Temple of Origin. This is what Ye Fei is most worried about.

I’m afraid of the son of Heavenly God. If he can’t deal with him, he will anger other people.

While seeing Ye Fei in a dangerous situation and worrying about the safety of others, Du Tiandi respected his crazy eyes and couldn’t help showing a trace of surprise and approval, but soon his expression changed again. Become indifferent.

“Essential Temple, you cannot use martial arts, even if you do it, you can’t die, but you, half a year later, if you still can’t Comprehend Law, the deity will definitely make you die in pain! Go in! “


There was no opportunity for Ye Fei to speak more, and Tiandi Zun waved his hand. Ye Fei has been involved involuntarily and has been beaten into a peculiar space. In that space, it is full of countless more than Time and Space Strength A more violent and mysterious special atmosphere.

Ye Fei knows that these breaths should be the origin of Heavenly Venerate. As long as he can perceive these origins, he can use the origins to inspire the Heaven and Earth Rule, thereby comprehending his own Martial Dao law .

“Little Guoguo, Dutian Uncle looks fierce, but he is actually a good person.” Ling Siqi is innocent, Ye Fei didn’t feel the change in Dutiandizun’s eyes, but she did it easily. Found.

Ye Fei disagrees: “Are you a good person? Have you ever seen a good person who can’t beat him and will kill us? Forget it, you won’t be able to hurt his hair even if you scold him. It’s better to hurry up and get in touch with the origin first, Comprehended Law. Then… Xiaocao, what are you doing…”

When Ye Fei was talking to Ling Siqi, Xiaocao was not idle, but curious. Threw away the rattan whip, suddenly dragged a peculiar energy from in the sky, and then Xiaocao tentatively took a breath, which also immediately scared Ye Fei out of cold sweat.

Until I saw that Xiaocao took a sip, nothing happened. Instead, he burped a lot, and then fell asleep as if he was drunk. Ye Fei was only relaxed, and his face became weird.

You must know that despite entering this space, Ye Fei can only vaguely perceive the existence of Heavenly Venerate’s origins, but he can’t be sure at all. What exactly these origins are? It’s the same as not being able to see the air.

In such a situation, if you want to contact the source, you have to comprehend from the source that the Heaven and Earth Rule condenses into the Martial Dao law. This is very difficult for any Demi-God. Things.

But Xiaocao is different, she can easily find out the origin of these elusive Heavenly Venerate, and can also eat it like Spiritual Qi. Although Xiaocao only took a bite and ate it, Ye Fei and Ling Siqi were still shocked by Xiaocao’s behavior.

At the same time, the black mouth of Dragon Tortoise, at this time, moved in with great precision, and swallowed the source of Heavenly Venerate that Xiaocao grasped in one bite.

Ye Fei and Ling Siqi’s faces are black, and there is an urge to drag Dragon Tortoise out and kill them.


After swallowing the original Dragon Tortoise, it quickly swelled into a huge ball, obviously indigestion, showing signs of bursting. The scared Dragon Tortoise quickly spit out the origin of Heavenly Venerate again, and then he fell to the ground with lingering fears.

“so that’s how it is, the energy contained in these Heavenly Venerate origins is very powerful, even if it is only 1/10000th of the origin, it is difficult to absorb refining! Just don’t know my immortal Sword Soul, Can it be absorbed?”

Seeing that the grass has eaten the trace of its origin, not only is it okay, but also elated lying down and starting to sleep, Ye Fei’s heart moved.

Grasp the trace of origin that Dragon Tortoise spit out, and instantly split into three, one for Ling Siqi and the other for herself. The last one, before Ye Fei hesitates whether to throw it away.

Dragon Tortoise has hurried over, his tail wagging loudly, revealing a pitiful and expectant look, Ye Fei still couldn’t bear it, and threw the origin of this thread to Dragon Tortoise. Only then sat down and awakened the immortal Sword Soul within the body.

bang! Within Ye Fei’s dantian, the immortal Sword Soul uttered a fierce roar, and there was a strong desire. Before Ye Fei ordered it, a huge Sword Soul Phantom had already disappeared from Ye Fei. The body within the body directly rushed out, and the impatient swallowed that thread of origin in an instant.

Chapter 1827 The Law of Swords

Ye Fei at first is also worried that Heavenly Venerate is so powerful that the immortal Sword Soul should be difficult to absorb, but in fact, yes, no Not only did Sword Soul quickly absorb the origin of Heavenly Venerate, but also the interior of Sword Soul has undergone amazing changes.

Originally, the Immortal Sword Soul could only play ten 1/10000th of the formidable power, which just reached the attack power of the Heaven Grade Zhundi. This is for Ye Fei, who is already Demi-God. , Simply has no effect. But as the origin of the Heavenly Venerate was swallowed, Ye Fei was suddenly shocked to discover that it was the seal of the immortal Sword Soul, and there were signs of understanding the seal, but the origin of the Heavenly Venerate owned by Ye Fei was indeed It is too scarce. It just allows the immortal Sword Soul to reach the critical point of understanding the seal, although it is only a little bit short, it is impossible to undo the seal.

Ye Fei is not only a little anxious, but Sword Soul is immortal. It seems to be more anxious than Ye Fei. After discovering the origin of Heavenly Venerate, which cannot be unblocked, Sword Soul of Immortal is suddenly in Ye Fei again. In the Dantian, it turned into a terrifying destruction vortex.

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