want to take advantage of Ye Fei’s “no way” to come to a pot, take away all the benefits, let alone a faint anger in Ye Fei’s heart.

Ouyang Jie heard this, a black smoke came out of his angry head, and instantly gave up his plan to shoot Ye Fei, but instead looked at Gu Man and shouted: “Gu Man, you dare to do this , That is to be my enemy, Ouyang Jie, do you know the consequences of doing this?”

“What about being an enemy, it is so difficult that you can still use your talent to suppress me?”


The ancient man stared at Ouyang Jie domineeringly, and directly commanded Ye Fei: “Ye Fei, I have already shown my sincerity, what are you waiting for, now take an oath of allegiance to me and become my Right arm and right arm, in the future you will follow me, fight all over the world, become famous, and be a Great General!”

100th chapter sixty-five all face

100th chapter sixty-five all fight Face

When the ancient man said this remark, his tone was quite domineering, and his expression was full of arrogance of whoever gave it to me. It is as if he asked Ye Fei to acknowledge allegiance, not to oppress Ye Fei, but to give Ye Fei a chance, a chance to rise to the top and enjoy high position and great wealth.

If you pass this village, there will be no such shop.

That kind of feeling, not only does not have the sincerity of soliciting what the ancient man said, but more, it seems that the ancient man is giving alms, the whole person is aloof and remote.

Hearing these words, Ye Fei’s mouth could not help but a sneer, and he was about to refuse. The nearby disciple saw that Gu Man chose at this time and turned his face with Ouyang Jie, and wanted to solicit Ye Fei, many people can’t help but talk.

“Damn Ye Fei, this person is arrogant and arrogant, and very overestimate one’s capabilities. Originally, this kind of person should die ten thousand times. Didn’t expect that he could get ancient barbaric Appreciate how lucky this is.”

“Isn’t it, with the protection of the ancient barbarian, even Ouyang Jie would not dare to shoot Ye Fei casually. The ancient barbarian received Ye Fei’s contribution. point, you can immediately become the first place in the ranking battle, overwhelming Ouyang Jie.”

“Strange, why didn’t that kid kneel yet? It’s rare that Guman would take him in. I’m him, this At that time, you should kneel down immediately and swear allegiance to the ancient man!”

In the end, even some of the old disciplines are facing Ye Fei pointing fingers, Ye Fei’s face is almost dark, this is what Seeing people in the cracks of the door scorned them.

Ye Fei stood up immediately, ready to speak.

At this time, Ouyang Jie started to be anxious, just like these disciples talked about, if Ye Fei is forced to desperate, he will turn to the ancient barbarians. No matter how great, Ouyang Jie is also impossible. In a short period of time, he will win the battle with the ancient man. The first place in the ranking battle will definitely be snatched by the ancient man.

Ouyang Jie would not tolerate this happening, and was indifferent. So before Ye Fei spoke, he was depressed to find that he was interrupted by Ouyang Jie again.

“Ye Fei, you can think clearly for Ben Shao before you speak. In the new discipline, I, Ouyang Jie, is the strongest genius. Even if you go to the ancient barbarians, he will never protect you at all times, but If you are willing to give me all the contribution points in your hand, I can think about it and let you go.” Ouyang Jie spoke, and even chose at this time to let go of hatred and prepare to recruit Ye Fei.

Ye Fei pointed at himself speechlessly: “You all want my acknowledge allegiance?”

“Yes! Only with the acknowledge allegiance me, you have the chance to survive.” The ancient man aloof and remote waited for Ye Fei to kneel down and swear allegiance to him.

“Ye Fei, don’t listen to him, what is the ancient man, is he as good as Ouyang Jie? You acknowledge allegiance, he is not as good as the acknowledge allegiance me, although we had a little misunderstanding before, but I can promise , As long as you are willing to kneel down, take the initiative to admit your mistakes, and then submit to me, Ouyang Jie, I can leave the blame for the previous things!” Ouyang Jie also began to say on his own terms.

I am still a little proud, after all, Ye Fei didn’t just offend him before, it was offended to death.

If you follow Ouyang Jie’s previous style of acting, who would dare to offend him like this, he would have cut that person a long time ago, and even the family behind it might be implicated.

But now, in order to get the first place in this ranking battle, Ouyang Jie can choose to hold back his breath and recruit Ye Fei, a mortal enemy, and let this waste become his follower. This is What a grace. In Ouyang Jie’s opinion, if Ye Fei is interested, he should kneel down immediately, kowtow and admit your mistake to him, and then acknowledge allegiance to him.

Of course, Ouyang Jie will never tell Ye Fei, even if Ye Fei chooses acknowledge allegiance, Ye Fei offends him and has a close relationship with Zhao Yu. He Ouyang Jie, I will definitely find an opportunity to let Ye Fei automatically disappear from the face of the earth.

So on the surface, Ouyang Jie “sincerely” solicits Ye Fei, but in his heart he is already thinking about what means to use to torture Ye Fei to death.

It’s just that Ouyang Jie’s disguise is too good. Many of the disciplines present did not find out. They just saw that Ouyang Jie, who originally regarded Ye Fei as his mortal enemy, was able to put down his hatred and recruit Ye Fei. , Countless people’s jealous eyes are red.

“As expected of Ou Senior Brother Yang, he is really kind, Ye Fei can get his forgiveness if he offends him like that. If I am Ye Fei, I should kneel down immediately to Ou Senior Brother Yang acknowledge allegiance.”

“Fart! Ouyang Jie is just doing a show. Senior Brother, the ancient barbarian, is the true temperament, open-minded and heroic true hero. Ye Fei wants to acknowledge allegiance, and should also acknowledge allegiance. Senior Brother of the ancient barbarian.”

“hmph hum, let’s bet, look at this waste, who will acknowledge allegiance to whom?”

The old and new disciples present can’t argue with each other. I was ready to bet. Zhao Yu looked at Ye Fei hesitantly and said, “Ye Fei, did you really decide to acknowledge allegiance to one of them?”

“Do you think I am them?” Ye Fei was very surprised. Pointing contemptuously at the new and old disciplines around, just a single sentence has already made many people angry, but there are also a small number of people who wake up to something and bow their heads in shame. Among them, there is Chen Fang who has seen Ye Fei’s powerful and the others.

However, Chen Fang did not at all tell those experiences, but closed his mouth firmly, not dare to leak a word.

Zhao Yu looked at Ye Fei with certainty and said: “I believe you, not the kind of person who yields easily, what are you going to do, do you need my help?”

Faintly, Zhao Yu seemed to have noticed something.

Ye Fei laughed, just when everyone thought that he was desperate and would be forced to acknowledge allegiance to one party, Ye Fei finally spoke.

Pointing fingers at Gu Man and Ouyang Jie respectively, Ye Fei just spit out a word coldly.

“get lost!”

This word, also like thunder, exploded across the island, just now I was about to bet, guess which side of Ye Fei’s discipline will acknowledge allegiance, all His complexion was red, as if being slapped in the face by the group, speechless in shock.

Ye Fei turned down all of them. What did he say just now? It seems to be called Gu Man and Ouyang Jie “get off”?

Lunatic, this is an arrogant and arrogant lunatic!

He dared to offend both Gu Man and Ouyang Jie at the same time!

pa! pa!

Another two invisible slaps, fiercely smacked on the faces of Gu Man and Ouyang Jie, they had already thought of it before they recruited Ye Fei, Ye Fei will definitely refuse.

But they just thought that Ye Fei might reject their side, but they didn’t expect that Ye Fei would have the courage to reject both of them at the same time, and even let them go.

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