At this time, the Great Lord Chenliang reacted so quickly, and Zhu’s face turned white, and he secretly regretted that he should not sign an ancestral witch vow with Ye Fei and become a witch traitor.

“Big brother, or else, let’s run quickly while Dazun Chenliang and Jin She are still fighting. It takes more than ten days, enough time for us to escape into the starry sky and hide.” Gongzhu Dawu sounded panicked. transmission said, after all, he is currently tied to Ye Fei. Ye Fei is finished, he will only die even more miserable.

At this time, Ye Fei’s mood is also very nervous. If Jin She is a ferocious wolf, then Chenliang is the evil tiger with rigorous schemes and deep foresight. No matter which side he falls into, the worst thing is himself.

“What should I do? Escape? Certainly not!”

Finally, he became a family member of the Witch clan. At this time, he fled, not only was his hard work in vain, but he also lost Last chance to rescue Zhao Yu.

Just keep staying, even if he blocks Jin She, Chenliang may attack him at any time!

“If only I could know, Chenliang, what is he trying to do with me. At that time, I can try to trick him and find a way to deal with Chenliang…”

Ye Fei thought of this, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, “Why did I didn’t expect, Chen Liang refused to reveal my tone, wouldn’t I check it myself?”

It is possible, Ye Fei’s gaze, involuntarily looked towards Chenliang’s Golden Palace, where Chenliang’s cultivation is located, and the safest place in the entire Golden Palace. If Chenliang has any secrets, it will definitely be placed in that golden palace. Inside the palace!

“Gongzhu, you just said that the battle of the wizard god will last for more than ten days, is it true?” Ye Fei solemnly asked. “Big brother, I’m not sure, but our witch clan has more than one battle between the witch gods. It takes a few months and at least ten days for the witch gods to tell the difference. We can Take advantage of this time to escape.” Gongzhu was excited, and thought Ye Fei finally wanted to


Ye Fei was speechless at once, “Am I like the kind of person who is greedy for life and fear of death? The so-called danger lurks within the riches and honour! We escaped for a while, can we escape for a lifetime? Chenliang and Jin She are fighting fiercely, you immediately take me to Chenliang’s Golden Palace!”

Suck in a breath of cold air, “What, you want to get into Venerable Golden Palace, surnamed Ye, you lunatic, you have the courage to break through the sky? Actually come up with such a crazy idea! You know if this is discovered by the great master, we will die without a burial site immediately!”

Ye Fei sneered: “Didn’t you say that Chen Liang’s full fight with Jin She will take more than ten days to end. What are you afraid of after such a long time? Even if there are restrictions, I can find a solution! “Gongzhu’s scalp is numb, and he stares at Ye Fei with the eyes of a madman: “Ye Human Sovereign, you are really crazy, the golden palace is such an important place, are you unprepared as a great master, tell you, inside the golden palace Not only are there restrictions, there are also at least two most trusted golden witches outside at all times.

Responsible for guarding, you simply can’t make it through!”

Ye Fei hearing this froze, Only then did I know that it seemed that it was much more difficult to get into the golden palace of Chenliang than he thought. But even so, Ye Fei decided to fight it!

If you give up what you have done in the Wu Clan now, you will be unwilling! Besides running away, it is not Ye Fei’s style. “Even if it is to escape, I will disturb him Heaven and Earth turning upside down!”

Chapter 1885 Heaven and Earth turning upside down

“hmph, foolish dreams! Just the guarding golden witch You can’t pass the first level!” Gongzhu finally caught Ye Fei’s chance of being deflated, and naturally asked Fiercely to mock him.

Ye Fei was not angry at hearing this, but when no one was paying attention, he suddenly pierced Gongzhu’s thigh with a sword, causing the latter to shed blood and couldn’t help making a mournful scream.

“Big brother, what’s the matter with you, why are you bleeding so much, don’t worry, I will help you go back, little brother, and heal your injuries quickly!” Ye Fei shouted even worse than Gongzhu. At this time, I was even more concerned about Gongzhu, and moved towards Gongzhu’s palace and rushed away. The golden witches along the way did not stop or take it seriously. They all stared at the stone gate completely. The battle scene, in the end, the battle of the witch gods, has also greatly improved their understanding of more profound witchcraft.

“Surnamed Ye, you are so cruel, and I didn’t offend you, why are you stabbing me for no reason…” In the palace, Gongzhu roared furiously.

Ye Fei calmly called out Xiaocao, and then let Xiaocao calmly take out Divine Beating Whip, Gongzhu will be honest immediately, and quickly accompany said with a smile: “You are my big Brother, let alone stabbing me, just stabbing ten more swords. That’s our job as a kid!”

