But Great Venerable Li Huo’s order is still a step late!

While killing those golden witches who defected, the Blood Sword in Ye Fei’s hand suddenly changed. The horrible spirit strength of the wizard god suddenly turned the Blood Sword floating behind him into an incomparable gigantic Blood Sword mountain. , And then, Ye Fei snatched the Blood Sword with both hands and slammed it forward again.


Between Heaven and Earth, there were signs of mountains bursting and ground splitting. In front of this huge Blood Sword mountain, the flames of the void tumbling were suppressed, and then they exploded in the air. The blood flower blooms continuously under the Blood Sword.

There are more than one hundred golden witches who were ordered to fight from the Golden Palace of Fire this time, but there are only less than fifty who can actually escape back. Half of the golden witches died tragically in Ye Below the Mountain of Blood Sword in Fei.

This is the terrifying of War Witch!

If you don’t become a witch god, no matter how many golden witches are killed, it will not be enough for Ye Fei to kill with one sword.

“My subordinates! Shang Jiu, how dare you do this!” Great Venerable Li Huo was so mad, his heart was bleeding as he watched the heavy casualties of his subordinates.

But it is Jin She who is even more angry.

His hatred with Shang Jiu is too deep. With Ye Fei inheriting Shang Jiu’s Golden Divine Depository, this hatred, It also naturally transferred to Ye Fei, not to mention that Ye Fei also beheaded his only son, and it took only half a year to break through the witch god! While Jin She was furious, his eyes suddenly flashed with incomparable madness and jealousy: his big hands were like a mountain, and he suddenly grabbed Ye Fei’s Blood Sword, but with his bare hands, he blocked Ye Fei’s Blood Sword, “Damn it. Bian, you are just a substitute for Shang Jiu. You came out just right. This deity will take your first level and pay tribute to the spirit of my son in the sky!” “Shut me your stinky mouth! Shang! Jiu is your elder brother, you treat your elder brother as a cheap species, then what are you, a thing that is inferior to a cheap species! Get out!” Ye Fei also roared, the moment he saw Jin She, Shang Jiu’s hatred quickly surfaced. Let Ye Fei’s heart be filled with violent anger and crazy

killing intent.

The heavy Blood Sword became heavier, tearing the world apart, and shattering the sky. Affected by Ye Fei’s angry killing intent, the Blood Sword in his hand also became murderous aura boiling, forming like The sword of the gods and demons condensed with blood, slashed hard at Jin She.

Jin She’s original cold and arrogant expression suddenly changed, “This kind of power…how can the War Witch have such a strong power!”


While speaking, Jin She grabbed Blood Sword’s hand, and was torn apart by sword energy, exposing the bones, but before Ye Fei’s sword energy continued to cause damage, Jin She quickly As he retreated, he had transformed himself into a terrifying Stoneman witch god.

His huge stone palm suddenly opened, forming a terrifying void black hole. Fiercely patted Ye Fei’s Blood Sword, “Damn it, whether you are Shang Jiu or not, I Jin She will kill you, this deity swears to make your skull into the most exquisite wine glass!”

“There is also this deity, Shang Jiu, even if you breakthrough the witch god, offend both of us , You will definitely die today!”

Great Venerable Li Huo yelled and saw Ye Fei, but the wizard god had just broken through, and there was such a terrifying battle strength. At the same time he was shocked, his eyes suddenly burst out astonishing murderous intention.

At the same time when Jin She retreated and transformed, a palm-size red mountain suddenly appeared in the palm of Great Venerable Li Huo. With his spirit strength, the red mountain suddenly appeared It grew bigger and turned into a terrifying lava volcano, lifted up by Great Venerable Li Huo. “Normal barriers, don’t die! Witchcraft! Fiery lava!”

Chapter 1900 Killing Two Gods in the First Battle

Great Venerable Li Huo is going to Sect, this Sect, pay attention to sacrificing heaven and earth!

For example, at this time, Great Venerable Li Huo sacrificed a Spiritual Qi lava volcano into his handy powerful witchcraft, and tilted it down with the volcanic crater in his hand.

The billowing lava immediately burned the entire sky, all around became extremely hot, and the earth began to melt at this time, and the dome of the Golden Palace was completely under this high temperature. Ignite, the hot gilt flowing out of zi zi.


Jin She uttered a wolf roar. His injured palm has completely recovered as before. At this time, in conjunction with Great Venerable Li Huo’s attack, he condense a spirit of Divine Wolf.

The Divine Wolf opened its mouth wide, and inside was a deep black hole, with amazing gravity and Devouring Vortex, gradually swallowing Ye Fei’s body.

“Witchcraft, the golden wolf leads to kill!” Jin She screamed fiercely, tyrannical like the king of Divine Wolf!

hong long!

Following his roar, and the impact of the Golden Wolf and the lava, Ye Fei suddenly felt a tremendous pressure, and slammed his Blood Sword Shocked to pieces.

In the end, his Blood Sword is not as strong as his fleshy body. At this time, facing the Divine Grade witchcraft of the two witch gods, it was finally completely broken, but Ye Fei not at all. be discouraged.

Blood Sword is not his real killing move either!

The blazing lava rushed in, and instantly submerged half of his body. The huge wolf’s mouth burst with lightning, swallowing the sky, and also the upper body of Ye Fei. Seeing that Ye Fei might be When the witchcraft of these two witch gods was forcibly torn into two pieces.


Ye Fei’s mouth suddenly burst out with a roar like a wild beast. The body of the war witch was urged to its limit by Ye Fei at this moment, and it also made Ye Fei’s fleshy body exude a half-sovereign uniqueness The divine brilliance.

The dazzling spirit strength, forming a light shining brighter than the stars, suddenly flooded the sky. Upon closer inspection, it is not a real star, but a huge palm gathered by countless stars, like a piece of The dazzling starry sky was hit by Ye Fei in the mouth of the falling Divine Wolf.

I only heard the Divine Wolf make a shocking explosion. The Golden Divine Wolf, who exists in the void, has been smashed to half of his body by Ye Fei’s palm, and turned into scattered spiritual rays of light, dissipating between Heaven and Earth.

But Ye Fei’s palm still keeps on. While breaking the golden extravagant magic, it is also a palm of the heavens and stars. It was beaten strongly by Ye Fei. This time, Ye Fei’s goal is surprisingly The lava volcano in the hands of Great Venerable Li Huo.

Great Venerable Li Huo suddenly became angry: “Niezha, you are courting death! No matter how strong your battle skill is, can you still fight against our two great wizard gods at the same time? Die!”


Before speaking, Great Venerable Li Huo suddenly felt that the fire cloud above his head all split up and in pieces, and then the lava volcano he was cultivating, was suddenly covered by the palm of a star that obscured the world. With one shot fiercely, the huge lava volcano has burst on the spot.

“Da Zun, what did you just say?” The violent explosion drowned out all the sounds between Heaven and Earth, Ye Fei’s silhouette, and at this time, he was walking step by step from the bursting lava. In front of Great Venerable Li Huo, before the Great Venerable Li Huo opened his mouth and roared, suddenly there was another star’s palm condensed with infinite starlight. With a snap, it slapped on the huge body of the Great Venerable Li Huo burning with flames.


“The evil barrier, the deity wants you to die!”

Great Venerable Li Huo’s body retreats violently, and the terrifying spirit strength turns like a top like a spinning top. At the same time, there are circles of metal halo from him. His within the body keeps appearing, “Witchcraft, the golden gods surround the city!”

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