The martial artists of the entire Leaf City are stared wide-eyed collectively shocked. They looked at Ye Fei in amazement. They originally thought that Ye Fei could break through Martial God. Who would have thought that the breakthrough of Ye Fei would be supreme! You know, the entire Human Race seems to have only two Supremes!

Chapter 1937 Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth

“Supreme, my God, there is a real Spiritual God in our Northern Territory!”


As the news of Ye Fei breakthrough Supreme Realm spread, the entire Leaf City was boiled and frenzied, and there were many pairs of fanatical and worshipful eyes that projected onto Ye Fei.

Zhu Zhen, Bei Gongchun, and Qin Bing’s old friends from the Northern Territory, when they are happy for Ye Fei, it is inevitable that they will be sad again. The former Ye Fei are not much stronger than them. Their potential, It is not much weaker than the Big Four Heaven’s Chosen.

But now, the four great Heaven’s Chosen in the Northern Territory, and even Chen Mengyao, whose temperament has changed dramatically, have broken through Demi-God, but they can only wander between Martial Sovereign quasi emperors.

“Did we really make the wrong choice back then? If we could go out of the Northern Territory and the North Sea like Ye Fei back then…” Zhu Zhen and Qin Bing were laughing, but Their smiles were full of bitterness and unwillingness. At this time, Lin Sen and Yang Xiao came over and said with a smile very open-minded: “What happened back then, there is no way to look back, but we can still Looking ahead, Taixuan Holy Land has stabilized, and the new Holy Land has appeared. It’s time for us to go out and find our own opportunities, Zhu Zhen, when the time comes, you can be with us Together, the premise is that you are willing to let go of your current status and rights!”

Zhu Zhen complexion changed, now he, but the ruler of Beiyang, is so powerful, if he suddenly let go, how will he be willing?

But Qin Bing, hearing Lin Sen and Yang laugh, his heart of silence for many years rekindled his fighting spirit, and then the three of them approached Chen Feng and headed towards Ye Fei.

“I have seen the supreme!” Qin Bing and the three of them bowed their hands to Ye Fei.

The answer to them was Ye Fei’s three heavy bear hugs, “The supreme shit, when I’m the brother, don’t call it that. By the way, Luo Xing and Xia Jun, why didn’t you look at it? To?”


Zhao Si suddenly laughed, “You said that Xia Junior Brother and Junior Brother Luo, they are still in the six Holy Sects, and they are drilled by the Elder of their holy palaces. They say they don’t break through the Martial Emperor. Stay in it for the rest of your life.” “By the way, Master Jing’s family members are also in Six Holy Sect, Master. Next, I plan to move Ye Divine Sect into the Northern Territory. What do you think?” Ye Xiaochan is tired By Ye Fei, even though she has grown up and become a War Goddess, she still likes little girls to spoil Ye Fei.

Ye Fei is also speechless. I feel that he, the Master, is very imperious. If he goes to act like a baby at Demon Sovereign, Demon Sovereign will definitely kick his ass with big feet.

I saw Ye Fei, but when she came back, she actually “hugged left and right.” Even the famous violent female bandit Zhao Si Nian, facing Ye Fei, she rarely became gentle, Beiyu The countless young, talented people of these people are really jealous from the heart!

If their eyes can kill the supreme, they definitely don’t mind, they will blow Ye Fei into all kinds of holes! Ye Fei also quickly noticed these rising stars in the Northern Territory. When he discovered that the realm of these young, talented people was generally between Martial Saint and the Half Emperor, he was slightly frowned again, “Although Grand Era is open, It seems that my Spiritual Qi in the Northern Territory has not fully recovered…just so little strength,

How will we compete with the peerless Heaven’s Chosen in Zhong Prefecture in the future?”

“that’s All, I am both Human Sovereign and the Northern Territory, and I will do my part for the Northern Territory! From now on, I will rebuild the Northern Territory, not to mention the ancient times, at least let the Northern Territory restore to the Spiritual of Ancient Era Qi degree!”


Above Leaf City, Ye Fei sat up alone, he opened his Golden Divine Depository, the spirit strength of war witches, and formed an invisible The big net of the Northern Territory covered the entire Northern Territory, and then Ye Fei began to search for the source of Heavenly Venerate hidden in the core of the Northern Territory.

