This is also thanks to Du Tian Di Zun who accidentally told Ye Fei that as long as there is a way to enter the nine days, Heavenly God and Human God will definitely get it regardless of the cost. ! Sure enough, I heard Ye Fei suddenly mention Jiutian, and he said it was so reasonable and well-founded. More importantly, Ye Fei could also master the Heavenly Venerate cultivation technique that even the gods could not master. This in itself is a very strange thing. , This kind of weirdness, and the desire to enter the Heaven Realm, suddenly let Heavenly God respect

, even without giving revenge to the discipline.

Heavenly God put away the murderous intention, and asked in surprise: “Your Heavenly Venerate cultivation technique was passed to you by the old Human Sovereign, and the one to have no shame has really gone. Heaven Realm? Do you dare to swear by Divine Soul, what you said is true!”

“Damn! How did I forget, no matter how honest I pretend, but Divine Soul swears this move, You can let the Heavenly God Earth Zun easily judge what I said is true or false!” Ye Fei was depressed and wanted to curse.

Heavenly God also stared at Ye Fei stubbornly, not letting go of any changes in Ye Fei’s face, said solemnly: “This deity asks you, you dare to swear by Divine Soul!”

“why not dare, swear to swear!” Ye Fei loudly said, and then began to brace oneself, thinking hard about how to swear, so that the lie just now can be cleverly rounded back.

But Heavenly God does not give Ye Fei a chance to think, “The previous generation of Human Sovereign was famous for being insidious to have no shame. Since you call him the big brother, it will definitely not be better. You can’t think about it, just swear right away!”

While speaking, the Heavenly God Earth Zun directly stretched out a hand to capture Ye Fei from the air to the sun ship, Ye Fei’s face. Immediately ashen, outside, he can still delay time, if he gets caught on the solar ship, he is simply impossible to run away from the hands of the earth-zun.

Ye Fei’s eyes flashed with a cruel look, and he was already thinking about whether or not to fiercely heart, also come to a Human Sovereign Three Treasures Self-destruction, and then fight to the death,

“Wait, Heavenly God Earth Zun, it seems a bit wrong for you to treat the new Human Sovereign like this!” In the distant starry sky, a horrible magic light suddenly appeared, and then instantly blocked Heavenly God Earth Zun’s capture Li, while blocking Ye Fei behind him.

When I saw the silhouette that appeared, Ye Fei couldn’t believe his eyes, “Demon Sovereign Master! How is it possible?” “Hahaha, why is impossible! The discipline is difficult, Master is out! Ye Fei , You retreat to the side, today’s matter, I will help you fight for your teacher!”

Chapter 1839 Human God Projection

Ye Fei couldn’t believe it, but appeared in him. In front of me, it was Demon Sovereign, and Demon Sovereign at this time, not only breakthrough Martial Emperor, but also Martial God!

“Demon Emperor? How is it possible? He is obviously the Vice Palace Lord of our people’s temple, how could he suddenly become the Master of Ye Demon Head?”

“What is impossible in this? Demon Sovereign breakthrough Martial Emperor, he called himself the Demon Emperor, this Demon Head also called himself the Demon Emperor, we should have thought about it, not master and disciple, how could they use such a similar title!” The appearance of Demon Sovereign makes people a temple The Demi-Gods were shocked. Even the Son of God and his Dao Protector, Martial God, a human temple who has always been hidden in the void, couldn’t help showing up, looking at Demon Sovereign in anger and said: ” Demon Sovereign, what do you mean, even if the Demon Leaf is your discipline

, but he is already Human Sovereign, and it is even offensive to Heavenly God, you are the Martial of my temple God, how can you intervene in such a thing!”

While speaking, this newly-emerged Martial God also shot directly, wanting to capture Demon Sovereign back and suppress it. In his opinion, Demon Sovereign Just broke through Martial God, he will definitely not be his opponent.

This person’s shot also made Demon Sovereign angry on the spot, and immediately raised his hand and patted the opponent with a palm.


The fight between the two blasted all the stars all around. Ye Fei was even more fascinated. “This is Martial God’s secretly thought.” Fight! Although I can use the Human Sovereign Three Treasures to temporarily reach the strength of Martial God, I absolutely cannot make such a terrifying attack!”

When Ye Fei was thinking, a palm of Demon Sovereign, The Devouring Vortex, who suddenly turned into a horror, slammed forward, and the Martial God of the man’s temple had already screamed, “Upper Martial God, how could you be an upper Martial God!”

” What, high-ranking Martial God! so that’s how it is, you actually have a rare Divine Physique! No wonder you jumped two levels in a breakthrough, I believe that within a thousand years, you will also have the opportunity to break through the earth!” Heavenly God Di Zun’s expression became solemn for the first time.

