Zhao Divine Sword’s cold eyes, when these golden witches shot, a strong rage suddenly flashed, and then an astonishing murderous aura erupted from the divine spear in his hand. : Since you are courting death, the deity will fulfill you! Big busting gun!

Between Heaven and Earth, a blood-colored spear glow suddenly appeared, like a red blood cloud, tumbling and surging, and it was actually the golden witch that rushed over, covering all of it.

“Let us come! Ye Zhizun is the hope of our war witch Sect, whether he is Human Sovereign or Supreme, he is our loyal lord! Kill!”

Black War On the ship, the one who rushed first was not the magic witch, nor the weapon witch, but the rarest golden war witch! These war witches are just a dozen people. Originally, they were the weakest existence among the golden witches, and they could only act as flesh-shield warriors, carrying large siege equipment. But since Ye Fei’s guidance and obtaining the true cultivation technique of Sect of War Witch, the power of these more than a dozen war Witches has been rapidly improved.

At this time, more than a dozen war witches united to release the battle skill, the terrifying fleshy body, and the huge spiritual martial arts of formidable power, instantly tearing the blood cloud that Zhao Divine Sword pierced out. Cracked smash.


Gongzhu took the rest of the magic witches, also during this time, began to practice, between Heaven and Earth, suddenly numerous terrifying witches of light appeared.

Some of these rays of light turned into a rain of light, some turned into countless lightning, some turned into Fireball, some turned into ice bolts, and some summon turned into countless terrifying beasts. The witch insect formed a torrent of black, rushing towards the Martial God besieging Ye Fei.

Many Martial Gods suddenly became angry, they began to spontaneously form countless army formations, and in turn, killed these golden witches, but the wizards were not afraid.

The close combat of the great witch is not as good as the martial artist, but when it comes to long-range attacks, the wizards have an absolute advantage. Not waiting for these Martial Gods to approach them.

The witches standing at the end have already discevled hair and started to do it. Some of them sacrificed their blood essence and displayed various terrifying curses.

Some summons came out of Spirit of Heaven & Earth and began to illuminate the mountains and grasses all around. Suddenly, countless stone giants and tree giants continued to appear from in the sky.

Zhao Divine Sword’s face suddenly became extremely ugly. He expected that as long as Ye Fei’s identity was exposed, God and Heavenly God would definitely fly into a rage out of humiliation, wishing to drag Ye Fei out on the spot to kill.

But he didn’t expect that Ye Fei only stayed in the Witch Clan for a short time, and actually gathered so many golden witches, willing to work for Ye Fei!

“Gongzhu, I did not misunderstand you!” Ye Fei’s eyes also flashed a touch of excitement. He had expected that his identity would be revealed sooner or later. When this day came, how to appease these golden witches became his biggest problem.

Ye Fei obviously didn’t expect that the performance of Gongzhu was even better than what he had arranged in advance. Of course, this is also Ye Fei’s unconditional, and he gave Gongzhu Golden Divine Depository a huge relationship.

It was Ye Fei’s unintentional move that completely won Gongzhu’s allegiance, and then through Gongzhu, it quickly affected other golden witches who had taken refuge.

As a large number of golden witches joined the battlefield, Ye Fei suddenly felt that the pressure around him was relieved. The Martial God army, which was densely packed and could not see the end, suddenly became much sparse

In contrast, the faces of God and Heavenly God became extremely ugly, just as they were preparing to mobilize soldiers and horses to fight against these golden witches.


A terrifying black sun appeared in the world, shattering Zhao Divine Sword’s divine spear rays of light to Gongzhu, Zhao Divine Sword expression was shocked, and shouted: “Who is it, dare to take the side of the evil-doer, help the witch race!”

“It’s me, Demon Sovereign! You are Divine Sword Zhao? I have long thought that 80% of you mysterious and secretive are ghosts, and you really didn’t leave the deity. Material!”

In the dark sun, Demon Sovereign looked indifferent, calmly walked out, and then a tribulation finger pointed to the front, which was the non-communicable tribulation finger of Du Tian Di Zun.

Ye Fei told Demon Sovereign before he left Xiongguan that he didn’t expect Demon Sovereign not only to practice in three years, but also from the upper Martial God to step into the demon Realm!