He does not want to collect these Heavenly Venerate origins, but to completely condense these scattered Heavenly Venerate origins, and the condensed locations are Leaf City, six Holy Sects, and another , It is the chaotic sea of ​​North Foreign Domain!

“The supreme is going to completely open up the Northern Territory and the open sea in one breath, and establish a new Northern Territory! It is comparable to the ancient Northern Territory, where the ancient geniuses came out in great numbers!”

Ye Fei’s actions shocked Martial Sovereign and quasi-Imperial Capital in the entire Northern Territory. Even the old grave guards who rushed back to face Ye Fei’s method of Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth were shocked!

This is no longer a means of man, but a means of God.

Ye Fei is the only True God in the hearts of all martial artists in the Northern Territory! In the end, I don’t know how long it has been since the entire Northern Territory, in the scattered Heavenly Venerate origin, was condensed and suppressed in the Northern Territory’s core. The concentration of Spiritual Qi in the Northern Territory suddenly increased at a rate of ten times, one hundred times, and crazy. When the concentration of Spiritual Qi reached three hundred times, the terrifying Spiritual Qi Tide suddenly formed and swept the entire Northern Territory. The terrifying storm completely shattered the Martial God restriction that once enveloped the Northern Territory.

But soon, a new ban was established in the Northern Territory, including the outer seas, but this is no longer a Martial God ban, but a Ye Fei witch god ban!

“Sorcerer God, the deity sensed the breath of the witch god, could it be that the army of the witch tribe has entered the Ancestral Dragon continent again, no, the deity wants to get out of trouble, the deity wants to break these damn seals!”

Just as Ye Fei used the powerful spirit strength of the wizard god to rebuild the Northern Territory, somewhere in the sky of the god burial ground in Zhong Prefecture, he suddenly walked into a wonderful silhouette full of darkness and killing. “… Back then, I met Ye Fei here. It was him who ruined the relationship between me and Fawudao. It was him who made me almost fall to pieces from the clouds of aloof and remote! The same is the Northern Territory. The four great Heaven’s Chosen, why Ye Fei, Fu Renjie and Lin Heaven’s Chosen can be so beautiful, and I Chen Meng

Yao, but I can only drag out an ignoble existence time and time again, and live without people A life without ghosts…”

Raising her foot into the burial ground, Chen Mengyao ignored all around the weird red mist and the weird monster hidden in the mist. She just moved forward and used Hand, touching the hideous scar on his face. This scar came from her joining the black prison.

Because she is so beautiful, and the killer of the black hell does not need this beauty, so her face was forcibly burned with this indelible scar in her life. This scar makes her change Get cold, become cruel, and become even more crazy and desperate!

With the strength of Chen Mengyao’s Half-God Realm, she quickly passed through the burial ground and came to the Martial God space. Here, she did not stay, but passed through the Martial God space. , Came to a mysterious void, this void, there is a dense magic tower!

Devil Subduing Tower!

The all around of the magic tower, there are 13 Martial God heads, which turn into ghost-like illusory shadows and runes, to fight against the violent demonic energy in the magic tower.

“Ye Fei, you ruined me back then, I want to ruin you too! I want you to know that in the Northern Territory, I, Chen Mengyao, is the Phoenix of aloof and remote. The others are just a group Untouchables, and the mud on the ground!” Chen Mengyao’s delicate face, with the scars squirming like a hideous poison insect, and then she finally mustered up the courage and drew her sword impressively to kill the thirteen Martial Gods that sealed the magic tower. Head!

Chapter 1938 Human Demon Escape


At this moment,

In the six Holy Sects, it is entering the seventh of eternal deduction. The remnant thoughts of Martial God suddenly stopped the deduction together, and laughed wildly, “It succeeded, we succeeded, we finally deduced the scattered six ways and seven skills to the most critical one…”


Asura Martial God’s frantic laughter suddenly collapsed completely and completely disappeared into residual smoke. Then, Tianyi Martial God, Saint Martial God, evil demon Martial God… all Martial God in the six Holy Sects , Began to collapse one after another, their faces were unwilling, and there was deep anger.

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