Di Fan’s face suddenly turned pale , and the face of the Supreme Dean turned pale. The three Vice Palace Lords looked at Ye Fei in amazement, and Lu Li suddenly collapsed on the ground. Xue Yue’s legs trembled, and Ling Siyu was even more frightened on the spot, holding Dongfang Yu tightly in his arms, “What did you say, the old Human Sovereign did not enter the nine days, and there was no breakthrough Heavenly Venerate, then you just faced people God, I said it so sincerely, so seriously, and we couldn’t help but believe what I said! My God,

, that’s the respect of the earth, you, you, you even dare to lie to the respect of the earth!” Three Vices After the shock of the Palace Lord, suddenly said with a sneer together: “why not dare, the previous generation of Human Sovereign, is the famous shameless to have no shame, everybody is called tall and handsome, I think contemporary Human Sovereign can also be called Be bold for Ye!”

Chapter 1845 Laughing and Hidden Knife

The original intention of the three Vice Palace Lords was actually to praise Ye Fei. After all, Ye Fei was so bold as to be Half God Realm. To lie to the Supreme Powerhouse, the people who actually deceived God and Heavenly God are convinced.

To some extent, this is also a kind of ability.

Helplessly, after hearing these compliments, Ye Fei not only didn’t have any happiness, but also felt that the three Vice Palace Lords were more like cursing.

“Great Grandpa, why do you seem to be scolding Xiao Guoguo?” Ling Siqi was innocent and quickly fought for Ye Fei.

Ye Fei’s face turned black immediately.

The three Vice Palace Lords also woke up suddenly. They praised it like this, and it seemed a bit counterproductive; they were suddenly extremely embarrassed. Also embarrassing is Ling Siyu. When she saw her elder sister still hiding on Ye Fei and refused to come back, the female Lord secretly jumped anxiously.

Ye Fei was too lazy to explain, she just turned her head and looked towards the heavenly punishment who has been bowing his head in contemplation. The quasi emperor said: “Heavenly punishment Senior, what are you thinking?” The quasi emperor said solemnly: “I am here Worry about Lu Qing! Ye Human Sovereign, you can fool the two elders with your tricks. To be honest, I am very shocked, but you shouldn’t be exposed. You are here on the Human Race battlefield to find Zhao Yu and Lu Qing. Once the gods And Heavenly God knows your purpose, what will they think? When they post

that you can’t force a way to Jiu Tian from your mouth, what will they do?”

Ye Fei expression coldly: “You mean, Heavenly God or God, might use Lu Qing and Zhao Yu to threaten me?”

Heavenly punishment Zhundi’s expression is even colder, “Change I am the two masters of the earth, I will definitely do it!”


Ye Fei’s face turned pale suddenly. He didn’t doubt the heavenly punishment of the Emperor Zhun, strictly Speaking, heavenly punishment Zhundi is the same as God, Heavenly God, but because of Lu Qing’s relationship, heavenly punishment Zhundi has to put aside his grievances and stand firmly on Ye Fei’s side.

“How come they are supreme, they actually want to use two women to threaten Human Sovereign, supreme powerhouse, impossible to do such a derogatory thing!” The three Vice Palace Lords all Looking at the heavenly punishment quasi emperor very suspiciously, he did not believe his judgment.

Heavenly punishment Zhundi didn’t speak, but looked at Ye Fei with gloomy eyes. Ye Fei is also solemnly nodded. He is not clear about the human beings, but Heavenly God must be able to do it.

This can be seen from the fact that Heavenly God would rather be deadly to the Son of Heavenly God, but also look for an excuse to behead the Human Sovereign and destroy the Human Sovereign Temple.

“Heavenly God is obviously the kind of person who does nothing to achieve his goal. The God of God seems to be gentle, but it is not a smile, a knife in a smile, and a man without bones!” Ye Fei’s expression Completely gloomy.

Dongfang Yu and Xue Yue Pojun suddenly said together: “Ye Fei, or we should just go out, leave the Human Race battlefield first, wait for the breakthrough of Martial God, and then come back for revenge!”

“It’s too late. The God of God went to Heaven Temple this time, not to save your two soulmates, but to negotiate with Heavenly God, forcing you to confide the way to nine days!”


The door of the temple suddenly opened, and Demon Sovereign was covered in blood and walked in from the outside. Behind him, there were countless fallen Martial Gods and Demi-God.

“Master, you…” Ye Fei was amazed. He didn’t expect that Demon Sovereign would be in the Temple of Humans and kill them. This obviously violated the tacit understanding between Demon Sovereign and God of Humans. Demon Sovereign said with a sneer: “The vow that I made with the human gods just said that I will not leave the human temple and build a new temple, but I didn’t say that if he wants to take action on my discipline, I will be indifferent! Ye Fei, You go quickly! Go to Dry Silence Hill now! Although Zhao Divine Sword is not trustworthy, but he can help you through the difficulties!”

