Followed by another scarlet Blood Sword, gleaming with the golden light, was grasped by Ye Fei, and quickly slashed towards the Enchanted Tower.


The entire sealing tower. In front of the power of Ye Fei’s Golden Blood Sword, they were blasted out of a huge hole, and then Ye Fei walked with the sword and stepped into the hole.


In the Confinement Tower, dozens of white bone kings formed from boneless bones have long been waiting for them. They let out a silent roar, cold pupil light, condensed with each other, and even formed countless pale bones. The light of fire, blazing, wanted to plug the gap that Ye Fei had cut.

“Ye Fei…”

On the highest divine throne of the Enchanted Demon Tower, a female bone king is sitting side by side at this time, wearing a bone crown and holding a pale white The white bone scepter also made a fuzzy roar in his mouth. In the throat, there are more flesh and blood and vocal cords, which are constantly evolving.

“Bone resurrection! You are Chen Mengyao, not good, what you hold in your hand is… the heart of origin…” The king rushed up without melting his bones and burst into pieces.

Ye Fei with the light of bone fire soaring into the sky, from outside the cave, into this sealing tower in an instant, but he was still a step late, the heart of origin was unexpectedly obtained by Chen Mengyao!

“Although Human Demon deceived me. He turned me into this inhuman and ghostly appearance, but Human Demon still partially fulfilled his promise. He turned me into the strongest king here. Turning bones makes me the second king of all bone demons here…”

On Chen Mengyao’s scarlet skeleton, flesh and blood derives rapidly, and flesh, human skin, and hair appear one after another. For the four great Heaven’s Chosen in the Northern Territory, the picturesque Mengyao Fairy, only her eyes are full of coldness and resentment. “…Ye Fei, thanks to your blessing of hurting Human Demon seriously, now Human Demon’s control over me is too weak to be ignored, and I have gained this heart of origin. When I refining it, I will definitely Become the master of this continent, and you will surely become your master! Now, use all of your forces

to fight to the end, drag him out for me…”

A roar resembling a ghost rang out from his throat, and hundreds of bone kings suddenly appeared in the Enclosure Tower. They faithfully implemented Chen Mengyao’s orders. All killing intents boiled, silently, killing Ye Fei and protecting Chen Mengyao, smoothly refining the heart of Heavenly Martial Continent.

Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly became cold, and then an endless killing intent appeared on him.

“All get out of my sight! Chen Mengyao, you really angered me this time!” Ye Fei roared, although Chen Mengyao’s temperament changed drastically and he did countless evil things.

Ye Fei has always been patient and has never done anything to Chen Mengyao because of his acquaintance and Fu Renjie’s face. But now, his patience. It was finally smoothed down!

“The Heart of Origin must not let the crazy Chen Mengyao refining, otherwise, the entire Heavenly Martial Continent will be destroyed by this crazy and distorted woman.”


The Blood Sword rays of light in Ye Fei’s hands has become more dazzling than before, and all the spirit strength is released at this moment.

I heard a huge roar from the entire Enclosure Tower. Then came the Blood Sword rays of light, which cut the entire Enchanted Tower in half from the middle. Any non-transforming bones near Ye Fei were blown to pieces under this terrifying sword light. bone meal.

Chapter 1945 The origin of refining

The rest of the boneless, indifferent eye sockets flashed a touch of shock and fear, but a trace of Chen Mengyao’s face appeared A weird and indifferent smile. “Ye Fei, you are indeed very strong, but how much power did you consume in the battle against Human Demon? How much power did you consume when you came from the Northern Territory to the Burial Ground? Killing these indestructible bones should be your last Spirit strength! Without spirit strength, you are no longer a wizard god, just a tired and exhausted Demi-God! You can’t stop me, and you can’t stop them!”


The tide-like army of white bones suddenly rushed back from all directions. Under the order of Emperor Chen Mengyao, the remaining bones, whether severely injured or mutilated, were there. At this time, darkness and Death Aura radiated again.

“Kill him! Help me become a god! When I become a god refining the heart of the source, I will let the entire Heavenly Martial Continent creep in front of me, and I will let two generations of Human Sovereign, all Kneel under my skirt and become my most loyal servant!”

Chen Mengyao stood up excitedly.

She is holding a bright pearl in her hand. It is the dragon ball that Ancestral Dragon transforms after death, and it is also the heart that affects the entire Heavenly Martial Continent.

With the continuously source of Heavenly Venerate, pouring into her within the body, Chen Mengyao’s originally dry skeleton body, flesh and blood also derive at a faster speed.

Soon, her neck, her upper body, all derive new flesh and blood, viscera. When the flesh and blood of her whole body are derived, it is the time for her to resurrect from the bones and refining the original heart.

Ye Fei’s heart suddenly had a huge anxiety and killing intent. He no longer entangled with the rushing bone demon army, but fiercely cruel, completely ignoring all around the white bones coming in. The army just rushed towards Chen Mengyao frantically.

“Ye Fei, you haven’t changed, you are still the same as before in the Northern Territory, impulsive and stupid, you without the witch god battle strength, do you think you are still the opponent of the bone army under my control? “Chen Mengyao sneered, the original heart in his hands, refining faster.

Soon, even her legs grew new flesh and blood, which turned her from a terrifying scarlet skeleton into a naked and picturesque beauty.

But also at this time.

Boom ka!

The void burst out with a terrifying roar. I saw a faint stardust sword light suddenly flashed in the sea of ​​bones in the sky, and then, this sword The light gets stronger and brighter.

Among the infinite bone demon, Ye Fei held the Promise Sword high in both hands, suddenly like a war demon, facing the bones all around it was a mess.

“Yes, in the battle with Human Demon, my spirit strength is indeed exhausted, and my true essence is not much left, but I still have a fleshy body with a half-sovereign weapon, and a Promise in my hand. Sword, Old Partner, at the critical moment, I still rely on you, farewell!” Ye Fei suddenly shouted with a sad face.

The Promise Sword seemed to sense something, it screamed sadly, and the Sword Spirit inside suddenly collapsed at this moment.


This is Divine Item Self-destruction!

The violent explosion caused the entire Sealing Tower to all split up and in pieces. The sea of ​​bones that once flooded Ye Fei turned into countless bone fragments and exploded into countless bone fires.

And in the sky full of bone fire, there is a silhouette of pale flame burning, striding out. Despite the gasping for breath, the fighting intent was still monstrous, and he instantly appeared in front of Chen Mengyao. Suddenly, a large iron-like hand stretched out and grabbed the heart of origin!

“Impossible, how could your fleshy body be so strong, even Divine Item’s Self-destruction, you can also block… I will not lose. Even if I lose, I will never let you win Ye Fei, let’s die together!”

Chen Mengyao’s eyes flashed with resentment and madness. Knowing that Ye Fei could not be beaten, she was so crazy that she immediately chose perish together!

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