Spiritual Qi, who originally wrapped Ye Fei, finally found a catharsis, and was completely swallowed by Swallowing Void.

Finally, the scale of this void gradually shrank a black spot of Small Accomplishment, and suddenly rushed into Ye Fei’s within the body.

There is no need to deliberately urge, Ye Fei’s body already has a stronger and more violent power than Martial Master Realm.

Without the limitation of the Martial Dao barrier, Ye Fei went smoothly. In the first pass of the cultivation Demon Sovereign, the breakthrough of where water flows, a canal is formed reached the realm of Martial Sect.

At the same time, there is also Ye Fei’s golden body of the war demon. Although Ye Fei has not been able to cultivation the golden body of the war demon to the limit due to the exhaustion of the Spirit Pond Spiritual Qi, his Fleshy body’s defense is still upgraded to a new level.

At this time, Ye Fei estimated that he was standing still. Those ordinary Martial Ancestors were single-heavy and the 2nd layer disciplines attacked with all their strength, and it would be difficult to break his golden defense.


The circling spirit eagle looked at Ye Fei of breakthrough Martial Sect, and felt Ye Fei’s body, the terrifying imposing manner of Demon Sovereign.

This head was still very fierce just now. The spirit eagle, who would rather die than to capture Luo Xing, was shocked shiver coldly after feeling the breath of Ye Fei at this time.

Then instinctively made an action.

I didn’t wait for Luo Xing to go up and start his hands. This spirit eagle fell from the sky to the ground in fright, and retracted its wings, actually facing Ye Fei in an acknowledge allegiance posture.

“What’s the matter with this spirit eagle? Luo Xing, you surrendered it?” Ye Fei was a little puzzled. This spirit eagle looked fierce just now, but suddenly became docile again, Ye Fei suspected that Luo Xing might have surrendered him.

“Uh, Brother Fei, don’t bury me, okay.” Luo Xing was full of depression. After all, he came from Great Family, and he had more knowledge than Ye Fei.

The reason why this spirit eagle acknowledges allegiance, needless to say, is definitely to feel the horror of Ye Fei swallowing Spiritual Qi, knowing that it is not an opponent, will instinctively choose acknowledge allegiance.

After all, this spirit eagle itself was also transformed by Spiritual Qi. As long as Ye Fei activates the Demon Sovereign Sutra, it is entirely possible to treat this spirit eagle as Spiritual Qi and devour it.

It’s like an Old Hu, seeing a giant dragon. No matter how fierce the Old Hu is, he has to lie down in front of the giant dragon.

After hearing Luo Xing’s explanation, Ye Fei was also a little speechless. He hurriedly looked at Luo Xing apologetically and said: “Luo Xing, don’t care, I am also unintentional.”

” Brother Fei, because you are unintentional, I am especially concerned!”

Luo Xing is about to vomit blood when he is depressed. This is really constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one angry. When, he How can you be like Ye Fei, just by relying on the imposing manner of the cultivation technique level, can you scare the Spirit Beast into submission?


Not to mention that with Ye Fei’s unintentional help, Luo Xing finally surrendered Lingying.

At Heavenly Flame Elder and the others, the collection order not very long was issued. The Small World, which was originally deserted and very deserted, suddenly became lively.

All the surviving old and new disciplines follow Elder’s orders and rush to the middle island of Small World in the fastest time.

Many people’s faces are very dignified, especially those of ordinary Martial Master Realm newcomers who are the weakest and still have the identity tokens needed by the old discipline. This is bound to become those The best target for the old discipline who has not yet grabbed the token.

Fortunately, the worries of these new disciplines do not happen at all, because they have received orders from Ouyang Jie sent to them when they entered the island.

All the newcomers who enter the gathered discipline, in addition to their own identity tokens, the rest of the tokens must be handed over to Ouyang Jie.

Obviously, stimulated by Ye Fei’s rise to No. 1 ranking, Ouyang Jie no longer dared to take it lightly, except for the top 20 expert that appeared on the list, Ouyang Jie did not dare to search for fear of causing anger. outer.

The rest of the ordinary new disciplines, no matter what tokens are hidden on them, will be immediately taken away by Ouyang Jie.

Of course, some people are very dissatisfied with this.

“Ouyang Jie, what do you mean, why do you want to snatch someone else’s token?” The ancient man was very dissatisfied and rushed to the island from the valley.

As a result, because he killed too much along the way, the whole person was soaked in blood, and he couldn’t see his original appearance. The scouted discipline didn’t even recognize the ancient barbarians for a while, and wanted to fight the ancients. Man conducted a body search, which immediately angered the ancient man.

Just call in and find Ouyang Jie to settle the account.

Ouyang Jie’s face became very ugly. He didn’t expect that Gu Barbarian would come over alone, and there was a conflict with his men.

“Guman, this time it is my subordinates who are wrong. I can apologize to you, but please don’t stop my actions.” Ouyang Jie looked at Guman sincerely.

Although Guman is very upset, in the current situation, we still try to collect enough tokens, first grab the first place, and then talk about it.

Gu Man is a rough man, but he is not a fool. He quickly understood Ouyang Jie’s thoughts, and Gu Man suddenly sneered.

“hahaha, Ouyang Jie, when I didn’t think you would be in a hurry, I almost forgot, you and Ye Fei, there is still a gambling fight. If you lose again this time, you won’t have any face See people. You can ask me not to stop you, but you have to promise me one condition!”

100th Chapter Sixty-Two Refers to the Thousands

100th Chapter Sixty-Two What Qianfu refers to

But when Gu Man and Ouyang Jie started negotiations, new and old disciplines continued to gather here on the periphery of the island.

At this time, it is also stipulated by the ranking war. The last day of the collection exceeds this number of days. If you can’t come to the collection on time, what will happen? Although the Elders who changed the rules did not explicitly say, everyone knows. The end of the game is definitely not going to be good, and the qualifications for ranking battles are lightly disqualified, and serious, they may be expelled from Holy Land.

Ye Fei doesn’t want to lose the ranking battle results, so he can only come here quickly to gather according to Elder’s request.

While on the road, Luo Xing also suggested to Ye Fei: “Brother Fei, after we have passed, don’t show up in public, just look at the situation in secret before talking.”

“Hun! “

The spirit eagle was also standing on Luo Xing’s shoulder, with a spirituality tweet in agreement. It was frightened by Ye Fei’s Demon Sovereign through the imposing manner, so Luo Xing took the opportunity to catch it. Live, use the Controlling Beast Technique to forcefully sign the bloodline oath.

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