His eyes turned from Ye Fei to Demon Sovereign. Although Demon Sovereign hasn’t grown up yet, it is definitely a very terrifying enemy.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but mouth opened wide, and didn’t expect that his Master actually owns Divine Physique among the top ten Divine Physiques of Human Race.

Be aware of this Divine Physique, and the entire Human Race battlefield is currently owned by only two people, namely the Eternal Divine Body of the Heavenly God, and the violent Divine Physique of the Human and God!

Who would have thought that there would be a third Divine Physique in the Human Race battlefield, that is, Demon Sovereign’s devouring Divine Physique.

“But it’s no wonder that the Master was an Old Monster that was suppressed in the Enclosure Tower for thousands of years. If there is no powerful Divine Physique, even if you get out of trouble, the lamp will be exhausted. How could it be so Quickly break through Martial Emperor, Martial God!”

Ye Fei secretly nodded, and then he is happy.

The water in the battlefield of Human Race is too deep. In the past, Ye Fei was always trembling with fear, like walking on thin ice, but now it’s fine, with a master who might break through in the future as a backer, it’s like a joke Wang Bai’s tiger skin is scary, and he has more confidence.

Immediately, Ye Fei hurriedly put away the Human Sovereign Three Treasures. After all, it was not Martial God. To urge this thing was to burn life.

“Heavenly God is too exalted. How difficult it is to break through the Supreme in the realm. I believe that Heavenly God knows better than Junior. Therefore, Junior wants to ask Senior to give face and let me go as a bad guy. , Heavenly God, what do you think?” Demon Sovereign is neither humble nor overbearing.

The realm of the upper Martial God, devouring the great potential of Divine Physique, has already allowed him, to some extent, to stand at the same height as the earthly respect.

Even the gods and gods, after discovering the hidden Divine Physique of Demon Sovereign, have not dared to treat Demon Sovereign as his subordinates, and have the meaning of talking with the same generation. Heavenly God is vicious and merciless again, but in the end, this is only a projection he projected through the solar battleship, and only has the battle strength of the upper Martial God, his face suddenly became a little ugly, “Even if You have to devour Divine Physique, and it takes at least one 2000 years to break through the deity.

You are not qualified to sit on the same level as the deity, hmph! “

Heavenly God’s earth-zun looked indifferent. In order to gain access to the Heaven Realm, he even chose to tolerate Ye Fei’s beheading of the son of Heavenly God. How could he easily compromise because of Demon Sovereign’s words.

While speaking, the Heavenly God Earth Zun is already ready to take another shot, to forcefully capture Ye Fei, and then torture the way to Nine Heavens.

Ye Fei’s complexion suddenly changed, and he cursed inwardly: “Du Tian Di Zun is right. In order to enter the Nine Heavens, these Earth Zuns will be desperate and don’t care about any means!” Demon Sovereign said It’s calm and composed, and he coldly took out a scroll and said: “Heavenly God, since I am not qualified, what about human gods, are you qualified to give this face? By the way, I forgot to tell you, human gods It has been decided to recognize Ye Fei’s Human Sovereign position, and is more willing to accept apprentices on his behalf, and admit that Ye Fei is his Junior Brother!”


Demon Sovereign lifted the scroll high, and that scroll suddenly burst into dazzling rays of light, and quickly condensed into a mysterious light gate. It seems that there will be a projection of the gods and gods at any time, coming out of the light gate. . Heavenly God’s complexion suddenly changed, and then an incomparable gigantic wave of anger emerged on his body, “Okay, very good! The deity’s organs are exhausted, and the overall situation is set up. As a result, you are silent. I actually picked the peaches! But, the gods, don’t want to swallow the way into the nine days.

…… Ye Fei, if you still want to see Zhao Yu, you must not disclose any information to the gods’ temple, If you dare to reveal, hmph!”

The last paragraph, Heavenly God Earth Zun uses sound transmission, and this is the same sound transmission, which shocked Ye Fei’s mind and suddenly roared, already incarnation furious. The war demon, carrying the Human Sovereign sword, killed the Heavenly God. “Heavenly God, it turned out to be you!”

“get lost! Not even Martial God. You are not qualified to be the opponent of the deity. One year later, the Human Race will be in front of you. The deity is waiting for you Come and see me!”

Heavenly God gave a big wave of his hand, and the entire starry sky, already swirling a terrifying matchless storm, not only shot Ye Fei upside down to count ten thousand meters, but also rolled up the whole The Solar Warship, and all the Demi-Gods of Heaven Temple, have moved out of the Lich battlefield. Demon Sovereign also hurriedly launched the devouring Divine Physique, his silhouette disappeared in an instant, and a huge black hole appeared in the starry sky, swallowing everything, and also the supreme aura released by the Heavenly God, the swallowed thoroughly, and then he fell When he approached Ye Fei, he rebuked, “little bastard, you are okay. Why are you crazy? If you completely anger the Heavenly God, let alone a teacher, you will not be able to keep it. You!”

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