Ye Fei also patted Gongzhu’s shoulder with satisfaction, “Second. , I didn’t see you wrong, don’t worry, I won’t stab you ten swords, I only want you, go outside Chenliang’s Golden Palace and try to attract the attention of the two great witch guards!”

“What, you have already thought of the way to break through the Golden Palace?” Gongzhu Dawu’s face was pale, shocked, the thigh blood pierced by Ye Fei was crazy again, and the scared Gongzhu urged him to move quickly. Witchcraft, crazy healing.

During Gongzhu’s healing, Ye Fei once again took Ling Siqi, who was lazy and delicious, out of the beast seal space, and said: “Ling Siqi, whether he can get in this time, the key is It’s up to you!”

“Little pot, what do you want me to do?” Ling Siqi is innocent and unaffected. When it does not mean, she is ignorant. As Demi-God, so is Ling Siqi A very powerful helper.

Of course, in Ye Fei’s eyes, Ling Siqi’s most powerful thing is not her realm, but her concealment ability that even Xiaocao can’t find!

This is also the most miraculous place of the Ten Spirits’ good fortune, Seizing Heaven and Earth Good Fortune, change in size, do as one pleases!

Immediately, Ye Fei whispered to Ling Siqi, then took out the magic crystal pagoda and entered the pagoda space with Xiaocao. Ling Siqi stayed outside and took the magic crystal pagoda into her arms. Suddenly she shook her body. She had already activated the Good Fortune Chapter of the Ten Spirits’ Good Fortune Heaven Kungfu. Swish, from a ten-year-old girl to a rice-sized little girl. , I jumped on the head of Gongzhu Dawu. Lingling is like War Goddess. The commander Zhu said: “Working Zhu Dawu, now we are going to the Golden Palace, you think of a way , To attract the attention of the two guards, and cover me to run into the Golden Palace!”

“You, you…” When seeing Ling Siqi the size of a grain of rice, Gongzhu’s face suddenly changed Very shocked, such a method simply surpassed his cognition.

This is also the most magical place of the ten spirits, the most magical place, change the size, do as one pleases, and Ling Siqi can change not only by herself, but also with the items on her body.

The Ten Spirits Good Fortune Tiangong is so domineering!

At the beginning, Ye Fei was shocked to see Ling Siqi using such a method for the first time, not to mention Gongzhu Dawu, who has no knowledge of Martial Dao.

In desperation, the Great Witch of Gongzhu, who has changed from his elder brother to his second child, had no choice but to let this little girl stand on his head and give orders, and had to drag his bloody injured leg. , Hurried to the outside of Chenliang’s Golden Palace.

Gongzhu’s miserable look also immediately shocked the two golden witches guarding the door, “Gongzhu, you are not in the palace to heal, what are you doing here?”

“Shut up, I wish that as a confidant of the Great Master, waiting for the injury, how can I stop my love and love for the Great Lord, I will wait here, wait for the Great Lord to return, and personally thank the Great Lord for his life-saving grace! “Gongzhu is all righteous, but his heart is frustrated.

The two golden witches at the door also showed contempt in their eyes, taunted very unceremoniously, “Gongzhu, back then, you relied on flattery to make you a great witch, how, now you I still want to rely on filming flattery to let the great master point you to the breakthrough witch god?”

“Go away, you don’t need a flattery like you here! You just need to follow the great master’s instructions and monitor the good Shang Jiu It’s fine!”

It doesn’t matter if you don’t mention it. When you mention this, it does touch the most painful part of Gongzhu. In the end, if it weren’t for the minister’s order to monitor Ye Fei, he wouldn’t be like this. To the point, the dignified golden witch, not to mention becoming a witch traitor, has become the second child of ten thousand years who can never stand up.

The anger in Gongzhu’s heart, without Ye Fei’s face-to-face instruction, is already raging and full of golden rays of light, shouted loudly: “Close your dog’s mouth, two guards Dogs, what right do you have to laugh at this seat!”

The two golden witches were both startled by Gongzhu’s roar, and then deeply enraged, they cursed together:” Good luck, how dare you scold us! Very good, don’t you want to pretend to be pitiful and win the sympathy of the great respect? We will fulfill you and beat him fiercely!”

They are both the confidants of the great respect. It is inevitable to dislike each other and fight for favor with each other. At this time, seeing Gongzhu riots, the two golden witches simply rushed up together, surrounding Gongzhu.

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