The next two figures fell on a broken meteorite and shook the meteorite violently. The silhouette of Ye Fei also slowly fell on the meteorite. , Staring coldly at God and Heavenly God, “Human God, Heavenly God, you still refuse to accept?”

“bastard, we refuse to accept!” Heavenly God, God, yelling together: “If our body is So, killing you is like slaughtering a sheep!”

Ye Fei shook his head: “It seems that you are really old, yes, what else do you come here? Don’t forget, what I use now is just witch Dao, my Martial Dao has not been trained yet. Once I am on Martial Dao and reach the supreme level, you are the main body together. What are you afraid of?”


Ye Fei’s body suddenly burst out with fighting intent and pride. He didn’t attack God and Heavenly God anymore, but jumped over them, step by step, and walked towards Human Race.

Looking at the back of Ye Fei, God and Heavenly God, both eyes flashed with a strong fierce light and shock at the same time. If it was them, they would never make this kind of mistake. When resisting, turn your back to the enemy. At this time, if they suddenly launched a sneak attack, Ye Fei would definitely be hit hard.

Heavenly God’s eyes are cold, and he has clenched the Eternal Spear in his hand! The broken arm of the human being grows, the new arm muscle bounces, and it is covered with twisted veins, which can burst out terrifying power at any time.

But looking at the young people with their backs to them, God and Heavenly God, they were still unable to start. After all, they were still affected by Ye Fei’s words.

“…We can severely injure Ye Human Sovereign, but we can never kill him. The witchcraft he walks is also different from other witch gods. It is another kind of Martial Dao!” Human god pupil The light turns, I don’t know what I’m thinking about.

“It was the deity who miscalculated. I knew this kid could go to this step today. When he first stepped into the Human Race battlefield, the deity should ignore Zhao Yu’s threat and kill this person directly!” Heavenly God’s face was green, and the grip of the Eternal Spear couldn’t help letting go.

The small movements of the gods and the heavenly gods were also clearly perceived by Ye Fei. In the end, there is still grass hidden on his body. Dragon Tortoise and Ling Siqi.

This is Ye Fei’s confidence in daring to face God and Heavenly God. If God and Heavenly God think this is his weak spot and join hands with a sneak attack, Ye Fei promises that they will die special miserable.

However, the silent behavior of God and Heavenly God still let him relax, “It seems. You are still sensible, and hatred cannot blind your minds, big brother, second brother, my little brother was rude just now !”

Ye Fei murderous aura disappeared, then turned around again, showing a sunny and radiant smile, and walked over to personally support God and Heavenly God.

“get lost! We can get up by ourselves, why do you need your help!” Heavenly God was angry and frustrated, immediately holding the spear of eternity, staring at Ye Fei like a big enemy. People and gods are also sighed. Although they don’t want to admit it, Ye Fei at this time is no longer a pawn that they can arbitrarily put, but an invincible supreme sitting on an equal footing with them! God solemnly asked: “Why don’t you kill us? Are you not afraid, our ontology unites Avatar to deal with you?” “Why should I be afraid? Are you not afraid, I unite Master Demon Sovereign , And Gongzhu to deal with you together, Demon Sovereign has the Divine Physique, the breakthrough earth-zun, that is sooner or later, the Gongzhu has the Golden Divine Depository, only I am willing, and it can be a very short time, the breakthrough witch god, even if it is Four against three

You have no chance of winning either!”

Ye Fei smiled, and what he said made people and Heavenly God shudder, and they were shocked. It was discovered that, unconsciously, the strength in Ye Fei’s hands actually surpassed the strength of their two temples combined together. As if not seeing the changes in the expressions of God and Heavenly God, Ye Fei suddenly said solemnly: “Of course, from my standpoint, everything you have done to Zhao Yu and me, I can’t be too much to kill you. . But from the standpoint of Human Sovereign, you are the only remaining landlords on the battlefield of Human Race. Killing you is not good for Human Race! Besides, apart from personal grievances, we all have one thing in common. Enemy!”

Human God’s face changed again, and Heavenly God’s expression suddenly became extremely dignified, “You are talking about the Divine Sword of the Hidden Temple? Why, we destroyed the Human Sovereign Temple, you still Willing to let go of the hatred and join hands with us?” Ye Fei’s eyes were cold, and his expression became grim: “If possible, I would rather kill you than join forces with you, but things are different now. Zhao Divine Sword is too weird, I have I am sure to kill him, but I am not sure that I can capture him alive! Therefore, I need to unite you and the demon to capture Zhao Divine Sword alive!”