“Master , Did you find something?” Ye Fei solemnly asked. “Yes, just now in the military camp, the Martial God of those people’s temples, in name, invited me to drink, secretly, but they have prepared Edivine liquid that can poison Martial God long ago. They want to poison me, but it’s a pity, God I still underestimate my Demon Sovereign. Back then, I was yawned once, and I was trapped in the Demon Sovereign Tower.

3000 years, after having suffered that big loss, how could I be because of an oath? Just believe in humans and gods easily!” Demon Sovereign sneered furiously.

But Ye Fei can see that for at least a while, Demon Sovereign still had a certain expectation for the gods, but unfortunately, this expectation, compared with the temptation to enter the nine days, the gods finally I chose the latter.

So, on the surface, the gods are polite to their master and disciple, they appease the Demon Sovereign, and they recognize Ye Fei as the Junior Brother, but this is only for the gods to stabilize their master and disciple. Increase the bargaining chip with Heavenly God.

The only person who didn’t expect a god, due to the blood loss, the vigilance of Demon Sovereign in the bones happened to break the layout of the gods!

Looking at the scene of Demon Sovereign rushing in with blood, Ye Fei’s heart also inexplicably rises with warmth, a touch, and can’t help but shook his head with slightly red eyes: “Master, I won’t go. , I’m leaving, the gods must take you out!” “Ye Fei, what silly thing are you talking about! Just because you are gone, the gods refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, so they dare not let us down Killer, if you stay, God and Heavenly God do such a big scandal, do you think they will not kill people and clean us out!” The heavenly punishment Zhundi suddenly yelled, here, no

Someone knows the mind of God and Heavenly God better than him. Ye Fei is here to wake up, “Heavenly punishment. The Emperor Zhun is right. I leave and everyone still has a glimmer of survival. I stay or get caught. God and Heavenly God will definitely kill people and kill people. Just all of us! Master, heavenly punishment Senior, Supreme Dean, three Vice Palace Lords, Pojun, Xue Yue,

Dongfang Yu……”

Ye Fei watching These old people suddenly bowed deeply and said: “I’m sorry, this time I’ve hurt you, but I swear, as long as I don’t die, I will come back, and personally step on the gods and the heavenly gods!”

“Ye Fei, let’s go, we are not sorry to die, but you can’t die. Human Sovereign in the past can only fight to death, but not be killed!” The three Vice Palace Lords smiled at life and death, and smiled lightly .

“brother Ye, don’t say this, since we have joined the Human Sovereign Palace, we should live and die together with the Human Sovereign Palace. As long as you promise us, if we die, you Must avenge us!” Di Fan, Dongfang Yu and the others, all have a firm expression on their faces.

“Ye Fei, Qinger gave it to you. My grandfather has no abilities and cannot save her from Deity Hand. However, I believe that you will be able to break through Martial God, Earth Zun, and For the old man, rescue the granddaughter!” Heavenly punishment Zhundi, the Supreme Dean, were also slightly smiled.

In the face of life and death, no one backs down, no one is timid, and some are just fighting intent and heroic. This is the martial artist of Heavenly Martial Continent, who will die without regrets for the rest of his life!

Ye Fei couldn’t help being infected, and a powerful fighting intent suddenly appeared on his body, said solemnly: “Master, seniors, brothers, I won’t let you die. We will be together in the future. Fight side by side! Three Vice Palace Lords, listen to my Human Sovereign order!” Ye Fei suddenly ranks high on the Human Sovereign Seal. For the first time, he gave orders to the three Vice Palace Lords and all the martial artists in the entire Human Sovereign Hall!

Chapter 1846 There are demons in heaven and earth

Ye Fei’s command is very simple: “Three Vice Palace Lords, please take the Human Sovereign three treasures, immediately go to the battlefield of Lich, open Space- Time Crack, entering the long river of time and space again, I don’t believe that God and Heavenly God will chase you down and expose the secrets of the original temple!”

The only one who knows the original temple is Demi from the three major temples. -God powerhouse, still must have potential, breakthrough Martial God’s Demi-God powerhouse, will be allowed to enter.

Go into the temple, these Demi-Gods must also make the Divine Soul oath, not to reveal the existence of the temple in this courtyard!

So in the Human Race battlefield, there may be tens of thousands of Demi-Gods, but there are only a few Demi-Gods that can really know the existence of the Origin Temple.

Hearing Ye Fei’s order, the three Vice Palace Lords knelt down to accept the Human Sovereign Seal, Human Sovereign robe and Human Sovereign sword, but at the same time they were very puzzled, “Your Highness, the Origin Temple, every 500 Years can only be opened once. We just use the Human Sovereign Three Treasures to open the Space-Time Crack, and we can’t get in at all!” The three Vice Palace Lords thought that Ye Fei would use the original temple to prevent them from using force to protect them. After all, the establishment of the Primordial Temple is a collection of the five supreme powers of Human Race. If they can escape in, it is the Human God and Heavenly God who join forces to chase inside, and they cannot use military force

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