Ye Fei’s expression can’t help but get excited: “Master, didn’t I tell you not to show up?”

“Smelly brat, shut up, you still don’t wipe your ass for the teacher This miscellaneous fish will be handed over to you as a teacher, God and Heavenly God will be handed over to you!” The silhouette of Demon Sovereign suddenly disappeared. Between Heaven and Earth, a black sun of swallowing the world reappeared, violently to Zhao Divine Sword Swallow the past.

“The devouring Divine Physique among the top ten Divine Physiques? No wonder you can get to this step!” Zhao Shen Sword God is dignified, the appearance of Demon Sovereign, once again out of his expectation, also unexpected Ye Fei’s expectation.

After that, Ye Fei saw the sky above Human Race Xiongguan, and suddenly walked up a huge Divine Stone statue. On top of the stone statue, three Vice Palace Lords of the Human Temple were standing. , Yelled at Ye Fei with excitement: “Human Sovereign deserves to be followed by Human Race! I can’t wait, it was Human Sovereign to share worries!”


Talk In between, the three Vice Palace Lords suddenly burst into a terrifying atmosphere of Martial God. After three years, these three old people finally broke through Martial God and solved the crisis of life essence. They suddenly burst into a powerful battle. Strength, the Martial God around the killer is retreating steadily.


Suddenly, an eager voice made Lu Qing tremble all over. She turned her head in disbelief, but saw her grandfather, the heavenly punishment Zhundi, He was rushing here, and he was with the Supreme Dean of True Martial Saint Court and a mysterious old man wearing a black robe.

“Guard Elder! And Zhao Qianjun, Senior Brother Jing… Not good, those two cheap stones are also here…” Seeing the six Holy Sect people appear, Ye Fei immediately started, but watch When the stone puppet screamed and charged against a large bluestone, Ye Fei looked strange again.

Then, he heard a huge dragon roar again. It was a huge dragon that was as dark as a demon. In the Martial Emperor team that rushed to the Heaven Temple, the huge dragon tail shot, and countless Human Race Martial Emperors screamed, vomiting blood back.

“Fu Renjie, and Shangluo! Luo Xing is also on it! And Xue Yue, Dongfang Yu, Pojun, Difan… They all came!”

Ye Fei’s heart is shaking, complexion greatly changed.

The reason why he did not allow Demon Sovereign to appear is that the Human Race battlefield is too dangerous, either Martial Emperor or Martial God. If you don’t pay attention, you may die here. But let Ye Fei didn’t expect, even if he knew the danger here, but these old people, these elders, these comrades-in-arms, they still came, and they fought generously, just for a battle!

Chapter 1921 Let go of the battle

Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly became a little wet, but soon, a fierce war appeared on his body, “Even if I Enemies all over the world, this life can have these brothers, these comrades in arms, it is enough! Come on, God, Heavenly God, today we, let go!”

Take a deep look at these friends, Ye Fei Before he could speak in the past, he just overwhelmed the last group and besieged his Martial God at the fastest speed, rushing straight towards the God of Humanity and Heavenly God.

I found Ye Fei’s behavior, even if the furious hate can’t swallow Ye Fei alive. Human God and Heavenly God are still startled, “This group of Human Sovereign Temple remnants are crazy, they dare to strike a stone with an egg, against our Human Temple, Heaven Temple and Hermit Temple!”

Heavenly God and the faces of human gods suddenly became extremely ugly.

Originally, with their rigorous schemes and deep foresight, they would never fight Ye Fei before they were absolutely sure. Instead, they commanded a large number of Martial Gods and Martial Emperors very cunningly. Cannon fodder, to consume Ye Fei’s power, this is also the most vicious aspect of Heavenly God and Human God.

In the end, Ye Fei bears the name of Human Sovereign, as Human Sovereign, if he in turn treats the Martial Emperor Martial God wantonly slaughter of Human Race, then his reputation as Human Sovereign is completely ruined. . Therefore, in the face of many offensive teams of Martial God and Martial Emperor, Ye Fei can only defend in addition to defense. Until, these Martial Gods were disrupted by Gongzhu’s golden witch, Ye Fei was finally Freeing his hands, he burned with angry golden flames, huge gold Blood Sword, still

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