Immediately there was a bold golden witch who bowed to Ye Fei excitedly and said: “Ye Zhizun, what your Senior said is true? As long as we pledge allegiance to you, we can learn Divine Grade witchcraft?” “What’s so strange about this, you see, I followed the Supreme, and the Supreme immediately gave me the Golden Divine Depository! Even the Golden Divine Depository can be granted by the Supreme, do you still care about a few Divine Grade witchcraft “Ye Fei did not speak, Gongzhu had already come out as an impatient to help brag, and also showed his Golden Divine Depository on the spot.

After all, being a witcher is always lonely and embarrassing. So Gongzhu naturally hopes that there will be a few more witches among the golden witches, and they want everyone to black out.

Worker Zhu Liang showed his Golden Divine Depository, not only the surrendered Golden Fives were shocked, but even some of the free golden witches who were watching from a distance couldn’t help shouting with excitement.

“Oh my God, what a Golden Divine Depository!”

“Ye Zhizun, we don’t want Golden Divine Depository extravagantly. We just ask you to allow us to learn the Divine Grade witchcraft of the Golden Palace. We are willing to be loyal!”

“Master, please be respected by the discipline, the discipline is by nature a good material for the cultivation war witch…”

“Go away, you are the golden witch, God’s The Storehouse is fixed, where can I still cultivation battle skill! Supreme, please, the little girl is pretty, willing to pour tea for the Supreme, and wash the quilt…”


Ye Fei and Gongzhu were shocked and watched the golden witches all around. Then, Ye Fei’s heart moved. Sooner or later, he was going to have a fight with God and Heavenly God.

Even if his battle strength is strong, and a widow will fight against the human temple and the Heaven Temple, he will be alone. If he can fool hundreds, thousands of golden witches, all of them will become loyal to him. Wu Jian’s words, then he will have a stronger confidence against God and Heavenly God. After thinking about this, Ye Fei immediately refused to come. It was the female golden witches who planned to be maids. Ye Fei was honest and polite and collected a dozen in one breath.

Chapter 1903 The Plague God who cannot afford to offend

The influence of Ye Fei’s opening of the Divine Grade witchcraft in the Golden Palace is even greater than he expected. In the end, it can become the golden witch Except for a small number of lone rangers, no one else has a few relatives or friends.

So these golden witches who swear allegiance will inevitably tell this news to their relatives or friends.

Such a pass ten, ten pass a hundred.

The consequence is that less than ten days after Ye Fei returned to the Golden Palace, more than four to five hundred golden witches gathered outside the entire Golden Palace. They strongly demanded allegiance to Ye Zhizun and added gold. palace.

Ye Fei at first thought it was a temptation from other witch gods, and refused.

But soon his refusal caused public outrage.

“Ye Zhizun, you are too much! Why can those who drop soldiers and generals join your golden palace, we can not join, for the supreme allegiance, I am obliged to wait!”

“Yes, this is not fair. I strongly demand the Supreme to accept us!”

“Ye Zhizun, today if your Senior does not accept our allegiance, we will be outside long kneeling cannot rise……”


These golden witches do what they say, and there are really many people outside long kneeling cannot rise, indicating a strong determination to join the golden palace and be loyal to Ye Fei.

Of course, their allegiance is only second. In order to learn the Divine Grade witchcraft of the Golden Palace, it is the reason for these golden witch impatients to be loyal to Ye Fei.

The wizard is also different from the martial artist.

Every step of the martial artist is extremely difficult, and it has to go through the test of Heavenly Tribulation, and the wizard does not have the Heavenly Tribulation, breakthrough wizard god, nor the martial artist breakthrough earthly respect so difficult.

In fact, magic and witchcraft, as long as they practice the twelve golden level witchcraft, and integrate the essence of Heavenly Venerate, they can practice Golden Divine Depository.

It’s just that Golden Divine Depository is easy to practice. The most crucial Divine Grade witchcraft to break through the witch god is always in the hands of the witch god.

Anyone who becomes a witch god will keep the Divine Grade witchcraft strictly confidential, unless as a last resort, the witch god will not easily teach it.

After all, the benefits of the witch clan are so great. Every time a witch god is born, the interests of other witch gods will face great threats.

Therefore, there are always only twelve witch gods among the witches.

Ye Fei didn’t know until after listening to Gongzhu’s detailed explanation that his decision to open the Divine Grade witchcraft was so shocking and terrifying to the witch clan. If not for his battle strength, other witch gods I hit the door long ago to stop it.

But Ye Fei not at all intends to revoke this decision. First, there are so many people in the Temple of Man and the Temple of Heaven. To fight against these two temples, he must also summon enough golden witches as his subordinates.

Secondly, Ye Fei saw from the excitement of these golden witches, another way to solve the war between humans and witches is to disintegrate the power of the witch clan from within!

In this way, perhaps without wasting a single soldier, he can let the Witch and Human Race reach a real truce instead of Heavenly God, at the expense of the interests of the Human Race, and reach a temporary affair. . Thinking about this, Ye Fei is going out of the Golden Palace again, facing the black pressure outside the palace gate, hundreds of golden witches said solemnly: “I can let you join the Golden Palace, and also let you learn all the Divine Grades in the palace. Witchcraft, but you must swear to be absolutely loyal to me, and, without my consent, the Divine Grade witchcraft you master must not be spread, even if it is a loved one, it will never be allowed !”

Ye Fei has a serious expression. At this time, he has already understood the importance of Divine Grade witchcraft. It can be said that only the witch god can master a large number of Divine Grade witchcraft. They can build the Golden Palace and get a lot of wizards to follow.

So, Ye Fei must also make certain restrictions on the Divine Grade witchcraft, that is, it is absolutely not allowed to spread!

Otherwise, if the Divine Grade witchcraft is spread out in large numbers, it will not only anger other witch gods, force them to unite against themselves, but also greatly increase the power of the witches, and on the contrary, it will be damned to Human Race. unfavorable!

As Human Sovereign, Ye Fei certainly has to consider for Human Race!

“Also, your allegiance must be voluntary! I didn’t force you allegiance to me!” After all, Ye Fei added with a guilty conscience.

Of course this sentence, in the eyes of many golden witches, is pure nonsense, “Stop talking about it, we all agree to your request!”

“There is one more point, You must swear that you won’t regret it in the future, even if you regret it, you won’t hold grudges!” Ye Fei still feels uneasy.

In the end, these golden witches are loyal to him, one is to learn the Divine Grade witchcraft, and the other is for the name of the supreme witch family.

If one day, when these golden witches suddenly discover that they are loyal to themselves, they are betraying the witch clan, and unfathomable mystery has all turned into witches, then these witches will not secretly curse Ye Fei to death. . At this time, Ye Fei must of course declare in advance.

Of course, Ye Fei’s statement was once again ignored by the eager golden witches as nonsense, and then there were hordes of golden witches, impatients, scrambling, or devotion, or worship, or excitement , Or excitedly issued the Ancestral Witch Oath.

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