People God and Heavenly God were shocked again. Only then did they understand why Ye Fei didn’t kill them, but actually wanted to unite them against the hidden temple! “No wonder you deliberately attracted us to this uninhabited star, but why should we help you? We can unite with the hidden god to fight you together!” The god of man said indifferently, and Heavenly God sneered constantly. They were so miserable by Ye Fei that they wanted to get Ye Fei peeled and cramped. Would they be able to unite with Ye Fei? After a faint glance at the two of them, Ye Fei was very confident and shook his head and said, “You are impossible to unite with the Hermit Temple! By the way, I forgot to tell you that Zhao Divine Sword is handing me the Hermitian War Robe and ordered me to find a way to destroy it. During the marriage, I once concealed a very strange

witchcraft on the battle robe of the hidden god, a witchcraft capable of killing the witch god!”

With this witchcraft, the spirit dissipated and Shang Jiu was completely dead in his memory, Ye Fei also sighed for a while.

And the gods and Heavenly God who heard this, their complexions changed drastically, and they lost their words: “How is it possible? The hidden god possesses the phantom Divine Physique, not a man who is abandoned by the sky, how could he be Performing witchcraft?” “I don’t know about this, but Zhao Divine Sword must be clear, as long as we can capture Zhao Divine Sword alive and reveal his true face!”

Chapter 1924: Sword of Heaven’s Destruction

Speaking of this, Ye Fei’s eyes couldn’t help but flash a cold light. He doesn’t kill God and Heavenly God. In addition to using them to fight the most mysterious and weird hermit temple, there is another reason. That is the human god and the heavenly god, although there are great demerits, there are great merits!

These hundreds of thousands of years, had it not been for Heavenly God and the human gods to take turns to sit in Xiongguan, the Human Race battlefield had long been broken by the Wu clan, and hundreds of millions of Human Race had been enslaved.

Since Ye Fei has become a Human Sovereign, of course he has to think about the problem from the perspective of Human Sovereign, and he has to distinguish between rewards and punishments. This is the real reason why he let go of God and Heavenly God.

“But God and Heavenly God can be released, this Zhao Divine Sword, and the hidden temple behind him, absolutely cannot let it go!” Ye Fei thought of sacrificing himself in order to eliminate the hidden danger of the hidden god battle robe Shang Jiu. Thinking of Zhao Divine Sword’s mysterious behavior, a cold light flashed in his eyes. He no longer talked to God and Heavenly God, and regardless of whether these two people would join hands in a sneak attack at the last moment, just stepping forward. When I started, I activated the Void Technique, stepping from this broken star, and returning to the Human Race male stage again

. During this period, the eyes of God and Heavenly God also showed murderous intention and anger. They wanted to take action repeatedly. The sneak attack severely damaged Ye Fei, but until the end, Ye Fei did not look back. This calm, this Calmly, there is also the shadow of being defeated by Ye Fei, suddenly like a heavy mountain, so that the sky is cold and sweaty on the forehead of the gods, and the gods are instantly older.

“I finally understand why Wang Bai, the narcissistic madman, chose Ye Fei as the Human Sovereign. Unexpectedly, we lived more than 100,000, but we were not as courageous as a junior. There is boldness!”

Heavenly God closed his legs tightly, and said in hatred: “Surnamed Ye really has a kind, I dare to show our back to us unsuspectingly, but he fights The method is too bad, it’s a shame to our supreme face!”



Human Race Xiongguan, fight Zhengnong. But at this time, it was not a fight between Martial God, but a fight between Demon Sovereign, the half-step god, and Zhao Divine Sword heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

Demon Sovereign incarnation, the black sun, constantly devours everything between Heaven and Earth, energy, light, endless, like a black hole, constantly dissolving the spear glow of Zhao God’s Sword God gun.

Zhao Shen Sword God is full of grim affection, with a hint of surprise and shock, “Only with a swallowing pose, you can not only turn on and swallow Divine Physique on your own, but you can also break through all the way to half a step. It’s really surprising! But it’s your biggest mistake to be an enemy of the deity! Kill!”

The huge divine spear swings like the Divine Dragon, piercing the heavens and the earth into a terrifying Nihility Zone, and These spear glow also instantly found the body of Demon Sovereign incarnation.

Boom ka!

The dark sun of Demon Sovereign incarnation was suddenly smashed under the endless spear glow, revealing the shocked and horrified body of Demon Sovereign, “You unexpectedly I can find that the foundation of the black sun is the sky-swallowing style. Who are you, how do you know the sky-swallowing style!”

What, sky-swallowing style!

Ye Fei just returned from the starry sky, and suddenly heard Demon Sovereign’s words, he couldn’t help being shocked. Of course he knew the swallowing style, which was one of the earliest Sword Art he mastered!

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