
At the same time Ye Fei’s angry dragon roar was in his mouth, and suddenly a bright Golden Heavenly Dragon flew out of the other dragon’s arm, forming a handle under the spirit of mind. The dragon-shaped Blood Sword smashed through the sky, and with a bang, it shattered the door of life and death lifted by Human Demon.

Without the power traction of the gate of life and death, the twelve white bone emperor dragons finally couldn’t condense again, turned into dust, and disappeared between Heaven and Earth.

“Destroy my mount, Ye Fei, this deity will cramp you, roar, bloody battle!” Human Demon was furious. At the moment when the gate of life and death was destroyed, his vacated palm slammed into a fist, with the anger and magic power of hitting Star Fragmentation Chen, it suddenly hit Ye Fei’s head.


Ye Fei’s head was actually smashed by Human Demon, and it was dazed. His forehead was bulged with a big bag, but he also took advantage of this period of time, his hands quickly overlapped, forming two horror The star giant palm, fiercely fiercely, suddenly blasted the war chariot of Human Demon’s bones into two huge holes.

“Earth-sovereign? You are a witch god, how can you have battle strength comparable to earth-sovereign!” Human Demon yelled in panic, he finally felt something was wrong.

The average wizard is the breakthrough supreme, becoming the shaman god, and the battle strength is the most equivalent to the half-step divine of Martial Dao, and even worse.

Ye Fei is really terrifying. As Human Race can learn witchcraft, the breakthrough witch god is unimaginable. What’s more abnormal is that the witch god of Ye Fei breakthrough actually possesses something comparable to earthly respect. battle strength.

In this fight, it seemed that the two sides caused harm to each other, but the powerful fleshy body like Ye Fei’s hard half-sovereign weapon was only slightly injured. Instead, it was Human Demon, not only the bone dragon, All of them were killed, even the standing war chariot was blasted out of two big holes, before Human Demon’s heartache was remedied.

Another gold Blood Sword suddenly emerged from behind Ye Fei. After a sword light, he cut the bones and war chariot completely, and the angry Human Demon almost spit out an old mouth. blood.

“World War II Hateful!”

Human Demon roared, and every hole in the skull’s head burst out a burst of fire or smoke. At this time, Human Demon undoubtedly Ye Fei hated it in the bones. The infinite hatred has made Human Demon’s battle strength miraculously from the half-step to the real Earth Venerable Realm at this moment.

Although this state can only maintain a few breaths, Human Demon hurriedly played his strongest and deepest means of hiding, taking advantage of these few breaths, “Three battles, gods and demons, burial !”


The boundless demonic energy, turned into a hurricane, swallowed the whole world in an instant. The many martial artists of Leaf City can only lift the head and watch the sky dark. In the vast expanse, even if the grass opens the heaven and earth spiritual eyes, it can’t see through the horrible demonic energy.

Ye Fei in demonic energy suddenly found himself entering a strange starry sky. In this starry sky, there are countless stars moving fast.

From these stars, Ye Fei saw countless martial artists, including Martial Saint, Martial Sovereign, Zhun Emperor, Martial Emperor, and Martial God!

“Asura Martial God, Martial God!”

Suddenly on one of the stars, Ye Fei saw two familiar silhouettes, which turned out to be the beginning of the six Holy Sects. Sect Founder! But soon, Ye Fei discovered that something was obviously wrong again, that is, these two Sect Founders were not Martial God at this time, but only the two most unremarkable Martial Saint miscellaneous soldiers.

Before them, there are a large number of Martial Sovereign, Zhun Emperor, and Martial Emperor commanders, wearing bright armor, riding on the stars, and rushing to the battlefield!


Ye Fei’s ears suddenly heard a violent cry of killing, the picture in front of him changed, and he appeared in a terrifying starry sky again The battlefield, here, Martial Sovereign, the corpses of the Martial Emperor, piled up like a mountain.

Countless broken wizard puppets, like tattered ones, were discarded everywhere, and countless ancient wild beasts were driven away under the control of wizards. Completely violent, rushing forward madly, and also rushing to a magnificent continent. It was a familiar continent, seen from the starry sky, it was like a sleeping Divine Dragon, entrenched in the starry sky. Ye Fei’s heart was fiercely shocked: “It’s the Ancestral Dragon continent! Human Demon What kind of magic is this that allows me to travel through time and space and return to hundreds of thousands of years… No, Human Demon doesn’t

With that kind of ability, even Heavenly Venerate, it is impossible to let time and space flow backward, to go back to the past, let alone to return to hundreds of thousands of years before…”

” Kill, kid, what are you still doing? Fighting for the ancestral land, fighting for the Human Sovereign, we die without regret! Fight against the puppies of the dark Heavenly Venerable An! The wizard in front of you don’t go, just stop and let Uncle hammered to death!” Suddenly, a burly and handsome silver-clad man rushed into the distance. He carried Warhammer, like a lunatic, but kept rushing forward. When he finished killing a wizard, the man who claimed to be uncle would Quickly take out a mirror and take a photo to see if the hairstyle is messed up. If it is not messed up, he will breathe a sigh of relief and show a very mean smile.

If it gets messed up, if this person doesn’t say anything, he will take up the sledgehammer and rush into the wizarding ranks. It will be a mess. Ye Fei will be speechless. I always feel that this scene seems to say no He looked familiar, but before he waited for him to think about it, suddenly, on the battlefield where they were fighting, both the human and the witch both cheered.

“Heavenly Venerate! Heavenly Venerate!”

“Human Sovereign, Human Sovereign!”

“Finally, the moment that determines the fate of our Ancestral Dragon mainland Here it is!” A thick and familiar voice came from Ye Fei’s side. Looking back, Ye Fei almost yelled out in shock. It was unexpectedly a while.

“Human Sovereign big brother, come on!”

Another familiar voice was introduced into Ye Fei’s ears, making him look up towards the starry sky with a weird face, but It was discovered that it was a young girl, and she went to the battlefield of both sides to cheer.

Ye Fei discovered on the spot that black smoke was coming out of his angry head in the surrounding area, and there was an old man farther away, covering his face with his sleeves, and did not dare to recognize it. That daughter.

“It is Tianji Senior who is covering the sleeves? It is Fairy who is cheering? The Human Sovereign that everyone shouts…”

Ye Fei’s body shook sharply, and he stared With big eyes, looked towards the biggest star in the starry sky. On the star, a dark silhouette gradually became clear, and at the same time, a white silhouette also appeared. It seemed to sense Ye Fei’s gaze, that white silhouette, slowly turned around, looked towards Ye Fei.

Chapter 1941 Burial Place of Gods and Demons

“Wang Bai!”

That silhouette, too familiar, especially the four eyebrows, too eye-catching , Ye Fei recognized the identity of the other party at a glance.

“Ye Fei!”

Above the stars, Wang Bai’s face also showed an expression of surprise, and then put on a familiar smile, and unexpectedly waved to Ye Fei, Ye Fei subconsciously nodded, and agreed.

Then Ye Fei suddenly reacted to something wrong, “Human Demon has absolutely no Space-Time Reverse, so I can return to Taikoo. Even if I return to Taikoo, Wang Bai in the past is basically impossible to know me. You are not Wang Bai. You are Human Demon!”

bang! When Ye Fei shouted these words, all around the battlefield of fighting, suddenly became quiet strangely, and everyone was forbidden to move. , Like a doll with a thread. Only above the biggest star, Wang Bai, with clothes whiter than snow, suddenly changed his expression indifferently, “You are not stupid, it is a pity,

You still fell into the burial of this deity. Earth, now, the deity will bury you completely! Kill!” The Wang Bai in front of him, no, it should be Human Demon, his eyes suddenly flashed with a scarlet killing intent, and suddenly a pale white appeared in the starry sky. The spear glow turned the entire starry sky into a terrifying ocean of blood.

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